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Late Night Pizza
Date of Scene: 29 April 2021
Location: Lobby - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Nightwing orders pizza, and Raven accidentally ends up trapped in a social situation. Subtle revenge is planned that will take place later. Bart contributes to the Mustard Problem.
Cast of Characters: Rachel Roth, Bart Allen, Koriand'r, Dick Grayson

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Gratuitously late in the evening, ridiculously early in the morning, these things can blend together in the life that the Titans lead. Patrolling Metropolis is rare, but it does happen on occasion, and that can lead to some... Interesting sleep schedules amongst those that inhabit the Tower often.

    Such as, for example, Raven- who admittedly doesn't have patrol as an excuse- a person that tends to wake around early evening and sleep through the day when she can. This has lead to tonight- Raven quietly emerging into the Lobby, and preparing herself a cup of coffee... At almost three in the morning.

    This means she's present when the door alarm goes off, signaling that they have a visitor: A delivery boy for a pizza place in Metropolis that happens to be open /just/ late enough to get a few- in this case six- pies out to the tower.

    Raven has already accepted them and returned to the lobby before the reality of their delivery truly hits her. There are others in the tower that are awake. They can probably smell the pizza. They're probably on their way here, now.

    "Great." she speaks into the darkness, after a sigh.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen actually had to work, and he is just getting back to the tower. He has started checking in at the tower, and looking over the reports to see whats been going on, even though he is still living at the outsiders base. So tonight, finds Bart looking like a short UPS guy complete with brown hat and shorts, but instead of their logo, it has Gotham Zoo on it. Luckily he does shower before he leaves work, so he does not smell of animal poo.

Koriand'r has posed:
From somewhere in the tower one word can be heard cheerfully screamed out, overjoyed, enthusiastically.


It didn't matter where in the tower Koriand'r was, she heard the chime and could smell it, so was already following her nose through the hall in search of the reason she could smell the deliciousness.

Dick Grayson has posed:
The elevator dings open, revealing Nighting who pops out, looking around. "Oh, good, you got the pizza. Heya Raven, been a while. Been lurking in your room again? I was thinking of sending Kori to fetch you or something if we didn't see you in another week."

He heads over towards her, adding, "I can take those if you want. Feel free to grab some, I got a lot." He cocks an ear as Kori's voice drifts down the open flight shaft, "Though maybe not enough, I didn't know Kori was here."

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Raven had begun inspecting the receipt attached to the pizzas to see whom exactly had crafted this particular trap, only to hear Kori at the end of the hall.

    The pizzas float over to the table and open in response, and Raven remains some number of paces from them, allowing them to act as a sort of Tamaranean Lure, to keep her extraterrestrial teammate's attention.

    By the time she's searching for a name or marker from which to glean the information and plan her subtle revenge, Nightwing has already arrived and claimed credit. She stows the receipt. Her plotting is silent.

    "Yes. I've been keeping to myself lately." Well, aside from when Donna's at the tower, or when she absolutely can't... So, you know, normal. "I'll get myself a plate, after the gambit has succeeded."

    If her timing's right, Kori should come blazing across the room at the pizzas right about then.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over at the two who are there when he gets into the room. "Late night Pizza Party?" He asks the two. "Ok be right back." And he is off like a streak. He comes back with a cooler full of ice, and about 3 dozen different types of soft drinks and since he did here the Pizza exclamation. He has got 6 different mustards chilling in the cooler too.

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori explodes from the empty shaft and into the room with a resounding, "I smell pizza!" then looks for who has it so she can start to determine how she's going to get some.

Presently she wears what appears to be a Wonder Woman tank top, matching boy panties and blue fuzzy slippers.

"Nightwing!" She zips over and hugs him tightly. "I have not seen you in a very long while! I hope that you are well, did you order the..."

There it is, pizza on the table, but there is also Raven. So hard to decide which thing needs to happen now.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Nightwing notes the pizzas installing themselves on the table, so doesn't need to collect them, instead going to get a plate from the bar area, then blinks as Impulse appears with a cooler, but shrugs with a grin, "Awesome, more the merrier."

