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Latest revision as of 17:04, 24 April 2021

The Deputization of Elektra
Date of Scene: 23 April 2021
Location: The Inner Sanctum - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Shaw gets a pair of eyes to watch the party while he's away.
Cast of Characters: Sebastian Shaw, Elektra Natchios

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Today the Hellfire Club is bustling with people coming and going. The usual traffic and business of the Club runs apace, but there is an added element today of contractors, builders, and planners getting the complex ready for its Spring festival and fundraiser. Because of this added movement, and people from outside the club structure being places they usually are not, Shaw has taken refuge in the four story Inner Sanctum. He is currently talking on a cellphone, "Yes, the flight leaves once I take care of a couple of things, and then I should be touching down in Tokyo at," he checks his watch, "I believe ten AM local time Sunday, but my timeline may be disrupted by last minute changes. Yes...yes...yes I have the money. I will see you then. Good bye." And then the phone blinks off.

The man is not on his usual throne, rather he's in an alcove a couple of stories up above the inner circle, his voice echoing through the mostly empty chamber. He taps a few keys on the phone, writing a message and pacing back and forth. He does not seem agitated or out of sorts, but rather as if he's anxious about something he anticipates.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Tokyo, is it?" Elektra's approach only registers when she is close by, the sound of her heels then heard echoing across the chamber. Damn those ninjas! But this is a well-dressed ninja at least in her long dress, as she usually does when around the club.

"I take it you won't be attending the festival then?" More of an affirmation than a question. A brow quirks, perhaps curious at whatever is making the Black King anxious but she doesn't ask about it directly, instead moving to sit down not far from the man, one leg folding over the other.

"But good evening, Mr. Shaw." She then finally greets.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Good evening Ms. Natchios. You are, stunning as always," Shaw replies as he lets his eyes drink in the dress and it's owner. He nods once, "That is correct. I will be unfortunately indisposed for the next few days. There is a...transaction I need to take care of, personally, in Tokyo. I am hoping -- if it is the genuine article, which it appears to be -- to acquire an artifact of one Mr. Nathaniel Essex." He lets that linger for a moment or two, before he returns to the issue at hand, "It pains me to say this, but, I will not be able to keep an eye on things this time at Ms. Fiore's soiree."

He takes a couple of steps over to where Elektra sits, and joins her. His arm drapes over the back of the bench they are on. He doesn't touch her, but he's very near to doing so, "I was hoping you would be attending the event, and that you might keep your eyes open for me. For, potential recruits who come by, and to make sure nobody ends up anywhere they shouldn't in our little club."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Indisposed is an interesting choice of words." Elektra notes with a touch of a smirk reaching her expression. She shakes her head a bit to herself. As Shaw speaks about what he will be doing there it makes it so Elektra quirks a brow. "Essex? Mmmm. Do let me know if you would require some more personal protection while there." she offers. "I still have quite the foothold in Japan." or is it Hand-hold?

And of course if he accepted the help she'd also become aware or what he might be dealing in. Trade-offs! But Elektra is always politeness now.

"I may be going, yes. And of course, I will make security is up to the task. Anyone in particular that you are looking into?" she then inquires. "Or that you know will be going?" one hand reaching up to bring some dark hair behind one ear.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Sebastian Shaw smiles just a little, "It is, yes. And while I appreciate your offer to come with and perhaps help continue my indisposition, I must turn it down this time. The seller has been very clear about the requirements of the sale. And, in this case, I intend to follow them to the letter. Mr. Essex did not leave a great many items behind that are of any use, but this...could be." He then adds, "The next time I go to Tokyo I will be sure to bring you with so long as I can keep you as close as this to me," with a wink.

Her question about who may be going to the event gets him to return to business, "I have not seen the final guest list yet, but from what I have seen thus far it looks like the usual cadre of members who always show up, a few...non-aligned members who are in the Club to support various causes and have no interest in the inner workings. But, the event is a public one by my understanding, so you never know what sort of interesting people might walk through the front door, looking for an in to the Club itself. I would suggest keeping an especial eye out for people from Xavier's school, or Ms. Frost's venture. I suspect they will be here with much the same purpose as you: finding new talent."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The bishop lets out a chuckle about the refusal but inclines her head in understanding. "Do make sure to remain in one piece then. I would hate to have to start looking for a new King, mmm?" the woman not hiding the faint amusement in her tone.

