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Wolf Woes
Date of Scene: 22 April 2021
Location: 6B - Elektra's Condo
Synopsis: Elektra meets with Selene back at her penthouse after a lycan attack where they discuss the attack and what steps they should take about it. And Elektra takes that next step.
Cast of Characters: Elektra Natchios, Selene Corvinus

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Blood is still running hot after the attack, the lust of battle of aggression still permeating her tongue even as Elektra feels that metallic taste of blood still lingering there. It had been a close affair, but in the end she had survived. The usual. One more day alive..

Yet it brought up questions, the kind of questions she knew there was one person who would know to answer them, or at least help her in figuring out what was going on. And so she loses no time when she gets home. Still on her fighting garb, blood dripping on the nice, polished floorboard of her 'small' penthouse. Ah, well.. Some people say a little blood can give a house some character..

A phone rings, the number Selene had given Elektra last time they were together and with it being picked up Elektra will speak up. "Selene. Come to my place when you can. You know the one." little time for greetings or niceties. The tone seems to tell something happened of the serious sort. "Someone came after me. Of the claws and fur type."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
It takes Selene about an hour and a half to get to the building. She'd been in a bit of a scuffle tonight herself, though she was devoid of any blood lingering on her person...

She rides the elevator up to Elektra's penthouse, and had happened to board the thing to find a little old woman who eyes Selene with a very uncertain stare upon her face.

Because, well, Selene is in her usual attire. A long black leather jacket

over a shining black bodysuit, with a blakc leather corset laced up over her mid section. She's... a sight to behold in this outfit and when the old woman stares at her while Selene waits for the lift to go up, the vampire glances over to her and offers a smile.

"Cosplayer." Selene says to her. "I'm here to pick up a friend to go to a comic convention."

The old woman slowly nods her head, disbelieving. When the lift stops on her floor, Selene is relieved to see her disembark. She exhales a little.


A knock comes to the door to Elektra's apartment moments later and when the door opens, she moves to walk inside. She smells the blood instantly and looks tothe woman in her own usual attire, seeing the signs of a fight on her, and maybe even injury.

"Are you all right?" Selene asks, concern laden across her pale skinned face as she steps further in to the penthouse.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
'What is this youth coming to!?' That's what's going over the old woman's head while she watches Selene. Just details that Selene is actual over 600 years old and a vampire to boot. Yet it's what you get when you live in this kind of posh building. Judgemental looks from neighbors! Elektra has been the target of such looks in the past in her more ..., revealing attires. Getting in through the window has become quite the solution for the Hand assassin...

When Selene reaches the door to Elektra's place she will find it unlocked. For someone that was just attacked that shows a tremendous amount of confidence. Or maybe just an invitation if any assailant would had still followed her here.

The top part of her attire has been taken out now, left to rest on the arm of a sofa, just a tight-fitting black top framing her along with the black and red pants of her usual ninja garb. She appears to be in meditation when Selene walks in, right in the middle of the room, sitting in seiza and her eyes closed.

"Selene." Elektra says, opening her eyes and turning her dark gaze to look at the other woman. She manages a faint smile. "I am not, of course. They dared to come after me." she gets up to her feet. Her eyes roam over Selene a moment, perhaps looking for signs of injury. "Wondering if they tried anything against you too." she says.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene is starting to lower down to sit in front of Elektra while she starts her reply. From this vantage point she's able to see he woman more evenly.

She sighs at the response, her eyes dropping away and down to the right. "This is why I can't let people get close to me." She softly says, the guilt washing over her immediately. Her eyes dart back to Elektra.

"This kind of thing has happened before." Selene says then, giving a pause and a single nod. "Thank heavens for your fighting abilities.." She adds that last part with measured relief, knowing that Ele has heightened healing abilities through her meditation skills too.

"I underestimated how much they have been watching me, it seems. Clearly they've seen us together." She keeps her stare on Ele's eyes then before adding a little further. "I'm sorry. The 'vampire curse' is more than just fangs and an allergy to sunlight."
"Is there anything I can do to help you now?" She then asks.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Or hell..." Elektra comments about who to thank about her fighting abilities. Jury was still out on that one. Eyes follow Selene when she moves closer to sit down in front of her, she remaining in place. The guilt she notices on Selene has her narrow her gaze though, clearly she is not pleased with that reaction. "Too late for that. We are already close." she tells the other woman. "And no turning back from that. Besides, anything worthwhile comes with it's risks, mmm?"