Kori's exuberant appearance and greeting gets a one armed hug in return so he doesn't thwap her with the plate in his other hand, "Heya Kori, I didn't know you were here, so no mustard pizza I'm afraid." Once the Kori-hug ends, he replies to Raven "You always keep to yourself. I still say it can't be that healthy. You need to hang out with us a little more often. Don't make me sic Troia on you."

He heads over to the table and checks the pizzas, then grabs a slice from a meat lover's and another from a supreme before heading to the cooler for a soda, "Whatcha been up to, Impulse? I haven't seen much of you lately either, seems like everyone's always busy somewhere."

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Slipping her hands into her pockets, Raven locks her eyes on Kori when the other woman appears, and then casually, calmly, unsheathes one hand to gesture at the Pizzas. She is trying her best to be the decision maker here, to make Kori go for the pizza.

    To Nightwing, she offers a small frown, waiting for the Kori hazard to make its choice before she goes back to her coffee. Currently, she's stuck in her position, as she doesn't want to be handling boiling liquid should she be suddenly hugged.

    "That would be an unfortunate mistake on your part. Perhaps even your last." Threats of death aside, she does soften after a moment. "But, I suppose I have been more distant lately than normal, and that I should fix that." With this small sigh, Raven awaits Kori's decision.

    "Hello Impulse. Thank you for bringing drinks to... This. That was clearly intended." Despite her admission that Nightwing is right, Raven does appear to still be plotting revenge.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles and says "No problem, I see you guys and just think WWWW, and then decide yea it is a good idea, and I do it." He offers a smile "Been working, " He motions towards his hat with the Zoo logo, going to classes, and hanging with Rob and the other guys. Then there is hanging out here, trying to see what you guys are up to. Plus I am considering my own apartment, but not sure if I want to get one in Gotham or around here, I mean I have a room in both places already, you know what I mean?" He asks, and then he is getting himself a couple pieces of pizza.

Koriand'r has posed:
Pizza. Raven. Pizza. Raven. Kori seems to be having a really tough time deciding which thing should happen first.

"Hello Impulse," she offers in the process of deciding, though not looking at him. She takes a couple of steps toward the pizza, then stops, then looks toward Raven again. Another couple of steps toward the pizza, then she darts over to attempt to hug Raven with a cheerful, "RAVEN!"

Dick Grayson has posed:
Nightwing nods to Impulse, "I know how that goes, my attention's been kind of on Gotham and not here for the past couple weeks myself, one of the reasons I decided to swing by even if it is late at night, see who I could run into."

He watches Kori's pizza and hugging urges battle, then grins as hugging wins and the Tamaranean heads for Raven at top speed, waiting for the inevitable reaction from their most dour teammate.

Taking a bite from his first slice, he nudges Impulse and murmers, "This never goes over well, let's see how she deals with it this time."

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Raven watches Bart for a time as he starts running through point after point, and her brow raises. "We can tell." she states, responding only to the working comment, as...

    Kori comes flying at her right as her attention had been on Bart, which allows the other woman to wrap her up in a terrifying hug the might of which Raven can't break by force. She has no recourse but to tolerate it for a few moments before she seems to burst into a puff of shadow.

    Reappearing across the room, next to her coffee, she seems altogether more irate than a few moments before. "We need to have a discussion regarding personal space." she states, grabbing up her coffee.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smirks a bit and says "We have one too, but she is more not used to it and accepting it is going to happen." He speaks of Laura. "You should stop by the Roost sometime, I am sure Rob would be glad to see you, I mean Your my fam's Bestir, and Fam to one of my Besties, to I think that makes us Famsties, or Bes, .. no Famties, sounds better." He decides "So, what have you guys been up to?"

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori dances around in place where Rachel just was, through the puff of shadow, it doesn't matter that she got away in the end, she got the hug!

Darting over now to collect a piece of pizza, she merrily hm-hmm-hmms with a huge grin on her face. "I love you too Raven," she replies as if the woman has just said something to warrent that response. The cooler gets her attention now, and she peers into it for... Frenches Yellow Mustard!

