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Sharing Big News
Date of Scene: 24 February 2020
Location: Charley's Cheesesteaks
Synopsis: Lois vistits T'Challa to inform him that new complications have put a pause on any thoughts of a relationship.
Cast of Characters: Lois Lane, T'Challa

Lois Lane has posed:
The address that Lois provided was actually for a plaza. With a fountain in the middle and the area dotted with cement tables and chairs as well as benches, a few trees for some color, it's not particularly special. That is, other than the food truck that's parked just at the edge of it. 'Charley's Cheesesteaks' is emblazoned over the awning above the windows where food is ordered and delivered. It's certainly not like the restaurant they went to the other day, and that's probably the point.

Lois waits nearby, her hands stuffed into the pockets of her coat. While her mood seems positive, there's a sense about her of something heavy and she seems certainly more frazzled than the confident appearance she had when they'd last met. Tired, maybe?

T'Challa has posed:
She has said that she had been hit with something. When T'Challa arrives, it is without his usual entorauge. He's dressed down. Well, as dressed down as a King can be, with a warm overcoat, designer jeans and a hoodie. And a pair of sunglasses. Because to be frank, in a recent poll, seventy-nine percent of Americans thought Jay-Z was the King of Wakanda.

Noticing Lois, his smile warms, as he comes over to greet her. Arms crossed over his chest in the traditional greeting, and his native Wakandan speaks up. "Molo, unjani?"

And if she allows, a brief brush of his lips to hers before he pulls back. "Did someone tell you my love for cheesesteak with extra Cheeze Whiz? It is one of the few... food luxuries I take for myself." he admits with a laugh.

Lois Lane has posed:
The brush of lips is accepted, though the blush that follows it is a new sight. Lois appears a bit ruffled, but she does her best to look unflappable. "I didn't know you were such a fan," she grins. "This is one of my favorite lunches, so I thought I'd invite you to some comfort food. It may not be exotic or extravagant but it's good food and a peaceful place to eat it."

Right now, the simple comfort of it seems to be the draw. "Thank you for coming, by the way. I... can't explain how appreciative I am of that right now."

T'Challa has posed:
"Should we sit first or order first?" T'Challa ask curiously as he studies her experession. He may be no reporter, but he is picking up subtle clues. And that drives him to make a decision. "Let's order first, then we can find someplace to sit out of the way to talk. I had thought of a couple of questions for Tony." he admits, as he waits to see what her decision is.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois offers him a tiny smile, nodding her agreement. As they head towards the truck, the smile turns into an amused lopsided one. "I talked with Tony he was quick about it. I've come to understand that I have you to thank for the interview. Can't thank you enough for that. I owe you a favor, now." She stops once they're close to the truck, making her order before stepping aside so he can make his.

T'Challa has posed:
"No favor needed. I am just curious as to how Tony will respond the first time the two party system tells him no. After all, he cannot just buy the support he needs. I hope?" T'Challa admits to his struggle with American politics, and then smiles. "I told him I happened to know a very good reporter that would enjoy an interview. Sometimes help is needed for such things."

With that, he's placing his own order, asking for a works with extra whiz. To hear him order, he almost, almost sounds like a true Philadelphian - but that curt British tone is still there in his voice. He's assuming that Tony is what Lois is wanting to discuss.

Lois Lane has posed:
"I don't know, I think he's relying on the court of public opinion. Money and political influence can only get you so far, but if you've got the people on your side it complicates things. And Iron Man sure is a draw for the people, people like him. Even if he doesn't win? He's definitely already shaken people up, which may be the point."

Lois does seem amused at how much of a pro T'Challa is with the ordering. She waits for him before she continues talking. "He honestly thought you sent me in to give him a hard time of things. I surprised him enough for him to try and offer me a job." She seems a little more relaxed talking about this, it's certainly a nice distraction from the rest of her weekend.

