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Latest revision as of 03:14, 7 March 2020

Off The Record
Date of Scene: 21 February 2020
Location: Skyward
Synopsis: Thanks to Janet, T'Challa and Lois have a blind date.
Cast of Characters: T'Challa, Lois Lane

T'Challa has posed:
There's few restaurants that are simply known by one name in Metropolis. Skyward would be one of those restaurants. Known for their steaks and exotic fowl meals, the menu prices are as much as a car payment for some people. But Janet had insisted that T'Challa treat her friend with a little extra special. And considering that he had only recently returned to the United States, he thought this would be a way to start to get the lay of the land.

The restaurant itself gives off the vibe of the smoke-filled elegance of the champagne rooms of the 1930s. The decor reflects this with gold leaf relief and cold iron display pieces. T'Challa's guard had arrived earlier in the day to secure the location, and while there other diners present, they are interdispered in the crowd, with their dresses on - an all-female guard team.

T'Challa himself sits at the table for two near the back of the restaurant that provides a brilliant view of the city below, all lit up in the twilight hours. He's dressed in an expensive custom suit, Wakandian wool that the collar and breast of are covered in sewn in tribal markings. He's well groomed and polished, a tunic beneath the jacket, a pair of pressed pants, and leather shoes as he glances over the menu - having not ordered yet as he glances at the holographic display on his watch. She should be here by now, perhaps?

Lois Lane has posed:
Entirely not sure to expect, Lois was relatively grateful that Janet had saw it fit to send her something to wear. A long black dress, it creates a lovely silhoutte with where it sinches in to give a dramatic look. It's also covered in lovely black beadwork that occasionally catches the light. As she steps into the place, she pauses only briefly to get her bearings.

/This/ wasn't the kind of place a reporter got to go to very often, even one of her caliber. She pauses only for a moment to admire it before she speaks to one of the staff, her gaze searching the restaurant. After a moment, she's escorted towards the back. She slowly blinks in some disbelief once she reaches the table.

"Well, this is an unexpected honor."

T'Challa has posed:
Glancing at his phone on his watch, T'Challa gets an alert from one of his guards first.

'Sit up straight, she is here.'

It is good natured teasing, his posture was already well-placed as he glances up, dark brown eyes searching the floor before settling on the brunette journalist. It only takes a couple of seconds for recognition to register as T'Challa moves to rise to his feet. "You must be the Lois that Janet spoke so highly of." he offers in greetings. "I am T'Challa." Which is totally not the Luke Charles monicker that Janet gave Lois.

That may explain why there was precious little -- or well, a lot that came back on Google search. There's a lot of Luke Charles in the world.

"It is a pleasure, you are more lovely than described." he offers as he moves around to pull out a chair for her.

"I will have to scold my friend later, she did not do you justice."

Lois Lane has posed:
"Lois, Lois Lane," Lois confirms the assessment that she is, indeed, the Lois in question. "It's honestly a pleasure to meet you, T'Challa. I will admit, it was rather clever of Janet not to reveal exactly who I was meeting. I think she enjoys catching people off guard." She moves to carefully seat herself in the offered chair.

"Had I known exactly who I was meeting, I would have been able to do more research, get a bit of an upper hand. I'm wondering if she anticipated that."

T'Challa has posed:
"Or perhaps she was worried that you would try to turn it into an interview instead of a date?" T'Challa points out, an amused tug on the corner of his lips as he helps Lois to the table before returning to his seat. "Though I suppose a blind date is much like an interview in itself, and she wanted you to learn about me first-hand? As she has done to same to me, only offering your first name." he points out.

His English is spot on, but the British dialect of his training shows in his tone, his tutoring and years at Oxford.

"But I will admit that I read your stories on Superman, and that your honoring him in death and reminding us all of his legacy that we should all be heroes was inspiring, and well deserved of the accolades it was granted." His smile is warm at that as he offers the wine list to her. "You may need this?" he suggests gamely.

Lois Lane has posed:
"I'm still likely to turn it into an interview, unfortunately. I'm a bit of a workaholic, turning off the reporter side is always a problem. Part of my nature, I suppose. I promise I will do my best to remember the nature of the evening," Lois offers an honest smile, accepting the wine list, giving a look over with a slightly raised eyebrow. She's certainly not used to this.

"It's good to know my stories have reach. It's the work I do... I try to spread it to as many people as I can. I can't say all of my work is so glamorous, though. Stories like that are once in a lifetime, I feel, and if that's how it is I think I'm happy with how it turned out."

The wine list is eyed critically, then she slowly offers it towards him. "I... imagine you dine at places like this far more often than I do. Recommend me something? I'm not picky."