Squirrrrrrrrt! The pizza is now perfect, probably was before, but even more so now. Taking a large bite she savors the flavor as she chews, then looks over at Raven with a confused expression. She has no idea why the woman is upset.

Slowly eyes turn to look at Impulse, mouth full of pizza. Most of what he said went right over her head, but that last part did not. Chewing quickly, she swallows and quite happily announcing, "Feeding pizza to people in Iceland and dating Arthur Curry."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Nightwing tries to follow the relationship logic, and thinks he just might have it, so nods and answers, "Yeah, I guess it falls under something like that, not quite sure about those terms though. I'll try and swing by at some point, haven't seen you guys in a while."

Watching the hugs and subsequent coffee-laden unhappiness, he just shakes his head as Kori grabs pizza and desecrates it with mustard. Still, it makes her happy, so he just tries not to think too hard about it.

"Iceland, huh? That's an interesting choice, especially for pizza. But the dating thing is cool. I've actually got a girlfriend too, actually." Glancing back to Impulse, he shares, "Been fighting ninjas, assassins and the occasional demon... you know, Tuesday." He grins, then turns to Raven, "How about you Rae? Have you been up to anything, or literally just hanging out in your room?"

Rachel Roth has posed:
    "I wonder what age it is that they slow down. Kid Flash slowed down. Flash introduces new conversation points at a reasonable pace." Raven speaks to herself quietly, shooting Kori a moderately blank glare of disapproval before continuing on.

    "I am afraid I have been what all of you would call boring. I have mostly kept to my room, barring certain circumstances. It has been quiet, and I have taken advantage of that." Sipping at her coffee, she considers the question well answered.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over, and says "Oh cool, I met a girl and have went out with her a few times, she is Part of G.I.R.L, but not a superhero or anything, at least I don't think she is. Aquaman is cool, here is a hint, don't ask him if he knows Spongebob, he will give you a batman look so fast..."

Koriand'r has posed:
Continueing to happily eat her piece of perfect pizza, Kori watches Raven still because she has the most expression in her face.

"Which thing did you not approve of Raven," Kori asks with a smile. "The pizza to Iceland? Why would you deny them pizza? They had never had it before and it allowed me to ascertain that I do /not/ eat as much as an entire village. They ate more than I do. Arthur was kind enough to help me find a village for just that reason."

She looks to Nightwing now and her eyes are just sparkling like stars in the night sky, "Oooh, a new girlfriend /and/ Ninjas? Should I be jealous?"

Koriand'r has posed:
Koriand'r adds quietly, "Do not call him Aquaman, he /hates/ that."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Nightwing chuckles to himself as Kori picks the exact wrong thing to decide Raven is upset about. It's fairly typical, really, just the sort of thing you have to expect when Kori is around. "Well, I hope they liked it, anyway. Guess there's nothing wrong wioth random food delivery."

In response to Bart's hint, he grins and replies, "That's called a glower, and I think Batman practices it in a mirror or something. He's pretty much raised it to an art form at this point." He takes another bite of his pizza, swallowing before looking over to Raven.

"You know, if you need something to do, just pop your head out now and then, we can probably find something to aim you at. But then, you kind of like boring sometimes, don't you? Though I could have used your help with a problem we were having, whole demon mess we had going on."

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Raven lets her expression depart from Kori once the other woman fails to understand. It's a common thing- and isn't, really, Kori's fault. That's why Raven doesn't shoot into a lecture or offer anything truly insulting. "You got me." she responds, voice dripping with sarcasm so thick it's almost palpable. "I was upset you brought pizza to Iceland."

    "If you recall," she says, diverting to Nightwing, "I said that all of /you/ would call boring. I spent time reading. Meditating. Practicing new things and not making noise. I often believe that the last one is impossible for some. I wish it weren't." Taking another sip of her coffee, she continues. "However, if I am needed, I am always here, barring certain circumstances."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "I watch my snails when I meditate, you know ohm ohm, gotta feel the zen of the still to appreciate the need for speed." He offers a nod to Kori, and says "Then he should hire someone for a new PR or something, We could call him Ocean Dude, or maybe Water Guy, I don't know if any of them are better though." About then his phone beeps, and he pulls it out looking at it "Oh great, I gotta go back into work, someone fed the hippos too many watermelons." He looks to the three, and wolfs down another 4 pieces of pizza and grabs a drink "See ya another time."