T'Challa has posed:
"Yes, he does have the love, or hate of the people, depending on whom you ask. I mean more the discussion of... take your current President. And that if one side does not hold control of all, then very little is accomplished. Do you think Tony can bridge that gap?" T'Challa is asking the question honestly of her. He's fishing. Just a little. As he said, he has no horse in Tony's race.

But what happens, could and could now... may affect Wakanada's relationship with the United States in the future. He lets out a breath and leans back. "I suppose I should not attempt to make my own theft of you from your current job." he says to her teasingly, though what job could he offer her?

Lois Lane has posed:
"I don't know, and that's the problem. It's too early on to see the reactions, to see what kind of sway he's got going on. I mentioned his image may be a problem on a personal level... playboy billionaire seems out of touch with the average person. I told him he needs someone as a running mate who grounds him. He seemed to consider my advice."

Lois seems amused. "I don't think you'd want to hire me. My life's a bit of a complication." There's the tension again. "Something happened when I went back to my apartment afterwards." It's very hard to tell by her wording and tone if this is a good something or a bad something. Both?

T'Challa has posed:
"Perhaps Bruce Wayne will run, and it would really make the decision complicated." T'Challa offers in a light tease. And he seemed to be willing to roll with that, before Lois steers the conversation back to her tension. Sticking a fork in his cheesesteak, he sets it aside and considers her for a long moment.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asks her, followed immediately by. "Are you alright?" His tone is honest concern. She didn't look hurt. She'd hopefully had called if the police had been needed.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois looks amused by his Bruce Wayne comment, but she's already opened the can of worms she'd been keeping closely battened down. "I'm alright, it wasn't an attack or anything, I'm fine. I just investigated something and got very, very unexpected results. Results which I can't share because it's an incredibly large secret and not my secret to share." She's not sure how that'll turn out, but at least she gets to handle the media side of things.

"But it's not just a story, it's dug up something personal that... I'm not sure how to deal with." She genuinely looks frustrated, especially trying to find some way to explain it, some way to equate the situation that makes sense.

"If there was something you wanted that was just out of reach and you waited years for it until you finally gave up and then suddenly it's there again and it's inches closer in reach but you don't know if it's reachable... do you let that change your whole life?" She's having trouble processing, so she distracts herself by a bite of cheesesteak. She /needs/ the distraction.

T'Challa has posed:
When she says that she's alright, T'Challa's relief is obvious. "As I said when we went on our first date, Lois, I would hope that you'd know about the need for secrecy. It is mutually offered. I do not ask you to tell me the things you cannot or will not. That would be unfair in the balance." he points out as he take a draw from his cup of water. Then he listens to the personal part of it.

"There are always going to be things presented to us that represent that very conundrum." he finally decides to respond. "Is this something that you wish to truly persue, and if were to be accomplished, it would bring you true happiness and contentment? And is it something that you feel like you could set aside the life you have for?"

Lois Lane has posed:
"I honestly figured if anyone, you'd understand the need for secrecy," Lois admits with a tiny smile. "It's just hard to explain the situation fully without the big secret's context. I suppose I'm doing alright so far." Explaining, at least. She's not sure so far how the emotions sit.

"I don't know," she says slowly. "That is the problem. It's all so infuriatingly vague. How is someone supposed to make any sort of decision without some sort of leg to stand on? Is a 'maybe' good enough to shake up everything?" She pauses for a moment, then offers him a smile. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to unload this on you."

T'Challa has posed:
"We are flirting with the idea of a relationship, Lois. I believe 'unloading' is part of the package." T'Challa points out in mild amusement. "Then this is my question for you. What is it that is preventing you from taking what you want?" he asks her curiously, brown eyes studying her blue ones. "If this is a discussion about if you may be Queen someday, I had decided that would be a bridge crossed at a later time."

He might have been teasing her there.