T'Challa has posed:
"I understand the need to be a workaholic." Of course he would, he's a ruler of a country. "As will I remember that the spirit of the evening is companionship and seeking possible compatibility." T'Challa offers in return as he accepts the wine list back and keeps it simple. "We'll try the house wine, then." he offers to her, before he sets it to the side. "I would have been just as comfortable at a delicatessen with a pastrami on rye. But our friend was rather insistant that I give you an evening I'd give someone special." he chuckles at that. "I am not sure if she meant a dignitary or a visiting noble. Her tone did not invite questioning."

"However, if by some chance you do turn this into an interview and I find it on the Daily Planet's pages tomorrow, may I suggest the 'King and I' as a title? It was one of my favorite movies when I was growing up." Something personal. A gentle steering of the conversation /away/ from an interview. "However, before you ask, I am no fan of the Lion King remake, unless it is the Broadway version. And no, Wakanda is not like that."

Lois Lane has posed:
There's a slight grin from Lois. "That sounds like Janet alright. I think she feels a bit bad that I got stood up last time she set me up with someone. So it sounds like you may be an apology." She laughs, just a bit. "I'm not sure if that's something you should be flattered by or find offensive. I hope the former." She leans forward a little, glancing over at him.

"I always liked My Fair Lady. Someone from humble beginnings being transformed to someone elegant through a lot of hard work that someone else tries to take credit for. A tale far too true almost anywhere these days. Still the songs were lovely."

T'Challa has posed:
When the waitress comes over - yes, another guard under cover, T'Challa asks for the house wine and a pair of glasses. No appetizer ordered yet, they haven't even gotten to that menu. Lois' comment draws a laugh from T'Challa as he leans to speak more quietly, his tone is light and playful, "I believe that the decision would be yours if I am considered to be an acceptable consolation prize. However. Since you have asked my thoughts on the matter and put me on the spot for a first impression?"

"You are more lovely than your picture in the paper, Lois. And you are very fetching in the dress you chose for the evening. You have taken what was a surprise, perhaps even an ambush by your friend and made it more delightful than either." he explains as he takes up his water glass for a sip before setting it back down. "You ask if I should be flattered or offended? I am flattered. And I am also intrigued. I do not mind being challenged. I appreciate someone that has stood up for themselves and made it work and forcefully removed the yoke of society's expectations from her and made her own way and blazed the trail for others to follow."

Is he describing Lois or Eliza Doolittle, though? His last statement hopefully clarifies that. "I find myself glad to have been introduced to you and certainetly hope this dinner goes well."

Lois Lane has posed:
"I wouldn't call you a consolation prize, more of a salve to soothe a wounded ego. I can't say that it feels particularly nice being cancelled on right before you're ready to leave for somewhere. This /certainly/ makes up for it. You're certainly not what I expected and... I think I like that," Lois asserts, seeming thoughtful. "I don't often get to see the personal side of people. The reporter thing usually means I get to see what they think they want to show the world. I have to dig for the truth and even then... it's never personal."

She spends a moment looking over at him. "I honestly think the dinner's already gone well. You're fine company. I appreciate the opportunity to talk."

T'Challa has posed:
"As do I. Everything is always so formal. Practiced. I am glad to just sit and talk to someone with there being no expectation." Alright, maybe not the best way to put that, but T'Challa couldn't think of something else to say there as the wine arrives at the table and is uncorked and poured for the pair.

"I do like to mingle. Not as ... this, obviously." Meaning his regal garments. "...but just to see what has happened. What I can help with. It is what brought me back. The recent news from Genosha and what happened there is concerning." he shakes his head as he realizes he's coasting out of the 'date' and into 'interview' territory.

"So, what kind of things do you enjoy in your off time?" he asks her finally. "Besides letting someone talk you into blind dates?"

Lois Lane has posed:
"It's nice to feel like you can relax a little," Lois agrees. "Even if it's relaxing in a setting that technically does have some expectation... just perhaps not the kind you're used to." He is, after all, a very public figure. Expectations are naturally high. "It's good that you're helping, though. I always like to see those who can aiding."

She curbs herself from further investigating what might be a story. It's a hard instinct, but she manages to steer from it. "Well, I certainly don't talk about myself in my off time," she laughs. "I find this a little weird, I'm usually asking all the questions, often obnoxiously so." She takes her glass of wine, sipping from it after a moment. "It's hard to make off time, really. I like to read, like to keep up with what's going on in the world. There's a blurry line between work and off time that makes it hard to figure out."

She looks curious. "Do you ever really have off time? Isn't there always some sense of who you are blending in to all aspects of your time?"

