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Latest revision as of 22:20, 17 May 2021

Superhero Curves
Date of Scene: 17 May 2021
Location: Avengers Mansion - Training Facility
Synopsis: At last, Herukage convinces Katsumi to begin training in earnest. The Avengers HQ is the venue.
Cast of Characters: Katsumi Oshiro, Scott Lang, Nessa Donovan

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
In the end, the cat won.

Katsumi couldn't keep putting off the spooky feline's demands. The spectre of soul-snatching death loomed heavy in the room with each passing day. So finally, when urged to take action, Katsumi grudgingly agreed. And to access a training facility where this could really take place, she'd need to make use of a recent resource - the Avengers HQ. Somehow, the radness of the location would be lessened by the ever-present threat of death.

Katsumi didn't bother to tell Nessa where they were going, nor the cat. The latter didn't need to know. The former... well, it might be a fun surprise. The only trick is, she'd need to be /allowed/ to enter. But they'd be cool about it, right? The cat's stressing her out, she wants a comforting presence!

Upon arrival, Katsumi puts on as confident a smile as she can muster. In the back of her mind, she's telling herself she doesn't belong there. This is where superheroes go. She definitely isn't one. But the small steppy-paws trotting along beside her are a quick reminder that she needs to do /something/ to move forward. Fortunately, the system at least recognizes her. But does it recognize the witch she brought with her? And are the front men allergic to cat dander?

Scott Lang has posed:
Avengers Mansion is and always has been a weird place. For some of the heroes who lived on the road or grew up in strange circumstances, frozen in ice, raised as assassins, it might feel like a home. For Scott it wasn't quite there, he was a family man with his own place. But it wasn't work either. More like an exclusive club he never quite felt like he fit into.

Except most clubs didn't make you brush up on security protocols. "What in the heck is Katsumi doing here?" Scott mutters around a half-eaten sandwich as a monitor on the wall flickers to life and calls his attention to it. Downing the rest quickly he heads for the door in full Ant-Man regalia. Always stressing that at least one active member should be ready and on duty at any moment, and today was his shift.

The door clicks open and Scott flashes his easy 'cool dad' smile at the two waiting women...and a glare for the accompanying cat at their feet. "Katsumi! Hey! Whatcha doing here KitKat? We gonna try and have Hulk punt your little furbuddy here to the Sun? He's not in right now but I can make a call, get Mittens into orbit by dinner for sure. Oh hi, Scott Lang by the way. You one of Katsumi's wrestling buddies?" Scott halfway through shifting his attention to Nessa with an outstretched hand. Her poor feline mentor never directly addressed. The disrespect.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"Are you sure we should--"

Nessa seems to be protesting their potential presence somewhere for People Who Do Important Things, but when the door opens she clams up her protest and abruptly smiles sheepishly. Her attention goes to Kat, but the mention of punting the cat into orbit pulls her back.

"Oh, you think he'd do that? I used to like cats but I think he's ruining the experience for me." Tugging her sleeves down to make sure there's no gap of skin between her shirt and her gloves, the sheepish smile broadens. "Nope, wrestling is definitely not my thing, she can do all of that and I'll happily cheer her on while everyone's booing." She accepts the hand in her gloved one.

"Nessa. Nice to meet you!"

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro is surprised to see Scott, though if tasked with why, she wouldn't have an answer. Instead, the question about Nessa gets a graceless snorkgiggle from her for some reason. Wrestling buddy. Heehee.

The feline sits patiently while he's openly threatened, expression static in judgmental boredom. He doesn't know why Katsumi is giggling like a dope. He doesn't care. This is impeding progress.

While Nessa worries with her sleeves, Katsumi quickly throws an arm around her shoulders. "She's good! She helped me through a /lot/ when this started happening to me. Is it okay if she's with me? I'd really, really, really like for her to stay." Her chin tucks a little, presenting Scott with a pitiful upwards look.

"I am to understand there is a space here where she may train," interjects the feline, in typical authoritative drone. "Somewhere better than the local gymnasium. Somewhere more discreet."

Scott Lang has posed:
"Hey Nessa, I'm Scott, the Ant-Man though I'm sure Katsumi has talked about me plenty and all. RIGHT Katsumi?" Scott emphasizes with mock severity only to get caught off-guard by her look that is more puppy-dog eyed than cat-like. How could anyone say no to a face like that?

