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The Last Night
Date of Scene: 22 April 2021
Location: The Grove of Antiope
Synopsis: On the last night of the Themysciran vacation, the two sisters find time alone together to talk.
Cast of Characters: Donna Troy, Diana Prince

Donna Troy has posed:
    The party, finally, was over. The Titans had gone to bed - first Caitlin, still exhausted from her trials, then over the rest of the evening the others, one at a time. Midnight had come and gone, and the only two Titans still awake were Raven, for whom midnight is about when the day gets started and had more books to read, and Troia, who suspected she wasn't going to be able to get any sleep tonight anyway.

    This would be the last day for the Titans on Themyscira - at least for now. Caitlin, of course, would be back often enough. She'd been visiting regularly for a few years now. Kara had been granted the freedom to visit when she chose, though it might take some help for her to find her way here the next few times. The others? Surely there would be more opportunities.

    The city is quiet, but not too quiet. Of course there is an active night-life in Themyscira, but here in Antiope's grove it tends to be quiet even during the day, and at night only the sound of water from the waterfall breaks the silence. The place is dim, but not dark - garden torches dot the landscape, illuminating the semi-wilderness in a soft light. Troia sits, her back against the plinth of the statue of Antiope, staring out over the dark pool, lost in thought.

Diana Prince has posed:
It was the last night on Themyscira for the vacationing group of women. Diana had visited the grove once on the trip so far but had otherwise been too busy to make it here as much as she may wish to. Antiope was an important person to her and someone she wished were here today to speak to, to share all of her stories with from the mortal world...

But life is filled with hardships, and one of those was the loss of Antiope to the people of Themyscira, to Hippolyta, and to Diana it hit doubly hard.

The Princess appears in one of the entrances to the grove and immediately knows that Donna is there. She smiles at the sight as she walks in to the grove and speaks up. "The party was fun. Caitlin looked... invigorated. I loved it." She says as she walks toward the statue.

Diana is holding something in her right hand, it looks like a medal or medallion of some kind, even with a thick cloth strap attached to it that she has wrapped around her palm.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Troia hears her sister coming and turns with a smile faintly visible in the torch light before scrambling to her feet. "Diana," she says, brushing her hands together to knock of the dirt. "Um..." she glances around, looking slightly sheepish, as if she'd been caught out doing something she wasn't meant to. "I was just... I don't know. Not in a mood to sleep. Too excited I guess. If you came for some solitude I can go hang out with Rae, she's doing some late night reading at the scriptorium."

    She walks forwards to meet Diana, still smiling. "It was great. It has been great this whole week. Having my friends here was... it has been magical. For so long I couldn't even tell the Titans that Themyscira existed, and now I've been able to take some of them to see it. And one has even become an Amazon!"

    Her grin grows wide. "Caitlin might have looked invigorated, but I think the exertions of the last few days have caught up with her. She's out like a light. Tomorrow I'll take her to Pallas to get her armor. Did you get a chance to see Pallas' work yet? It's magnificent, she's really excelled herself. Everything we asked her for and more."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana had changed out of her fancy attire for the party, the long cloak and dress exchanged for what the Princess likes better... something light and geared toward agility, mobility and traditionlally Amazon, even though all of her clothing here on Themyscira still has that design element to it that is very 'this was made for the Princess', in that it is trimmed and styled very regally.

A pale blue skirt, a leather corset and criss-crossing leather straps that go over the opposite shoulder to the small golden rings behind her neck that lead down to the back of the leather top.

Sandals and her bracers of submission finish the Princess' attire for the late evening moment, and she walks to the statue while paying Donna a look.

A grin showing on her lips.

"You're fiiiiine." She assures her sister's nerves. Diana looks back to the statue and raises the metal she's holding up. "I just wanted to... put this... here." She lets the medal's strap pool around itself before she lays the golden medal down upon it at the foot of the statue.
When she straightens up again, Diana stares at it a moment before looking back to Donna. "I was given this medal as a token of gratitude for my efforts in keeping peace across the world, from the United Nations last fall." Diana pauses then before continuing a moment later. "I preferthat these tokens of appreciation belong here. Antiope is the reason I am able to do what I do, and the medals themselves can show those on the island that the people of man's world do care for what we can provide them."

She looks to Donna again then. "Progress is what we are after, after all." She grins faintly. "Such as this trip, such as Caitlin, such as... all of this. It is good, and it has been a great trip."

