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Latest revision as of 17:54, 21 May 2021

Where is Diana
Date of Scene: 21 May 2021
Location: Themysciran Embassy
Synopsis: Harley goes to find Diana at the Themysciran embassy but instead meets the gardener who is none other than Thor!
Cast of Characters: Harley Quinn, Thor

Harley Quinn has posed:
Another day, another walk around! And where is one Harley Quinn? Visiting one old friend by the name of Diana Prince! Of course that she doesn't call to announce she is arriving, nor that she will be coming. Nope. That'd mean she'd have to put some kind of forethought into it and not just having decided it on the last moment as she was walking her hyenas and going by the hyperloop.

Of course that with Bud and Lou in tow it meant having to do a little running from the Hyperloop security. The gall on that people! Saying wild animals aren't allowed! Well, they are perfectly tamed hyenas! Harley even let one of them pet Lou if they wanted. But nooooo...

So it had been a rather adventurous adventure which made her reach the embassy at a run. Breathing heavy. Looking behind her shoulder. "Alright! We awhe free o' 'em!" a grin to her hyenas. "Now ta find Didi..."

She makes her way through the gates, now on the gardens. "Diiidiiiiiii..." she singsongs.

Thor has posed:
There is a joke at the Themyscrian Embassy that they've only let Thor in to be a gardener. Or pool boy. Though it's said perhaps in more of a 'he's like Hercules having to clean out the stables' sort of way than 'flimsy setup for an adult film' way. WHATEVER the case, today, it seems Thor is living up to that title. He is in what some might call a work outfit -- t-shirt, beat up jeans, work boots -- and, for some reason is carrying a tree, a whole tree over to a loud grinding machine, that seems to be turning trees into tree chips. He tosses it into the grinder, and then wipes off his hands with a satisfied smirk, "That should about do it," he comments to himself

It's at this time that he hears the sound of Harley calling through the garden, and he turns to look over in the direction of the woman, walking in her direction, smiling. It seems he's not at all worried about the hyenas, "Greetings, I am Thor, son of Odin. Who might you and your very large dogs be, who are looking for...did you say 'Didi'?" Is he being a protector, or is he being friendly? Hard to tell, but he's going with a smile and a pleasant greeting at least.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley comes walking in, flanked by her two hyenas. No collars either! The duo appearing rather upbeat after the pursuit through the Hyperloop. They like excitement. So it's no wonder their tongues are lolling out excitedly and they are sniffing about. Harley though, she is dressed in those usual shorts, the top, running sneakers. A pair of round sunglasses are on her eyes. Sunglasses that she lowers just a touch down her nose when she spots Thor.

"Suwah you awhe, bustah. Just cos ya woik in the Themysciran embassy it doesn't make ya a God!" Harley says in a chiding motion at the man. The gall on some people! "Also I am Hahley." said as if anyone would know her name. "Hahley Quinn!"

"But I can see the various reasons why Didi would want ya around. I am suwah the rolls in the hay must be great, if ya know what I mean!" a bit of a naughty smile on her lips that turns into a cackle. Eventually she controls herself and gris. "And Didi as in ..., Princess Diana of course! She is a deah friend of mine!"

She looks more like a court jester than her friend, if one is to be honest.

Thor has posed:
"A harlequin? I did not think they had these around here anymore. I knew one in the sixteenth century who could...well...he was a very flexible lad is all I am going to say," Thor says, looking over Harley for a few moments, before he registers her compliment, "Why thank you, they are. Midgard is so full of fun and interesting women...." and then he pauses for a few moments as clearly one in particular crosses his mind, "Like..Jane..." before he shakes his head.

"Right, well, Princess Diana. I saw her earlier when she asked me to remove a couple of old trees for her, but now that that's done, I should go and see what her next task for me is," Thor says, before he holds out a sweaty arm for Harley to take, "Shall we?" Again, the hyenas Ignored. Seems he does not worry about dogs that would rip a mortal to shreds.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Well, Harley.....!" pause, "Quinn...!" Because there's a little space between those names yet eventually she siiiighs. "But yea, suppose ya can say a harlequin, fine, fine..!" she throws her hands up in the air in a sort of 'what can I do!'

The gesture also appears to get the hyenas into attention, looking up at Harley and then to Thor. Is it the signal? Attack?! They start rushing at Thor at a run. "No no! Bud, Lou. No eatin'!" she exclaims, waving her hands as if to call the hyenas attention!

But they are excited little beings who won't be stopped. So they run like heck and throw themselves at Thor! Not that it seems as if they are going for the throat, or anything deadly like that. But they are tossing themselves at the man, maybe wanting to topple him down!

Thor has posed:
That curious hammer that Thor had been carrying suddenly comes off the belt as the hyenas come rushing towards him. He spins it quickly, and then leaps into the air, well out of the reach of the animals, and he laughs a little bit as he floats there, apparently held up by the power of his spinning hammer, "You know, I suspect there are laws about keeping your dogs on leashes. Though, very curious dogs. Don't think I've seen any of them around like this..."