Little does he know how much of unattainable ideas may actually apply here. "I don't deal in maybes. I like to know where and what I stand on before making my decision. A leap of faith is still a leap into darkness. But if it is something you truly want... let me ask you this. This chance? Has it always been there? And never presented? Or was this always offered from you without response?"

Lois Lane has posed:
There's a laugh from Lois. "I suppose I just don't want to be presumptuous that we are to the point where I /can/ just unload. Unloading usually isn't how I deal with things, usually I just throw myself into coffee and work and this time it's... it's a bit much for me." The joke about being queen does get a small smile, but it's not followed up with much else. Distractions.

"You've hit the nail on the head. I don't like this 'maybe'. I prefer truth and everything wrapped up in this is so nebulous that I'm... I'm not sure what to make of it." She presses her lips together in a firm line. "For the most part, it's always been there. It's been there but unreachable. Even if I were to be bold and push beyond myself for it... it just moves back, it stays out of reach."

She reaches over to put her hand atop his. "I don't know exactly what is going to happen with that. What I do know is that I am certainly enjoying the company I'm keeping and because of that I thought it was at least important that you know things are complicated." She pauses for a second, looking curious.

"You have a very open public identity. I assume that's made trouble for people you care about before? But you handle it fine?" She pauses. "And... while you don't keep a secret iden--" She stops herself, then frowns. "Sorry, that last question is a bit too complicated."

T'Challa has posed:
"So, this is an old lover that has returned? Or a possible old lover?" T'Challa querries. She may have forgotten for a moment he is a King and an intellect, and caught onto a few clues there. "Enough of one that it may put a pin in..." he gestures a hand between them. His expression for a moment is crest-fallen, but he rolls off of it. This is someone asking for help and he offered to do so.

His own hand turns to take hers in return, squeezing it and not pulling away. "It is impossible to hide that the King of Wakanda is also the Black Panther. It has been that way since Azzuri the Wise made the decision back in World War II. When Wakanda stood against Nazi aggression in East Africa." There is pride in his tone. That was his grandfather. That is his legacy.

"There is strife. There is trouble. At times, I have had to deal with civil strife. As well as those that would dare to try to take from Wakanda - or cause harm to it's people." he explains. "It is something that needs to balance... more..." He gestures around him. "There is need for heroes to hide who they are. They are celebrities. They are respected, admired, and stalked after. My thought is that they deserve their secret life, if they want to have one. Tony Stark has the money to secure himself against aggression for being Iron Man. A 13 year old child that just discovered her hidden talent that is hated and feared for it does not."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois laughs. "Old lover is... close, but a little more solid than what it was. There was no date, but there was something. A connection, is what it was. Potential. But never there." She smiles, but it's not a particularly happy one. "A missed opportunity that taunts me again." Her hand stays in his, grateful for the support, even if it's something that keeps the ground a little rocky between them.

"I don't mean to reject you but also I do not want to lay down false hope. This is something that has been years in the making and it needs a resolution." She smiles at him. "Don't take it to mean I'm going anywhere, either. There's just a chance I'll be making less eyes at you across the table." She does grin at the end there.

"I can... understand the need to keep those you love safe. Some people want that secrecy. I..." She looks at him for a moment. "What... if it's the other way around? What if a hero keeps someone at arm's distance because they care about them but won't tell them who they really are for... whatever their reasoning may be. To put someone in potential danger but not give them the truth?"

This has, at the very least, clarified what she needs to do.

T'Challa has posed:
"I see. I do not want to cause you internal strife and confusion. I do care for you, even if we have only spent a short time together. I know that a new, bright flame, cannot compete with a flame that has burned steadily for a very long time." T'Challa offers. He has a feeling this is her trying to let him down gently. "Nor does it mean that I will suddenly decide that the things I have asked of you would change." Like their interview.

