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Latest revision as of 14:34, 23 April 2021

A Little Quiet Time
Date of Scene: 21 April 2021
Location: Clint's Room - Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Plans are made, snuggling commences
Cast of Characters: Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint is lying on the sofa in shorts and a t-shirt, barefoot. He's got college football playing on the TV and a beer on the coffeetable in front of the couch. Everything looks completely normal for him, but at the same time, there's an air of stress about him despite the relaxed posture.

When Wanda comes into the room, he looks over towards the door and smiles, "Oh, hey there, glad you're here. How have you been doing? I know I've been a little busy building my new toys last few days."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda is dressed down, but not in jeans and boots. Instead, she wears a light, flowy skirt, very reminscent of her Roma background, with a peasant blouse, comfortable ankle boots finishing the outfit. Red hair hangs down, loose and brushed to a soft, silkiness. In hand, two mugs. One of coffee, the other, her tea.

"I thought you might wish this," and with her words, she gestures with the mug. Green eyes espy the beer, however, and she admits defeat with easy acceptance. She sets the mug down on the table before moving around it to sit in that little spot at Clint's hip where there is some room.

"I have been doing well," Wanda acknowledges with a nod, and leaning forward, she sets her mug onto the coffee table. "I think better than you?"

Once her hands are free, she reaches out to touch Clint's upper arm, the tight muscles there. "You have been very busy, and I worry for you."

Clint Barton has posed:
He smiles at her, reaching out to lightly run his hand up and down her back, "Thanks, the coffee's probably a better idea anyway. And yeah, I might be a little stressed at the moment. We've got the strike on Friday, and I have to make sure everything is perfect. I'm gonna be using new gear on a very dangerous mission, that makes me worry a little. Plus I'm worried about Nat, all this time missing and hopefully we finally get her back if this mission goes right."

He pushes himself upright and slips his arms around her, giving her a hug from behind and kissing the side of her head. "That's sweet, but you don't need to worry, well, not more than any other day. We have kind of stressful jobs, and right now with the HYDRA thing, the stress is higher than usual. But you know that all too well." He smiles, "No joke, once we fix this mess, I'm taking the vacation time I've built up and we're going somewhere quiet for a while."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
"Little?" Wanda cants her head and presses her lips into a line as she gives him a dubious look. "More like 'a lot'."

She exhales in an audible breath and shakes her head. "You worry about everything," she observes. "Is too much for you to carry on those shoulders." With the word, her hand rises to stroke the tight muscles there. "My job is to make it easier to carry." There's a pause before she ghosts a smile, "And you worry for me."

Wanda accepts the embrace and she leans back and into it, welcoming the comfort there, "You have more stress." It's a statement of fact for her. "With HYDRA, I would be happy to walk in and destroy them." She says that so easily, so matter of factly. "But is not heroic. It is hard balancing hero and what should be done."

Once again, Wanda is dubious, and she laughs at his decision, adding, "You will not take vacation. I would have to steal you away to deserted island."

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint lets out a little laugh, "Ok, a lot stressed, then. But I think I have enough reason for it right now." He leans back against the couch, pulling her back to lean against his chest and lets out a deep breath, "At least I've got you to help keep me from blowing my top. You always say I keep you balanced, but you know, you help do the same for me. Having you here helps relax me."

He gives her a little squeeze again, then adds, "So, let's try to find something to do that isn't about anything stressful. You choose, what do you feel like doing? I need a break, and I need to spend time with you before you forget what I look like."

Tilting his head a little, he grins and tells her, "Once SHIELD is cleared, you have my permission to steal me for a while."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda is happy in being pulled back and having his arms wrapped about her. It feels good; she feels.. protected, even if there is no need for such a thing at the moment. She twists slightly to look back at him, and there's that smirk that rises, easily reaching emerald eyes. "Do I?" Brows rise at the question and she leans into his chest, "We do world favor then," she pronounces. "We are both anchor." There is a pause, and her features take a quick, serious expression as she adds, "I do not like darkness. It frightens me."

The squeeze is enough to rouse her from that moment and the smile easiily returns as she considers, her face turning front once more. Booted feet perch on the edge of the coffee table as she sits comfortably, protected and safe. "Something that is not stress," she muses. "Cooking?" There's a pause before she shakes her head. "No. You roll up pizza like burrito." Next? "Walk?" Even that is considered, and she shakes her head again, "No. Our luck, we have fight with someone." And the stress begins all over again.

"This is stressful," is laughed. "What do you think?"

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint laughs and nods, then kisses her cheek, "Yeah, it's not easy deciding what to do when you're us. Trouble does seem to follow us wherever we go, even when we're just relaxing. So I guess we stay in unless anything leaps to mind."

