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Latest revision as of 23:31, 15 May 2021

Metropolis has No Ninjas
Date of Scene: 14 May 2021
Location: The rooftops of downtown Metropolis.
Synopsis: Spidey and Owari visit Metropolis, and break the law.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Chizue Nakamura

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man doesn't show up much in the City of Tomorrow. The clean skyline, the futuristic buildings...(no, by all means, ignore Suicide Slum)...

And even the cell towers look like they are from the 22nd century.

Spider-Man had busied himself with a couple of small crimes, but his main reason was to scope out the code for these WayneTech cell towers. The guy was as much a playboy as Harry was, but his tech was next-level, and he was going to need to be very careful if he was going to sneak Spider-Comm into Gotham City and Metropolis.

So...analyze the code, try to find a stealth workaround, and...well, then it's just a matter of throughput.
Spider-Man checked the tablet as it downloaded a copy of the cell-tower code.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    Theres only so much security you can cram into anything mass produced, and well Haga companies did make most of the cell towers across Japan so it's hardly as if it should come as a surprise. Custom printed doppleganger cards, first jumped and then slotted into position with expert precision. She is of course kind enough to get Spidey's own gear into the fight, nevermind the fact she'd cleverly built a security loophole into this replacement circuit board just to give it a convient blind spot.

    Cell traffic doesn't even so much as hiccup, until with a subtle ping of traffic the first of the spider com network in Metropolis bursts to life. Well it bursts to life from a few buildings over from where Spidey was currently working, with perfect signal clarity no less.<<Stay put and don't touch anything, theres a hidden alarm on the ribbon connector. I'm coming to you.>>

    And finally a pip shows up on the network, "Totally not A cyber Ninja #37". Who the hell else could it be really. <<I'll show you how to run the bypass, the cards are pretty clever so I had to work out a cheat.>>

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man blinked as the notification came up. How did...what was...

He paused, then checked the connector. He sighed as he saw the tiny chip embedded in it.

There was going to be a day when the women in his life were NOT at least one step ahead of him...but apparently today was not that day. He sighed and stepped away from the panel, waiting for Owari to show up.

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Don't sulk, Spiders don't have shoulders so they don't sulk."Comes that familiar voice from below, as she quickly makes her way up. "Here I had to cheat, these things are strangely secure for public works equipment."It takes her a moment to web a knee into position before she can hang at an angle to get working. "First slide in this to the dock, then run this jumper there and pull the board."And out from her backpack comes, well a brand new duplicate circuit board"Then slot this one in, I couldn't figure out a better solution than just replacing the entire board whole cloth."

    She falls silent, more than comfortable letting Spidey do the work himself. "I don't like this city, place gives me a bad feeling. Feels like everyone is waiting for something, even the networks here are too orderly."Sweeping her gaze around as she adjusts her position to partially drape that ice cold camo poncho over Spidey whilst he does his thing. "I could find basically no Ninja presence here at all the usual places, even the subways are surprisingly clean."

Peter Parker has posed:
"I am NOT sulking..." Spidey says. Sulkily. His hands are as precise as a surgeon's when it comes to technical work, however, and he works slowly but surely. "One of these days, I'm going to impress you. Somehow."

He chuckles as he switches the boards between spikes in activity. "Yeah, when Superman calls your city home, it tends to reflect that. Even with the occasional acts of mayhem. If you want to check out the one 'bad' part of town, check out Suicide Slum. Other than that, the bad guys out here tend to be heavy hitters. People on the level of Supes."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "You impress me greatly, you're more beloved and trusted by people than I ever was I wore -such- a short skirt."She humms, rolling her head around into what should probably be a fairly uncomfortable position. "I'd trust you to watch my home town anytime you know, though I suspect my neighborhood would bore you to death."

    "Yes well lets not forget what we're doing is technically a federal Felony, nevermind all the state law involved with all of this."Theres a huff there. "I've met men who answer to none before, and I do not trust such gods amongst men easily. If your life isn't on the line, I can't understand how they could understand any of this."And a pause as she glances back to watch the work. "No offense Spider-man, but I'd be more comfortable doing this with Black cat here. Witches make dealing with such men, simpler."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man sighs, making the final connection right before the traffic rises again and slides the board in place of the old one. "Ah, yes, the Cat. Another woman at least two steps ahead of me."

He closes the panel and nods. "Yes, well...it's illegal, but it's not IMMORAL. It would be easier to fight crime here if I had access to the Spider-Comm system here. Besides, I can't necessarily register for an account legally. No one will open an account for 'Spider-Man.' I checked once, just for grins and giggles."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Black Cat is a -Witch-, different class entirely than you Spidey."She muses a moment. "She's a better fighter, you're a better hero. We all have our strengths and weaknesses."There comes a little sigh as she rolls around the other side of the tower, before delicately cutting herself free and falling to the rooftop below. "You're so moody today, did you not get to have the cereal with the little marshmellows in it or something?"Is that a quip, well almost a quip. She's learning folks!

    "You make a reasonable argument, however the man has no obligation to be reasonable. He can in fact be as unreasonable as he wants without any apparent consequence."And a little sigh as she parks one arm on her sheathed swords and scans the newly activated network from behind those augmented reality optics of hers. "I mean I could always arrange an Opportunity to meet Dr.Fugue next time he swings by America, if you just want a super guy to hang with instead. You'd probably like him."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man sighs. "Look, I suffer from social anxiety, survivor's guilt, and a host of insecurity complexes I'm still trying to sort out. So...I'm sorry if I get a bit un-heroic from time to time." He smirks at her. "And no...we were out of those. I had Grape Nuts instead. Worst naming convention EVER."