Donna Troy has posed:
    By contrast Troia has not changed out of what she was wearing at the party, a long chiton dress in a deep cerulean blue, edged with saffron yellow and red geometric borders. It will probably need a good wash since she's been sitting on the grass, but thankfully the light is too dim for that to be an issue. She does of course wear her bracers, like Diana, but unlike her Troia is barefoot.

    She studies the medallion for a few moments before breaking into a broad grin. "Typical!" she announces, barely able to keep a straight face. "I've probably saved the world three times now, and the UN never gave me a medal!" She burst into laughter and stands next to Diana, leaning in so that their shoulders are touching, as she studies the statue, smiling silently for a while once the laughter subsides.

    "When I first met Caitlin all those years ago... it was in a fight. I never mentioned it to you at the time because I thought you might be mad at me. It was when I was staying with you in New York, and going to school there. I was on my way home and I saw a fight starting outside a restaurant. I went over to try to stop them, but it just made things worse, I think. I dealt with the people outside, and when I went in Caitlin was there... someone had pulled a gun and shot at her. She was holding him up in the air by the gun hand, and she had no idea what to do next. She didn't even notice that she'd been shot."

    "It was the strangest thing to me. Here was a woman who was powerful and completely lost. She could be shot without noticing, she could crush a gun with her bare hands, but she didn't think of herself as being strong. She admired superheroes from afar but the idea she might be one didn't seem to have occurred to her."

    "I was... I guess America was still pretty new to me. I couldn't understand how there was someone who to me was the definition of a warrior, and she had gone through life without being trained, without any kind of guidance. America seemed pretty insane to me then, but I think that was the most insane thing. She was completely shocked by what had happened, and I had to spend some time just to help her calm down. "

    Troia turns to face Diana, grinning. "We became friends then, and... well it took her a while, really. But I always knew. So this... what happened today, it's like... It feels like I have been waiting for this day for almost ten years. For Caitlin to become what I always knew she was, an Amazon. I keep thinking I'll wake up and it has all been a dream."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana is there to be leaned against and counters it with a bit of a lean back in to Donna's side in return. She smiles at the initial response to the medal. "Well, when we return to the US we can announce that you are the new Ambassador to the people of Themyscira. Maybe then they will give you the medals... and all the work too." She teases her sister before she looks back to the statue and listens to the story of her meeting of Caitlin.

"I had not heard this story before." Diana admits after learning of the ins and outs of Cait's first appearance for her sister. "I am.. not surprised this is how you found her." She adds with a little look and a grin before nodding once.

"She embodies the Amazons in almost every way, even then, prior to really even knowing what it was to be one. She was a natural fit." The Princess draws in a breath as she glances to the statue's face. "Antiope would've been the first to agree of this, I am certain of it."

"There are... a lot of people in the mortal world who are without a purpose, without a passion, without something to strive for. It is why I want to create places like the Arts Center, to help give people a way to discover a passion for our culture, as it would seem that Caitlin has." Clearly! "Maybe they won't all be able to absorb bullets with impunity, or wield a hammer quite so impressively... but still, even an unpowered person can learn a lot from what we can offer. I know I have learned a lot from my experiences in the greater world beyond the shores here."

"Progress." Diana says with a sweet smile to Donna before she raises a hand up to touch the back of Donna's head and offer it a soft caring ruffle..

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Oh no sister, you're not dropping that in my lap. Assistant to the Ambassador is quite enough for me!" Troia declares with a laugh. "In case you forgot, you were sleeping on the job the last few weeks. I have had a taste of all that work. Not that you are great at doing it when you are awake either. When I got back from space, there were so many unanswered messages and so much paperwork left undone. I don't know what you'd have done if I'd have been away any longer!"

    When Diana's hand reaches the back of Donna;s head to ruffle her hair, she leans more, resting her head on Diana's shoulder. "This last week or so... I cannot think of a time when I have been happier. Perhaps this is emotional whip-lash though. When you were in that coma, it felt like the world had collapsed, and I was trying to hold it up. I was terrified you would not recover. I don't know what I would have done. The consequences... and there was Cassie. Helena was kidnapped, you were in a coma, and she was unpowered. That made her my responsibility. And yet... Well, the Titans have always been my responsibility, but it was different. I think I finally understand a little of how mother must think about us, at times. And then there was... everything else. Without you, without the Kryptonians -- I know there are plenty of other people, but stilll it /felt/ like it was all on me. General Zod turned up."

