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Recap and Return
Date of Scene: 30 April 2021
Location: The Inner Sanctum - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Elektra tells Shaw everything about the HFC Garden party.
Cast of Characters: Sebastian Shaw, Elektra Natchios

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
He has returned from Japan, and has retaken his throne. Shaw sits on the raised throne of the Black King. In his lap he has an aged and weathered looking book, that he is slowly paging through. He looks...disappointed? Perplexed. Either way this seems not to be a jubilant read that he's having with the artifact that he's acquired. The man sighs quietly, and closes the book, putting his chin on his palm and sinking into some thought.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Elektra enters the chambers, today dressed in a pantsuit, dark colored and prim to the nines with that flair on the collar and sleeves in the way of frills that remind one of a victorian era. High heels echo on the floor while she approaches and with her hair pulled back in a tight ponytail along with a dark makeup around the eyes she looks like a sharp instrument of killing.

"You survived." Is what she says first upon seeing the Black King. The tone is neutral. Perhaps 50/50 on the man's survivability chances? Still, she smiles just so. "Welcome back to New York, Mr. Shaw."

Gaze lowers to the book. "Even if you do not seem too excited about your reading."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Who doesn't enjoy looking at a finely designed instrument? Shaw lets his gaze more than linger on the arriving Elektra, and then he chuckles at Elektra's comment, "Did you have information that it would be any other way? No, this was a perfectly civilized transaction, and I think I understand why. The journal is....useful. But also not entirely what I expected. It seems Dr. Essex wrote in a very idiosyncratic manner, which means I may need to make a trip to London to see if perhaps...some things become clearer. I do not think this will be nearly as useful to the goals of the club as I had hoped. Which, is disappointing." He then straightens up a bit, and motions for Elektra to come closer.

"I do hope Ms. Fiore's party was a success in my absence. I see the club is still standing, which is a mark in her favor. Were you able to attend and...were any of the attendees of any interest to us?" he asks.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"I have learned to expect the unexpected. And even if you seemed rather .., sure of yourself and that the transaction would go well there's always other factors to consider." Elektra muses, moving closer to the throne but remaining standing, arms folding over her waist while one hip juts to the side. A brow arches about those news that the book wasn't all Shaw expected though. "And what goals would those be?" she is curious. But she is also the bishop. Which means if it pertains to the club she is there to help.

"It was." She then says about the party. "More than I was expecting. She held a silent auction, to which I contributed a trip to Greece." her supposedly home country, of course. "And yes, there were." a small nod given.

"Have you heard of a Natasha Cranston? Socialite, apparently rather useless and vapid but ...., there's something there about the woman. She's a VIP of our club too."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Sebastian Shaw smiles just a little bit, "Mr. Essex..before his transformation...he was interested in the changes that he saw man undergoing. He wanted to spread this information, to help man evolve into a better class of being. Mutants as we know them now. I think it much more profitable for the club not to try and spread around the possibilities of mutanthood to the general populace, but to control it. Use it as a tool to develop those whose powers are weak into something stronger," he explains, "I was hoping his journals had more insights into his work than what has been previously published. I have a few volumes of them, they are...tantalizing but never quite give the full picture. I am unsure if this is due to his own redacting later in life, or if he was just not able to get a firm handle on what he was proposing."

Shaw straightens up at the mention of Natasha, "I do know of Ms. Cranston, of course. I...was unaware of any something about her. What is it you've noticed?" he asks.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"The more something is spread to the general public the less valuable it becomes." Economics 101! Elektra nods in agreement to Shaw's choice of keeping it to the club, "Besides, the world is crazy enough already without the need of everyone and their mothers to have some kind of power. Developping those weaker powers though.." and she arches a brow. "That does have potential.. Thinking on applying it to something in concrete? Like that little skirmish with the friends of humanity?" it had been all over the news as of late.

"Seems like that's a keg ready to blow." Now the only matter seemed to be on *how* one would want it to blow, that much visible in her eyes. "And what will London help with though? More journals?"

Yet the talk about Natasha has her nod, "Ms. Cranston, for all the apparent vapidness keeps a very..., low profile. In fact she even goes to lengths of appearing to get drunk when in fact she .., doesn't. An excuse to often leave a party early, or to have people open up more around her. And she has a fighter's posture. Takes one to know one."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Nothing concrete yet, though I have a couple of individuals I would like to try these enhancements on before making it generally available to the club...but, hopefully London points to more journals, or at least helps me decode some of what Mr. Essex wrote. He spends a fair amount of time discussing places in conjunction with his ideas. It's very strange." Shaw says, waving his hand to move away from this frustrating line of conversation.

He listens to the discussion of Natasha and hmms, "Did you approach her at the event, or just observe her from afar?" he asks.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Most likely meaning he's writing by code." Elektra muses about the whole affair, brow arching at the frustration she finds on the man. She smirks instead, because nothing like smirking to someone who may be frustrated. Infuriating even! "You should had taken the chance to enjoy a bit more of Japan. I could had advised you on a few places to relax at, or even who to do it with." if anything she has quite the large number of contacts in Japan. And surrounding countries...

"Not at the event." Elektra then answers, "But I have come across her a few times already to notice it, and it was no different during the gala." a gesture, "So it may be someone to keep under eye." and by the way she says it most likely means she is considering doing it already.

"Perhaps a vigilante. But .., there seems to be something more to it. And of course that her predisposition to our .., affairs .., still needs to be found." which could prove to be the tricky part.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"I spent a fair amount of time sampling some of the local relaxation techniques, though perhaps at some point I may compare finer points with you," Shaw replies smoothly, smirking at her response to his frustration. "Though, I only had a brief visit, I am sure there is much I missed."

The last bit about Natasha gets a hmm, "If you're not already watching her as best you can I would be surprised. Keep it up, report what you find out. I could offer an invitation to dinner to her but I do not know if we want to be that heavy handed just yet. Though, if she's putting on the guise of drunken socialite, perhaps a dinner would fit her preference for speaking with me about anything you're able to discover."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"The finer points?" That brings a laugh out of Elektra, the woman nodding amusedly back at Shaw, "And yes, indeed. It's not the kind of place to see in only a day or two. Takes time to discover all it's marvels.." clearly she speaking with experience about it all.

As for the last suggestion, she nods. "Alright, I will do so." the sharply-dressed assassin says back to the Black King, "Though I suspect she may be leaning more to the .., purest types of heroes than not." which would be a pity.

"As for the rest of the dinner, Ms. Fiore excelled as usual. She is being quite the asset. You do have a good eye." she says in a commending way to Shaw. "Hopefully she will continue to flourish. Though as of now, I shall be on my way."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Sebastian Shaw stands and walks towards Elektra, reaching a hand out to place it gently at the small of Elektra's back, "Well, then I shall walk you out. I suspect I have spent far too long brooding over this latest dead end and have actual work to get to." He smiles down to Elektra, and asks, "Any time you wish to show me the marvels you want to share I am more than happy to indulge." It's a teasing sort of smile he gives her, before he gets to the elevator and presses the button. "But, do keep me appraised of anything else you come by, and I will pass on your praise to Ms. Fiore. She is a spectacular gem."