He stepped away from the tower. "How have you been, Owari? It's been awhile since we last chatted."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "I'm alright, met my first Asgardian."Theres a little shrug at that. "Lady Sif. She's apparently betrothed to Thor, but he ran off to earth and has hooked up with some mortal girl. It's quite a scandal really, because Spidey Sif is a Goddess in every way let me tell you. Never expected to hear Thor was so, dishonorable really."Theres a little shrug at that as she strolls to the edge of the building, before simply plonking down right there.

    "And you, my Social Anxiety, Survivor's Guilt and very insecure dork of a student? How have you been?"One hand reaching behind her to pluck loose a nalgene which she casually offers towards Spidey. "And I meant what I said, nobody I'd trust more to protect my home town than you. Truly."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man chuckled, the petulant aura dissipating. He takes the bottle, lifting the mask to nose-level and taking a sip. He was really thirsty, as it turned out.
"Thanks. It means a lot that you trust me like that. And frankly, I dunno how I'd react to a town smaller than New York, but sometimes boring isn't a bad thing. Boring means you get enough sleep. I know about Thor, and I remember reading about Sif once, back when I wanted to be Indiana Jones for a couple of years." He sat down next to Owari. "I remember a story about how Loki cut off all her hair, because Loki. When Thor threatened to make his insides his OUTSIDES, he commissioned the dwarves to make hair of spun gold that took root when attached to her scalp."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Well I worked out a deal with her, I get her intelligence when she needs it. We get a Goddess of war in our corner when we need it."theres a shrug there. "As for Nakameguro, well I mean it's still in Tokyo. It's just one of the quieter places -in- Tokyo. It's still big city, denser than NYC anyway."Theres a little hum there. "It feels like a favorite sweater, lived in but quiet and fuzzy. I mean the fact that there's probably more Ninja there than anywhere else in Japan probably has something to do with it, all three of the big clans are there."

    "Anyway why you still shooting for Metropolis, Gotham's closer if you're just looking for someplace that needs saving. Heaven knows the Bat people aren't doing much to really save that town in any meaningful way, whole damned city is a shithole."which is, about as nasty as she's ever been about anyone or anything. "It's like the same thirteen people over and over and over, I mean there has got to be a point where even a red blooded American hero just solves things right? There has to be a limit."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man sighs. "Well, I gotta tell you. There are some big movers and shakers in NYC, and some criminal operations have connections in those other two cities. It's getting worse, and it looks like I'm having to follow the backtrail every now and then to get more information. But Spider-Comm doesn't work in those cities. So I have to get it up and running so I can access the databases for the info I need and have to track."

He pauses, then asks, "Does she have gold hair, by the way? Sif?"

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Her hair's darker than mine, probably dyes it though."shade, officially thrown. "She seems like a good warrior, trustworthy, honorable. I'd say take a pass and see what shakes out, but I mean then you're stepping into this whole love triangle with Thor and god knows how that's going to pan out. Not that it stopped me, but I mean I'm a fool when it comes to love in my own way."Theres a soft humm at that.

    "I once fell super hard for this villianess, "The Point" I think? Anyway she was French, and had this sort've continental old timey officer's get up with these fitted trousers? Oh goodness, I mean the accent alone just -slayed- me."She humms a touch "I mean in Japan theres a much clearer line between personal lives and what you do in costume, so I wouldn't have been the first to get romantic with a would be foe. Still it was a bad idea, but I think I just have a weakness for Blondes with Accents."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey chuckles. "I'd actually like to meet an Asgardian. I dunno what she'd think of me, though. I don't exactly have thews of steel or whatever it is." He snorts laughter. "But still...there's this girl. We've gone out a couple of times. Only one could be called a 'date,' though, and I don't know how she really feels about me. Like MOST of the women in my life, come to think of it. We keep missing each other, and the jury's still out on how it's going to end up. But...hope springs eternal." He glances to Owari. "I know you're going to find someone. You're awesome in so many ways."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Buy her flowers, girls love flowers."She suggests with a smirk. "anyway enough about our mutually dissapointing and overly complicated romantic entanglements, do you really intend to go fight crime in Metropolis? I mean you kind of know Super Girl at least, so that opens some doors but I can't help but feel they'd likely get territorial."

    "I mean all the rich burbs seem perfectly well protected, but Suicide row is where the poor folk are living and what news I could find suggests it's still pretty rough."Theres a slow roll of the head too and fro. "I'm not saying theres classist stuff going on, but I kinda suspect you know?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man chuckles. "I offend a LOT of people. Just listen to J. Jonah Jameson. His online radio spot, STRAIGHT TALK WITH J. JONAH JAMESON, has enough supporters." He looks up. "Well...people still need help, wherever they are. And if Superman is busy saving the world...then I doubt he'll mind me handline the small fry."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "Proof you're the better hero, I can't get away with that sort've expectation."She rolls back and finally up to her shoes in a single smooth motion, exchanging her sort've default mask for one with a dramatically derpier disposition. "I mean if I didn't need to be a Ninja at all, and it was just Y-S-B all the way? You'd still be the better Hero, You don't break as many bones as I tend to."She pauses to glance off into space for a moment. "Anyway, I'm going to get the rest of these cell towers hijacked before I end up having to figure out how to vanish from somebody with an "S" on their chest. Call me if you need me, alright buddy?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods. "Listen...if you ever want to hang out, you know, out of uniform? I would like to invite you to dinner. American cuisine, good homemade food. Good company."

Chizue Nakamura has posed:
    "I'll take you up on that sooner rather than later, promise."She offers a casual little finger gun, because thats what you do when you make promises in America right? Anywho she eases back towards the edge, peering about oncemore before that active camo comes up and she just...steps off. Off coms, off the network and into all but thin air as ninjas are wont to do.