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Spider to the Max
Date of Scene: 22 February 2020
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: Maxima meets Spider-Man for breakfast, and schedules progress for brunch.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Maxima

Peter Parker has posed:
Central Park. An oasis of green in the urban "desert" of skyscrapers that makes up Manhattan Island. As the old song says, if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.

Right now, making it means finishing off an all-night patrol and testing of the surveillance gear (and the new Spider-Backpack) requires re-fueling. And the fuel in question happens to be populating the small parking area designated as a food-truck kiosk. Food trucks have a 75 percent fail rate within two years in New York, and there is a mix of new blood and old vets here. Eight food trucks of varying cuisine have set up shop, and are ready for the early-morning crowd, because in this game, Second Place is also the First Loser.

The three people running the Belgian Waffle truck hear a thump on the roof. Sigurn looks out the door and up to see a guy in red-and-blue longjohns crouched on the roof of the truck.
Spider-Man waves. "Morning."

Maxima has posed:
The beauty of the area known as Central Park has attracted Maxima. She finds the addition of such a place to a city to be an interesting asthetic choice and wanted to look it over. She walked through it casually until she spots something odd and out of place. She approaches the truck and looks up at the person perched atop it, noting the strange outfit and considers if this may be one of those heroes like she has read about and seen at least one of.

As she approaches, the smell of food makes her let out a pleased breath. She looks at the various options but decides upon approaching the one that has a spider atop it. She points to him, "You there. Do you act as bodyguard to these group of chefs or area you merely an oddly dressed man?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey blinks and looks down at the redheaded Amazon. Wow. That hair. Mary Jane is the benchmark, the rich red crimson of heart's blood, but this woman was close. Her hair was about a .96 on the MJ Scale. It frames her face like a mane, complimenting the strong features. Yep. Definitely not a normal lady.
Ad to that the fact that she doesn't recognize him. It's an odd, but pleasant feeling. Most know him by sight. Unfortunately, many immediately start filling their hands with weapons and using them at him. So this is nice.

"Ma'am, I'm here for the food like every other patron. Don't mind me, I'm just Your Friendly Neightborhood Spider-Man." He waves. "But if someone decided to waylay anyone here, you can BET I would do something about it. Other than run away. I don't do running away meeting up with bad guys."
Sometimes, there is running away afterward when he gets in over his head, which happens more often than he'd like. And then there is the limping away. But why pick nits?

"And what is your name, o She of the Red Tresses?" he asks with a wry cast to his voice.

Maxima has posed:
A blink at his response and then she ahs and nods, "I understand now why you wear a mask. A man spider would likely frighten others." She nods, "That is considerate of you." She then looks to the food he is above and moves up closer to the truck, looking over the options and nodding softly to herself as she considers the food, "I am known as..." She stops and considers that a moment beofre she looks up with a smile, "You may call me Max." She nods her head and then looks back to the truck again, "I am not from this area." She nods again, "I am exploring it."

Peter Parker has posed:
"Ah." Spidey jumps from the roof of the truck, landing lightly on his feet. Not an idle drop, either - he does a little flap, and lands without the slightest stumble. He's agile. "Well, Welcome to New York, Max. Consider me the Welcome Wagon. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I tend to be a talker."
Another New Yorker, a balding man in a suit, pauses while eating his beef breakfast burrito and calls out, "Yeah, Mister Circle-K, because his mouth never closes."
Spidey shrugs. "My adoring public." He looks around. "So, do you have a preference of food type, or would you like to check out what's available before making a decision?"

Maxima has posed:
A smile and she nods, "A good show." She states to Spider-Man before she looks over at the man who calls out and then tilts her head, "I base on his tone that he is insulting you." She looks to Spider-Man and then at the man with a frown before saying, "YOu say adoring but..." She looks at him with a tilted head before she considers not to yet interfere in simple jibes that may be tradition of Earth.

