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Latest revision as of 17:57, 2 May 2021

Visit From a Dreamer
Date of Scene: 02 May 2021
Location: Parker Residence - 20 Ingram Street - Queens
Synopsis: A dream(er) arrives at 20 Ingram Street...
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Nia Nal

Peter Parker has posed:
"Peter, hurry up and get the bread!"
"Yes, Aunt May." Peter took the bread out of the oven, then put the two pies in to bake. "Hope this recipe turns out well."
"I can't say I've ever made beef stew using one of these newfangled devices, but it certainly did well with that chili."

Peter chuckled. Another Saturday night at the Parker Home.

Nia Nal has posed:
She walked up the avenue, chewing her lip a bit nervously. She'd let him know she was in town and he invited her over for dinner. Oh boy. Calm down, Nia. Deep breaths. You've got this. He's just a boy. Just some boy.

She stood outside the house for a moment, looking up at it. A cute, pale blue sundress to go with the changing weather. She fidgeted a bit with a button on it, before finally making her way up the walkway and hitting the doorbell.

Peter Parker has posed:
Both looked up at the doorbell. Aunt May looked at him, then said, "Well, go GET it!" She sighed as Peter headed to the front door, then opened it.

Peter smiled sheepishly at the girl standing on the front porch. "Nia! Glad you could make it! Uh, come in!" He steps back out of the doorway, allowing room for Nia to step inside. "Hope you didn't have much trouble finding the place..."

Nia Nal has posed:
She stepped inside and leaned in, as if going for a hug, but there was hesitation, as if ready to pull back if he didn't meet her for it. Either way, she smiled. "No, no. It's fine. You have awesome directions." Nia glances about and let out a small whistle. "Awesome place, I have to say. How do you afford it? She took a deep breath and stepped further into the house, taking it all in.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter hugged Nia gently. "Thanks. My Aunt May and Uncle Ben bought it in the 80's. Was actually built in the 1930's. A Prohibition gangster had ti built."
He walks with Nia into the living room, and the most compelling smells come from the kitchen to the left. Freshly-baked bread overall, but other, more substantial smells are under that.
Then the elderly woman appears in the doorway and walks towards Nia and Peter. White hair, piercing blue eyes, thin body type. But she smiles warmly, dispelling any images of wicked witches and evil stepmothers.

"And you must be Nia. Welcome to our humble home."

Nia Nal has posed:
She could feel faint energies in the house. They ringed against her prescient abilities, though caused no visions at the moment. If it was enough for her to feel the safety here. She smiled gently.

Nia followed along behind him, though she paused when she spotted May. "Oh! Hi! Yes!" She cleared her throat and stepped over, awkwardly offering a hand. "Nia. Nia Nal. Um. It's nice to meet you! Lovely home."

Peter Parker has posed:
Aunt May hugged her. She's a hugger.
After a few seconds, she pulls back and looks Nia over. "Thank you, dear. I lost my husband a few years ago, but there is something of him everywhere in his house, and I find out comforting. We lived here for a VERY long time."

Aunt May steps back, then points to the dining room table, the place-settings set for three. "Have a seat. Dinner will be ready soon. And I HIGHLY suggest that you call me AUNT May, Nia Nal."

Nia Nal has posed:
She was surprised at the hug, but she returned it. "Oh! Okay. Aunt May. Got it." Nia glanced at Peter and offered a small grin. She finally slid into the offered suit and brushed her fingers back through her dark hair. "I'm sorry about your loss. Never easy. Also, whatever you're cooking smells -amazing-. I haven't had a real home cooked meal since I moved out of my parent's place.."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter smiled gently. "Yeah, well, get ready to get properly SPOILED by good food."
Aunt May smiled to Nia, then headed back into the kitchen.
"She's a tough lady, Nia. She and Uncle Ben went through a lot." He looked back to her. "What was your family like, if I'm not prying too deeply?"

Nia Nal has posed:
"Complicated, but good. Very good. I grew up in a little town in the redwoods in northern California. Bigfoot country." She added that last bit with a small grin. "Good, loving people but...not really used to life outside the town. My mom passed a few months before I moved to Metropolis."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nodded. "I'm...sorry to hear that. Must be interesting. I've lived in the city my entire life. I'm not sure how I'd handle living out in the country. All the quiet might get to me." He paused again. "Meant to tell you, the article from the convention got some serious traffic. Personally, I think it was all the pretty women in costume."

Nia Nal has posed:
"Thanks," she replied about her mom, but didn't focus on the topic. Instead, she nodded to the next bit. "There were a lot of gorgeous women, there, it's true." She tucked a locke of dark hair behind her ear and flashed him a smile. "I'm glad it did well. Mine was pushed to one of the middle pages, but...at least I got in print!"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter chuckles. "Well, I got your picture, and you hold up very well as part of the splash page for the article on the website. I, of course, got roasted for my Indiana Jones costume, but I'm used to it."

Nia Nal has posed:
Her eyes widen at that and she raises a hand to cover her blush one one cheek. "Oh." She grinned a bit and glances down at her hand on the table. "Well, thanks. I...liked the outfit." Nia glances back up at Peter. "So, I'm in town for a few days," she admitted. "The Planet has me reporting on a street fair in Brooklyn. You know...in case you wanted to hang out." She paused. "...Other then this one, I mean." Smooth, Nia.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter chuckled. "I have no problem with just hanging out. In fact, you could say I do it a lot more than I used to."

Ba-dum-bum, tshhh.

"Just let me know when it's going on. Finals are winding up, and I think I could use a short reprive before the hammer falls."