He smiles, settling in comfortably, "I can't say it's an awful thing, just having to stay here cuddling with you. It's rather pleasant, actually." He leans forward, taking her with him as he reaches out to collect the coffee cup and take a drink, settling back once he has it.

"Ok, so what have you been doing while I've been burying myself in the workshop? I've been neglecting you a little, I'm afraid."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Just trying to determine how to de-stress is stressful! Wanda laughs in response and is happy in the moment. She's where she wants to be, when she wants to be, and that is really all she could ask for. "Well, good. Because I do enjoy this." All this.

When Clint moves to get his coffee, she moves easily with him, and as he's forward to get his coffee, she takes the opportunity to take up her tea.

"What have I been doing? Well," and the mug is brought to her lips for that first sip. "Pietro and I walked in the park. Talked of you. He said he would try and be nicer, so.." there's that unspoken request. Brother and boyfriend, both overprotective. "Met lovely lady. Perhaps will see again," and that pronouncement falls off into the aether as her tones move quieter. "Other than that?" She shakes her head and couples that with a lift of her shoulder.

Wanda shifts around in his arms more to sit sideways so she gets a better vantage of the handsome, blue eyed (not) archer. "Then we will make up for neglecting each other. I could have gone looking for you, but I do not think you would have liked it."

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint shakes his head, "I never mind you being around, Wanda. I was just building stuff in the workshop, I don't mind company. I think you might have been a little bored, mind you, but other than that, feel free to come find me any time. I got a bunch of those throwing knives made to work like my arrowheads, and put together a new outfit, so you would have had the choice of watching me build explosives and electronics or of watching me sew. Neither one is much of a spectator sport, though I suppose you could always bring a book with you and just kind of be there with me."

He shrugs, "Trust me, if I ever feel I need to be alone to do something, I'll tell you. I can't really think of anything that would need that, but I suppose something might come up where I need every ounce of concentration or something that a beautiful redhead might distract me from."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda shifts enough, and setting her tea down once more, she drapes an arm around his neck, coming in closer, if it was even possible. "I never mind to help you," is softly lilted. "I could make costume without sewing," she gently reminds. "Change silver to purple, or silver to gold." Her fingers play in the soft, short hair at the nape of his neck as she speaks. She *tsks* with no little affection, "How you forget."

Still, it's not necessarily the first thing anyone thinks of when thinking of Wanda. No one considers, 'Hey, need a new costume. Wanda, can you.. do something about that?'.

"If you ever wish to be alone, I will not be offended. And if something comes up where I would distract?" Wanda smiles and leans to press a kiss against Clint's cheek, "I would never wish you hurt."

Clint Barton has posed:
He laughs and turns his head to kiss her lightly on the lips after the cheek kiss, "Yes, well, tailoring is not the first thing I think of to use your powers for. It seems, I dunno, a little disrespectful or something. You manipulate forces I can't even comprehend, it seems a little beneath you to be asking you to change the colors on my clothing." He shrugs, "Besides, sewing is actually a kind of calming activity. So I don't mind doing a bit of it."

"Besides, if I leave my clothes up to you, I'll be wearing red all the time." he teases. "It's not a bad color, but it's not great for remaining unnoticed. I need slightly less noticeable clothes, so that's what I made. Sneaky stuff, I'm gonna play ninja for a while."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
"And I can use those forces for good pair of boots," Wanda retorts playfully. Green eyes narrow, and her head tilts as the kiss comes and it is returned deliberately. "It is not only clothes I can change. I can change how you look.. or if I cannot for some reason, I can change how someone sees you. Or if they see you at all." As she speaks, her free hand begins to glow a soft red, and her fingers twirl, playing with the light 'ball' of crimson.

It's quickly dispelled, however, leaving no trace of its presence. Just that hand that had formed it.

Wanda nods at the thought of sewing as relaxing, adding to that, "I can understand. But if you ever wonder if I can do something?" She probably can. "Ask. For you, anything."

She does break a smile once more, and that free hand that had played with arcane essence only heartbeats ago comes up to stroke Clint's cheek gently. "You look best in purple.. but you have to agree, no one would expect you in red."

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint shrugs, "I know, I just have to get a little more used to working with you, because that invisibility thing could just be ugly. I do fairly bad things to people when they _can_ see me, not being able to would just be wrong. I'll have to think about some ways we can combine our abilities on missions to the greatest effect."