"And this has happened before, you say. Curious." Clearly Elektra's mind is already working on what happened, on the attack. On how they would had figured out how to follow or where she'd be. "I don't really recall any wolves having stayed alive to tell the tale when we were together. And from there to assume we are close. Sounds like a long shot. But they seemed quite informed of my whereabouts, and where to track me at. Too well informed."

Eventually her expression softens a touch more and she says, "I am glad you could join me tonight though, and that you are safe. I did not know if they would had went for you as well."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene is just down on one knee with her left knee up still and her arm planted on top of her thigh. Her eyes are on Elektra though, and she replies a few seconds after the other finishes. "My team and I were called to Gotham, a larg recruitment gathering was taking place and we were there to try to lure the Lycans out. None showed up, but we did ... deal with a bit of Gotham's mad residents. That city is, quite the hiding place for our enemies."

A single shake of her head is given, darting right to left. "They must've been watching me from afar. They often hire junkies and the dredge of society to do such things for them, paying them with drugs or... other things. It makes it harder for my people and I to pick their scouts out in a crowd, if we don't smell Lycan on them."

She's assuming here, based on past experiences, so it would seem.

She spins herself around then and moves over to sit down beside Elektra, her leather long coat pooling around her backside as she sits upon the floor with her now. She looks over to the other woman. "This is why I cut myself off, generally. Attacks like this. We're at war, and our enemies are desperate to get at us. They've learned not to come at me directly, generally, but they will come at people around me, hoping to get me unstable, I would imagine."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
As Selene describes having been called to Gotham.. Right when the attack on Elektra was happening it makes those dark eyes on the assassin to narrow in a dangerous manner. Paranoid? Yes, yes she is. There are no such things as coincidences in Elektra's world. And this reeked of betrayal, "So you were called all the way to Gotham while I was being attacked here.." she placing her thoughts into words. "Interesting..."

With Selene then spinning to sit down near her Elektra's eyes follow the motions as they now sit side by side on the floor in the middle of that dark room, just the faintest of lights keeping their sillhouettes in sight. At least for Elektra. She knew Selene had her ways of seeing around in the dark. Perks of vampirism..

"Well, I am not a damsel in distress that needs to be protected." she then says with a touch of amusement to her tone. "If they want to come at me, let them.." expression slowly turning into a smirk. "But perhaps we should focus inward. On who would want to have me out of the picture. And you unstable enough to slip up. Who would have to gain with it." well, there's a few names she can think of. But she is perhaps wanting Selene to get there on her own!

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene remained mostly still and silent as Elektra spoke about all of that. Beside the other woman, the vampire in all black just keeps her brown hued eyes upon the other and watched her, listened to her.

When the implications were laid out that this was an inside job, Selene looks down and away for a moment. Does she instantly realize who Elektra is likely insinuating was behind this?

It takes her a moment to look back, but when she does she just softly shakes her head. "I imagine you're thinking of Kraven." She says quietly, her calm voice laced with that soothing undertone in the moments where she's collected and relaxed like this.

This subject seems hard for Selene, like she's worried about talking on the matter. "He's not someone I care to spend time with, but if he were to do something like this, and be caught... he knows what the consequences would be." She lingers her words for only a second. "He'd be sent back to Hungary, he'd face the coven's council in the absence of our Lord's presence." Viktor is still sleeping in his hibernation chamber to recover his strength, something Selene maybe hasn't explained yet as its rather deep in to the story of her people. "They are not a lenient group. He'd either be forever bound to the coven's castle, or be sentenced to death."

Kraven has clout though, Elektra has definitely learned that much.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
It's not as if Elektra is all innocent on this too. She didn't like the man. Nor did the man like her. And while she had no proof about it there was just something about the way they had spoken back at Selene's Coven that made her think Kraven was playing his own game in all of this. And if he wasn't.., well.., she would bring heat on him regardless. Because he's certainly up to no good regardless! And that all is something Selene can most likely read on Elektra's expression, that way of thought in which she is both trying to take away an obstacle but also help Selene.

The good with the bad!

A nod is given when she asks who it is. Kraven indeed, she staying silent and listening to Selene's words. "You suspect him." she states, "It's not the first time something has happened that makes you think it." no doubt in Elektra's tone.

Another nod as Selene speaks of punishment. Not too different with how they did in the Hand. She expected something of the sort to happen if they ever captured her. But one problem at a time. "We can think of a trap. To root him out, but perhaps when I am not as hotheaded as I am right now." at least she admits it.

