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Latest revision as of 18:45, 4 May 2021

Happy Hour With Ninjas
Date of Scene: 03 May 2021
Location: Luke's Bar
Synopsis: Roland meets shredder out of uniform, the two discuss Dojo's and motorcycles and philosiphy.
Cast of Characters: Shredder, Roland Livingston

Shredder has posed:
     Oroku Saki walks with a confident purpose down the street of Harlem. He is dressed in garb that makes him stand out drastically from the rest as he leaves the Golden Dragon Dojo. He holds shoulder length pitch black hair done into a ponytail behind his back and piercing brown eyes that look dead ahead towards the road as he walks. He's dressed in his Haori and Hakama each in a simplistic shade of black and white.

     He's followed by a bald mustachioed man dressed much the same and a small collection of his students all wearing the same garb as they enter lukes bar. While they find themselves seats along the area Saki himself sets at the bar and orders the same thing which he orders every time he visits, Hot sake, and fresh fish.

     There's a warm breeze outside with the cool of evening taking hold. Most of the decent folk have headed home for the night leaving the streets oddly calm and quiet save for the occasional car alarm blaring in the distance as someone finds themselves a new ride.

Roland Livingston has posed:
Nobody ever really called Roland decent folk. He's up at all hours of the night doing his thing. Right now he's at the bar bidding on an auction in Beijing from his cell phone, tapping away at the screen to make sure he doesn't lose track of what he'll need to spend to stay ahead of the other buyers.

Still, he can't help but notice the crew entering the bar. He watches them momentarily, a faint smile on his face as he tracks their movements. When their leader sits at the bar nearby Roland gives the fellow a polite nod and a friendly, "Kon'nichiwa." He rapidly switches to English, having exhausted his knowledge of Japanese, "I quite like your attire."

Roland himself is dressed in a leather jacket and jeans. Those interested in such things may have noticed a Ducati motorcycle parked outside of Luke's.

Shredder has posed:
     "Tradition holds an important place in my heart." Saki begins sitting at the bar with perfect posture as he waits for his drink to arrive. His students talk among themselves though the bald man remains perfectly silent as he watches the proceedings. His voice is slow and methodical as he chooses his words with care, a deep and booming nature to it, and yet there's a spark behind the voice. "My students deserve to learn, history, tradition, form, and honor, and these garbs speak to a time of such things."

     Finally his sake arrives and he takes it in hand, taking out the time to go about the table himself pouring a glass for each of his students and his second in command. There is a great respect for the method in which he pours and each of his students copy the motions with exacting detail almost to a mechanical degree which has been drilled into them over the years. Once he has poured their drinks and his own he sets back down at his seat and in unison the group speaks a word in Japanese before downing the cups contents in a single gulp.

     "I enjoy your jacket, I would take chance to presume it is your motorcycle out front?" He offers once he sets his clay glass back down before himself waiting still for his meal.

Roland Livingston has posed:
Roland's eyes widen as he sees the precision with with the group takes their drinks, nodding his head in approval. Then he returns to the conversation, "You seem like a wise man, sir. I was raised with the greatest respect for history and tradition, especially family tradition." He lifts his whiskey glass in a little salute to the other fellow before taking a drink from it.

When asked about the bike he nods his head, "Thank you. Yes. It's a Ducati Superleggera V4, one of only five hundred. Probably the fastest and most agile bike I've ever had the pleasure of riding."

Shredder has posed:
     "A most wise path to walk." Saki nods in return the group of young men the oldest only about 24 and the youngest 21 not counting the bald man going back to their conversation. He quietly nods his head as he looks down towards the bar giving a low nod of thanks as his food arrives quickly before him. A low word is given again in japanese over the food the moment it is sat down before him.

     "When I was a boy my father possessed a horse which was much of the same demeanor." He offers a light and warm smile that crosses his face. "Agile, quick, and fortunately dependable. When fed the finest grain and cared for in the manner befitting its elegance you will find such beasts will suit you well into their dying day."

Roland Livingston has posed:
"My family's gone now, but I do my best to honor their accomplishments and continue our line of business," Roland says with a faint smile before having another bit of his drink. When he sees the food the other fellow ordered he looks at the bartender and then requests something for himself.