"I am thinking I wish to try what is coming from this vehicle." SHe nods to the waffle truck, "It smells delicious." She looks tot he man at the window, "I will request one of your waffles and..." She peers closer, "bacon." She nods her head, "Two of them." She nods again, "That should do for a good start."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey checks the menu. "Hmm. Okay. I'll have the chocolate-chip waffle and the chicken-and-waffle. It's been a busy night and I'm hungry."
He cannot help a glance to the left arm, the safety pin holding together the gash in the suit - barely - and the red line underneath already fading to pink where the bullet had grazed him. A busy night, indeed." And I'll have orange juice."
As the order is worked on, Spider-Man smiles to Max. "Egos heal, Max. And insults are by far not the worst thing I've had to deal with in the last 24 hours. Besides, it's a free country, and people are entitled to their whiny-butt opinion." He smirks to the guy in the suit, who gives him an acidic Look before going back to his breakfast burrito.

Maxima has posed:
"Ah, I see." She states softly and then looks briefly over at the man. She considers something a moment before crossing her arms and looking forward with a loud exhale, "Well, I do not agree with him so far. You are no circle K, Spider-Man." She nods her head, "I do not know what that means but if it is an insult, it does not befit your manners thus far."

She then looks forward to the men in the truck as they work and she nods, "It does smell good. I do not know of this dish but it does remind me of a dish my baker made for me when I was younger. It had a powder upon it that was sweet." She nods her head softly before looking to Spider-Man, "You appear to have a hole in your suit. What has happened?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey looked at the tear in the suit. "Oh, just one of the many slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. Someone didn't like the fact I was not letting them rob a bodega in Chinatown." He chuckled. "He liked being made into living wall art much less." He looks to the window, then ahs. "Well, we have powdered sugar here." He picks up one of the powdered-sugar dispensers. "You can try that, if you want."

Someone having their own baker. Upper-crust. Maybe she was an actress or some wrestler's personal trainer. Maybe SHE was a wrestler. He should try to look her up. A face like that is HARDLY forgettable.

Maxima has posed:
A nod as she looks at it and smiles, "Ah, that will do. I will try it." She then looks to the city around and nods, "This place is impressive." She nods her head, "I had not expected it to be honest." SHe nods her head, "I have not been to this New York City before yesterday." She had not been to Earth before yesterday either, "I am surprsied by the size but many here seem to be very wrapped up into their own issues and problems. It is a dangerous thing that people here seem more concerned with themselves than with those around."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey tilted his head. "You would be surprised. There are a lot of groups working to help make the world a better place. Everything from homeless shelters and soup kitchens all the way up to the Avengers. There are good people out there, Max. But when you get this many people in one city, crowds can be overwhelming. People can look disinterested, but it's a way of coping with such overwhelming input from people..."

"Order up for Max. That'll be $15."

Maxima has posed:
A blink as she looks at this and then she considers, "Dollars?" She asks of the man and then she considers, "Ah you mean currency." She reaches into a pocket and pulls forth a small gem and places it upon the counter, "That should be worth more than enough to cover my share of food and his as well." She nods and idly reaches out to take her food before nodding to the man in the red and blue suit.

Peter Parker has posed:
The man behind the counter looks at the gem, then pushes it back. "Miss, this is a food truck, not a diamond exchange. DOLLARS."
Spider-Man glances, then bites his lip. Well...he could always pick up more dog-walking work. "Put her on my tab," he says, taking a thin money clip out of the backpack. He picks up the gem, then places two $20s on the counter, picking up the gemstone with a smooth motion. "Max, after breakfast, I'll take you someplace where you can get a good price for this."

Maxima has posed:
A blink and she looks at the man before she is about to say something with a rather high tone of annoyance before she looks to Spider-Man and lets out a sharp breath through her nose, "Fine." She states and looks back at the man, "Strange that he would not wish this." She takes teh gem back from Spider-man and then nods, "Once I have this good price, I will repay you for this. You needn't offer such courtesy to one such as me." She shakes her head, "I do not doubt your generosity, Spider-Man. Small as you may be."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man picks up his order and his drink. "Want to eat over here?" He points to a small pavilion where tables with umbrellas to provide shade are set up. He walks over to a table with few patrons around, puts his food on the able, but pulls out a chair for Maxima instead of sitting down.
Because Aunt May would be disappointed if he wasn't a gentleman. "If I can help, I *do* help, Max. That's my schtick, my method, my jam, my raison d'etre." He smiles slightly under the mask.

