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The Torment That Lingers
Date of Scene: 07 May 2021
Location: Josie's Bar
Synopsis: Another bout of PTSD nearly gets Jessica in a world of trouble, but luckily, Elektra was there to save the day. But was it PTSD...?
Cast of Characters: Jessica Jones, Straw Man, Lester Colt, Elektra Natchios

Jessica Jones has posed:
One thing that never changes about Jessica's routine, is that sooner or later, she will wind up at a bar. Once all bars are closed, she may find her way to one of those 24/7 liquor stores, it's a habit that doesn't go away. But while the bars are open, there she is at Josie's. Her day clearly hasn't gone as well as it could, because she's pushed herself all the way to the secluded corner table in the far end of the place, not minding the fact she's easily ignored. It's precisely what she wanted, just to have a numbing drink, while doing some people watching, having self affirmation through glimpses at the misery of others. After all, not too many happy people do day time drinking in bars.

Straw Man has posed:
    It's the Purple Man. Or...maybe its that damn vision again. Wasn't he gone? Didn't she move past this? He sits down at the table opposite her.
    "You know," he says as he casually comes into view, plopping into the seat unceremoniously. "Your liver will probably hate you one day for all this. He takes the shot glass from in front of her, and knocks it back, planting it on the table again, and refilling it. The whiskey splashes over the edge, leaving a few drops on the table, and with a flick of the back of his fingers, it slides back to her. "But then, it's probably too late to save it, isn't it?" he asks.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica was just looking at the newest arrival to the bar, a man she hasn't seen before at Josie's, when her attention is suddenly snapped to her unwanted guest. Of course, to the rest of the bar, she's staring at nothing but air as there's no one sitting across from her. Then again, regulars at Josie's are more or less used to the occasional odd behaviour from Jessica. Most just look away, some try and peek without her noticing. It is a free show after all.

"...fuck off, you're not real," Jessica snaps, to the air across from her, though she very much sees the Purple Man teasing her, daring to take her drink and sample it. "You give it back," she grumbles, staring more intensely at the open space across from her. "...like you give a fuck about my liver, or my...anything really, you monster," Jessica hisses, looking very tense as she reaches to grab her refilled glass, which never really budged, or refilled, and downs it all before pouring herself more. "....what do you want from me...?" She asks in a venmous tone.

Lester Colt has posed:
     Lester looks up from his drink at the nearby table and just says quite plainly. "I'm plenty real." Before kicking back another whiskey down the back of his gullet. He lowers his head back down towards the table before suddenly the woman is cursing at him causing the overly musclebound figure to puff himself up a bit as he sets back on his chair looking her direction

     "We gonna have a problem here lady?" His eyes looking right over at her as he adjusts one musclebound arm with the other peaking through his ripped The Doors T-shirt.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
It's not usual for Elektra to be a day drinker but yet here she is today. Whatever brought her to come to Josie's during daytime?! But Elektra makes her way into the bar, clothings a far cry from the usual finery, instead some faded jeans, a jacket, somewhat blending in. If one can forget the slight upwards tilt of her chin or the dangerous eyes.

She is just stopping by Josie to order a martini when she notices it, a familiar face, and apparently talking to herself? Well, nothing new. Sure. "How long has she been here?" translation: How many drinks has she had? She sighs at the answer given by Josie, takes her martini and makes her way closer.

She sits right on top of that chair where Purple Man is in, and doesn't really ask for permission either, "Hello JJ. Getting into trouble again? I thought I was the one with that nickname, not you." a glance over at the nearby table to Lester, quirking a brow, then back.

Straw Man has posed:
    As Elektra comes to the seat, the Purple Man stands up, and steps to the side, gesturing to her as if he was being polite. Not that she can see it, of course. "You know, you might make better friends if you were nicer. He gives a sardonic grin. "See, he seems like he'd be nice enough on another day if you didn't tell him he wasn't real. Even Elektra, she might not be setting you up if you were nicer to her, right?" He bends over, looking at her. "Though...she is a ninja, you can never really know with those sorts, can you?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Who the fuck is talking to you!?" Jessica, already irate from her exchange with the phantom of the Purple Man, doesn't seem to have a good read of her exchange with Lester, as she answers him aggressively, completely missing the fact he thought she was addressing him to begin with.

