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What Is A Scion Anyway
Date of Scene: 01 May 2021
Location: Sion - Nightclub
Synopsis: Gwen and Eddie go out nightclubbing, and run into Rachel Summers and Greg Rollins.
Cast of Characters: Eddie Brock, Gwen Stacy, Rachel Summers, Greg Rollins

Eddie Brock has posed:
When Gwen mentioned wanting to go out to celebrate being through some exams, Eddie had taken to the internet to check out what the hot clubs of the moment are. Eventually he decided on Sion. It looked a little upscale for his price range of the moment, but then he wanted to do something special for Gwen. A late shift unloading fish down at the fish market along the docks had given him enough pocket money to be able to make an evening of it, on him.

So the pair had dressed up for the night, Eddie digging out some nice slacks and a shirt. Ones he realized he couldn't think of the last time he'd worn them. "She is definitely pushing me out of my bubble," he had said to himself before leaving his apartment to head up and get her for the trip to the club.

They had had to wait outside in line for quite awhile. Even when they got to the front of the line, Eddie wasn't sure if the club was too exclusive for them to get into. But after a time, they bouncers waved them through. Eddie paid the cover and the pair emerged into the nightclub, Eddie's arm around Gwen's shoulders. "So is this to your liking?" he asks the younger woman.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
The Sion, eh? Gwen was a touch surprised about the choice. And sus as well! Which meant questions came in the likes of "Have you actually been to the place? Or did you check it on the internet?" Oh yes, she was very much thinking it was the second option. It amused her though. And so she had dressed the part, a pair of tight jeans, a cropped top showing a lot of belly and her hair up on a bun, some strands poking out. On her feet? Sneakers! She likes her feet a lot, thank you, to be dancing on heels or something like that.

"There's even a line to get in." She comments while they wait. So popular! But she gives the bouncers a bit of her baby blue eyes look, followed by a brilliant grin and then off they go! Onto the Sion..

As they go in, and that first beat hits them she nods approvingly. "Well, I will give it to you. You do know how to choose them. But after all those exams .., ugh.., I am glad for it, really need the relaxing time." A grin up to Eddie, hand up to squeeze at the man's larger one before she nods in.

"Dancing? Or drinks first?"

Rachel Summers has posed:
Elegance wasn't something that Rachel was used to. But what would one wear when it was the hottest, or at least seemingly lively club in town? All black. No shimmer, retro boots with the thick and misshapen heel that cuts beneath the kneecap. Her hair was slicked to the back, makeup plain as ever save for the dramatic eyewing she had to apply and reapply yet again.

And she came alone.

There were a number of credit cards she had managed to fanagle somewhere around these parts, hopefully they weren't cancelled. And thankfully, the bouncers were alright with letting her in, which means the ID she carried had some weight. Fake, yes. But close to real? Definitely.

There was no waiting to be seated or shown to a place, just Rachel moving through the dancefloor, shifting her shoulders left and right to avoid being dropped into some odd mosh-pit of 'woo' girls and the like. Even in that dress, she scales the stairs, moving to the second floor to find a very nice and secure place to sit. And maybe eat. But definitely think.

Greg Rollins has posed:
How in the world the teenager known as Greg got in is probably a mystery best left understated. No fake ID or anything, just some kid in the club. And moving along the outsides. He's avoiding the majority of the dance floor to head to the second floor, all while holding his head. And he probably looks decidely out of place besides that in western wear as he uses his hat to hide his head a bit and nurses a good glass of soda and some painkillers it looks like.

Finding his way to the second floor, however, has him sighing a bit in slight relief as he moves to an unoccupied table and settles down on it. It's definitely not his usual atmosphere from the looks, and the teenager's even been marked with a band and an X on his hand to make sure of it. Still, he's there and just... yep. There right now.

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie's deep, warbling voice gives a quiet scoff at Gwen's first question. "Of course I checked it out on the internet," he tells her with a lopsided smile. "There was a day I went to a lot of the hot clubs. Just, that's a little bit in the past now," he tells her. That the reference to his past doesn't diminish the smile probably has something to do with seeing in the young woman's face that he chose well.