"I uh, I, I mean we're not like a Planet Fitness or something here, I don't know if we can do this on the reg but..." Scott pauses to lean back in the doorway and look left and right like THAT is all it's going to take to spot Black Widow if she's checking up on him. Scott apparently at least seems to think it does the job as he leans back forward again. "Alright, no sleepovers or anything but we can get a couple hours in. If HE scratches any furniture or yaks a hairball though I really will call Hulk. C'mon," Scott encourages as he opens the door and waves them in. The whole time he's looking around and moving a bit funny as if to dampen his footsteps like he's doing something he's not supposed to. Honestly bringing in a magic cat linked to a killer deity probably IS against policy.

They get a quick glimpse of the mansion's main floor which looks like a multimillionaire's old-fashioned mansion before they're herded into a much more modern elevator that descends down with enough speed to feel it in your stomach. And goes on for quite some time before it stops and lets off in much more modern, and spartan, surroundings.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"I used to go out to the middle of nowhere, there was this neat open area by a lighthouse that was perfect and no one really hung out there..." Nessa's attention darts to the cat again after a moment. "You do realize how far down in the pecking order you are, right? You're really small and insignificant." She gestures towards Scott. "He's really big and /matters/. I'd insert an Ant-Man joke here but I'm pretty sure he's heard all of them."

The blonde glances over at the cat. "You should probably grovel and beg. In fact, I think you really should if you don't want to get kicked out." She is, however, happily enjoying the sights of the mansion. "Boy, this blows my hole-in-the-wall apartment out of the water..."

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Nary a flinch from the cat. His stoicism is on another level - all except for when the elevator is moving. He spreads his paws as if to grab onto the bottom of the lift and avoid hovering in the air. But once it comes to a stop, he's back to his prim and poised manner. "So insignificant you feel the need to insult me. I shall spare you the waste of your time - cats do not care about the insults of humans."

Katsumi exhales a soft sigh and looks sidelong to Scott. "All day," she says.

"That aside, I am required for this, and any further, exercise. Without my guidance, she is, at best, guessing."

"/Anyway/," interjects Katsumi, "I was invited to use the training room, area, whatever. I just have to have a chaperone. I mean, it's like you guys don't trust me or something." She pivots on heel to give Scott a playfully dubious look, before refocusing on their surroundings. "Is this the place?"

Scott Lang has posed:
Scott practically puffs up as Nessa calls him big and that he matters. It's perhaps somewhat telling that Ant-Man isn't often the most celebrated member of the team. "Almost all of them yeah. There's probably a few jokes left about mandibles or something if you really want to try though. Alright c'mon. And Katsumi for the record, you have powers from a demon god and have a talking cat threatening vengeance against the human world. So trusting you is, it's in the air right now lets say," Scott bluntly admits as he gives Katsumi a pat on the shoulder and steps around her letting her process all that as he opens the gym door, something that actually requires a passcode.

The reason is obvious as they step inside, the interior part normal gym and part industrial complex with machinery meant to be used by superhumans and near-death obstacle courses, robots, and a host of other equipment that wouldn't look out of place on a science fiction show. "So what exactly are we trying to train here? Is this leg day or what?" Scott seemingly nonplussed by the room. He's spent WAY too much time here.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"You're technically not a /real/ cat, so don't presume to speak for the entirety of the cat species," Nessa notes, though she glances over to Scott. "I'll work on the mandible jokes, but those are probably a little more difficult." The mention of the demon god gets a bit of a scowl. "Don't worry, the whole vengeance on the human world thing /won't/ be happening. I'll make sure of that." She pauses. "Not that the Avengers couldn't handle that sort of thing anyway..."

She clears her throat, looking back over towards the facility. "Oh, /man/... no wonder you guys are so good. Training somewhere like this would be much more effective for /anything/."

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro instantly deflates as Scott reminds her of her situation, and how it has forced on the outs. It puts a damper on things, and she finds herself questioning her decision to indulge the feline at all. "I- I'm still not gonna do that, Butterscotts," Katsumi protests, voice weakened. She trudges through the door once opened and stufs her hands into the central pouch of her hoodie. A quiet glance is cast to Nessa, then once more to Lang. Her mouth opens to speak, then she seems to secondguess herself and shuts it.

