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Merging Shadows
Date of Scene: 11 May 2021
Location: Mutant Town Clinic
Synopsis: Robert and Jovian finish off six weirdos who attack the clinic while Jovian is finding out about his blackouts. He might be the cause.
Cast of Characters: Jovian Anderson, Robert Marksman

Jovian Anderson has posed:
The blackouts have happened five times now, and he suspects they have to do with his powers. He doesnt want word of this to get out, but there arent a lot of places you can go to for problems, so he goes to a low key area that specializes in this, wearing his costume which ironically lets him fit in more, and waiting in the room with several others as he takes a number.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman is in his normal attire, but instead of the leather jacket he has on his lab coat. He steps out from the back, having to help bring patients back today as they are short on nurses today. He comes out with a chat, with the little bit of paper work you have filled out "Bolo?" He calls out looking around the room.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson stands up and raises his hand. A few people snicker at something randomly they looked up online. Bolo ignores them, since its the part of the job, and popularity goes up and down. He waits to see if he is directed to go somewhere. He's wearing medium quality gear and a helmet with a mirrored surface. Its generic looking but more than he started with.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman will lead the man on back into the back, as they walk he will say "I'm Dr. Robert Marksman, will be seeing you today." They stop to get Bolo's weight and such. "Normally would be a nurse doing this, but two of our volunteers are sick, and one if having a kid at the hospital." He offers with a smile, and once in the room, he will say "So, what is bothering you Mr. Bolo?"

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson nods, expecting the introduction. He mentioned, "The gear is about 35 pounds," he has no idea what the protocol for anonmyit is but he doesnt take it off if not asked to. "Hope they're OK?" Its small talk but he definitely doesnt wish ill will on them. "I've been having blackouts when I use my power too much. Like, memory lapses."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman hmms and nods a bit to this and says "Ok, take the helmet and your shirt off, and lets have a look at you. What exactly are your powers if I may ask." He tells the man. He does move to get the stethoscope.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson looks around, but sees that there are no visible cameras or open windows. It's going to have to do. He takes off the helmet and shirt. "Nothing fancy. I can cause darkness reliably, that never causes problems,and also make limited constructs of shadow and turn into a shadow for brief periods of time.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman 's brow raises a bit behind his glasses and says "Interesting." He will look the man over, and listens to his heart. "Any changes to your body came with the powers? Skin tougher than normal, sensitivity to light, contact with your powers leaving things cold to the touch?"

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson says, "Lasers do more damage to me. And no, none of the other items." He almost stops there but reluctantly adds, "Well, there is one other thing. I met my evil Dopple, one of the ones from that alterntate world that was going around. He had abilities like mine but could do more. He could make shadow tenatcles appear and people around him tended to hear whispers and darkness, kind of an induced madness. I have some of his memories sometimes and can use a few of his skills. He's...quite dead."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman hmms and will lower his sunglasses, his own eyes are glowing red, as he looks you over, both thermally and checking you out with his X-ray vision looing for damage. "Interesting, could you make say a box with your powers while I am checking you out.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson considers. Until now he has done a few simple things; bolos, a costume or a zip tie. He considers this and iimages it in his mind, slowly forming it out and carefully makes a box. It is a sturdy thing, with small shadow hinges. It seems to literally be MADE of darkness, and his intuition for it is impressive. The walls of the box shimmer and ripple, almost as if alive and Robert, with his senses will get something just....WRONG about it, not just the usual madness that exists in the darkness dimension but something else.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman hmms and says "Ok, well, It seems your having a bit of internal changes while doing this and your shadows.... they seem odd." He hmmms and thinks about it a moment and says "Can you form the shadows around yourself like a suit of armor?"

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson says, "I can, but let me confirm what it is that you are looking for. I can collect darkness around myself or do you mean like an actual suit of armor that is darkness? That would be...pushing my ability but I suppose I could try it."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks to the other man, and says "Well I was thinking something like this." He will step back away from Jovian, and with a moment of concentration, darkness will cover the Doctor like a body suit, but seems to be solid, but somehow letting him move still.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson considers, "I have never tried something like that, but I can....sure, could be handy I suppose." He slowly begins to concentrate and shadows coalesce around him. Its like a rippling wave but what happened like the box slowly becomes a thin film around him, at first cloth but then slowly growing thicker. As he does, he stops briefly, takes out his phone and begins texting but the armor continues to grow thicker.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks to the man, and says "It seems your darkness is acting a bit different than mine. This is the only way I have been able to solidify mine, but while I have this around me, I can fly, but from the tests I have done on myself, it seems my body is infused with the darkness all the time. Yours does not seem so, and yours seems like mine but different as well.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson looks at Robert and shrugs, before the darkness stops. The phone is held and Jovian looks around in confusion, "What happened?" He does not seem to have heard what Robert told him.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks to the man, and a brow raises a bit "What do you mean?" He will ask the man. "I showed you my armor, you mimicced or close to it, but seemed to be checking your email or something while you were forming it

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson looks at his phone, checking it for activity. There are no signs of texts and the browser's history has been wiped. It wasn't random. It was deliberate. "I don't remember any of that. I remember starting to make the armor, and that's it."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks to the man, and says "Ok, you said your having black outs right?" He lets the armor fade, and says "Can I see your phone?"