"And, hey, if I'd known it would get you all dressed hot like that I'd have gone for this a long time ago," he teases her. "Let's get drinks first. Definitely drinks," he says, glancing over at the dance floor. Eddie starts to walk Gwen over to the bar, taking their time picking through the crowd. "Quite the crowd here," Eddie comments as they get over to the bar. "What would you like?" he asks Gwen, finding out before the bartender comes over, so hopefully he can get their drinks without Gwen being carded.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
A laugh, Gwen replying, "Maybe we should try going to one of those next time. See how changed it is. Come on, I am sure it hasn't been that long ago!" she teases, giving Eddie a little bump with her elbow before they start moving on. Blue eyes go over the dancers, the glamour, all the different kind of people. It brings a smile to her face, the vibrant feeling inside this place. It is alive indeed.

"And I don't know about being well dressed.."Which is right when Rachel is passing by. "Look at that dress! Wow.." clearly she does appreciate it. A lot better than her jeans and top too! "I am a peasant in comparison." she says in a jesting tone.

Driks do sound fine and so she considers a moment, tapping on her cheek with a finger, "Well, maybe a martini?" she suggests. Has she hever had one? Most likely not!

"Shall we go upstairs to sit?" this she asks after they have their drinks in hand.

Greg Rollins has posed:
Still with the soda in hand, Greg is seated alone. Mostly because no one really wants to be around some kid in western wear here, maybe, or he just has that look like he's a kid who doesn't belong so far. Perhaps both!

But regardless, he's currently alone and looking at the dance floor, as if trying to figure out something. His face goes through some emotions here and there as his eyes go from person to person it seems like.

That only stops whenever he takes a sip and swallows what looks like a painkiller before pocketing it and looking thoughtful.

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie gets Gwen a martini, and a rum and coke for himself. When he sees the price of the drinks, he silently thinks perhaps he should have done an extra few hours at the fish market. Ah well, rent isn't due for another two weeks and he can make it up later.

Once Gwen has her glass in hand, he slips his arm back around her waist and says, "Upstairs sounds great. And really Gwen, if you were any better dressed I'd be fighting guys off you. Probably going to have to as it is," he tells her, brushing a kiss to her temple before starting with her to head over to the stairs.

They make their way up to the top, and Eddie motions towards a spot that two people are just now vacating. It has a nice view of the club below, over near the redhead whose dress Gwen was just admiring, and a younger man in a cowboy hat.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
With martini in hand Gwen grins. And indeed she noted when the man said the price on those drinks. She'd have to contribute somehow. Maybe sneaking in some money in his wallet when he wasn't watching! She's the Ghost Spider. She got this.

But right now, time to have fun! So she follows Eddie along upstairs, again noting Rachel in that awesome dress and the more .., peculiarly dressed cowboy. She quirks an amused brow, "Oh, that's bold." she comments with a wink at the young man before she ambles in to that table that's just been vacated.

"And no fighting.." She tapping a finger on Eddie's chest. She knows what happens when he loses his temper... "You already had your dance with the cops a small while back, it's good that he dropped charges." she tells him.

Sitting down Gwen then takes a drink out of her martini, followed by an instant grimace. Yes, she hasn't had one before in the past. "Ufff, strong."

Rachel Summers has posed:
Did Rachel hear the compliment? Nope! She was lost in her own little world, already at her table near the bannister that overlooks the dancefloor and the bar below. It seemed to be a busy night, most people settling for the lower area to dance and mingle, while a few who were on dates were speaking quietly at their own tables far off, leaving most of the ones with the view relatively empty.

A bottle lady approaches Rachel, only to leave again without saying a word. Unspoken communication had the order placed without too much fuss.

Now she was looking, green eyes dancing along her surroundings, her brows crinkling at the appearance of a teen (due to the X upon his hand), which has her thinking of.. well..

Odd. Painkillers.

And then another couple who settles close by, in which Rachel smiles at, then turns away. Everyone was in the mood tonight! And it gave her good feelings.. at least those she was searching for.

Greg Rollins has posed:
The cowboy hat wearing teen blinks, looking over and tilting his head a bit as he looks at Gwen and Eddie. Then winces and holds his head for a moment before turning away to look back towards the dance floor.

The teen's mostly keeping to himself, but does look back after a moment or two and give a nod, "Thank you." He says towards Gwen before he looks away.

His own glass looks to be a soda, and he does bother to another from another waitress. A small frown comes on his face, then he shakes his head as if he was thinking of something.