"Are you asking me as a hero? I have dated someone before." he starts finally. "When Wakanda was not as known. When I was not known as T'Challa, but as Luke Charles. A lovely American woman." he considers. "Before things became.. heated.. between us, I told her of who I was. I had even suggested making her my Queen - you can imagine the trouble /that/ caused." he shakes his head.

"The Royal parlament rejected the idea. By the time they relented... she opted to end the relationship." So this might be a bit of deja'vu.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois' hand remains with his, squeezing gently. "Don't think that you're the one causing strife. This has been... a respite in a storm. If anything, you serve to ground me in the midst of... whatever it is I'm doing." She's not sure in this situation. She's mentally kicking herself for not handling things better.

Oof. That's not the happily ever after she'd like to hear. Granted, she knew that given that he was /here/, but things sounded bleaker than she'd like. "I suppose I'm unhappy not knowing the truth. I'm unhappy feeling like perhaps I was misled or led along. I feel a little foolish the more I think about it."

Pining after someone for ten years... who does that? "Anyway, wouldn't parlament reject the idea of an American woman again?" She teases lightly.

T'Challa has posed:
"It was not because she was American. She did not think her prepared for the duties of being a Queen. She was a lounge singer in Georgia." T'Challa explains. "They wanted her to have more time to become more accustomed to our culture." he finally explains. "So - there is still hope." he points out, though the tease is far more flat than he had hoped, when it comes to it. Because he's understanding that in this, he may be the anchor.

But that means he's the first one thrown overboard.

"Just promise me this. If you decide that this hero is worth you... tell me? Do not allow me to sit in the lurch wondering if our time together is being compared to your time with him. Or her." He realizes that could be the case. "I know that in the grand scheme, I am not... as grand as others. After all, I needed Janet to find me a date." there's a bittersweet smirk at that.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois squeezes his hand again. "I may not be the most stellar of people in every aspect, but I can assure you that I've dedicated my life to the pursuit of the truth and that's something that I try to follow in my life. I am being honest with you here and I plan on being honest with you in the future. If you ask me something, I'll tell you. I think you and I are alike in that we appreciate being straightforward and candid." There's a small smile. "You'll always know where you stand, T'Challa." She laughs. "And don't think there's a comparison. I wouldn't have a way to compare, it's extremely different. It sort of puts things into perspective, really."

There was a lot there she hadn't thought about. "Also, may I say, being grand is overrated. Just imagine how the other person feels." She shakes her head. "You're in a unique position. You are a king. You find someone you love, you can elevate their status. Now, in a lot of ways, they've become an equal in power even if they aren't, say, protecting the whole country in a suit. Not everyone has that option. When it comes down to it, I'm just a reporter. Award-winning, but not so grand." She does grin at him. "Maybe I should take up Tony's offer."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa's fingers thread with Lois'. "Nuh uh, you don't get to put yourself down for me to stand on. That's not how this work. I do not want a Queen Consort that wants to just have babies and spend money. I want my social and political equal. Someone that is not afraid to speak their truth and their mind - and has no qualms with telling me no, and that she is not just..." he shakes his head.

"...is it any wonder why I'm attracted to you?" he asks her. That. That was pure honesty - as pure as that little sliver of Vibranium he presented her.

"I am not looking for a comparison. I am looking for you to know that... I will be here. Even if this fails, I will be your friend. And that is setting this up to make it far more easier for you if the other guy doesn't feel the same."

"By the way? Don't take Tony's offer. Pepper would never recommend it." he says teasingly. "You'd go from amazing Pulitzer prize winning gumshoe journalist to damage control spin doctor. There are enough of those in the world."

"And only one of you."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois grins widely. "Well, if a king already thinks I'm his equal, I must be doing something right." What he says is a compliment and it actually seems to be working its charm on her. The smile stays as he talks, some of the weight seems to have lifted. "I couldn't see you with someone who couldn't keep up with you anyway, at least in one arena or another. I imagine, though, it's not an easy task finding someone who can."