Elektra then rests her arms about her waist in a loose manner, head slightly turned to the side so she can be looking at Shaw directly. "Perhaps next time I can accompany you then." but then as they go back to business she mmms, nodding just so. "I see. I will keep an eye out." though the mention of the Frosts has her narrowing her eyes. "Think she will be showing up after all that went down?" she snorts. "Would be quite bold, but then again it's Frost we are talking about. I will look forward to it."

"Yet it might be time to let Ms. Fiore take charge. Maybe in time we can get her to ..., more responsibilities than she has right now."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Ms. Frost herself will not be making an appearance. If she does, I shall be very sorry indeed that I was out of town to see it." Shaw replies with the wave of his hand, and a brush for just a moment against Elektra's shoulder as he does so. "She may send a pawn or two of her own to see what we are up to. Though, I suspect she is going to play at being above everything for a little while yet, until she realizes nobody cares about her flophouse." He then turns to look at Elektra as she raises the point of letting Viola take charge of things. He ponders on that for a moment.

"I do not think that she has any interest in finding out the inner workings of this club. Ms. Caradenza is dying to, and if you she her at the event you might speak with her a bit, but Ms. Fiore...." he waves a hand a little dismissively, "She is aware of her family's connection with the club, and some of our illicit activities, but not this," motioning around at the Inner Sanctum, "And when I have suggested or hinted at such, she seems less than interested in it. She is a nice addition, a beautiful face to run events for us, but she is not cut out for the inner workings."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Unfortunate. And here I was thinking she'd be returning. Ah, well. Can't have too much hope on people." Elektra letting out a resigned sigh at the indication that Frost will most likely not be there. Her shoulders then rise up in a brief shrug. In a way it's irrelevant. "And this flophouse. You are talking about the hotel that was put up a while back?" she asks. Seems she has her own sources too.

"Ms. Caradenza." She echoes the name, then nods her head. "I am aware of who it is. Though we have yet to meet face to face. I will keep an eye out. And you had told me about her potential to join the club a while back."

With Shaw then speaking about Viola's less interest in the workings of the sanctum she nods understandingly. "Not everyone is made for this. I thought with her connections she'd have that interest but ..." she trails off. "Unfortunate, then."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"I believe Ms. Frost will come back, eventually, but for now she has made her bed and can sleep in it. Cold and alone." Shaw replies with a small smirk. The question about the flophouse gets a nod, "Yes, that is what I mean. She seems to have built a hotel in Mutant Town as a way to rival our club somehow. It is unclear how this will work, as her clientele are decidedly less....important." There is a thin smile on his lips as he says that.

"Yes, Ms. Caradenza is now one of our Pawns. She has been doing good work, and I expect that to continue from her, but, I sense that she is reaching a point where, perhaps your connections may be useful to her, or vice versa. She has exhibited some powers, and I think she might be strong enough to start taking on some of our enforcement duties. That falls generally under your purview, so if you happen to catch her and speak with her about it, I'd be happy to hear what she thinks." He then moves to stand, though, for a moment his hand rests on the bench, very close to Elektra's thigh, and it may brush against her dress as he stands, "But, for now, I should pack for my trip. Anything you recommend I bring?" he asks with a small smile, "Other than you, that is, Ms. Natchios."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Powers, is it? I see." A brow arches in curiosity about what those powers may be but Elektra doesn't ask about it, instead simply offering a bow of her head. "Do remember to stay alive." then at the question on what he should do while there she lets out a laugh. "For one, do not go into someone's home with those shoes." a look to the ones the man is wearing. "Enter with none at all. It's only polite." see? Learning traditions already.

"I will let you know how the party went." She says, continuing on her perch by her seat and watching the man go.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"So it seems, and, were time not so short, I would make sure you approved the entirety of my wardrobe Ms. Natchios." Shaw says as he looks down at the woman, "If I come back and my club is a smoking ruin..." he winks, and then turns to make his exit, his phone coming out for another series of texts.