The fact Elektra walks in just makes it all the more perfect, as Jessica grumbles a bit too audibly, before forcing something of a smile on her face, at least to the benefit of Elektra. "Me...? Trouble...? I never get in trouble, you know me!" She laughs a rather forced laugh, though her eyes wierdly look away from Elektra, almost as if someone was standing by her side, "oh, now you're being a gentleman, are you? Cut the act! There's nothing gentlemanly about you!" There's a slight twitch in Jessica, as she suddenly asks Elektra, "you're not a ninja, are you? You're just an assassin, right?" Yeah, casual everyday conversation. Anxiously, she pours more of her drink in her glass. Good thing Josie knows it's best to just give Jessica's orders in bottles by now. "That asshole over there, is real, ok? I can see that," Jessica snaps at the air, before looking at Lester and sighing, "...didn't mean to call you an asshole, just having a bad day..."

Lester Colt has posed:
     Lester comes up to a stand expecting to get into a fight himself. The man's had more than his fair share of drinks. He wavers slightly as he looks over her direction rolling his tongue inside of his mouth before kicking back the entire glass of whiskey. 6'7" and covered in muscle on one shoulder he has the American Flag tattoo'd and on the other MADE WITH PRIDE IN THE USA, along with a collection of service tattoos.

     He reaches into his pocket grabbing out a cigar as he makes his way over towards the table bulking himself up even further as she cusses him out again. He stuffs it into the corner of his mouth before her friend steps in and it gives him a moment's pause to stand nearby.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Elektra was on the way to take a nice little drink of her martini when JJ goes and asks her that. She pauses midway, again that eyebrow arching, "Whatever are you talking about?" she an assassin? A ninja?! Certainly not..! Ramblings of a drunk woman for sure! She *does* cast a look to the side at whatever JJ is looking at, then sighs, "Are you talking about the guy that seems ready to burst out of his Doors t-shirt?" clearly she doesn't believe in invisible people that only appear to Jessica!

She does believe in people getting drunk though.

Dark eyes fall on Lester again when he gets closer to the table, "She's just talking to her bottle. She gets like that sometimes, cussing out her drink." a shrug as if it was the most natural thing ever. Yet there is a subtle shift on Elektra's posture, getting ready for a fight if need be. She's got JJ's back!

Straw Man has posed:
"Definitely something, right?" the Straw Man's effigy comments, walking behind Jessica, reaching out to put his hands on her shoulders, is he going to give her a back rub? "See, you should probably calm down, though. She even expects you to talk to yourself. And your drink. Let's be real, if I'm NOT real, then you probably are talking to your drink. It's a good way to end up in a psyche ward, you wouldn't want that."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica keeps an eye on Lester as he gets up to walk towards her table, his 6'7" frame, the multitudes of military tattoos, that patriotic pride shouted out to the world, she takes account of all of that even in her sorry state. She doesn't flinch, but she braces herself, preparing for a fight before Elektra seems to deter Lester from approaching further. It's almost an added insult to injury that it's Elektra who gives Lester pause. "Well, ninjas can't be trusted, but you're not one, are you?" Jessica snaps at Elektra, annoyed that she has to delay in making her point to the Purple Man, who of course nobody else can even see, because he's not real, is he? At least not that one. He's being way too nice to her to be the real deal.

"Him?" Jessica looks at Lester, before shaking her head, "what does he care if you're a ninja or not? Which you obviously aren't, I mean, you don't go around punching dragons with karate magic, do you?" Oh, the more Jessica talks, the more drunk out of her mind she sounds.

The moment the wouldbe Purple Man walks around the table to reach out and put his hands on Jessica's shoulders, Jessica suddenly tenses, and Elektra might notice her visibly shivering. Her face perhaps turning a bit pale. She tries, and tries, and tries to keep it in, but eventually turns back and snaps, "I'm not a psycho!"

