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Latest revision as of 14:46, 27 April 2021

Awkward In Spaaaace
Date of Scene: 26 April 2021
Location: Space. On the way to Earth.
Synopsis: Conner -finally- has the guts to go talk to Lois about what and who he is.
Cast of Characters: Conner Kent, Lois Lane

Conner Kent has posed:
The trip from Argo to Earth is a question of about a day. Just fifty light-years or so. Translated to hyperspace time is... something... not long!

And Conner has still not talked to Lois. Well, it is about time. No more avoiding the issue. Plus this Jon boy around makes everything simpler and more complicated at the same time. He looks just like he looked when he got out of the clone tank. Except Conner haircut was better (arguably!). And he wasn't that scrawny (actually, he was!).

"Miss Lane, er... hello," he greets, looking weirdly awkward. Since he has been avoiding her, Lois can't say she knows Conner much, but he is usually pretty direct and blunt when talking to people. Not this time.

Lois Lane has posed:
Well, they are finally on the trip home. Which means, somehow, Lois has also finally run out of ways to relax -- that is to say she's horribly sober, horribly cranky about it, and going a little stir crazy. She can't remember the last time she was away from the office this long and she's half crawling out of her skin. Fortunately, there is still coffee, so she jealousy clutches a cup of the stuff as she lounges in the shared common space in nothing but one of Clark's shirts and sleep shorts. She washed her hair, uh... A few days ago? It's a muss of a dark mop now and she looks like she either slept WAY too long or hasn't slept in days.

"Hey, kid. Shit. I forgot you were on the ship almost... where you been?" She tries to pull herself into sitting up straighter, bare feet resting on the floor as she half puts herself together to offer some support through things. She knows the Kryptonians have had a somewhat hard time of it.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Well," Conner scratches his hair. "Yeah. I have been exploring Maxima's ship a bit. Before that, I had a lot of college homework. And..." he deflates. "Actually, I have kinda avoided you most of the trip. I am a big fan, y'know? My girlfriend had you as role model for the longest. And then, a few weeks ago, I... had a testing... for genetics. Robin found out something that made no sense back then."

He starts pacing. "I don't know if you know about me. I was living in Metro for a while, when we thought Superman was dead. And I was eventually told I was his clone. Which made sense at the moment. I knew nothing about the bizarros. Only later I found out I half my genetic code is human."

Lois Lane has posed:
As he admits he's been avoiding her, Lois blinks and barks out just a bit of a laugh. Then there's a deep sigh and she sinks back into the couch, pushing one hand through her hair. "Well, can't say I blame you for that. The avoidance, that is... I'm not everyone's cup of tea and stuck in a space ship has probably made me a little more annoying. I have no damn clue how Clark puts up with my ass." But when she says his name, it's still clear just how much she loves the man. It's probably one of the softest things about her.

Then her rambling mind catches up with the very end of what he's said. The clone thing gets a bit of a look but, at this point, nothing is too out of bounds considering their trip. She's ready for clones. For something other than a clone. She blinks, staring at him..."...human... A-alright... so... how are you related to Superman if...?" Her eyes are a little too wide. Some of her feels she already knows the answer.

Conner Kent has posed:
Who is Clark? Conner might have heard that name before, but he has no context, so... lets ignore that part now. He has too much in his head. Besides, judging by Lois expression, she must be suspecting something.

"Yes, I am related to Kal-El. In fact half the genetic code is his. So, I have known for a couple years I was technically a test tube baby, not a clone. But until Robin did not a serious investigation, I had no idea of the human part. Now, this is very weird. Rob had planned to hack his access to a lot of places to look for matching DNA, but actually he hit a positive in minutes. He started in Metro because the lab I escaped was near the city. Looks like they used your genetic code. Aaaand... that made no sense back then. Although Superman was a bit freaked out. For some reason." He glances to the door, hoping the older man is not listening. Super-hearing is tricky.

Lois Lane has posed:
"O-oh... Oh. That... well, I care about Kal-El a whole hell of a lot. Screw it, care... I love him. I'm all the way in space in the middle of no where FOR HIM. I haven't left work this long since I started at the Planet and I'm going a LITTLE insane, but... Shit." Lois breathes out, plopping back a bit deeper into the couch as she tries to get her head to focus a little bit more about this all. One hand drags down her face. "God, I need a drink." She admits with a little groan.

"Okay. So. It'd make sense now, but... when were YOU made? Or were you made in the future and came... Back... somehow? I mean, you're a kid, but you're not a KID-KID, unless I missed something about super fast aging." Lois takes a deep breath and forces herself to sit up straight once again. She's trying to focus on him, to keep herself calm so he can freak out.

Conner Kent has posed:
"I didn't know you were so close," admits Conner with a wry grin. Yeah, it is even MORE awkward. "Small wonder he freaked out, and also he shoot this idea time travel might be involved, which made me think he knew something he wasn't willing to share. I mean, he is Superman, he must have been in the future, yes?"

Conner also needs a drink. But alcohol does nothing to him. Wait, maybe it does now his solar energy reserves are very dim. "You have... er... nevermind." He will behave.