T'Challa has posed:
"Wakanda has spent so long in secrecy, these first steps into the light are welcomed. Perhaps, sometime, I could interest you in a visit." Yes, he knows he just laid out a very tempting bait, but he's at least willing to entertain her a little as T'Challa takes a sip from his wine. And then a second. This was apparently a sign, because finally the pair are brought the menus. Did he have an exit strategy in case this went bad at the word go? Perhaps.

"I was born with a vibranium spoon in my mouth." he admits. "I never wanted. I never needed for anything. Then my father was assassinated. Everything was changed. I had to grow up. And grow up quickly. I have always pushed myself, not just because I was a Prince of Wakanda and would someday be King. But because I would need to take on the mantle of my country's protector. The Black Panther cannot be slovenly or weak. It has to be a balance of Panther, King, and T'Challa. If I lose one, I lose what I am."

He chuckles. "When I was young, my father told me the story of my great grandfather and how he was able to bring Captain America to a standstill in a fight. I have yet to bring this up to him." he admits in amusement, willing to share that with Lois.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois laughs, peering over her glass at him. "You know there's no way I can refuse an offer like that, right? That would be amazing, even if I were to push the idea of a story aside... although doing that is hard as well. But I can't say no. So I won't say no." It's too tempting for her not to jump at the chance.

"While we don't share similar origins, I do know understand that some things become a part of you that can't ever really be parted. What I'm doing now is all I've ever wanted to do, and I've worked hard to get there. Worked right from the ground up." There's a small smile. "I may not be able to protect a country, but you'd be amazed at what a person can do to sway minds. That I can say I know."

T'Challa has posed:
"Your words could be more powerful than my fists, Lois." T'Challa admits as he opens the menu. The prices in it are expensive. But it's all wagu and kobe beef. And of course the Skyward side of it with Quail, Pheasant, Grouse, etc. Even if she's sitting away from her, he's able to pick up on her heartbeat, her scent, all of the signs if he's made her uncomfortable. "Then if things progress nicely, we'll have to see about making sure you are given the royal tour of my homeland." He sets aside his menu, hands folded together near her own as chuckles.

"I'm not sure I could match many with origin stories. But tell me yours?" he asks curiously. "What inspired you to be a reporter? Was there an event? Was it something, as you said, you always wanted to do? I know of things taking root in your soul and blossoming in full." Heart-shaped herb, anyone?

Lois Lane has posed:
"Words aren't always so powerful when someone's hurling a car at your head." Lois knows her limitations when it comes to physical danger. "But they can be tricky. I've talked my way out of plenty of situations and I could say I've swayed many a mind with my words. All my hard work means that I'm a name people trust. That's not something I take lightly." She doesn't particularly seem uncomfortable, in fact, she seems fairly at ease save for the tiniest twinge of nervousness. It is, after all, a date. She looks through the menu, once again a little overwhelmed with the prices. Not her usual fair, but after a moment, she eases into the idea and searches it for what she might enjoy.

"I mean, it's really not much of one. My parents are farmers, so I started with basically nothing. There was no ground-shattering event, but I just wanted to be more. I had no outlet. I was creative, fairly charismatic, and that wasn't something I could use in that environment. So I worked hard and I discovered that journalism was something I could do that made a difference. There are times when things are happening that people /should/ be aware of but they aren't because no one has the guts to say anything. So, I say it."

Needless to say, sometimes there's fallback from that.

T'Challa has posed:
"You do have very strong opinions. I think it is valid for you to voice them, but you also are willing to push the boundries when you feel it appropriate." T'Challa responds. "There is not much in the way of press in my home. As it is a monarchy, there are freedoms, but there is also times where things need to be kept under wraps. Or, for instance, when the gossip turns to when I spend any significant time with an attractive woman, if she is to be the next Queen of Wakanda." State secrets? A lot of them, really. His eyes search the menu as well, finally settling. "I think I will have the thin sliced wagu and kobe platter with quail under glass." he decides, as he returns his attention to the conversation.

"There is plenty of farmland in Wakanda. I am proud of our farmers and their families." he explains. "And I agree. Trust is something that once lost, is never truly recovered. My people trust me to be their voice in the world and to guide them properly. It is a terrifying and overwhelming idea at times. But it is good to earn trust. And friendship. Are you comfortable with the idea that my identity as the Black Panther is known?" The King issue is it's own can of worms. He knows she writes about heroes. Mainly one hero.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois offers a wry smile. "That is certainly why you need the media. If your people feel you are being candid, even if they aren't told the whole truth, it goes a long way. If you need to calm gossip, you find something else for people to be /more/ interested in. It's a game, sometimes, figuring out what to say to whom and when. I can't imagine organizing something like that for a whole country, though. It sounds like a challenge." She nods, in agreement to his choice of food. "I think I'll try the pheasant."