Considering she just snapped those words at the wall behind her, it's certain most everyone around would absolutely believe that claim.

Lester Colt has posed:
     Lester folds his arms one over the other wavering slightly as he pauses on the spot in thought. Internally sizing the two up as he watches her shout at a nearby wall. That one definitely throws him off a little bit, as he narrows his eyes slightly. He chews on the end of his cigar for a long moments thought something about this whole situation setting off alarm bells even in his drunken state.

     "Your friend needs to learn telling people to fuck off isn't exactly the nicest thing in the world." He finally says looking over towards electra with a slight wobble in his step. "Could really hurt someone's feelings." He rolls out his neck for a brief moment before letting out a low sigh as his own posture changes somewhat slightly.

     Under his breath he mutters. 'Lay low' for some reason just to himself, as he looks over the two

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Of course I am not a ninja." Elektra replies in a natural manner back to JJ, arching a brow, but then adds with a lifted finger, "Yet if I *was* one do you think I'd say yes?" see? Best way of not really answering the question at all. Leave it all doubtful! "And I thought you could trust me by now, Jessica?" that trap clearly wasn't her fault, was it?!

She sighs when JJ goes about karate magic and punching dragons, finally taking the martini to her lips to have a good drink. In fact she drains all of it, setting it back down on the table with a brief sigh.

Lester gets a look from Elektra, then a faint smile, "You are a big boy, I am sure you can get through the hurt." she does try to keep it cool but what's true is that Elektra isn't a nice person, and she is starting to get on edge at JJ's reactions to .., something? She leans forward on the table. "Jessica." her tone firm. "Look at me. There is *noone* else here in the room."

Straw Man has posed:
    The hands of the mock Purple Man hang over her for a moment, imminent to touch her, but then retract. "Well, I'm sure that convinced everyone," he says regarding her lashing out at the invisible antagonist. "You know, you seem to assume that I'm here as your enemy. But what have I ever done but give you sound advice?" He lower and looks over her shoulder. "I wonder why she's asking about you trusting her. No doubt a test of that will be coming soon. There always is, right?" He walks around between Lester and Elektra, and gives Lester's massive arms a once over. "Have you seen these? Massive. You are into muscles, right? And look, he's already overlooking your...quirks." Is he changing the subject? "I digress. Anyway, as I was saying, I'm your neighbor. I'm only here to help. Give you a little," he punches the air as only an unatheletic man can do, "Helpful jolt," he concludes. "You know, help you on your journey to wellness and yoga poses, and help you assess the motives of your..." he glances down at Elektra. "Friends."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Well, you know me, Elektra, I'm a trusting motherfucker, aren't I?" Jessica snorts, as she downs another glass, not looking too good at the moment. She's not too sure what to make of anyone and anything at the moment, and goes as far as to ask Elektra, "you're actually here, sitting with me, right?"

It's when Elektra tries to force her attention on her, leaning in to stare at Jessica, that Jones finally turns around to face her. Trying to let go of other stuff, like a wouldbe Purple Man taunting her, or say, a Lester saying one thing or other she didn't really care to hear. "...I'm pretty sure there are people..." she nods her head in the direction of Lester, "that guy for instance really wants to punch me, but he's not into punching girls, so...there's that."

Still hearing the constant hateful voice of Purple Man, Jessica shudders even as she looks at Elektra and tries to pretend she can't hear him. "...nothing wrong with muscles..." she says out of the blue, giving Lester a quick once over, before returning her attention to Elektra. Again, Jessica tries to ignore Purple Man, ignore his voice, his words, maybe he'll go away. She does reassure Elektra, "I don't do yoga, ok?" As if she even heard that quip about yoga poses.

Lester Colt has posed:
     "I'll find some way to get through it." Lester offers as he comes back into the conversation. He lets out a bit of a chuckle. Clearly there's a bit of discomfort at the state of poor Jessica here. Not a good state to be in really all things considered. "Been through worse." As he starts to back down from his fight or fight mode of operation that his mind had been set into thanks to the good old booze that he's under the influence of.