"Humans," scoffs the cat as he pads in. "Always assuming they know everything. This is why it is impossible to insult me." He turns to hop up onto the bench of a barbell, turned to face the trio. "Would you take it to heart if a child calls you foolish? It is a child's arrogance that leads it to believe itself wiser than experience. This is equal to a human when speaking of gods." His right paw lifts. "Now. Oshiro. Prepare yourself. And you," the paw points to Scott, "I assume there is more here than fancy heavy things. Find something sturdy and bring it. And you," the paw points to Nessa, "...try not to be a distraction."

Scott Lang has posed:
     "Ahh relax KitKat, that isn't gonna happen," Scott assures, almost bilssfully unaware of how depressed he made Katsumi even as he puts an arm around her shoulder and gives her a sidesqueeze with one arm...and ruffles her hair with his other hand. He really is a Dad through and through, letting her go hopefully before she belts him for the transgression. "We'll figure something before the Avengers need to step in anyway. I mean, step in more than we already are I guess. And don't be that impressed. This place is torn muscle city," Scott informs Nessa, rubbing a phantom pain in one of his biceps from one of the many injuries he'd sustained in this very room.

And then the cat is once more trying to take charge warranting a staredown from Scott. "All this stuff down here and we don't have a spray bottle. Fine something sturdy, umm, oh here we go..."

There's an entire gym of heavy, well-built equipment, but Scott's mind doesn't work in obvious ways sometimes. Instead he produces a nickel from his pocket, walking it across his knuckles a moment as anyone practicing sleight of hand magic just HAS to do, before he flicks it on the floor. A moment later the coin grows in size, expanding out rapidly into a metal disc at least ten feet across with Thomas Jefferson's disappointed face gazing up at the ceiling.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"I'm gonna be impressed either way, this is the Avengers we're talking about. But you're still people, everyone gets torn muscles," Nessa notes, and she looks at the cat with an amused glance. "You know, I'm starting to think I liked /Loki/ better. Which is a bad sign." Resting a hand on her hip, she raises an eyebrow at the giant coin. "... nice trick."

The cat gets a roll of Nessa's eyes in his direction. "Sorry, I can't promise not to be a distraction. That's all on Kat. Not my fault if I'm irresistible."

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
"Perhaps I should remind you that her life is on the line," drones Herukage, unamused.

The coin suddenly expanding sees the cat hop in startlement, however. He lands on the floor, then gingerly hops right back up onto the bench in an effort to pretend nothing happened.

Katsumi is the mayor of Slouch City, even when Scott ruffles her hair. It's a heavy, heavy concept she's been struggling with - enough that it kept her from swatting him away. After the fact, she mildly pats her silky tresses back down. Pat-pat. A glance is cast to Nessa at the mention of being irresistible, finally earning a tiny hint of a smile.


The voice of the cat causes her to bristle, and she sighs. "Fine! What!"

"Lift it."

With a sour expression, she leans over the suddenly biggified coin and tucks her fingers beneath its edge. With no more effort than lifting a trashcan lid, she hefts the metal up to full tilt. "Happy?"

"Is it heavy?"


"You," the cat says, pointing a paw to Scott. "Stand on it. Or grab onto it. Or find something heavier. It is not sufficient to merely know she is beyond humanity, she must experience it without restraint."

Scott Lang has posed:
"Cripes, yea it must be leg day cause your arms don't need any working out," Scott quickly surmises. One more woman that could benchpress a semi-truck around here it seemed, Scott once more rubbing his biceps but this time with a twinge of self-consciousness instead. Still he looks around, trying not to focus on the fact he's taking orders from a cat that wants humankind murdered. "Ahh you kids and your crazy memetalk. Now it's 'irresistible' and next week you'll be using 'inflammable' or something," Scott apparently assuming it was some sort of ironic slang meaning something else.