    That hadn't been mentioned before.

    "Captain Marvel and Thor were there too, so it's not like Earth was without strong protectors. But I felt so... /responsible/. And then... Cassie's opposite number. Cambodia. When you showed up like that, I... it was... like a sudden weight on my shoulders just vanished. And then we came here, with my friends. With Rae. And Caitlin, becoming an Amazon. It's like in the space of a few days all my hopes suddenly came true."

    She looks up at Diana witha grin. "There is part of me that is unsatisfied still though," she admits. "Because it was only the female members of the team I could invite here. It is progress, but it is slow progress. Or it feels slow. Mother's always saying how impatient you are, and blaming it on your youth. Hera knows what she says to you about me."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana drops her hand down to let it rest around the other's shoulders to hold her close so that they can stand there together in the grove. "Her criticism. of us both is always rooted in hoping for the best for us, or at least... mostly is." Diana states with a slight smirk offered.

"That being said, you have more to work on with yourself, Donna." The Princess offers a little further. "We are never done training, and one place you do need to focus on is your ability to manage that stress. The stress of /being/ put in charge, especially when you least expect it. You have done well with it, but you need to let yourself lead, and not lead while worrying about leadingg. Your skill, your training, your abilities, all of these are what you need to rely on in the moments of emergency. Confidence in what you, have achieved in your life,dear, sweet, Troia."

"Quite obviously I do not wish to be taken from you and the others like that again, but, I do feel you have gained some valuable experience through it. So ... at least in that regard, I am thankful that it took place." Always find the positives!

A breath is taken in then by Diana as she looks back down to the medal that she put on the statue's base. "The male members of the Titans who wished to come here, deserve it just as much as the women who we have brought with us." She gently nods her head two times to these words. "We are getting closer to that, I can feel it. Mother is growing more confident herself, in believe that there is more good than she may have thought, worthy of being permitted to come here and enjoy the beauty that this place offers."

Diana looks over to Donna beside her then and smiles softly. "Soon. I hope."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "There was a philosopher from Man's World, about a century, century and a half ago," Troia says. "He once said 'what does not make me dead, makes me stronger.' Honestly I think he was a bit of an idiot, but there's some truth in what he said."

    She gives another laugh and wraps an arm around Diana's shoulder to give her a hug. "Maybe what I really need to learn is how /not/ to be in charge. Because I wasn't. No more than usual, really. As I said, there was Thor and Captain Marvel, and had things got bad, more people would have had time to get involved. I was hardly alone. Since I was young Philippus has talked to me about leadership. Told me how one day you might have to face up to taking mother's place as queen. And if that happens, one day I might have to take /her/ place, and lead the army. I never really believed that. Mother and Philippus are like... mountains. Time might change their shape and course, but it's hard to believe it could ever wear them away."

    "But I do feel responsibility. Maybe more than I should. I've come to realize that what was so hard for me, when I was trapped in space was that... that I had no responsibility. The friends I was with didn't really need me. They needed scientists, like Cait and Vic. They needed Vorpal's cunning and his rabbit holes. They didn't need a warrior, a tactician.

    She shrugs her shoulders and breaks away a little, still standing close but no longer leaning. "Progress. Yes, soon. I am determined. I keep chipping away at mother, and I know you do too. Maybe before this year is out, we shall bring a few male visitors. But I want more. Diana, I... when you lead the Amazons into America, to fight the Warzoon -- that is what we are, that's what we should be doing. Protecting the world, guiding it. We should not be closed away on this island. We should have a fleet of vehicles, able to send our strength to where it is needed without having to ask Zatanna to open portals. We should be able to send a thousand Amazons to space to demand Zod's surrender rather than have just one Amazon struggling to think of tricks and threats to keep him off balance and send him away."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana is there to lean on Donna in return and to listen to her words. Some of it makes her smile while other parts of it remove the smile from the Princess' sculpted features.

When they separate from one another, Diana turns and walks a few steps to one of the benches within the grove to turna nd settle on to it, her hands smoothing her red skirt out over her thighs as she settles atop it.

"Your friends certainly needed you." Is Diana's first response to that. Her eyes go to her sister's and she stares up at her very similarly featured face. "Your presence was giving them support to keep doing what they needed to do, that is something you should realize about that time, about those moments. Just by /being there/ for them, you were helping, and even leading in a way. Being a leader is not always about issuing marching orders, or rushing in to battle with sword drawn and battle cries echoing from your lungs."

