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Latest revision as of 03:31, 14 May 2021

The Truth About Uncle Oisin
Date of Scene: 04 March 2021
Location: Craic
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Jessica Jones, Madigan Belle

Jessica Jones has posed:
Many people go to bars, some choose Irish Bars, those who do may do so for nostalgia, the cultural feel, but Jessica is none of those people. She's the kind who will set foot even in the seediest, shadiest of places, just because she could get a drink in her time of need. This go around, however? She's here because Madigan Belle is here.

Madigan Belle has posed:
It's home. Well, home away from home. Madigan is here, sitting at a booth. She has her backpack up on the table, it is unzipped and its contents are almost spilled out over the table. Papers, thick text books, a tablet, a laptop, her smartphone, all of it present and within arm's reach. Though center to her, right now, are a few pasties that she's eating with a fork while idly scanning the pages of one of the text books, flipping pages, then jotting some things down on her digital notebook on the tablet. When she's almost done someone comes by to get her plate and offer her more food. She kindly accepts, "Yes, please. Thanks." Big grin and then back to studying. Her crutch rests on the far end of the table, closest to the wall, and lingers for when she needs it. Hot Tea steams and she adds about 6 spoonfuls of sugar to her freshly poured cup, stirring it, and then adding in some cream, stirring, and then its finally ready for sipping.

Jessica Jones has posed:
One moment Madigan is sitting by herself, getting her empty plate taken for her, and the next she has company. Someone in between having her table cleared, and looking for a moment at the waiter, Jessica has joined her, sitting across from her. "Hi, Maddie, I'm a reporter doing a bit of a story on your good ol' Uncle Oisin...do you have a minute for me?"

Madigan Belle has posed:
Quirking her mouth to the side, it isn't so sudden for Madi, but she can't really stop the other woman from joining her. But the big bright smile on her pink lips says she is happy to receive the company. "Oh, hello. Wow, a report on my Uncle? Hmmm." She quirks her mouth to the side, "What's the report on? Like, I know he gives out christmas gifts to some local charity, but I'm not sure really that that is big news. No wonder print media is going out of business. You know, I once wrote for the Campus Paper at Columbia. It was so dumb, write a story, then submit it to an editor, who then corrects things, then prints something that wasn't written. That's got to be a frustrating job." Sympathy shows on her face, furrowing her brows a little, she even reaches out a little, and sniffles lightly, shaking her head. Just quick, rambles to some random conclusion.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"He's a dear old man who is helping the community, why not...? Would you say you're close to your uncle, Maddie?" Jessica asks without missing a beat, a cheerful smile on her lips, and a jovial lilt to her voice, as she reaches for a notepad and pen from her purse. "...that is the hard part of the job, scrutiny of the Editor, the occasional fluff piece, like heart warming charity acts on Christmas, but that's how you encourage more people to give, to volunteer, can't have all bleak stories in the news, can you?"

Madigan Belle has posed:
"Close?" Raising up an eyebrow, and looking toward the ceiling, she thinks this through. Her head tips a little left, then a little right, as if weighing the thoughts. "Sure." A bit of a shrug concludes the thought process as Madi nods her head in agreement. "I guess not. You are totally right about that. I mean, Christmas is so depressing anyhow..." A pause, "For people who don't have money, or gifts, or family, or have family but no money. That's gotta be real tough. I mean, could you imagine?" Her eyes get wide, as she shakes her head in a surprised shocked kind of expression. "I mean, seriously. So, does this mean that you'll give me money as a what, is that, a source? I could really use a new Nintendo Switch, my last one was broke on the ground, after it was dropped, cause it was shot. Lucky for me though, right? I mean, could've been me, guess that's what I get for wandering around late at night in... that bad neighborhood, the one with all the weirdos and crime? You know, Hell's Kitchen. I mean, not that it is the only place with crime, and even, weirdos, just, it has a high frequency of both. Interesting place though."