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson nods and hands Robert the phone, "I've had five so far. All after heavy uses of my power. The last incident involved a jet pack that went haywire and put a lot of people at risk."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman will look at the phone, he knows a bit about electronics and such mostly from working with cybernetics. He will see if he can bring up what was wiped off the phone. "I wish I knew a telepath or at least a hypotists. I am curious if you maybe being effected by something from the other side.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
The browser actually used is in the home screen of the phone, TOR, and set to wipe itself, so not much good there, but the deleted texts can be accessed. It is to a Vermont Area Code and simple contains the lat long coordinates for the clinic. "I'm open to most anything. If this blackout is more than a concussion I definitely want to know.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks up, and hmms. He says "Come with me for a moment." He will wait for the other man to put his shirt and helmet back on, moving to lead him up to the roof of the building. "You sent someone your location while you were out of it."

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson stands and nods, "That's not good." He thinks, "Not good at all." Outside in the lobby, two large gentlemen in trenchcoats and fedoras walked in, carefully sitting down trying to blend in but making a lot of the local mutants uncomfortable

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman will stop, and walks over towards the larger gentleman, telling the nurses he has this "May I help you gentlemen?" He asks, not sure if this is connection with Bolo or one of the times, they have had villians try to come here for medical help.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
The man in the trench coat cocks his head a moment, looking around. He considers his answer and says, "Anything odd happen here? Out of the ordinary?" There is definitely something...off...about him, his manner of movement, his eyes, even his speech.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman shakes his head a bit and says "Nothing to far out of it, we are a medical facility that help people with special needs. May I ask who you are?" He does remove his lapcoat. as he talks.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
The man and the other man stand, looking at each other, looking around. Several of the patients are filing out of the room. "You can ask." The large man says, "Really? Nothing at all?" He looks around, clearly confused.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman crosses his arms, and says "Gentlemen, I am going to ask you to leave. You are making the patients uncomfortable, and this is a place to help people. Robert is looking more like a thug than the doctor right now.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson comes out, his helmet back on, and his uniform on as well. He's fully prepared to fight. The two look at each other and two more start to walk in as others leave. "We came here for a reason." The large man says.

Bolo isn't quite attacking but he's definitely ready to, all the more so because so far as he knows he might be the cause of this.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks to the two men and the other two. He sighs and looks to the Patents, and says "Ladies and Gentlemen head on into the back." He turns back to the fourmen, and says "You will leave, you have a choice, through the door or through the wall, going through the wall, will upset me more, as I will then have to have the wall repaired.":

Jovian Anderson has posed:
The patients stop leaving by the same entrance the goons are entering from and start moving to the back. They arent attacking, simply looking. They seem, curious, not at all hostile but not at all interested in backing down. They do, however, put their thumb to their forehead, and a faint glow appears there for a moment. There is no other obvious effect.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman will look to Bolo, for a moment, and says "Do, you know these fellows?" He does move to take the arm of one of the two near him, much like a bouncer would in a bar.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson shakes his head, "I do not," the voice is synthesized but recognizable as his own without the helmet. The four nem become six. They arent leaving but they arent attacking either. They seem to be...waiting...for something.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman will move to force the man towards the door, moving his arm behind his back, and trying ot use him to push some of the others out as well.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson screams into action, sending a bolo right at one of the thugs, hittimg him and causing him to collapse.

He is using a regular bolo.

The thug that Robert grabs is lifted, though he immediately starts trying to punch Robert and three of them begin trying to punch him with brass knuckles. Another two move for Jovian.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman will let the darkforce armor come over him again, and sighs "Ok, you want to do this the hard way. He will move to kick the guy he had by the arm, in the rear, trying to knock him into the others. He counts on his armor, protecting him from the punches.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
The punchs were strong and skilled but can't break through the armor. The three of them work on concert, almost fanatically wailing away on him attempting to bypass the armor. Then they stop, as one a moment, curious about something. One shakes his head the guy is kicked through the wall, shattering the clinic glass as he lands on a car unconcious.

Bolo takes down a second with a well placed Bolo but the first gets a well placed Kick on Jovian himself sending him back into a desk.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman will look at them, and says "Ok, you learn from your body and go, or do I finish this?" He asks, his hands seem to pulse with the dark energy as he does mini bursts of darkforce trying to intimidate the men.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
The men seem insanely fearless. Fanatics to a one and relentlessly try to keep hitting him. Bolo kicks the third one in the stomache and continues doing this, moving more and more and punching him and getting punched back.

The men have a crazed look in their eyes, almost otherwordly rapture and madness.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman will sigh and moves to use his enhanced strength to toss one after the other through the broken window. Robert uses his medical knowledge to try to put them out without doing to much lasting damage.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
The three are grabbed and thrown through the window. Its hard, like they were tougher than most normal humans but still human all the same. Still if there had been more of them it would have been a challenge. Jovian finishes his own and zip ties him, placing his hands behind his back.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman will walk over to the first one he threw out and checks his pockets to see if he can find any type of Id. He will tell the nurses to call the cops.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
There is, alas, no form of ID though all of them do have a tattoo of a swirling blue mask on their upper right shoulder. As Jovian approaches them, he searches for phones to see if they received the text. There are no phones either.