One hand reaches up to rest on Selene's shoulder, an intimate touch, perhaps finding support in the vampire's closeness.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene looks away from the other woman again when she confirms that she has suspected him of similar such things before. Selene just nods her head once, decisively, visible, but just once. She doesn't look back to the darker toned woman until she feels that hand on her shoulder.

She stares at her, her brown eyes on the other's. "The door of punishment swings both way amongst my people. In that if I were to accuse Kraven of any such acts, and I couldn't prove them, then the same fate would befall me. Permanent confinement, or death. Both, generally end the same, if past examples are to be considered."

Selene looks away again and then leans back against a piece of furniture behind them, her right leg up and bent at the knee while her left is down on its side on the ground beneath them.

"When Kraven was heralded for the death of the Lycan's infamous leader, he... never presented a body" Selene admits then, her eyes going back to Elektra. "He had eye witness support from the members of our Coven who were with him, the ones who survived the battle, but he never provided anything else to support his claim of victory. Most of those vampires, who spoke on his behalf, have been lost in fights since then too, only two remain and they're his closest allies."

Selene purses her lips then and looks away once more, to the other side of Ele's penthouse. "People claim to have seen the Lycan leader still alive, Lucien, but... there's been no evidence to prove it either."

All of this clearly has been on Selene's mind, seemingly for quite some time.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The hand stays there on that shoulder. Both as a support for herself but also to show Selene she is not alone in this. And as the vampire leans back against the back of the sofa Elektra turns a touch to be looking at Selene more directly, one leg tucked under her body, the other curled and brought up against her her chest. Her understanding is there, how vampire politics go about accusations of that order. A nod. "So those that would know, they will have been taken out. Convenient." yet the mention of those two allies has her narrow her eyes. "Those two allies, they could be an in." a faint smirk again, "When you want to topple a powerful enemy always look for the weak parts of his tower."

"Of course that it also implies someone would be actively helping out your enemies. And that .., is deadly. I imagine that Lucien isn't someone weak at all. And most likely smart too." as leaders often tend to be!

"And before you actually start talking about needing us to .., stay apart due to the danger, there's no way I will let you be doing this on your own." And by the tone she also means it! In that firm way in which she will allow no argument in return. Stubborn stubborn.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene has a lot on her mind after tonight, and that is becoming already apparent on the expression she's holding on her face, the distant stare she has across her eyes. She comes to look back at Elektra though and that last part has her showing a faint smile of amusement at the other woman. "And Han wanted me to believe I couldn't trust you." She says, holding the light smile a moment longer before she looks away again.

Her right hand goes up to stroke through her black hair and push it out of her face, she then lays her forearm across her raised knee and looks again to Elektra. "We'd have to find Lucien, confirm that he is indeed alive. I doubt he would ... share any information with us, but if I spoke to Amelia with proof that Kraven had lied about it, all of this time... she might permit me to.." Selene trails off then.

She shakes her head and glances down. "It's complicated, and it'd be very messy. It could cause internal war within all of the Covens." Her eyes go back up and over to Ele then. "But if he is behind your attack, and thusly ... potentially so many others, he has to be stopped."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The mention of Han has Elektra's chest heave as she lets out a chuckle. Poor Han.. "Maybe you shouldn't." she teases in that dangerously playful way of hers, "Yet I have no stakes in your politics. No agenda. Besides .., you." the hand that was on Selene's shoulder goes further up to the woman's neck, thumb gently brushing near her ear, through that mass of dark hair. "Yet it's something to tread on carefully. Though if that leader is alive, he will get his head out sooner or later." which was also another way to approach this. Wheels were already turning in her head. But like Selene she had patience..

Most of the times.

"How many more deaths could be caused due to his interference if what we are talking of is true?" She muses. "Yes, it may be hard when he is taken out, but better to take out a weed before it can infect everything else. Though when we spoke he ..., seemed very against the end of this war. He wants to expand, become a Coven leader. Ambition can blind a man."

The hand that was on Selene's neck moves further around it, bringing their heads closer. There's a brief hesitation there but then she speaks up. "There is something else I wanted to talk to you about.." whatever matter could bring the assassin to hesitate?!

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Some pieces were falling in to place the more that Elektra spoke on all of this, like she was helping to wipe the dust off of a picture that was now becoming clearer in Selene's mind.