"Sometimes its just about being a pillar to support the team, silent and strong." Diana smiles softly again to Donna before she glances over to the statue of Antiope. She's quiet for a second before she flickers her stare back to the other.

"Some of what mother believes, I still agree with too." Diana admits. "Look at this alternate reality we have been dealing with, for instance. By your account, Themyscira's isolation provided that world with a safe place, of sorts, to fall back to. Without that... well, things may still be complicated for that reality, for that version of all of this." She quickly glances around the grove then back to her sister.

She quickly shows another soft smile before she leans back on the metal backing of the bench and crosses her legs at the knees. "We certainly do need to progress our culture, now more than ever, but we must do it very carefully, and the Queen is wise about that. Perhaps more than you or I would be, in our eagerness to advance." She then grins faintly before exhaling and shaking her head.

"Finding the 'right way' to do anything is like searching in the dark for a doorway you are not even sure exists." She quietly adds.

Donna Troy has posed:
    "I'm not suggesting we set up the Themysciran tourist board, or build a bridge to the mainland," Donna says with a grin. "It's important we don't dilute what is here, what makes our island different. But what's the point of protecting what makes Themyscira special, if it is never... we have a duty to the world, Diana. If we close ourselves off to protect what makes Themyscira special, then it can only ever be special for /us/. Yes there needs to be a balance, but it's our duty to share our gifts."

    She walks over to the bench, standing next to it with one hand resting on the back of it, looking up the mountain at the palace above. "In a way, those other Themyscrians were forced into progress. It wasn't their isolation that protected them, it was the protection of the goddesses. Our island is protected from the outside world so that we can remain true to ourselves, that's true. But it shouldn't be like protecting an artwork by locking it away in a darkened room. It will never fade, but nobody will get to see it, so what's the point? They had opened up Themysicra to others, because they had to. Because there was nowhere else safe for people to go. The island was filled with soldiers and refugees from dozens of countries. Not just being given shelter, but being taught our ways. I saw US Marines doing sword and shield drills, French scientists discussing technical problems with Amazons in fluent Themysciran. People coming together from across the world under the aegis of the Amazons, with the dream of healing the world. "

    Donna moves around and sits on the bench, next to Diana but leaving a little space between them. She folds her hands neatly in her lap, and looks down at them. "And children. There were a lot of children on Themyscira. Walking up to the palace from the beach where we landed... there were groups of children running and playing in the streets, streets that in our world have only ever seen two children playing there alone. And the sad thing about it is that it has happened too late. Their world is in ruins. Yes, I hope that under the leadership of the Amazons of that world, the survivors can finally come together and rebuild a new society from the ruins. But is that what it takes, Diana? In a thousand years time, will their world be a paradise like our little island is, while our world remains divided and torn?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Much of what Donna says and describes there has Diana envisioning the sights and soughts of it all. A Themyscira like similar in most ways, but so foreign in so many others.

The part about the children in the streets gets a genuine smile to strike itself across the Princess' lips though as she gives a glance toward one of the exits to the grove. She takes a breath like she's about to say something but then stops and just softly shakes her head.

"Through great hardship, they managed to make the best of things here, that... is. Well I find it heart warming, in a world of otherwise so much sorrow." She shakes those thoughts away with a little turn of her head right to left.

She looks back to Donna then and gives another quick grin. "Do you know how many people have contacted me asking if Themyscira would be interested in an air port?" She asks. "Or a port for international shipping traffic." She then just nods once. "A lot, many times. It comes up very frequently. Especially since the Amazons showed up outside of Metropolis. People saw... opportunity to bring the island in to the main world. "

The Princess then just looks back across the grove. "It is coming, I can tell. Maybe not those particular two things, at least not soon, but someday. Yes, I believe it is coming." She looks to Donna then and lowers her gaze a little. "And if it goes very badly, we will be primarily blamed." She then grins again.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna leans across to give Diana a friendly shoulder-bump. "Yes Diana, I know how many people have been contacting you about thing like that," she says in a teasing, sing-song voice. "Because I was answering them all for the last few weeks myself. But also because when I came back from space I had a huge backlog of emails saying things like 'I have tried the contact the Ambassador about our proposal on three separate occasions without reply...'