"I don't know when I was created," admits Conner. "But I escaped my creators in 2017, a few days after Doomsday put Superman in death-like coma. Hell, I thought he was dead until last year. That is when I met him at last."

He sighs. "But anyway. Jon is here. And Jon looks exactly like I looked like in 2017."

Lois Lane has posed:
Pale blue eyes look Jon up and down for a few moments, studying for the mix of her genes and Clark's. He had her eyes. She knew those eyes, the same ones that stared back at her most mornings in the mirror, though her's were far more bleary eyed, especially right now. "...You do look like him." She mutters, far softer than before. Whether she means Kal-El or Jon isn't clear. Possibly both.

Unless he shies away from her, one hand comes up to gently brush across his cheek. It's a far more tender brush that the tough, foul mouthed reporter nearly ever expresses. There's heart beneath that rough and wild surface. A bittersweet, worried smile crosses her tired features. "You're skinny too. We gotta get some food in you or something, kid..." The tone of her voice is more worried and caring than a random woman on a space ship should ever be.

"Jon...it was time travel there, apparently. I was his mom in...his time, at least. Or will be. Hell, I don't entirely understand it. I think I'm gonna be a shit mom but... I care about your dad. And if there's part of me in you... Well," She tucks his hair back behind his ear gently. "We'll figure it out, I guess?"

Conner Kent has posed:
"I am not skinny," protests Conner. Oh man, this is weird. "You know? I guess I am a clone after all. And there is time travel, and gah... things are even more complicated now." He sighs. "I gotta talk with Jon, he is my... something? Brother -ish. I wonder if I was in his future too." And suddenly, Conner has a lot of family. Well, okay. Kara and Kal had already 'adopted' him. But this is going from zero to five, maybe six? In very little time!

"This has to be even weirder for you," he offers. Because she is acting weird. "Really. I grew up in a virtual reality simulation of a small American town. I don't even remember if I had parents. Things are a bit blurry on the details. But I have led a pretty unusual life the last four years. I am used to weird." Not this brand of weird. He might be babbling.

Lois Lane has posed:
After she tucks that bit of hair behind, Lois realizes she might be getting a LITTLE too familiar and she forces her hand to jerk away. This kid didn't remember growing up with her. Possibly wasn't even her son any way than by genes. She clears her throat, sitting up straighter, trying to look tough instead of like she's looking at a kid that has her eyes and Clark's hair. It's still hard. "... Shit. I *really* am too sober for this. I'm gettin' all ...soft." She half laughs, suddenly not quite able to look him in the eyes.

"You should talk to Jon. You are related by way of genes and... two people that care about each other a HELL of a lot despite how damn weird this whole world is. He's a good kid. I... suspect you are too. I'm a shit mom and have no clue how a tricked your dad into all of this but... I'm..." She takes in a deep breath, looking across her shoulder at him again. "I'm... gonna try to better. For what it's worth. To get my shit together, when we get back there..."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Well, you are one of the best reporters of the world," points out Conner, stepping back and leaning against a wall. "And... I don't know, but I didn't hate the idea when Robin told me. Tana, Tana Moon, held you in high regard, she was a reporter too. And I had already read many of your articles online before knowing about the genetics. I am aiming for a journalism major, you know? I am a student at the Empire State in New York. Just in the middle of the second year."

Lois Lane has posed:
When he tells her that, Lois' ego isn't quite so caring about being one of the greatest reporters in the world. She's heard it before. But his comment about aiming to go into journalism? She can't entirely hide the brightness from her eyes, the honest energy behind her smile. She stares at him a bit heavier, smile stupid and a little stunned. "Shit, kid...You got my genes. You BETTER go into journalism. There always needs to be a Lane telling the world the truth." She winks at him. But she's genuinely proud. This is probably the happiest he's seen her yet on this trip.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Damn right," agrees Conner. "Most reporters now only make interviews or give their opinions. Investigating the truth is becoming a rarity. And besides, being a reporter will force me to be well-informed. Which is very important for the crime-fighting."

Because there is that, too. And as his friend, Robin, told him once. Once someone starts the hero career, there is no leaving it ever. Too many wrongs need righting, and too many people need help. Conner started early.

But this is a side-point. "Anyway. I felt you needed to know. I planned to tell you about all this earlier. But I was, er... hesitant. And then Jon appeared, and I was freaking out," he chuckles nervously.

Lois Lane has posed:
A deep groan escapes her lips as he comments about most reporters and she just shakes her head. "Shit, it's not even that. I mean, you're right, but that's because the click bait bullshit economy means we don't have the time we used to for long form journalism. I'm just god damned lucky that I made some of my name before digital first because the only shit they let us do and I'm riding on my Pulitzer. Means I can still pull for the long form stuff. I'm serious, kid. You should take my last name if you're going into the field, at least on your work. It'll get you further. Especially if you're doing long form." Lois says she's an awful mom, but she clearly has a lot to teach when it comes to this and her passion for it is blindingly clear. Maybe she's a good parent in some ways.