"Wakanda certainly takes better care of its farmers, I'd imagine. The United States isn't quite so great at that. We could learn a lot from Wakanda." She studies him for a moment. "Honestly, I feel there's a lot to be gained by being forthright with something like that. Certainly there's danger in it, but who people are can't just be separated. You said it yourself. Why would it bother me that you are who you are and you show it to the world?" She grins. "I will admit I'm a touch intimidated, though."

T'Challa has posed:
"I'm a young ruler. If I was American, I would trend on Twitter." T'Challa admits with a chuckle. Admittedly, if it got out he was on a date with Lois, #QueenLois would totally take off. As the waitress comes over, he places their orders and passes back over the menus as his attention returns to his companion.

"There is nothing wrong with honesty, but there are times where things deserve to be played close to the vest. Such as discussion trade partners and the like." he explains. "Things better settled for diplomats." There's a shrug of his shoulders, as he considers her response.

"There is nothing to be intimidated about. I am nervous as well, if you want me to be honest." His lips curl in a lopsided smile. "After all, I'm finding more and more reasons to continue to speak with you and deciding what plans we could make after dinner."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois smirks. "You don't have to be an American to trend on Twitter. I am /fairly/ certain you're on the radar for a lot of people. Doesn't take much." She takes another sip of her wine as she listens to him. "Diplomats are good at their job, smart enough to know when to keep quiet. I would be a /terrible/ diplomat, I think, because I don't particularly like to play coy. Getting to the heart of things tends to be the way I get the job done. I enjoy the eloquence that one can weave with words, but I also know that sometimes you need a good editor to help you get right to the point."

She laughs, just a touch. "I don't know what you're so nervous about, but I'm going to pretend it's my wit and charm as I don't see how I could possibly present as intimidating."

T'Challa has posed:
"The power of words. And social media." he points out. "You cannot lift a car. But one statement from you goes out to millions and it is accepted as truth. That is intimidating in of itself." T'Challa grins, an amused twinkle in his eye. "And I have seen how such power can be abused, especially with politicians and diplomats. I do have a Twitter account, but it is rarely used. Wordsmithing is not my strongest suit."

"Not that I would believe you would do such a thing, of course." he points out as he lifts his wine to sip from it, his eyes watching hers over the glass. "It is wit. And charm. And attractive."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois seems to contemplate the idea of her having that much power. "I think you might be exaggerating my words a tiny bit, but I'll go on and let you think what you like." She certainly seems amused by it. "But you'll find I prefer the truth, especially when it comes to presenting a story to the world. The truth may not always be easy, but it's the truth." She shifts slightly, leaning fully against the back of her chair, just a move to get comfortable.

"You know, I should give you fair warning." There's a pause. "I'm trouble."

T'Challa has posed:
He catches that slight shift in posture and movement, and T'Challa frowns to himself. "I did not mean discomfort. It was an observation." he explains, sitting up more himself to set his wine glass aside as he considers her. "Truth is rarely easy, it rarely the hope of all involved. But it is important that it is shared, lest opinion rein in it's stead." he responds.

//I'm trouble.//

"I run a country, I am used to trouble, Lois." he points out to her. Then he pauses, and his expression turns thoughtful as he lifts his eyes to hers. "...unless that was an attempt at flriting that just passed me by?"

Lois Lane has posed:
"No, no, it's alright," Lois assures him. There's a gentle smile offered as well to cement the assurances. "I do find that a little opinion is alright, should it not obscure the truth. I've never been fond of the way some people wield opinion as if it were truth to make their own way with things. Anyway..."

She takes a sip from her glass of wine. "It was kind of a little of both. I figured it was a fair warning. Somehow I don't think I'm the same kind of trouble a country is, T'Challa." That gets a grin.

T'Challa has posed:
"Perhaps you are someone I would like to get into trouble with." comes T'Challa's response, his smile playful towards her, the words coy. Yes, he did rise to the challenge. "Opinion is not dangerous thing unless, yes, it masks the truth beneath it. That is something we can agree on completely." he decides. With his wine finished, he doesn't refill his glass yet, instead he turns to his glass of ice water.

And there's no question this time - he teased her, and is going to give her the chance to respond to that first.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois laughs, genuinely looking amused. "I think that entirely depends on the kind of trouble. On one hand, I'm certain you'd be an asset next time I'm staring down the barrel of a gun trying to expose a human trafficker. On the other hand, I'm not sure what kind of trouble we're talking about anymore." The grin's back, and she finishes the last of her glass of wine.

"I was saying something about truth and opinions? I got distracted there."