    She laughs a little, and draws her legs up on the bench, underneath herself. "Diana? We are bringing our ways to the rest of the world already. With the Arts Center. Mother's worry is that if we do the reverse, bring the ways of Man's World here, it will corrupt us, change us from who we are. Well, those are two different things. If we do it in a controlled way, it will not corrupt our society. But changing who we are? That's not a bad thing. We are not perfect. "

    "So... we could build another Arts Center, here. An arts center for the arts and ways of Man's World, built on one of the small uninhabited islands. So it is here, so there can be sharing, but there is still some separation. Let us invite hand-picked individuals - artists, scholars, engineers, warriors - from Man's World to visit, and eventually to stay there for a few weeks at a time, to learn about us but also for our people to learn about them in a controlled environment. A place which allows wisdom to be shared - not just us and them, but a neutral venue for the rest of the world where people can come together under our protection to work towards a better world. We could invite Helena to run it. Would you support this vision, sister? Will you help me persuade our mother that this would be a worthy idea?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's eyes look up to a pair of Themysciran women who walk by the grove together, they both see Donna and Diana and both offer smiles and waves tothem on their way through the grove to another place just outside and beyond it. Diana waves softly back to them before she looks back to Donna.

The idea is heard and her response firstly is a simple nod. "Of course I would support this. It goes right hand in hand with my own desires for this place, our home, and a place so many in the mortal world wish to know more about."

She pauses then and shows a slight smile. "Helena may be a bit busy to take the lead of it all, but that would be something she would have to decide for herself."

Diana then grins softly again toward her sister. "You are going to become an even better proponent for this sort of progression for our people. And here mother thought I was the persistent one." She grins again to Donna and bumps shoulders with her again.

"Mother prefers complete visions for this kidn of proposal though, so I suggest we get all of the ins and outs figured upon before we take it to her."

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna returns the wave too, but she's silent until they have had time to move out of earshot. While it's not exactly sedition the two sisters are discussing, it would no doubt be controversial. "I have a strange suspicion that Helena would find it very hard to refuse the offer of a job here on Themyscira," she replies finally, with a slight smirk. "Though it's true she has a lot of work in America, you've seen how here eyes light up every time she comes here. I believe the only think that would give her pause is the thought of being here while Cassie remains in America."

    Donna looks at Diana for a while, then smiles a faint, secret smile and looks away. "I think mother has already come to believe she has created two monsters when it comes to obstinacy and persistence, Diana. But do not forget I persuaded her to allow me to visit Man's World when I was sixteen. you were fifty times older before she was persuaded that you could go."

    It's unfair, of course -- surely Donna had a far easier time of that argument precisely because Hippolyta had lost the longer argument with Diana before. There is truth in it though. 'Persistent' is a word that has often been used to describe Donna since she was very young. While her gifts have grown strong over the years and there are no Amazons apart from Diana and perhaps Hippolyta who can match her for power, that had never been enough. Even when Diana first met her sister, she had been a remarkably determined child, determined to match the other Amazons in skill regardless of power, and was very dedicated to her training. While Diana had revelled in the power of her gifts when she was younger and taken some time to learn restraint, Donna is almost the opposite - prone to underplaying her strength for fear of relying on it in the place of perfecting her skills. At her current rate of progress it may only take her another hundred years to match Diana herself.

    "You are right, she likes to know that an idea has been thoroughly considered. But increasingly I have come to discover that the best way to persuade her of something is to frame your arguments in reference to her own statements and beliefs. Show her that you are not trying to change her mind about something, but rather that you are demonstrating that you propose something that is already in accord with her principles. I fear she may have uncovered my methods though, Diana. Not long ago she suggested that while you have inherited the wisdom of Athena, I may have been blessed with the craftiness of Hermes." Donna's teeth glint white in the torchlight as she grins wide. "I fear she knows me too well and has uncovered my techniques, Diana. If we get this all figured out in advance of taking it to her it is perhaps a greater benefit of the excercise that we will agree more fully on the details. When we share an opinion, she is more likely to consider it."

Diana Prince has posed:
The age thing makes Diana tilt her head back and laugh a little before she just raises another hand up to cover her mouth and rest her fingers aginst her upper lip and chin. She lowers her hand a second later. "Thanks." She says softly to her sister.

The rest has the Princess grinning and shaking her head. "Just listening to you sometimes makes me know that the Hermes comment is very much on-point." She teases back.

"But you are right, that is the right way to go at her with an argument. But you are also right in that she has likely figured out that you are using it against her. There are not many roads you can travel with mother that I have not already gone down with her."