Maxima has posed:
Walking over, she takes the offered seat and nods to him before she looks at the food and adds the powdered sugar. She looks back to him and states, "I did not understand that last word but I believe I get your point." She nods her head, "I am not one who takes help often or truly needs it." She shakes her head, "I can handle most anything that is thrown my way. However, I am still getting used to the customs of this place. It is strange to me but enjoyable so far."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey sits down, then pulls the mask up to a point above his nose.
No pincers, no bristles, no curved mandibles. It's a perfectly normal face, even teeth, pink skin. He probably only has two eyes under the mask, too.
"Well, New York is like that. Over 200 years ago, it was one of the main ports of the country, and immigrants flowed through into the country through here." He picked up his plastic fork and knife. "You probably should get a few things that will help you learn more. I am assuming you don't have a cell phone?"

Maxima has posed:
"A cell phone? I'm assuming this is some kind of special communiation device, yes?" She asks and tilts her head to the side before she lets out a pleased sound as she bites into the waffle, having cut herself off a piece and enjoying it, "This is very good. No wonder he is wanting proper compensation for this. It is a good dish." She nods again as she then enjoys the bacon, "Ah, and this animal. It is quite good as well."

Peter Parker has posed:
Well, this could be shaping up to be a long night and day. At least he doesn't have school.
"Well, Max, it is as you said. But it is also a way to collect information. I'll tell you what. I know a guy who's pretty smart. You can meet him at a gemstone exchange that's pretty reputable. After you get that traded, he can help you get a few things. Uhm...do you have a place to stay?"

Maxima has posed:
A blink and she shakes her head, "No, I assumed I would be able to procure shelter with my gems. However, I'm sure I can find something once I have your dollars in hand." She nods again before she looks over at the food and takes another bite, "This is quite good. I shall remember these waffles."

Peter Parker has posed:
Geez, in for a penny, in for a pound. She may look imposing, but he has an image of some slumlord robbing her blind.
He eats for a few moments, then says, "Look...this guy I know...he might actually know a place where you can rent a room in a house. It's not a mansion, but the bed is warm, the food is good, and you won't get robbed blind while you get things sorted out. Stay as long as you need to."
Aunt May might kill him. Then again, she might appreciate his helping someone. Uncle Ben would approve.
"Think about it and let me know."

Maxima has posed:
"We shall start with a cellphone but a room? A room?" She laughs, "We shall see about this room, Spider-Man." She nods her head and then hmms at him before she shakes erh eahd, "You do not look like a man spider. I now wonder why you wear the mask at all. YOu seem superior to those around you. You also appear to wish to help those around you. My people would gladly add you to our military as a great soldier if you were from where I am." She nods her head, "This world is quite strange."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man smiles wryly. "A number of reasons. I run into people who might hurt people I care about if they knew my real name. I can separate my normal life and this vigilante life I lead. And the mask keeps opponents from reading my face and guessing what I am about to do.
...not to mention they can't see how scared he is at times.
"And I'm not a soldier. There are a lot of people who are stronger, faster, and better at a lot of things that I am. I'm not a warrior...I'm more like a guardian, really. Protecting and helping those who need it. And if someone goes home to their family tonight because I acted instead of just standing by and doing nothing...then I'm doing it right. Besides...someone's gotta look out for the regular people too, right?"

Maxima has posed:
A hmm and she nods, "You have a noble spirit, Spider-Man." She states and nods her head, "Of course, you would be inducted into some service if you were where I came from. I understand it is different here." She nods again before shrugging, "Either way, I can understand your purpose and point." She finishes the last bite of waffle and nods softly, "It is a good meal. Not very healthy from what I can tell but that doesn't bother me very much."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey finishes his meal as well. He eats quickly, as if expecting to be interrupted. Usually because he usually is.
"It helps if you have a very active lifestyle. I've been webslinging around the city for hours and it works it quite an appetite. I usually don't worry because I'm not a very sedentary person." He finishes his juice, then pulls the mask down to cover his face again. "So, Max...feel up to getting a few new gadgets to make things easier?"

