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Latest revision as of 17:04, 24 April 2021

Meeting the Man in the Van.
Date of Scene: 07 April 2021
Location: Exterior - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Frank visits Titans tower, making plans to attack the people responsibility for Irina.
Cast of Characters: Damian Wayne, Rachel Roth, Frank Castle

Damian Wayne has posed:
     After the issue of saving Irina had been resolved, and the tower had been repaired again, Damian was spending more time at the Tower.

  He had received a communique from one of the people who helped that day, or at least a representative of the man. The Punisher had wanted to talk.

  One of the senior Titans was consulted as well, setting up a time and place. The tower was well out of reach for most other people, and Damian knew that it was good strategically for them. But this was a good faith meeting. For all intents, this was not to be a conflict.

  Robin had waited, standing outside of the Tower in the evening, ready to encounter their guest.

Rachel Roth has posed:
    After doing this for long enough, the idea of a Good Faith meeting is often a pipedream when dealing with people you don't normally associate with. The truth is, even amongst those that could call themselves heroes, people clash. Often, it happens at chance meetings or requested gatherings. Sometimes, it's just a sharing of information- but there is always a risk, no matter how small, of things going poorly when ideals clash.

    Raven isn't, perhaps, the best consultant- her expertise lies more in the mystical subject- but she was present, and she's been doing this most of her life at this point.

    "I don't like this, Robin. I don't think this meeting should last any longer than it absolutely has to."

    Probably pretty good advice.

Frank Castle has posed:
There's no fanfare. No Flashy Battle Van. Not even a paradrop from the sky.

There's just a man wearing a black baseball cap, a closed trenchcoat, and black combat boots that look like they've seen a /lot/ of wear and tear, but are well maintained. The face of Frank Castle can easily be seen as he simply walks along the bridge, his hands in trenchcoat pockets. For all the world, he's walking casually without a care in the world.

To someone like Damian, he can spot the telltale signs of a man coiled like a viper. Not ready to strike... but a wariness. An alertness. His eyes are cold as ice, yet they're shifting this way and that as he maintains a subtle vigil. Then again, this is one of the most wanted men on the planet. He probably lives like this out in the open.

"Friends? Sure, why not." Frank remarks with a casual air, taking in Rachel. Then, those cold eyes glance to Robin. "You've seen my work over the cameras by now, I'd wager. I've got a plan to follow up on the assholes in the helicopter, if you're open to a joint operation." He informs him as he gets within non-shouting distance.

He's to the point, at least.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "You aren't incorrect." Robin comments to Raven, while waiting for Frank's arrival.

  Damian was much the same as Frank in this instance. Ready to strike, but not in a corner. Robin stands by, and nods to Frank. "Experienced first hand, in my case. The taser round was an...interesting choice." Firing inside their home...perhaps not. But there was a prickly boy on the rampage. "A joint op? Might be acceptable. Mission parameters?" He wants to know details before commitment. At least for himself, he could also recommend other Titans to join in once he had more intel.

Frank Castle has posed:
"When you know one thing won't work, you switch tactics. I havern't survived war for decades by being predictable." Frank explains. "Me and the Bat would probably be pen pals, if he'd listen to a convicted murderer." He gives the tiniest hint of a frown, before his face returns to cold neutrality. Then, he takes a piece of paper from his trenchcoat, and offers it with an open palm to Damian, "A list of known powers so far, and the formula for the antidote serum Microchip created for the soldiers. It takes about a minute for the stuff to work, but it turns them back to humans given time. How long varies by field testing."

"As for the mission parameters... I need you and your team to be a gigantic fucking distraction while I take some specialist gear into their base and find some answers and maybe a self-destruct. I've been hearing about raids for mutants by these people, and I've stopped at least one of them so far. I'm going to either stealth my way onto one of the runs, or use the helicopter I took from the group I stopped and infiltrate their base. The more of their soldiers and whatever else they have in them you keep occupied and draw out, the easier my infiltration will be."

There's a pause, before he adds, "I'm willing to adjust this, including adding in a no-kill rule if that will make this easier."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian looks over the paper and puts it away for now, he would synthesize the antidote en masse for the soldiers. "They were using children. Big mistake."

  "No-kill is up to the others. I don't give a damn. But if you need a big distraction, I can think of at least a couple that can fill that role." Damian adds, looking back to Raven. "Night op? Or daylight?"

Frank Castle has posed:
"I plan on finding more of these raiding grounds and stopping them while you and yours get together and figure out your end. The timing on this will need to be worked out. I need time to get into their base and work out what they're doing before you crash the party and maybe set off some failsafe to crash their databases. If I can get to their data without them wiping it, that would be best. Of course, I could trip over an alarm my gear didn't see and bring down half the base on me and need you to play decoy while I grab what I can." Frank crosses his arms. "We won't have the luxury of deciding what time this happens, most likely."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "We can certainly do that. If you have an exterior shot of the grounds, I can strategize the best location for maximum distraction, with as low collateral damage as possible."

  It would be obvious to Frank that this kid wasn't just some sidekick, Robin, like Batman had a knack for the long game, to put together a plan and think three moves ahead of others.

Frank Castle has posed:
"Can't do that. I haven't been to the site proper yet, and Microchip has yet to hack a satellite for it. We can manage that, but it would be far easier if you used your own resources and shared, instead of vice versa. I'm going to plant a beacon inside the base when I arrive and you pick it up from there. From there, it's just a matter of your team coming in and keeping them occupied. The less fighting I have to do, the faster I can get to their sensitive information."

Frank shrugs, "Would it be easier for Microchip to get an image himself, or do you have something for that? I can't imagine that your team doesn't have hi-powered cameras and flyers that know how to use them."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Robin shrugs back. "We have stealth capabilities. Equipment for making reconnaissance images. Highly doubtful that they would see us. If we do it, it would be an opportunity to further test our teammates."

  Damian leaves it in Frank's hands, fine in either way he prefers.

Frank Castle has posed:
"I've been doing this work for decades now. I don't need the practice, they do. Go ahead and send them, I trust you'll send me the results." Frank takes out a flip phone and offers it to Damian, "There's only one number, and it's bounced through a number of VPNs. Call it when you're ready and leave a voice mail. Microchip maintains the custom hardware for it, so it's a secure link."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "On that, we can agree." Robin adds as a cota. Before taking the phone and smirking. "Professional. Finally." Obviously Frank's tactics fell more in line with Damian's. And it was a breath of fresh air for the teenager. "I will contact after the recon is done."

Frank Castle has posed:
"I'll make my own preparations and get back to you. Maintaining a helicopter that you haven't licensed to one of your own IDs is a chore." Frank gives a nod to Robin, then turns around, starting to walk away. "They'll probably have a lot of those soldiers at the base. I have grenades and rockets of the stuff. Between us, it'll make our job far easier if we just blanket the whole damned base with it."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "Yes, but if they have any like the raccoon turned girl. We have to attempt a rescue." His face looked quite...nonplussed at that. "But yes, raze the place to the ground. The most sensible solution." He shrugs, before placing that phone in his utility belt. "We will be in touch." He says before letting Frank go back into the dark.