T'Challa has posed:
"I think I may have you at the advantage there, having faced a gun barrel or two in my time." T'Challa admits. He's careful, maybe Janet tipped him off that usually when Lois gets in that kind of trouble, there was a big blue S nearby. "But you are still here, so you have apparently handled it well." Let her stand on her own merits when it comes down to it.

But he accepts her redirection. "I think we have pretty much reached the conclusion that opinions are strong, but truth should always rise above." He starts to say more, but the plates of food arrive, perhaps to give them a chance to catch their breath. Or to let T'Challa know that he's on dangerous ground, and probably about to blow it.

Lois Lane has posed:
"I've convinced people not to shoot me before," Lois says, still looking amused. "Can't say that the power of words didn't help me there. I'm quite good at talking my way into and out of certain situations and not everyone is always pleased with me doing it." She pauses. "But I'm here. If I was bad at it, I wouldn't be here." There are certain times when she'd needed a helping hand, but not always. Usually, those were only the times when words couldn't help anyway.

With the food there, she eases up her dialogue to something lighter to converse on while they eat. "So I didn't get to ask what you liked to do when you weren't in the middle of protecting a country and ruling it. What is the great T'Challa into?"

T'Challa has posed:
"I am a musician. I play the flute." T'Challa admits as he spears a thin piece of raw wagu and pops it into his mouth to enjoy. Closing his eyes in thought, he finishes the slice, and continues. "I like to invent things. I also study physics. But for personal time? I enjoy musicals and plays. I like museums and other cultures. I like to learn about others, and how it would fit into Wakanda." So work mixed with pleasure. "And old movies."

"And what does Lois Lane do when she arrives home and takes off her press pass?" he asks her curiously in return.

Lois Lane has posed:
"A multi-faceted man. You certainly are well suited for being a ruler. You look good on paper." Lois looks briefly up from her food for only a second before looking back at the pheasant. "And otherwise." She seems thoughtful. "As far as what I do when I get home? If I'm not doing more work, I'm with you on the old movies. Taking off my shoes, curling up in a blanket and watching something with Humphrey Bogart? A good way to end an evening."

She finishes a small slice of meat before she looks back up at him. "While I can't play the flute or invent things, both of which are impressive accomplishments, the theater and culture, that's all certainly something I can enjoy." She pauses. "I thought about writing a book once, but I think my narrative style doesn't quite work as fiction."

T'Challa has posed:
"I think it would probably be a very interesting autobiography." T'Challa responds to the thought of a book. "Though those are generally done after one is retired. And I cannot see you doing that any time soon." And yes, he caught her subtle words, his dark cheeks showing just a hint of darkening as he busies himself with his meal. "Perhaps I should offer to take you to a show, should we want to do this again?" he asks. It's a daring ask, but one he decides to venture.

"I enjoy a good Noir film. The gritty crime dramas. Maltese Falcon and such. And foreign language films. Do you speak any other languages?" he asks her curiously.

Lois Lane has posed:
"You're right, if it were an autobiography I'd certainly have to wait until far, far in the future. It would be rather strange writing myself into the narrative for as often as I write myself out of it. Most of my stories tend to be firsthand these days. Nothing more compelling than an eye witness account. I just usually have to delicately write myself out of things." Lois looks amused. After all, they might think she's /causing/ all those awful things if she's showing up everywhere that trouble is.

"Oh, I love the gritty crime ones. I've got a soft spot for those grizzled detectives who can't turn down a dame who needs their help." She does catch his glance at the offer, smiling after half a second. "I could do a show... should you be offering." She acts casual, looking down at her plate for a second. "I know just enough Spanish and French to get directions and order food in those respective language-speaking countries, but not enough to speak it in an semblance of a sentence. Always wanted to, but I never seem to find the time."

T'Challa has posed:
"So make sure a movie is sub-titled." He may have just teased her a little. "Right? The door busts open, and there's girl going 'You're the only one that can help me.'. And the PI, he lets his guard down, and gets out the McGuffin of the movie, and she turns, pulling out a gun and kills him. Roll credits." he says with a small laugh. "Is there something that you've wanted to learn, that you never had the chance to?" he asks her curiously.

"For myself? I always wanted to learn how to ride a horse. I can drive a car. Fly a plane. Ride a horse? Nope, never learned. I tried once. When I was ten. I got thrown off!" he laughs. "Landed on my rump, surprised I didn't break anything."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois gives him a mock dirty look, followed by a quick grin. "Sub-titled unless you want me to lean over and ask you for a translation every other line." She shrugs. "Your choice." It's an amused look that remains on her face while she cuts another slice of meat. "Something I've wanted to learn... would it sound weird if I said fencing? I've watched some Olympic fencers before, it's a sport all about precision and body language and outsmarting an opponent with a touch of physical skill all rolled into it."