"If something's worth owning it's worth taking good care of. There's no sense in wasting something precious by treating it frivolously," says the young chap. Then he lifts his chin and says, "I'm Roland Livingston, by the way."

Shredder has posed:
     Silence from Saki for a long moment as he simply nods his head enjoying his meal. He cuts into the fish slowly but surely taking care to check for bones as he works. Each slice is made with precision as he works keeping an eye on his surroundings as he goes. When the mention of introductions is brought up he brings himself into the conversation once more. "I am Oroku Saki, head of the Golden Dragon Dojo network" He sets down his utensils before giving a light bow of respect and offering his full attention to the man beside him. "Never let wisdom leave you."

Roland Livingston has posed:
When his own food comes out it's just an appetizer, but Roland thanks the bartender with a nod and plows into it. The young guy can definitely put it away. When Saki talks to him next Livingston wipes his mouth with a napkin and returns the bow. "Pleasure to meet you, sir. I'll do what I can to hang onto what wisdom I possess."

He has another drink from his whiskey to finish up the glass, then requests a water to follow it up and to wash down his food. His attention returns to Saki, "So the Golden Dragon Dojo network? That sounds quite interesting. I'm a martial artist myself, with special attention being history European martial arts. I'm hell on wheels with a long sword." There's a grin then. "But I'm not entirely ignorant of Japanese combat systems. My combative education is quite broad."

Shredder has posed:
     "My family has a long history with martial arts and I have studied them my entire life." Saki begins taking pause from his simple fish dinner to enjoy the conversation as it presents itself. "I do what it is that I can to share my love of the arts with those who are worthy of staying the course" He motions to the table behind him and all conversation stops at the table in an instant.

     "These are some of my finest students from across the state while most of the Dojos in my network do not hold my direct intervention I still watch from a distance to find those with potential to step outside of themselves." He turns back to Roland. "They are then trained by my lieutenant and then a smaller pool by my second in command, and even smaller still are those I take under my direct tutelage."

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Sounds like you've got it all worked out, Mr. Oroku," Roland says with an approving tone of voice. He looks over the assembled students and nods to them politely. "I'll have to visit one of your dojos soon. I'm always looking to improve myself and my usual sparring partners..." Cutting himself off he shakes his head, "What is taught at your dojos, exactly, anyway? Any kenjutsu? I don't have much use for kendo, personally, too much of a sport and not enough of a combat system for my liking. Reminds me of European fencing."

Shredder has posed:
     "Togakure-ryu mainly, with a mix of other martial arts as needed to round out a proper education." Saki offers with confidence as he sets the silverware down into position before himself going into thought. "I find that by combining minor elements of more modern martial arts with the traditions and historical elements one can become a far more effective practitioner of martial arts, and better defend oneself and one's property."

     "By mixing martial arts of various types my students learn to grasp a wider variety of potential combat scenarios." He nods his head low now fully facing Roland on the bench. "The more rounded and full and education the more use it will see in the day to day life of my students."

Roland Livingston has posed:
"I agree wholeheartedly," Roland nods to Saki. "I study everything from CQC to Brazilian jiu jitsu and Muay Thai. There's no sense in not using what works, no matter what time or place it may be from. Having a broad variety of disciplines to pull from provides one with a great deal of options. Not every problem is a nail requiring a hammer, after all. Some need a bit more finesse to deal with."

Shredder has posed:
     "So long as it remains routed in proper tradition and education." Saki offers as he turns back to his meal. "You are well educated yourself from the sounds." He takes time cutting up parts of his simple meal and enjoying one bite after another of the lemon drenched fish. "The flame of curiosity will keep home and heart warm ten thousand seasons when nurtured with proper care but take precaution it is not extinguished lest you fight to ignite it once more in vain."

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Thank you, I was brought up with the best tutors available," says Roland with a smile. "Born and bred to be a scholar and a warrior and all that. I like to think that I'm equally good at both those aspects of my life." More of his snack is munched on and chased with water. "Curiosity is something I have an ample supply of. It's always important to learn if you want to better yourself."

Shredder has posed:
     Saki closes his eyes for a long moment, a light glint at the corner of his eye for just a moment. The light of the bar catching on his eyes? Perhaps. He opens his eyes back as normal and states. "You could do well in this world yet." Another smile crossing his face as he goes down to his meal.