Eddie Brock has posed:
As Eddie's chest gets tapped, he holds up both hands as if in surrender, one of them with his drink still in hand. "I have no plans to do that. Just means you'll have to stay close though," he teases the blond-haired young woman.

   <<Venom>> "A fight would make the night interesting. If we are not going to fight you should at least drink more. Much much more."

Eddie ignores the voice in his head, though if she isn't restricting her power, it's quite possible Rachel might catch bits of what would likely be a confusing thing to hear.

Eddie offers his glass to touch against Gwen's. "Just dancing and relaxing. You earned it," he tells her. "Just listening to you and Maddie talk about genetics is enough to make me glad I stuck to something simple like writing." He glances down at his glass, and for just a moment a darker expression flashes across his face. The mention of the police likely bringing J Jonah Jameson to mind. Though Eddie banishes that look as quickly as it flits through his expression. "You would look killer in a dress like that, though," Eddie tells Gwen, referring to Rachel's dress.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen casts a look around. Again that feeling when Venom 'speaks'. So familiar. She shakes it off with another drink from her martini and just grins up at Eddie, "I damn did." glasses clinking together before she laughs out more heartily at the mention of Maddie. "Well, she is a hoot, isn't she? But I also got Amanda to talk to again, she is out of the hospital after getting detoxed from those drugs." a frown. Drugs she had followed to a certain hospital, but to no avail just yet.

"Of course that she missed part of her exams so .., she will have to go around begging for teachers to let her take them."

"Not sure I am the kind of bold to be able to rock one of those." She admits to Eddie about Rachel's dress, looking thoughtful. "Besides, poor college student working at Wong's. This is an exception." tonight. "Even if a good one." She leaning in to place a kiss on the man's chin.

Too bad being a superhero doesn't pay!

Rachel Summers has posed:
Her mojito and hors d'oeuvres were delivered to her table promptly; fried calamari and some spicy mustard dip. Rachel smacks her hands together in a childish way, rubbing them together then reaching in to pick up a..

Rachel near jerks, her eyes soon darting left and right. She -heard- that. But not -all- of it. It seemed.. omnious. Near terrifying. And it carried a dark feeling of gluttony and unsavory intentions.

The look of confusion is all over her face now, as hands rest upon the table so that she could twist herself this way and that. Now Rachel was looking, her hackles raised, going in order from door to Eddie and Gwen to scan brain-pans to find out just what in the heck that voice was. If not up top, she was going to stand and go down below.

Thankfully, Rachel didn't have to get too far, for her eyes soon rest upon Greg, her head tilted slightly. Even though he felt like he wasn't the carrier of that voice, there were a lot of similarities between herself and him. That much she could feel. At times, being an ex-hound had it's perks.

"Hey!" Rachel calls out, her hand lifting to wave towards Greg. "Wanna come join me?" Because, if whatever that was pops up again, she could at least provide some sort of protection. "You're looking kind of lonely there!"

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg looks up, eyes narrowing and actually focusing on Eddie and Gwen. There's a lot of noise, but whenever you are a telepath... well, he looks carefully.

Unfortunately trained he is not. He even glances across towards Rachel. And well, about that time he gets the invite over. He shrugs, "Sure?" He moves from his table over to Rachel's. He seats himself across from her. "Ah.. thank you. Not my usual place to be." He says towards her, apparently trying to make some conversation. Just a little.

He does glance over towards Eddie and Gwen again, then at Rachel. Obviously he's unsure what he might've picked up by accident.

Eddie Brock has posed:
With Gwen there, Eddie's thoughts are not on the Klyntar symbiote, leaving nothing in his surface thoughts to pick up on to further pinpoint him as the source of that ominous head-voice, not without going deeper into his head anyway.

Indeed, Eddie is in a very good mood as he sees how Gwen is enjoying herself. As she mentions her friend though, he says, "I'd have to think being in the hospital would be a good enough excuse for a makeup test," he says. "Kind of thing she could take to the Dean if they don't let her," he says. He lets out a soft sigh. "Kind of thing that would make a good story if it did go that way and she needed the public support. And, if she didn't mind some of it being out there in public," he says. Well, he could recommend a journalist to her at least, if it needed to go that way.

Eddie glances at the young man in the cowboy hat moving to join the redhead. "A very good exception," Eddie agrees, smiling and moving his hand up to Gwen's shoulder to give it a squeeze. "So, should we brave the dance floor now?" he asks.