She does, however, laugh at his mention of being thrown off a horse. "You know, I did mention my parents are farmers. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't mind if I brought you to try your hand at riding a horse again. Provided you aren't afraid to fall off."

T'Challa has posed:
"I know how to fence. I use swords quite often. It's one of those things that my father sent me to school for." T'Challa admits with a chuckle as he finally starts on his own bird, but not before pushing the small platter of beef if she wants to try. "Melts in your mouth." he offers to her, before he grins. "Already offering to bring me home to meet the parents?" his smile at her is playful, teasing her, though he sombers slightly.

"My mother died shortly after I was born, from complications." he explains finally, "I had a stepmother eventually, but she disappeared after my father's assassination. It was an attempted coup by a man that was upset that my father would not give him mining rights to our country's vibranium. He attempted to kill me in the process." he glances down. "I managed to wrest his weapon away from him and use it on him." If Lois was to research it, she'd learn of the villain 'Klaw'.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois moves a bit so she can take a piece of the beef off the platter. "I suppose you'd have to meet them if you want the free riding lessons," she says, though his somber tone turns hers a bit more serious. "I'm sorry. For me, I'm not... terribly close with my parents anymore, my own fault for being so wrapped up in getting away from there and to set off and do things on my own. Small towns have never been my thing. I feel at home in the urban sprawl." She looks at him. "But I imagine... it must feel fairly lonely, not to have them encouraging you in what you do."

She's stopped what she's doing in favor of focusing fully on her concern.

T'Challa has posed:
For a moment, T'Challa feels that well-spring of self-remorse. And then he looks up and sees Lois looking at him, and his hands move. For a moment, they cover hers. A light touch to remind him that she's here. And that he's here. "If they were here, Lois, they would be chiding me for bringing them up and not focusing on my current company of the smart and beautiful woman that is discussing the things that we could do together in the future."

He gives her a reassuring smile, as the waitress returns. "Would you like to see a dessert menu?" she asks, as T'Challa looks over to Lois. "I do not know about you, but perhaps a walk together to get some fresh air would be more enjoyable?" And out of the eye and earshot of his royal guard.

"I will have to bring you to visit Birin Zana sometime. It is a very large, modern city. Nothing like one may expect from a country like Wakanda."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois takes the moment when their hands touch to take everything in--the restaurant, the food, the company... it's certainly not what she had expected but for this case, different was good. She smiles back at him, one in return for his. "Your parents sound like they were wise people." It's a tiny bit of a tease, she's not trying to poke too hard at a sensitive subject.

"A walk? That sounds perfect. I'd like that." She looks back at him. "You know, personal matters aside, I bet it couldn't hurt to have some more positive press about Wakanda out there."

T'Challa has posed:
"Was that an offer, Lois?" T'Challa responds, as he reaches to the bracelet on his wrist. And it may surprise Lois. A holographic representation of the bill comes up. T'Challa moves his finger over it in a few swipes. After a couple of seconds of processing, the bill is validated with a green checkmark in a circle. "There. Dinner is paid for. Shall we?" he asks as he moves to stand to his feet.

"And if I were to offer you a chance to interview me on the record, would that ruin any chance of earning a future date with you?" he asks, his arm presented to her so that they can retrieve their coats to brave the chilly Metropolis weather. "So as I am new to Metropolis, what would you like to show me?"

Lois Lane has posed:
The fancy display of transactional processing does get her attention for a second, but Lois remains mostly focused on the man himself and not the bill. "I wouldn't want you thinking I was only in this for the story, T'Challa. Any offer I'm making for a story is because I think that Wakanda and her monarch deserve the positive attention. I think they're both very interesting and I'd enjoy the chance to see more of them."

She gets to her feet and takes his arm. "There are all kinds of places to see in Metropolis," she offers. "I think there's a small park near here, if you'd like to see something green amidst the sea of gray."

T'Challa has posed:
Arm taken, T'Challa gives her hand a squeeze before leading her to the coat check to get their gear. "I did not think you came on this date for the story. After all, you did not your date was with me." he points out. "But if you would like to do so sometime, I would welcome you to the embassy or my suite to enjoy a traditional Wakandan feast and you can ask me whatever questions you wish. On the record." he offers to her in suggestion.

"I am your tourist to lead around. Though I admit I will find the company far more enjoyable than any views offered." His smile touches his eyes as he helps her slip on her coat.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois slides her coat on with the assistance, glancing over to him as she does. "Alright, I'd enjoy that. A feast and an on record conversation. I think that's certainly suitable for both of us." She does, however, seem more amused at the suggestion that she might be the better option out of her versus scenery.