Weight though, weight. What else could they make Katsumi carry? Scott walks partway across the gym to a machine on the wall. Weights? Robot control? "Heads up!" he cries as a Coca-Cola can comes flying at Katsumi from across the way...and then rapidly expands to the size of a truck in mid-air, casting a shadow and descending towards her. She's got this.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"Uh, I mean, I'm actually /very/ flammable, so I try not to get lit on fire," Nessa sounds amused. She does, however, keep a careful eye on Katsumi with the idea of her just lifting stuff as if it were no big deal. "... you know, I don't know that this is going to get any less terrifying /ever/..." She glances between Katsumi and the soda can with perhaps a bit more than a little worried expression on her face.

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
The coin is dropped, letting it slam to the floor. It lands with enough force to surprise Katsumi - but she's quickly refocused on the conversation. "No setting fire to Nessa!," she laughs. At last, a little levity.

And then the can comes flying at her. Katsumi quickly lifts a hand to catch it - and it gets huge. Her hand drops and her eyes widen.R

The can bashes into the girl, and both slam hard into the wall behind her. She's completely disappeared behind its colorful label.

The feline stares, ever-present frown in place and unchanging.

After several seconds, there's a firm push and the can is tossed back several feet, allowing Katsumi to drop forward from where she'd been pinned against the wall, falling to hands and knees. "Unf..."

Scott Lang has posed:
"See I knew it, you all are saying inflammable now instead of hot right?! I told Tony that was going to happen and he told me I was wrong but I was fleeking right!" Scott just, misusing words left and right now in a painful kind of way. But not so painful as Katsumi getting slammed by a trademarked slogan. A truck would actually be lighter, all that liquid inside rather solid.

There's a long pause as Scott stares at the fallen can and the wall where Katsumi disappeared between them, his eyes widening as he looks to Nessa and then back again at the crash site. "I'm sure she's fine, she's really strong and tough and this is absolutely not my fau-KATSUMI! Yeah! See I knew you got this girl!" Scott cheers out as she reveals herself, clapping his hands together enthusiastically. It seemed best to encourage her and at least make some attempt to stay on her good side after, well, that.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
The cat is mostly ignored. Nessa doesn't really care what it thinks, mostly because she's too busy worrying. And she's not normally a worrier. She blinks a few times, glancing between Kat at Scott. "Yeah, I know she's tough. Doesn't mean it's not terrifying to watch someone you care about almost get crushed by a giant soda," she says, looking sheepish.

She shakes her head at the mention of inflammable. "No... I mean, literally I am extremely sensitive to heat. Don't set me on fire. Acutally literally in this case."

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro shakes her head a couple times. "H-how much did that damn thing weigh?" She picks herself up to her feet again, staring at the massive aluminum container. She wants to hit it. It did bad things.

"Strike it," Herukage instructs. "As hard as you can. There is no need to hold back." He's suddenly become an enabler.

But that's a direction Katsumi doesn't need encouragement for. Her stance widens, and a snarl curls her lips. With a shift forward, she throws a hard haymaker into the smooth surface of the can - and it takes off. Depending on the actual weight of the object, it might fly and hit the other end of the room. And given it's filled with carbonated, enormous beverage, there may be a new situation at hand.

"Sensitive to heat, you say?," asks the feline, tone not altogether amiable, nor directly threatening. There's just a look towards Nessa; an unspoken pointing out that she's perhaps revealed a weakness to someone she's been making an enemy of. Not that he'd act on it. Probably.

Scott Lang has posed:
     "Well we've got something in common then cause I do not like being set on fire either. So don't do it to me either kiddo," Scott advises, even throwing in a finger gun towards Nessa.

"Hey Katsumi, look if we're just doing punching bag stuff I can warm up a robot or something...OH GEEZE!" Scott's turn to dodge the monstrosity he has made when Katsumi sends the can rolling back towards him with a hefty dent in one side. He manages to dive to one side as it goes rumbling past, adding, "Alright I probably deserved that but seriously we should find something else before..." And then as the can hits the far wall there's a new sound. A click, a hiss. "Oh no," Scott deadpans just before the can's oversized pop-top cracks open and the pressurized soda within fires out in a sticky sweet jet. The massive can meanwhile begins spiraling around the room crazily, still the size of a truck and completely unpredictable while it soaks everything around it.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
There's a quick, /sharp/ glance shot towards the cat as Nessa's attitude suddenly turns icy. Thankfully not literally. But the switch from eye rolling and snippy comments to much more serious is incredibly quick and drastic. Carbonated soda situation or not, she's got one focus now. Eyes still on the cat, her hand moves up and abruptly ice starts to form over the hole on the can, a thick layer building up so the pressure isn't going everywhere, and she lets the frost continue until the whole thing is encased in ice.