Thor remains floating for a few moments, letting the hyenas wear themselves out (he may dip a little lower to tempt them to jump up and bite at him, but, he always floats up just out of reach when they try), before he asks, "Are they going to behave themselves, or am I going to have to...subdue them for the safety of the Midgardians here in the Embassy?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
The two hyenas leap ferociously only to find ..., air! They land on the ground, puzzled a moment and then look up at their target. So unfair. Flying! They jump, trying to latch on but fail, yelping miserably.. As for Harley, she screams out. "BUD AND LOU. DOWN!" the voice almost like thunder. Great voice box this one! The hyenas do stop and lower their ears. They know they did bad! So they sit and wait.

"And they ain't dogs! They awhe Bud and Lou. My hyenas!" She announces. "No laws foh those! And even if theah weah.." she not the type to follow that many rules apparently.

The hammer, the flight. Well, that shows there's something different with the man. "Okay, fine! Maybe you awhe mowah than just the gardenah... But I know how Thor is supposed ta look like.." she peers over to take a better look at the man. "And not suwah if you awhe it because, well he's blonde." check, "Muscles foh days." check. "Hammah and flies." check.

"Ok ..., fine, maybe you awhe him! Did she win a bet against ya oh somethin' ta have you woik foh her?" she questions.

Thor has posed:
Thor Odinson does a little push forward, and then stops the spinning hammer, which leads him to fall to the ground right in front of Harley. "Hyenas are dogs, I thought. It has been a while since I have looked into this, but they were always called dogs when I was growing up," in the seventh century.

He grins at the inspection, and then holds out his arm again, "I promise, I am Thor Odinson, God of Thunder. Though sometimes I do favors for friends, like save them the cost and trouble of hiring a crew of mortals to landscape their home. Sometimes I do it because I am repaying a transgression," don't look TOO close at the conspicuous gaping hole in the otherwise fine tree-hedge that was growing there. "Or, perhaps, if I've lost a bet. Princess Diana though is as forgiving as she is beautiful, so perhaps I do it for none of those reasons but my own." He then winks down to the woman. "Also, and I do apologize if I am being forward but, she has the most attractive friends. What man who loves women could turn down the excuse to meet as many of them as possible?" Is he flirting? Maybe.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"I mean, I don't blame ya foh wantin' ta get her in the sack, if ya know what I mean!" Yes, Harley. Everyone knows what you mean. She is just crass! The hyenas come walking by again when Thor lands but this time they only sniff around without attempting to jump on the man or anything of the sort. They still snort from time to time, as if upset they didn't get to do what they wanted. But ..., they seem mostly mild right now!

"And fine, I believe ya! I won't even ask for thunder and lightning!" She states, arms folding together. She does still look around at where that tree used to be just to make sure what the man is saying is true. But other than that she only grins. "Didi only has hot friends, I mean have ya been around heah much? All her Amazon friends, then theah's the Justice League ..., and Terry." Terry?! "I mean, Vorpal!" another laugh. "But ya know what I mean." still, her smile is a dazzling one at the praise. She does seem to like those. "Now lets go in and search for this running-away Princess!"

Thor has posed:
Thor Odinson keeps his arm held out for her for, well, far longer than it's clear -- perhaps excessively so -- that she's not going to take it. He doesn't prompt her to do so, but it's there. "I cannot say I have met this Vorpal person, but he sounds pleasant," he comments.

"Thunder and lightning are extra," he says, as he puts his arm back at his side, and walks with her through the garden towards the embassy building itself. "Though for you..." and a cloud appears overhead, which flashes lightning and booms with mighty thunder once or twice, before dissipating.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Oh yes, he is. Why, I personally trained him in these very gardens a while back! Sic'ed my hyenas aftah him." Apparently that's a thing. A grin appearing on Harley's lips. "Was so proud when he actually survived." she is joking, right? Right?!

She does rest her hand on the man's arm eventually though as they make their way in. Maybe just to show that chivalry is at least appreciated! A grin as the cloud forms and then she leans in to whisper in a quiet way.

"So ..., how much ta bring permanent rain on a few people I know? Not really my friends, if ya know what I mean." then a laugh. "Just messin' with ya."

"Oh, I am suwa we will have some fun, Thor son of Odin!"

Thor has posed:
A glance -- perhaps more to Harley's figure than her face -- is given at her question about how to put some eternal rain on someone, "I suspect our various partners might not enjoy the bargain we come up with for permanent rain. Though if you want I can make sure it rains on their wedding day or something." Ethical use of his power? Probably not. But, something Thor would do because it's just the right amount of tetchy and trolling? Absolutely.

At her comment about having fun, Thor laughs and says, "We shall have to go out and drink one evening Miss Harlequin. I think you and I would...paint the town red as they say. In a purely, non-chaotic-murder-spree sort of way." Maybe he IS a little aware of who the woman he's walking with is. Either way, as the door to the embassy closes behind them, he asks, "Have you ever heard of a place called Asgard..."