"If that's the case, we can walk to the park and enjoy things there. Might be a little chilly, but it should be nice. Hopefully not too overcast, we might have some stars."

T'Challa has posed:
"Then it's a plan." Slipping on his own overcoat, T'Challa leads Lois to the elevator to they can head down to the lobby to make the trek to the park. "Chilly? I would assume so, it is winter time." he points out with a grin as he slips his free hand into the pocket of his coat, leaving the other free for her. "Do you get to see many stars? I imagine with all the light, it diminishes the view somewhat."

Once they reach the street, he glances aside. "Do we need a ride, or is it within walking distance?" he asks finally, ready to handle the former should it be needed/

Lois Lane has posed:
"The park's a walkable distance," Lois states, taking a moment to look towards the sky to see if there's any chance of seeing the stars at the moment. "Usually the light pollution drowns it all out, but some places you can see it better than others. The roof of the Daily Planet's got the best view of the whole city I think, if you'd rather see that." She gestures down the street. "Park's that way. It's not much, but it's close and peaceful."

She assumes it's peaceful. One never knows in Metropolis.

T'Challa has posed:
"We can do that another time, perhaps." T'Challa offers. With the path set, he moves to walk with Lois, standing close to her to keep conversation personal while not moving to hand holding distance. "As I said, I may be a bit distracted." he points out with a small smirk. He looks around the city. Metropolis is perhaps closest to a sister city to his own home, but he's noticing the small subtle differences.

"Have you ever seen a war rhino?" he asks her, a grin touching his features. "I have never ridden a horse, but I have ridden a rhino. And an elephant. Except we do not use those for battle."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois gives him a skeptical look, but it's tempered with a smile as she leads the way towards the park. "I don't think I've seen a /war/ rhino, but it sounds like it would be a much larger than normal rhino. Hopefully you rode it as an /adult/ and not a child. If you got knocked off a horse..." She can't imagine getting knocked off a war rhino. "It's just such a different experience. I've visited other countries before for work, but there was never quite such a cultural difference as war rhinos."

She grins. "Do you feel out of place here?"

T'Challa has posed:
"You do not believe me." T'Challa grins at her with a chuckle. "But it is true. You will perhaps see for yourself." There's a firm nod of his head and a bump of his shoulder. "No. They are very large to fall off of. It is a specialized breed of White Rhino. They are protected in Wakanda, and we are making strides to regrow their population." he explains.

When she's asked if he feels out of place, his expression turns thoughtful as he gives his shoulders a shrug. "I always have a bit of home with me." He reaches up and touches the necklace around his necks. "This is not my first trip to America. But it is always nice to see home. But I do enjoy my friends here. Old..." and a look over to her. "And new. Even if I may want to be closer to one than the other." he offers as he continues to walk with her.

Lois Lane has posed:
Although Lois leads the way, she keeps most of her attention on T'Challa. "Maybe I will see one. Although I'd certainly feel out of place in the presence of a White Rhino. A conservation piece could be nice, though..." There's the reporter in her coming out. "I'm not sure if that would be more or less dangerous than my average article here."

She glances towards his necklace for a moment. "I imagine it's probably true of anyone being far from home. Old friends are beloved, new friends are treasured." She gestures up ahead of them a few blocks down. "Right there's the park."

T'Challa has posed:
After a moment's though, T'Challa brings up her hand and says something in Wakandan. The bracelet responds and brings up a picture.


Showing Lois the picture, he grins at her. "This is from a couple of years ago. The Border Tribe, under W'Kabi, raises and trains them." he explains as he heads towards the park as directed. Lowering his hand after she observes the image, his hand brushes against hers in a subtle motion, and question or invitation.

Lois Lane has posed:
"That certainly does look like a war rhino, yes," Lois admits as she looks at the picture. "Part of me thinks it looks oddly fun to ride. I can picture it, I know what riding a horse is like." The brush of hands pulls her gaze momentarily between them, then up to his face. While her hand stays close, still within brushing distance, she seems to be trying to figure him out.

"So is a war rhino only for war or do you take it out for fun?" She asks, a twinkle in her eye.

T'Challa has posed:
The figuring it out seems to be likewise. "You would need to return it by midnight, or the rental fees are attrocious." T'Challa responds in a mock deadpan. He can do it to, it seems. "They are actually very docile once trained." he comments as he considers her. "This has been a very enjoyable evening." he finally ventures. "I will have to make sure to give Janet a kind letter of thanks. Though, I am wondering if you have enjoyed it." Not that he's looking to make a move on her -- it's the mutal feeling each other out.