"I don't care what god you serve, you make a comment like that again and I'll skin you alive. If she didn't /need/ you, I'd have already done it."

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Carbonated beverage begins spewing, and Katsumi lets out a squeak before diving behind a treadmill. It is not good cover. The feline, similarly, drops behind the weight bench. His compact form is better protected against the sticky spray, at least! Fortunately, Nessa has ranged powers allowing her to halt the problem without getting hosed.

Once settled, Herukage hops onto the bench again. His judgmental frown is retrained on Nessa. "It must bother you to have magical powers, yet cause me no distress. I shall be clear." His paw lifts. "Your cantrips may impress humans, but they make no difference to me. And to harm me is to bring her closer to death. Or does that matter less than your pride?"

Katsumi's eyes dart between the two of them for a moment before jumping forward to interpose herself in Nessa's line of sight. "Hey, hey, sweetpea, easy," she coos. Her hands lift to her shoulders. "He's a pill, but it's why we're here, right? Ignore'em. God knows he's probably hoping I die from some technicality just so he can get back to statue-snoozing or something. Don't give'em the satisfaction." Beat. "Also it would suck to be dead. Okay?"

The feline turns his attention to Scott. "What else can this room provide? She must be made aware of her abilities."

Scott Lang has posed:
Lang's luck is all his own. He's dripping with soda as he shuffles over closer to the little grouping again and looks around the room which features puddles and splashes here and there. The fact Nessa had ice powers is at this point rather secondary to the fact he's wet and cold. "Gods I hope this doesn't short out anything, I don't think any of the training equipment is made to take liquid. Heh sweetpea though, cute. Umm, yeah most of the Avengers have their own training regimen down here. We could probably just tweak one to match you. You're kinda similar to She-Hulk right? Superstrong but not, like, lifting entire buildings or mountains strong. At least not yet. I'll queue up one of her's," Scott suggests, typing into another pad on the wall. Across the room things begin to shift and several humanoid but plain-featured robots start to move.

"Just four opponents, piece of cake," Scott assures Katsumi as the robots pace within their assigned area waiting anyone to step in. The bots could be programmed to have anything from the strength of a normal human with no fighting experience, to a black belt given super strength. For Katsumi it was somewhere between the two, each robot strong and fast as Captain America with only the most hand to hand training to back it up.

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"I wouldn't consider it pride, I'm simply letting you know that I don't take kindly to thinly veiled threats," Nessa doesn't seem to be annoyed so much as /cold/. "But it's nice that you assume I'm distressed. Or that I care what you think. Consider it a warning that I retaliate when attacked." She glances back towards Katsumi, then shakes her head.

"Not gonna let you die, regardless of what he thinks," the blonde glances towards the robots, her face wrinkling up as she contemplates how Kat might take the things down. "At least you have wrestling experience."

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
"And what do you expect me to do?," asks Herukage, the first lilt of bemusement in his voice. "Shoot fire from my paws? I am a cat." His head turns aside, as if to scoff at the very notion.

Katsumi glowers at him over her shoulder, then refocuses on Nessa. Her hands lift to gently cup her cheeks in an effort to bring her focus onto her. She stares at her for a moment before blurting, "You have really pretty eyes." And then she's off! Dashing away to the four robots, her stance lowers - only to find herself floored with a spinning hook kick nailing the side of her head. Katsumi lays on the floor, dazed - not from pain, but from the surprise of the hit. And unfortunately, these robots are programmed for offense. They immediately crowd on her, her figure hidden amidst violently stomping feet. But somewhere in there, Katsumi has curled into a panicked ball, weathering the repeated hits while huddling her arms around her head.

"OSHIRO!," yells the cat. "You are a monster, ACT like it! You do not cower!"

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Was that a blush? Nessa clears her throat a bit, the comment having distracted her enough from the cat to not be too focused on Sir Fluffybutt the Annoyance. But with the robots going for her, her instincts are to run in and help but...

... somewhere she knows that Kat has to try things on her own. So she proceeds to make a loud, startled cry of, "Help!"