     "Your friend looks like they could use some help, if they need a good shrink" He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a business card to hand towards Elektra. "Helped me through some shit back in the day." A bit more helpful and understanding of things now that he's kind of seeing through the whiskey haze a little bit better.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Nah, you are a pretty big bitch." Elektra tells JJ, perhaps trying to get her into those more familiar grounds on when they are usually on each other's 'throats'. There's a faint little smile to her lips. " .. just like me. But usually more predictable. Still, whatever you *think* you are seeing just snap out of it and focus on me. I am sure you got enough bile towards me to get you through without other .., distractions.." is she trying to divert JJ's attention out of whatever is plaguing her to focus that hatred on her? Most likely!

Because there *is* something going on. Those interjections. Talk of muscles, then of yoga. A glance is given to Lester, she taking the card with a small nod and looking it over, "Thank you." a glance to JJ, "Keep that up and I will start threatening you with this.." she waves the card before putting it away inside a pocket.

She slides her empty glass towards the woman. "Now, are you drinking alone or can I get one too?" so demanding!

Jessica Jones has posed:
"I don't need a shrink," Jessica snaps at Lester, glaring daggers at him, as she reaches to grab the quarter full bottle. Not bothering with the glass anymore as she drinks directly from it. Luckily there's Elektra to help center Jessica, "fuck you, bitch, calling me a bitch, how dare you?" It's the fact Elektra didn't actually insist on that card, or getting Matt involved, that makes Jessica eventually relinquish the bottle to Elektra, "sure...I've had enough anyways."

Nothing from the Purple Man...maybe what Elektra is doing is working.

Straw Man has posed:
    The Purple Man removes his suit jacket, casually slinging it over his shoulder. "Well, I suppose it's time to let you three have your fun. "Just remember, don't have /too/ much fun. He glances back at Lester, and gives a waggle of the eyebrows. And...wait, where is he? Just like that, he's gone.

Lester Colt has posed:
     "Screaming at walls, at strangers, having shit taste in drinks" Lester lists off on his hand as he relaxes his stance somewhat leaning into more of an at ease posture. Even when the man is relaxing he still has that more militaristic air about him. He places his hands down into the pockets of his black bluejeans bald head shining under the lights of the bar. "I mean could have fooled me."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The bottle is taken with a nod of thanks, pouring some whiskey to herself. The call from Lester that whiskey is in bad taste brings a smirk out of Elektra. "Is that your way of saying you want a drink too?" she pours just a small bit for Lester. Might as well! Perhaps it will change his mind about the whiskey here.

Focus then goes back to JJ, "And yes, of course I dare. You know me." that smirk now focused on JJ.

"After this I am dragging you back to your place and you are going to get some sleep." The more focused way in which JJ appears to be now seems to please Elektra though. This is more familiar grounds!

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica takes very deep breathes as she simultaneously watches Purple Man leave and listens to Lester making his plea to get punched in the face by her. Then there's Elektra who is trying to be a balancing force here, it's all too weird.

"...can I punch him in the face before we go...?" Jessica eventually asks Elektra after a long moment of silence, whatever it is she's dealing with, it seems she's settled a bit. She even goes as far as to barely audibly whisper, "...thanks..." and adding more audibly, "not a word to Matt."

Lester Colt has posed:
     Lester kicks back a shot of the whiskey offered giving a bit of a cocksure smirk. He doesn't even waver it as Jessica asks elektras permission to punch him in the face. The man's still a few sheets to the wind so maybe that's what's got him so self confident about the potential of being just smacked one across the chin. Still he makes his way back over towards his corner of the bar for a bit more day time drinking and thinking on his next move only as he turns around the field of needle scars visible on his arm.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
It's when Jessica says 'thanks' that Elektra lets out a laugh. "Who are you and what did you do with Jessica?" but it's a tease, because after she nods. Both understanding but also agreeing about not telling anything to Matthew. She knew how it was about needing to keep some things out of Matt's field of 'vision'.

"And no punching. I just did my nails earlier." and no way she wants to break them *now*. So instead she pours some more drinks before it's time to drag JJ back home.

One more day in Hell's Kitchen!