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori nods almost sage like, "You would deny good, hard working, frozen people the joys of crispy crust, melty cheese and meat toppings. Shame on you Raven." She waggles a finger at Raven, then takes another bite of her mustard smothered pizza.

Back to the cooler her eyes go and this time it is to select a soda. Nothing went better with pizza than a soda, didn't matter what kind. The mingling of the pizza flavors, mustard and carbonation of the soda created a symphony in the mouth unlike anything else... and she had tried many combinations to find that out.

"Arthur does a very good glower," she says once she has swallowed. "But his smile is /far/ nicer to see, you will likely never see it, unless Diana makes him to it, I think she can make him do it... I will have to ask him if she has that ability. I know she made him get a nice suit."

She offers Impulse a wave, "Run safely! Take care of yourself! Ocean Dude is probably okay! I will ask!"

Dick Grayson has posed:
Nightwing raises an eyebrow, "You have snails as pets? Somehow, I can see that as making a certain amount of sense." As the young man gets called back to work, he waves as Impulse snorks a good amount of pizza and zips out, "See you later."

He just shakes his head as Raven is chastised for her anti-Icelandic pizza stance, at least in Kori's mind, and then laughs at the concept of Diana forcing Arthur to smile for people, and comments, "I kind of like Ocean Dude, I want to know what he thinks of it."

Again looking over to Raven, he nods, "Oh, I know, I just assume that even you get bored now and again when nothing at all is happening. I could be wrong, but reading and meditating must get old after a couple weeks, I imagine." He loads a plate with a couple more slices of pizza. "I think I'm gonna drag myself upstairs and probably fall asleep on the couch. Tell Vic not to sit on me if he comes in, ok? He's heavy."

He waves to both women, "You guys try not to kill each other, ok? I always get nervous leaving just you two in a room together."

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Much of Impulse's last few statements makes a degree of sense for him to have said, and provoke a soft sigh of exasperation from Raven before he takes off. She gives him a wave, but nothing more than that.

    "I don't get bored, Nightwing." she states, quietly floating a few pieces of pizza over in her direction, and setting them down onto a plate. "It comes from doing things I enjoy. I enjoy reading, and I especially enjoy when it is quiet, and things are not happening. Those are the best times." To be fair, peace is good.

    "I'll do just that." Raven lies, rather expertly- in fact now explicitly planning to tell Cyborg to sit on Nightwing. She'll get away with it, too.

    "We are peaceful enough. I do not yet have reason to cause her death."

Koriand'r has posed:
For the briefest of moment Kori looks offended, "Why on this wonderful green earth would we kill each other, Nightwing? Raven and I very good friends, the best of friend even. I see no reason that we would start harming on another leading toward death and thus murder." She look over to Raven as if seeking some sort of agreement to this, but that's when she spots the hot mustard in the cooler.

Another piece of pizza is claimed and this one is smothered with the hot mustard to create yet another masterpiece of food crafting by Koriand'r.

Whatever it was she had just been talking about is gone as the hot mustard claims her attention, so she looks back to Nightwing with a huge smile and waves, "Sleep well! Have fun with your new girlfriend the next time you see her! We need to have a ladies night sometime soon! No idea why I told you that, tell your girlfriend instead please! Give her my number!" All this while still waving.

And then she is looking at Raven again, "I should take this pizza to my room and then sleep, would you like another hug before I go?"

Rachel Roth has posed:
    Raven picks up her plate of pizza, and her coffee. To Kori, she just offers a single word: "No." and then at that point, she is wrapped up in the shadowy form of her soul-self, and is in the next moment gone, to who knows where. It's probably her room, but it /could/ be anywhere, so there's always that small level of uncertainty, that Raven just took pizza to the moon to avoid being hugged, that can never truly be out of the back of one's mind.