"I'm...glad you told me. I am probably going to be shit at this whole parent thing and Kal-El is just as nervous as I am but... we want to *try*. For both of you. If you want us around, that is. He and I are... figuring out how to be in love and what our lives look like, but it doesn't mean that we're gonna leave either of you behind, okay? Seriously. YOu can freak out, just...know you got parents to freak out in the direction OF."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner nods. Agreeing about the sorry state of journalism lately. But he wants the skills, even if he has to write the articles for under-founded online new pages. His powers give him an unfair advantage over those who hide dirty secrets, but he is maybe not as ethical as Superman in that regard. Besides, his best friend happens to be one of the best detectives in the world, and they will work together. (Also, he is megarich orphan crusader for justice. Because of course).

"Well," Conner smirks faintly, "the good news is now you know for sure it is possible for you two to have kids. Which I doubt it is something normal between Kryptonians and humans. Although... maybe Jor-El sent Kal to Earth because he knew it was possible."

Lois Lane has posed:
The 'good news' makes Lois blink. In all her strange panic and weird joy over this all, it wasn't something she really thought about. "Shit." She admits softly, letting out a long breath. She finally stands, pacing over towards Quill's storage locker. He's gotta have SOME whiskey left. She'll raid for it if she has to. "I didn't even think of that. I still find it ridiculous that anyone thought I'd be a good mum, much less myself. But... yeah. I guess that's good to know." She groans, not finding any of what she's looking for. "God. I need a drink." She stalks back for the coffee instead.

Pouring herself another tall mug of the stuff, she leans her hip against the little kitchen-like counter thing, looking back towards him. "But... whatever you need. We're still in Metropolis and I doubt that's gonna change, but I guess your dad could just fly us both over if... if something happens. Or you can come visit. Just... don't keep runnin' away? You did the hard part already now. We'll figure everything else out."

Conner Kent has posed:
"I am in New York, which is right around the corner," well, for people that can fly at super-sonic speed. But the Hyperloop has made the cities much closer, too. About the drink, "well, tomorrow evening we will be on Earth, I think," he grins again. "Ah. I'd love to visit, but I need to talk with Kal-El too. I might... have told you too much. Karen told me not to tell anyone about Kryptonian stuff. But damnit, if he brought you to this trip, I doubt he keeps secrets from you." Beat, "poor Kara," he looks down. "I guess, she will feel better once we are back to Earth. But she is going to need some emotional support."

Lois Lane has posed:
The probably only saving grace of Clark's secret is that Lois is totally sober at this moment. Otherwise, she probably would have slipped long ago. Still, it's not until this moment that it hits her that he doesn't realize the truth yet. There's a flickering of a lot of feelings across Lois' face and she swallows them back with a deep drink of her coffee. "Uh... yeah. You should talk to Kal-El... definitely. We don't exactly live together but we... practically do. It's... It'll just be easier if you talk to him. I'd say yes, we share everything nowadays... I... think he'll want the same with you." Lois genuinely doesn't seem to think the man is hiding anything from her, and she has good instincts about that.

"...the offer can go to Kara as well, though I don't...know her well enoug yet. We're all some...weird family now. aren't we?"

Conner Kent has posed:
"Weeeell... My frame of reference for families are my friends' families," states Conner. "And my friends are costumed heroes. One of them is the daughter of Zeus, another is a speedster from the future, there is also Deathstroke's daughter, and the most normal one is a super-genius that was half-raised by Batman." He is not even going to mention Laura Kinney or M'gann, the Martian.

What is weird with being Conner? "I'd say I fit about right." Hopeless hands gesture.

"But Kal and you are good people, so I think we are all lucky," he adds. "I mean, Jon, Kara and me."

Lois Lane has posed:
A deep, quiet laugh escapes her lips as she hears that. She takes one more long gulp of her coffee and then she walks over in his direction, reaching her arms out and down. Unless he straight up stops her, she tugs him into a long, tight hug. He's incredibly stronger than her and probably taller, but she's still 'mom'. And Lois gives good hugs. "I don't know that I'd call myself good... But I'm trying to be better. I've got a lot of reasons to get there, kid. Thank you for telling me."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Oh... sure, okay," awkward return hug from Conner. He can't stop thinking it would have been cool to know about Lois just after he escaped N.O.W.H.E.R.E.'s lab and really needed an adult to steer him (Tim doesn't count). Jon is lucky.

"I think we are going to be okay," he adds, "this trip was hard for Kal and Kara, but it gave her some closure, and she has also clear goal too: to get her mother back. Next few weeks are going to be interesting."

Lois Lane has posed:
She's too tough to let it last too long, Lois then pulling away and mussing up his hair a bit more. "But seriously, kid. Eat more. If you don't, I'll have to learn how to cook, or somethin'." She winks at him then goes back to scoop up her coffee. "I'm gonna go stalk Quill until he gives me a drink. Get some rest. We'll... have lots of time to figure this out in the future." Then she's heading out to the deck, looking for the Captain. She *cannot* be sober for this any longer.