She studies him, the smile still on her face. "You're making this far too easy. Either you're confident this other thing won't work or you genuinely care and in which case I'm a terrible person." She shakes her head. "But I only consider Tony's offer because, if I look around at the media... it's the highest position available. I've won a Pulitzer, where do I honestly go from there?"

T'Challa has posed:
"If it comes to a choice between mental and physical?" T'Challa asks. "Would you allow me to use other languages in Scrabble if you don't know them?" Was that a serious question? The whole relationship could weigh on her answer! Oh drama, oh plot cliffhangers!

Then she says she's against her own glass cieling. And he lifts his brows. "The Daily Planet is a good newspaper." he starts finally. "Compared to others. I trust it. You've been there now... a couple of decades? It could come a time for a new editor. Or if it is not something you want to wait for -- a female led news source could draw readership." Then he winks. "I don't even think I would need to make my guard read it."

Lois Lane has posed:
It's an interesting question. Lois slowly leans forward. "Yes. Because I would trust you to use real words and not make them up simply because I don't know better. Also it means I could learn while I'm playing and I consider that a win either way." She sits back, satisfied with her answer.

"If Perry ever retired, I could see that. I always thought Clark would want that job but these days it seems like Clark's head is in the clouds. He has no ambition sometimes, I feel like there are times he just wants to stay in the same place for the next ten years and he'd be just fine with it." She pauses. "But you do have a very good point about a female led news source. It'd be tricky to do, but it might be possible. It's a good suggestion."

T'Challa has posed:
"And if you decided to base it in Wakanda, I'm sure there are some... incentives to it." T'Challa grins to withdraw his hand finally so that he can eat his cheesesteak, keeping his eyes focused on her own. "Perhaps, when you have time, I can teach you some Wakandan. When I greeted you? I said 'Hello, how are you.'" he explains, offering up the first statement on his home language.

"...you have a thing for waiting. It is surprising." It's a sudden realization, T'Challa's eyes widening with it as he sits up. "You are waiting for Perry to retire. You are waiting for Clark to want your job. You are waiting to see what this other relationship does. I believe in some things... it is more worthy to act. Like. To ask you to dinner at the embassy, and wonder how you would like your eggs the next morning."

Lois Lane has posed:
"I thought that's what you said, based on the context," Lois nods. "I'd be interested in learning more, when /you/ have time. I may work myself to the bone, but your responsibilities far outweigh my deadlines." She takes a bite of her cheesesteak, waiting until she's done with that before looking back at him. There's an odd look as he mentions her penchant for waiting. It's not something she's ever thought about. Was she always just waiting?

"I don't think anyone's ever said that before, about the waiting. I'm usually the one jumping in, running towards danger. I usually /don't/ wait, so to... to be in a situation, several situations where I'm doing nothing but wait... it's a bit odd, isn't it?" What /is/ she waiting for? Why not act?

The last bit does cause her to grin. "I will agree that acting is a bit more noble of a thing, but it's a matter of timing I suppose. You do something too fast, you can ruin it... but if you just wait forever you'll never have what you want." That last part was for her. She pauses. "I'm not entirely sure if that last bit was an example or if you're really asking me."

T'Challa has posed:
"I know of your reporting, Lois. That you do go forward. That you doggedly pursue a story until you have the truth. I am just surprised that you wait in your personal life. You even waited for me to ask you to kiss you." T'Challa points out in slight thought. He could possibly be sabotaging himself in all of this, but he feels she needs to hear it from someone.

"I do not want to ruin something... with too fast." He polishes off his cheesesteak, wiping off his hands on his napkin as he looks thoughtful. "If you're waiting for me to ask? Then I asked. But perhaps when it comes to what happens when you come to dinner?" He chuckles. "We can work on your assertiveness there. Perhaps over Scrabble."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois doesn't seem annoyed at all by his assessment. She did mention she appreciated the straightforwardness and candor, so his honesty in expressing what he thinks she needs to hear is appreciated and expressed visably by the way she looks at him. "The reason I don't think I always rush forward when it comes to my personal life is that I've seen things get trampled before in the midst of a quick rush. When the thing that gets trampled is me, I know I can survive it. I'll be fine. I'm more willing to risk my own heart than someone else's."