He smiles at her words, and replies, "Thank you. And I can't bend reality like you do, but you know anything I can do for you, you just have to ask too.." He leans his cheek into her touch, showing no worry about the energies that had just been playing around her slender fingers. "No, that would be unexpected, but they might think I was stealing your look. The new thing I'm doing is part ninja, part video game, black and gold with armor." He thinks a moment, "Wonder if I could talk Panther into enough vibranium for the gauntlets.... probably not, they're kinda jealous of the stuff."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
"Would not be wrong against HYDRA. They would not hesitate to do same if they could." It's a statement that holds a great deal of sobriety under it. It's got a hint of anger against the topic; contained easily, but there all the same.

Green eyes search his blue ones, looking for anything that might help her work out //how// she could help him, work in tandem. She's truly best when working with her twin, but they have such an intimate working knowledge of what the other can do, coordination is done without a thought. "To do that, you must understand what I can do," is murmured. "I can implant memories in weak minds, I can make physical illusions, and they can do what original can do..." a couple of her lesser known tricks. She's not only one to toss hex 'bombs' and build shields.

Wanda looks to consider exactly what it is he can do for her when it's mentioned, and a hint of a smile comes to her face. "You are doing that already, Clinton," she begins again. "You are my rock. You are a voice that reaches me to keep me from doing something I should not. My voice of reason." Her voice of what is right and wrong, too.

As he describes his plans for the new identity, Wanda nods her understanding, though the smile turns to a hint of a frown. "Fighting close now. I can add luck?" She's got that, too! "I am not certain about the vibranium. You can ask? Or I can, over ice cream?"

Clint Barton has posed:
He considers that for a moment, then nods, "No, you're right. Same with these Red Room types, I don't think I need to worry too much about fighting fair with them. The invisibility thing alone would be pretty nasty, but if we combined it with, say, an illusion of me maybe five feet away from where I really am, they'd be going after that while I stab them in the back. And if the illusion can do what I can, it'll be taking people out while I take others invisibly."

He smiles, "I do my best. I'm afraid I'm not all that reasonable where HYDRA is concerned though, I'd be just as happy if you could just snap your fingers and vanish the lot of them. Save everyone involved a lot of trouble. But other than that, I'm happy to be here for you when you need me." He gives her another squeeze, probably because she's there and he can.

"With invisibility, hardly need luck, I imagine, though you could always toss some in the direction of the other agents, I'd rather not lose anyone if we can avoid it. And somehow I don't think even ice cream would make them relax their deathgrip on vibranium. I should ask Fury how they got the vibranium for Cap's shield."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda shakes her head quickly in agreement. "No, they will take opportunity. So you should do same." It's a serious and sober pronouncement in terms of the potential battle before them. "Illusion is good idea. Set up decoy so you can get close. Will have to make you silent," and she pauses before she brings up a teasing, fond smile, "Okay, more silent than you are. No shadows. Nothing to mark path." She can do that!

There comes something of a wistful sigh from the witch, and she nods her head. "I wish I could too, Clint. I wish I could make this disappear, this trouble. I just do not know how. Sometimes, I think I make it worse." There's the insecurity of a very powerful .. being. "But, you.." and a free hand moves down to lay atop his hand as she shifts slightly to see even more of his face. "You are very important to me.. and I would never wish to see you hurt." An entire world may go dark if that happens, maybe? Probably?

The thought of fortifying the other agents is obviously something she hadn't considered, and brows rise as she nods her head slowly in agreement. "Then that will be." It's done. Decision is made.

The idea of vibranium over ice cream, however? There's a soft laugh that rises from her throat and she leans forward to press a light kiss to his lips. "T'Challa likes ice cream. We have shared before."

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint nods, "We'll do that then, should be a nasty surprise for them. They won't know what hit them, and that's a good thing. I'll let the others know that I'm always... let's say five feet to the right of where they see me so they don't accidentally shoot me or anything."

He takes her hand in his and raises it to his lips to kiss, "It's ok, don't push it, it's just wishful thinking that anyone could just fix it by magic that easily. Don't hurt youself trying something that's just an idle wish." He smiles, "I'm not overly fond of seeing myself hurt either, so we agree completely there."

The kiss is returned with a little more force, but he continues, "I think most people like ice cream, at least I haven't yet found anyone who doesn't." He smiles at her, "Some people just like it more than others."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
"Always five feet to right," and Wanda commits that to memory. She's obviously happy with being able to help, to set a plan in motion so it's understood right from the start how things (ideally) will work out.

"Now," and she looks to him fully, the kiss a sweet memory of heartbeats ago. "you know how to get to my heart. Ice cream." The way she says that, however, the meaning may hold something completely different. "And your blue eyes. And your kind heart." She leans in again to press another kiss, and when she lifts it, she lingers briefly so very close. "We will talk later?"