It's the hand of Elektra's that brings Selene back down to reality from where she was lost in her thoughts about Kraven, his motivations and the implications of it all. "Being given the power of the second in command of my Coven instantly went to his head." She quietly tells the other, but then trails off and just looks to Ele.

"I'll have to watch his companions and see if I can't find a weakness. I'll have to play my cards carefully to, so as to ... not raise any suspicions toward my intentions."

But she trails off there when the other says she needs to ask of something and Selene nods her head softly just once. "Of course. You can talk to me about anything." The Vampire replies inher calm and quiet tone.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
With them being somewhat set in the need to have a closer look on Kraven and his cronies it meant what was left was those last words Elektra had spoken. And hesitating? Perhaps it's new grounds for her. Yet in true Elektra fashion she goes right to it. No beating around the bush for this assassin! "What would you say about coming to live here with me? Or at least .., having the keys to the place?" her brows furrowing, she pausing as if to gather her thoughts, " .. when we separated last time, back at the coven, it was damn hard to me. Hard enough that it made me think that this is not all I want for us.."

The meetings in the dark. Danger always surrounding them.

She exhales slowly before smiling faintly, lifting her gaze to meet Selene's, "Life's too short, even if for immortal vampires like you.." the words, her expression, they seem to convey something raw, something real underneath it all. And clearly something Elektra doesn't have much in her life. Something she is trying to hang on to fiercely.

"I know we are not the white picket fence types.." hand gently brushing over the vampire's neck. "... but we deserve to have something of our own, don't we?"

Selene Corvinus has posed:
In the six hundred years that Selene had been a Vampire she'd had a number of potential romances, but none of them had ever evolved that far. NOne of them had ever asked her to move in with them. The question, when presented, has Selene showing a bit larger of a smile on her pale skinned visage.

"So you're asking me to paint an even larger target on your back?" She then asks in that sultry voice of hers to the other woman who's tenderly touching her face. Selene turns toward her more and reaches up to do similarly to Elektra's darker toned skin, to touch her cheek and brush a thumb across it.

"I really have no choice at this point." She then says, being a bit cheeky about it in hopes of helping Ele feel a little less ... nerved about it all. "I mean, if I'm to help protect you, you poor damsel, then you need me here to make sure that happens."

She gives a glance toward the woman's bedroom. "Besides, I'm rather certain that blasted teddy bear of yorus is bugged, so it'll have to be searched, which requires at least a little more time here..."

Selene can be silly, when she wants to be!

She looks back to the other and smiles at her, then leans in to kiss her forehead softly. "I'm glad you're okay." She says quietly, pressing forehead to forehead and smiling at her. "Now we just have to find out who sent them, and do, well... what it is that we do."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
There is a release of a breath when Selene reveals being keen to the idea, a moment in which Elektra *felt* vulnerable. Something she had only felt once or twice in her life before. She finds herself smiling too to match Selene's own larger one, that cheekiness indeed helping her in returning to her more normal self. Emotions are clearly not Elektra's strong point. Unless they are ones found in the battlefield.

"Poor damsel, is it?" A snort, followed by a raised brow. But she understands it, the hand that was on the woman's neck moving to the front to cup Selene's cheek, feeling the smoothness of her jaw underneath fingertips, "Shall I remind you that I put you on your back last time we sparred?" something Selene had allowed to happen. But that's details!

"And no killing the teddy. Colleen would be heartbroken." That bear was given with love! Elektra then slides up to be on her knees, nearing the other woman, eyes closing at the forehead kiss. "And I am glad you are with me." she whispers, intimate. Heart in those words. She lifts her face to match Selene's, closing in to meet her lips..

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Of course, Selene is showing a smile at the response she gets about the teddy bear, as she'd jsut been joking anyway. "Ohgod, Colleen. Yes, she's already not very fond of me. I'd like to fix that someday." She says moments before the other leans in toward her.

A thumb stroke over Elektra's cheek and the front of her ear and the Vampire leans in to return the kiss.

She holds it, tender and sweet, sharing in the moment of having this woman safe from the attack that very easily could've gone far worse if they'd gotten any more of a jump on the assassin. Skilled or not, Lycans kill super powered vampires on the regular, they are not to be taken lightly.

Selene's hand presses more firmly against the side of the other's face while they kiss, before she drops it down to Ele's shoulder and gives it a soft squeeze, not thinking that it might be sore from that very same fight tonight.