Diana smiles to her sister then before nodding once. "We should include Cassie and Caitlin in plans for this sort of thing. Being that they did not grow up on the island, it would be beneficial to get their input on these kinds of plans too."

Diana then leans over to rest against Donna for a second. "But, it is late, you should unwind your mind for a bit and enjoy our last evening of this very great vacation, free of these kinds of worry. Save them for later." She states with another little pelased smile.

Donna Troy has posed:
    When Diana starts, it's hard for Donna not to join in. Soon she has her hand over her mouth to stifle a fit of giggles, and it takes longer for her to get it under control than it takes Diana, particularly when Diana starts teasing her back.

    "Yes... yes," Donna agrees, fighting to keep a straight face and using the serious discussion to help get the laughing under control. "Cassie and Caitlin, and maybe Helena too. Even if Helena does not wish to run such a place, she will have some good perspectives. And mother likes her, it would help our argument if Helena was on our side.

    Diana's lean is met by Donna giving her a full on hug, wrapping both arms around her sister and holding her tightly. "This is no worry, Diana. Just... planning for the future, with my sister. I don't think that's a bad way to enjoy an evening, particularly when not so long ago I was worried I might never be able to plan for the future with my sister again."

    Donna's voice grows quieter, and she whispers "Thank you for coming back, Diana. Thank you for not giving up." She gives another squeeze and takes her arms away, sitting back again and giving Diana a broad, contented smile.

    'Not giving up'. It's an odd way to put it perhaps, yet it seems right. There's something familiar about those words, in that context. Familiar, but fleeting, the shadow of a dream.

Diana Prince has posed:
It was seeming that Donna may have been most effected by Diana's coma than any others around, or so it was feeling that way the more she spent with her sister and heard her speak on the matter.

It makes Diana show Donna another quick smile and she tilts her head forward. "I will never quit. I will never give up." She says softly, but with serious intent. "I will always fight to come back to you, to mother, to Cassie, to Caitlin, to everyone here. I will always fight. I know no other way." Her voice is soft and serene there at the end.

She raises her chin up and looks to the statue of Antiope then. "Besides. I need to make sure to continue to easily lasso you in our training sessions together, so that you can learn to be quikcer and less stone footed." She teases her sister there and then, glancing out of the corner of her eyes to see the reaction in Donna at it, having to hold back a smile.

Donna Troy has posed:
    There had been a moment when Diana did not want to fight to come back. Where she had said something similar and the lasso caught her in a lie. That too was only the shadow of a dream, but perhaps because of that dream the lasso would no longer call it a lie. Diana had not quit, she had come back, and that fact is in no small part responsible for Donna's current happiness.

    "Oh, 'easily lasso' is it, sister?" Donna asks, grinning wide. "Strange that I remember it differently. But do not worry, I will always be here to help keep you nimble in your old age. Even as your reactions slow, the sight of me slipping from the loops of your rope time and time again will drive you stay on the top of your game!"

    Donna laughs out loud and gets to her feet. "Sister, I should go and find Rae. I do not want to lose her completely to some dusty tome. And I must get to Pallas' Forge early tomorrow to see to Caitlin's armor, and that will be an exhausting task because Pallas is quite upset at me that I have not yet asked her for a new set of armor. 'I am thinking about it!' I keep telling her, but she is outraged than an Amazon should go out to the world of men not protected by her finest work." She gives another softer laugh and nods her head in the direction of the palace. "Would you like me to walk with you back to the palace, sister? Or do you intend to stay and enjoy the quiet a while?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana smiles at Donna as she moves to leave and she nods once to her about Rachel. "Send her my best. I do try to keep my distance from her as I do not get the sense she desires my presence. But I know she means well, so I am glad she is here. I hope she finds some things about it that she enjoys." She says all of this softly, knowing Rachel is a special case kind of girl.

The age and training jokes are met with a grin as Diana just enjoys them thoroughly. She is confident in her age and ability, technically already 'old' when she left the island originally. She just laughs softly to that part before she makes a happy noise from her place on the bench.

"I will stay here for a bit longer." She tells the other. "Go and fined your friend, and enjoy your day tomorrow. Send her my best and tell her I am sorry I have not come by her forge myself." Diana says with a sweet smile before she leans in to the corner of the bench preparing to sit and relax here a bit on her own, ever the isolationist, Diana is...