Lois Lane has posed:
The joke prompts a laugh from Lois. "I'll be sure to return mine, posthaste." She says, though she's brought from thoughts of war rhinos back to T'Challa himself. "I had a lovely time. I honestly mean it. It was nice to get lost in someone else's world for a while." She offers him a kind smile. "I guess I owe Janet my thanks as well."

T'Challa has posed:
"Good." T'Challa offers, and meanders through the park with Lois as he chuckles. "Not bad for a consolation date." he teases her with a grin before tucking his hands in his pockets. "So I do not want you to think this is me trying to get out of things, but I have a trade meeting in the morning. But, perhaps after, if you want to meet again?" he asks hopefully. "We can exchange numbers. And of course, if after the meeting, you want to do the interview, we can do that as well."

"But I would like to see you again. Off the record."

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois grins. "I can usually tell when someone is eager for an excuse to get away. I think you're merely a busy man." She gives him a nod. "I've got a story I might need to cover, but once that's over... I'll pencil you in." She seems... excited at the idea. "Off the record, of course." It's not something she's used to.

T'Challa has posed:
Walking with her back to the entrance of the park, "Do you want me to ride home with me, or should I order you a driver?" he asks as he is already communicating with his driver to pull around to pick him up. "I believe that usually when one of these goes well, there's a handshake or a kiss at the end. I'm not sure which one I rank, and fortune favors the bold."

"The latter may have been considered more than the former." he finally allows. But he doesn't push it further than that.

Lois Lane has posed:
"I wouldn't mind a ride," Lois glances towards the entrance to the park, then back at him. "Were this on the record, I think a handshake is appropriate. But we're off the record, so this is an entirely different conversation and an entirely different ending." She turns to face him. "And, if you've been considering it for any amount of time, I've done my job. So, we still going with off the record?" There's some playfulness in her grin.

T'Challa has posed:
As the limo arrives, T'Challa is opening the door for Lois. "Just give the driver your address and we'll get you home safely." he comment. But then she's turning to face him, and as he weighs her words, he lifts his chin with a laugh. "I believe that our interview tomorrow in on the record." comes the response, and he steps closer to her. "As far as doing your job?" he lifts his hand, tilting her chin up.

Meeting her eyes, he studies the subtle curves of her face, and leans in to claim her mouth in a soft kiss, lingering there for several seconds if she allows. Apparently this is off the record.

Lois Lane has posed:
Off the record seems to be working out for her tonight. Lois returns the kiss, content to linger for a few moments before ever so slowly pulling back. "I certainly did something right, then," she concludes. There's a sudden grin. "I get all of this /and/ an on the record interview tomorrow?" She's obviously impressed. "And Janet somehow talked you into this?"

T'Challa has posed:
"Janet asked me a favor. The rest of it was all you, Lois." T'Challa points out, stepping back so that she can slip into the car, before he follows her to settle in for the trip back to her place first before he makes the trip back to New York and the embassy. With a sweeping motion over the bracelet, he pushes his contact information to her phone, including his personal cell phone -- which is way off the record. "When you're free next, call me. Hopefully our schedules mesh and we can do this again soon." His hand settles in hers in a light touch, confidence bolstered by the return of his kiss.

Lois Lane has posed:
Lois' hand rests in his, content to keep it there the entirety of the ride to her apartment. Her other hand holds her phone, glancing down at the contact information before she tucks her phone away again. "If the schedules are a little rocky... I'll find a way to make it work. I could use a little time off now and again anyway." She nods at him. "We /will/ do this again soon."

T'Challa has posed:
"Good. Because I am willing to... what was it you said. Pencil you in?" T'Challa asks as they arrive at her apartment building. Exiting the limo, he comes around to open her door. "Off the record, you get to pick the next location. Just let me know if I should dress down." he points out as he waits for her, hoping for another kiss before she departs for the night.

Lois Lane has posed:
Stepping outside of the limo, Lois carefully makes sure her dress doesn't catch in the door, and it's only once she's clear and settled in the night air that she faces him again. "You said you didn't know much about Metropolis. I certainly can't say I know much about the /expensive/ restaurants, but if you do dress down, I know a couple hole-in-the-wall places worth going to. Although I will say... seeing you dressed up is an excellent first impression."

She turns to head inside, then stops, turning back briefly. He gets his wish. She bridges the gap between them, leaning in for a soft, fleeting kiss before retreating entirely towards the apartments. "I'll call you." And she's off.

T'Challa has posed:
"Then you will have to find reason to keep me dressed up." T'Challa responds. The kiss is returned, and as she departs, he can still smell her in the air, all sweet and exotic. Drawing in his breath, he turns to return to his car. Once he's settled, he glances at his watch and the missed message.

'It went well, Your Majesty?'

He chuckles. "Wow." he breathes. He'll respond later. Right now, he's settling in for the trip home.