Maxima has posed:
A nod and she stands up, "I am a very active person, often, as well." She nods her head, "And I am more than ready to find what you speak of." She nods her head, "I would like to make things much easier so that I might continue my exploration and search of New York City and beyond for interesting and fun things to see."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods, then looks around. "It might be easier if I bring you with me. The subways are going to be a little crowded, and webslinging is faster than the subway or the bus."

Maxima has posed:
A blink as she stands up, "Webslinging?" She asks and stands up to look at him in confusion, "Do you mean to say you cna produce web like a spider and ride upon it?" She nods, "I will enjoy seeing this." She states, "I do not mind if that is a method that you believe far quicker." Of course, just flying is vastly quicker but she's willing to play along and see this method.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey grins, then points a hand at her and...

A thin line shoots out from some sort of bracer, from some tiny aperture in the inner wrist. It hits Maxima in the shoulder, and then she is lifted quickly, as if she weighed nothing at all.
In the next moment, she is on the streetlight with Spider-Man, and his arm is around her waist. "Wrap your arms around my neck for balance. I hope you don't suffer from a fear of heights."

Maxima has posed:
A small chuckle and then she eyes him, "If I did not already see your kindness, you would be very displeased with your decision." SHe wraps an arm around him lightly and states, "I am fine with heights." She nods her head, "Let us go."

Peter Parker has posed:
And with that, he jumps off, firing a webline at a nearby building, and the rollercoaster ride begins.

Flying solves a lot of problems, and there may be enjoyment in a feeling of weightlessness.
But gravity can also be fun.
He starts out at Level One: long swings to gain speed or altitude, but shorter arcs to swing around buildings or over billboards. He lands on the sides of skyscrapers only to spring from them to continue onward. He does do a complete flip as they clear the billboard telling people to "LISTEN TO STRAIGHT TALK WITH J JONAH JAMESON!" and looks to Maxima, as if checking to see if he's gone too far and she's ready to urk all over the suit.

Maxima has posed:
A laughter comes from her as they go, her eyes wide as she seems to truly enjoy this form of travel. The laughter doesn't laugh and soon becomes a casual smile of someone who really does seem to like what they are seeing. The movements, flips, otherwise do not seem to have any negative effect upon her whatsoever as they move. She simply continues to hold on and watch the passing things.

Peter Parker has posed:
Emboldened by her apparent lack of nausea, he gets a little fancier with centripetal force and inertia, swinging wider, vaulting farther, and (in something he was able to replicate from Ghost Spider) landing on the side of the building to run along its length at a 90-degree angle before jumping off into empty air before another webline is thrown and he is off to the races again.
The webs are not natural, but come from some apparatus mounted under his wrists. The strength and hardcore parkour are all him, though.

A few minutes later, they come in for a landing near a building marked YESIDI GEM EXCHANGE. "Here we are, Max." He points to the doorway. "When Parker gets here, he can intro you to his guy and can take it from there."

Maxima has posed:
Brushing back her hair, she nods and laughs a little, "An exhilherating way to travel." She nods to him, "I enjoyed it. I will wait for your friend named Parker." She then looks to the place she is in front of and nods, "I will look forward to meeting you again some day, Spider-Man."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey salutes. "I sent him a message, so he should be on the way shortly. Look for the guy with the green backpack."
And with that, he fires another webline, and launches himself into the sky, swinging around a parking garage and then he's gone.

Two minutes later, a teenager with a green backpack comes in from the opposite direction, looking at his phone and shaking his head. He looks up, blinks, then walks over to Maxima. "Uhm..." he begins, coloring slightly. All that red hair. Man. "...you gotta be Max, right?"

Maxima has posed:
A blink as she looks over at Peter and she nods to him, "I am Max. Are you the one known as Parker?" She asks and then looks over at the green backpack before crossing her arms and looking at him again, "Your Spider-Man friend explained that you would be capable of helping me exchange some precious stones for dollars."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods. "Yep, that's me. Peter Parker. Nicetaameetcha, Max." He points to the entrance. "Follow me in. Spidey gave me some info about this."
Peter walks over to the door, opening it. He's not very impressive. Brown hair, brown eyes, baggy jeans and shirt, thick coat and scarf. Intelligence in the eyes. Quick, alert, attentive.