There's nothing wrong, of course, but everyone needs some incentive to fight.

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
She's a monster. She should act like it. But Katsumi doesn't want to be a monster. There's an internal tug-of-war with the notion that she should accept her new designation, or she should resist. But what cuts through is Nessa's voice calling for help. She can't see her, but she's instantly given the vision of her being attacked by more of these automatons.


The Japanese diva throws herself to her feet, forcing the cluster back. The first to rush in again is met with a stiff straight punch to its lack-of-face, blasting the head from its frame. The second forcefully strikes her back, earning a yelp more out of surprise than pain. She wheels over on it and captures its neck in a side headlock, only to pushkick a third back from her, then swing that knee inwards to cave its faceplate. The fourth rushes her at a sprint, only to be taken off guard by what initially appears to be a low angle roundhouse, only to pivot at the knee into a higher strike - a question mark kick. The impact flips the robot over laterally before landing in a heap.

At last, the third robot leaps at her! Katsumi rushes in to meet it, turning herself aside. Her arms shoot out, catching it at the legs and behind the neck, securing its frame across her shoulders. She hops into the air and tilts aside, bringing their combined weight down over its head, crushing it into the floor with a classic death valley driver.

Finally, Katsumi is left to sit up and stare towards Nessa, wide-eyed. "A-are you okay?!"

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Nessa's expression is sheepish--because while it did work and Katsumi managed to fight off her attackerbots, she did technically lie a little to get her to do it. She makes her way over in Kat's direction. "I'm okay, sorry, I just didn't know how to help you otherwise and I figured if you were fighting for something other than yourself you'd feel a little more motivated."

She offers a gloved hand. "You okay?"

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro takes the hand. "I can't let anything happen to you, can I?," she asks, offering up her own sheepish smile.

She lifts to her full height, looking down at the wreckage amidst the puddles of soda. "...I really did a number on these, huh? Was it too much?" Her questioning gaze returns to Nessa.

"You were frightened," remarks Herukage as he pads closer. "Which means you still do not understand your ability. But that will suffice for tonight. Tomorrow, I will have something else in mind."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
The blonde offers a slightly less sheepish smile, then she glances down at the soda and the robots. "I wonder if the Avengers have damage insurance for their mansion," Nessa notes, but she shakes her head. "Not too much. You're practicing. And you wanted to make sure I was okay, so that's honestly a pretty decent reaction, I'd say."

She bumps the side of her hip to Kat's. "I'm glad you're looking out for me."

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
"Yeah, well... you're special. So don't go spreading that around, okay?," Katsumi asks with a giggle, tilting with the hipbump. She glances down at the glove still in her hand, then back up to Nessa. "I was getting used to you not wearing these, too."

"Are you quite done?," asks Herukage impatiently.

Katsumi promptly hisses at him. And then she's right back to focusing on Nessa. "Thanks for.. putting up with.. y'know, everything.."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
Nessa's doing much better ignoring Herukage. "Yeah, well, I figured we were going out somewhere so it might be best to be safe." She wiggles her gloved fingers. "I trust you, I don't trust the rest of the world not to do something stupid."

She grins. "It's not putting up with everything, you know. It's you. It's the situation you're stuck with. I don't like it, sure, but you don't need to thank me for being an actual decent person."

Katsumi Oshiro has posed:
Katsumi Oshiro releases the hand in favor of hugging the blonde tightly around the waist. Though in an instant, the tightness is loosening to be safe. "An actual decent person would've bailed by now. You're different." Her head tilts to set her cheek on Nessa's shoulder, snuggling in.

"This is highly inappropriate."

"Shhh." Katsumi nestles in again, letting her eyes shut for a moment. "Someday I'll figure out a way to show ya how much that means to me."

Nessa Donovan has posed:
"Buzz off," Nessa throws in the cat's direction, looping an arm around Kat. "I can certainly agree I'm different, but I'm doing what I need to. You don't bail on people just because things get complicated. It's an awful thing to do."

She squeezes Kat, then blushes. "Hey, you don't need to worry about that. I'm pretty sure I get it. I don't think anyone else would worry as much as you did over me so I'd call it even." There's another squeeze. "How about we go find somewhere to eat that doesn't allow animals?"