She focuses on her cheesesteak for a moment or two, finishing it off while occasionally glancing back at him. "I would love to come to dinner if you'll have me, even while I'm sorting this all out. As long as you remember that this is still very complicated and I can't make you any promises."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa uses the cover of wiping his mouth to cover the frown that almost touches his eyes. His thoughts are jumbled for a moment. But in the end? He puts aside his interest in Lois as a romantic relationship to be her friend.

He's had years of diplomacy to secure the smile on his face. "There is a saying from home." After a moment, he says it in Wakandan, and then in English. "In times of crisis, the wise build a bridge. The foolish build a wall."

And then he offers a translation. "Do not be afraid to be trampled. If he has come back after so long? Then he is searching as well. One of you will need to be the one to bridge the gap. If you do not make the attempt, then you may never know. If you make the attempt and he spurns you, then you will know. If you make the attempt, and it blossoms brighter than the Heart-Shaped herb..." he trails off.

Then her happiness was worth the loss.

Lois Lane has posed:
"You give sound advice," Lois says. She knows well enough it's not easy and she doesn't make light of it. "I feel like a bridge is too gentle a concept for this, though. It is certainly a leap into the darkness at this point. There's no guide for these things, there's not really a lot of people for me to ask advice from." She leans forward just a little so she can look at him for a long moment.

"I guess it's just important to try, right?"

T'Challa has posed:
"It is the most fearful, and yet most exhilirating feeling." T'Challa opens. He doesn't lean in in response, he's drawing his breath in to keep up his facade that this is all fine. Nothing like giving someone you like advice on getting someone else.

John Hughes couldn't write a better script.

After a change to gather his thoughts, he reaches over, taking her hands and gives them a fond squeeze. "If things do not work with him, you know where to find me. For a shoulder."

"...if they do?" he smiles wanly.

"Do you have a twin sister just like you?"

Lois Lane has posed:
There's a tremendous amount of guilt Lois feels for even putting him in this situation, and she squeezes his hands in hopes that he'll understand that it's not intentional. "I'm not fond of blind jumping," she admits. "And this is a very, very blind jump." She looks down for a moment. "I am tremendously angry that /this/ is what I'm weak against. Come on, out of all the things I face in life..."

Why is it always Superman?

"Anyway, I'm probably prolonging what I assume is agony," Lois says. It's supposed to be a joke but she's not really certain where along the spectrum it lies. "Should I go?"

T'Challa has posed:
"No. There's no need to do all that." T'Challa chuckles. "Despite being the King of Wakanda, I can accept a no. And I am not going to put you in a place that is uncomfortable." His hands withdraw from hers as he moves to collect his trash. Time to take it out.

Much like himself.

"I understand now why you chose to do this in public." he admits with a light chuckle. "And I thank you for that." With that, he rises to his feet and as he passes by her, he leans over, pressing a feather light kiss to her temple.

"He's a fool if he turns you away." he says quietly, before he's moving to toss his trash and start the walk back to the embassy. He can use the air.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois takes a moment to try and formulate words, even as he's getting up to put away his trash. She's not sure what she can say at this point, the jumbled mash of emotions being stirred up again as it had been when it started. But nothing really comes out. Instead, she watches him. Finally, she stumbles across some words, ones she wants to make sure he remembers.

"I'll be in touch. Soon."

T'Challa has posed:
Giving her a kind smile, T'Challa nods. "Of course, Lois." he responds, and before he can let any emotion... especially the one screaming at him to go back and kiss her hard enough to make her forget what's his name... he heads off.

After all. He's just a man.

And not Superman.