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Latest revision as of 04:01, 23 May 2021

Local Bar in Brooklyn
Date of Scene: 23 May 2021
Location: Long Night Bar
Synopsis: April and Jacen share a few drinks and shoot the breeze in a bar in Brooklyn
Cast of Characters: April O'Neil, Jacen Knight

April O'Neil has posed:
April had gotten home from work in Manhattan and texted Jacen to ask him if he wanted to make good on that drink. When he'd agreed she'd gotten herself cleaned up and made her way here to the bar on the block over from her apartment. One of those kind of palces that you've known your whole life, even if she's only been legally able to drink for a handful of years now. Doesn't take long for a bar to become 'your bar' once you become 21.

In the now, April is seated at the bar, wearing a pair of blue jeans and a white tank top. She has a light hoodie draped over the back of her bar stool and she's talking to one of the bartenders, she already has a drink in front of her and has it about 1/3rd of the way down. She's resting one hand on the bar and the other is up on the side of her face as she's laughing at something that the female bartender is telling her about a recent date. She looks happy, happier than the last time Jacen saw her for sure!

Jacen Knight has posed:
The text involves the pretty reporter and beer. Could there be anything better? Of course he wants to meet her for that drink. He's actually not working today so he doesn't show up in medic gear or with a trauma kit. Of course, the cowboy look stands out as much or even more, but he is what he is.

Walking into the bar he pauses to give it a once over. He's never been here before so it's always worth a look. What he is looking for is hard to be sure, but eventually his eyes spot April at the bar and he starts in her direction. Pushing his hat back just a little he offers,"Best text I got since I made't ta town. Glad ya reached out."

April O'Neil has posed:
April is raising her drink up to her lisp when she hears his voice and it makes her pause and lower the glass back down to the coaster under it. She turns to face him on the chair and smiles at him. "Well hey there, Cowboy." She tells him in her Brooklyn, a moment of her news training allowing her true accent to show through a bit.

She flashes him a grin. "Good to see you. I assume you saw my bike parked out front?" She grins at him. "Because of you, its still in my life and helped me get here." She holds her grin and motions to the chair beside her. "Take a load off, I'm buying tonight, so get some drinks in you!" Her grin fades in to a smile.

"How's work?" She asks,knowing his job must be stressful!

Jacen Knight has posed:
He nods and takes a seat near her, settling some, and smiles,"Good ta see you's well. Glad ta see y'r bike's still gettin' ya places." When she mentions she is buying and he covers his heart with one hand and replies,"Careful, I could love a woman that buys me beer." He nods to the bartender and makes said order with a nod.

His attention moves back to April again and replies,"It's not bad f'r an adrenaline junkie. Y'r never bored. Ever." He looks like he might expand on a story and then pauses,"And...probably you don't want too many details. It's good'n actually able ta do things that make a difference again. It's hokey I know."

April O'Neil has posed:
April turns back to the bar but looks over at him and laughs a bit at the buying drinks part. "Well hey, I owe you." She tells him as she raises her red/amber ale up to sip from it. When she lowers it again she shakes her head side to side at him.

"I'm a Reporter, remember?" She asks, leaning toward him a inch or so. "I love aaaaaaall the details." She flashes a grin then before straightening again. She motions up to the television above the bar and behind it on the wall. On it is the news coverage from the armed robbery in Times Square.

"Covered that yesterday. Now they're talking about measures to take to keep that part of the city safer, cause the damn cameras all went out, convenient, yeah?" She shakes her head a bit then.

Jacen Knight has posed:
He takes the first beer and after the first draw he winks,"Hey. I reckon ya buy me 'nough beer'n we're more'n even." There's something almost stereotypical about the heavy beer drinking cowboy, but he manages to make it work somehow.

When she leans forward a little and reveals the detail love he smirks a little,"Well. We got called out ta an old area of th' city b'cause someone d'cided ta collapse'n old earth dome cellar. He w's on top when th' thing caved in. Took a minute ta drag'm outa th' mess. Managed ta get away with a few bad cuts'n a mild concussion." So that one wasn't so bad.

Looking up at the television he raises a brow and muses outloud,"All th' cameras went down at once?" Another drink of the beer and he looks back at her,"That's pertty convenient yeah. Were they dead'r jus' lose their signal?"

April O'Neil has posed:
April's blue eyes widen a bit when he talks about the situation he went to. "Oh god." She says softly. Her head shakes side to side. "Well, whomever that was, they got lucky. Could've easily gone way worse..."

She takes another sip of her drink and then looks back at him. "A month or so ago, a guy was standing near a bus stop in the city and the ground broke out beneath him. He ended up falling about twenty feet into an abandoned cellar filled with rats...." She grimaces. "He was down there for fourty five minutes before the Fire Department could get him out." She shudders at the thought and glances back at the television.

"Yeah, that was mutants." She says about it. "I'm sure of it. Had some calls in to my Podcast last night too that said it was the X-Men. The black palne seen on site. They're... well, one of the conspiracy theory type groups." She huffs out a heavy exhale, then smiles at him again.

"This is one of my rare nights I don't have anything going on. Not getting in to any vans with the Punisher." She grins lightly again.

Jacen Knight has posed:
"Yeah he shoulda been wrecked pertty sever, but somebody w's watchin' over him." he agrees and finishes the first beer, nodding to the bartender. The first one went pretty fast, but probably it was just a fluke,"I really expected we'd be on a PUHA f'r him, but we didn' have to."

He makes a face at the mention of the guy at the bus stop. He shakes his head as he mutters,"Forty five minutes'n rat infested sewers. I've been through s'me nasty stuff, but that had ta suck." The mention of mutants gets a pause and he leans on the bar,"I've met a few mutants. So far th' ones I met been pertty cool. Nice enough sorts. I reckon it takes all kinds though."

He smirks a little more, thanking the bartender,"I reckon ya prolly oughta be thinkin' twice 'bout gettin' in a van with a gun totin' vigilante." He laughs inspite of himself,"Gettin' in th' truck with strange cowboy's a little more stable...a little."

April O'Neil has posed:
April is smiling as he orders another and she just nods her head. "It's okay. I've had a good week, financially. It's amazing what you can make online, compared to a job in a dying form of media." She glances to the bartender who is a rocker-type girl with tattoos and spiked off hair over one side, very New York. "I'll get my way to a second eventually, I'm sure." She says with a smile to the tender before looking back to Jacen. "Boy, I've got some rat stories... but I should probably wait till we have a few more in us first before sharing them." She laughs softly at that before another sip is taken from her own.

She nods once to him. "Lots of mutants are great people, yeah. I know several of them myself. Helped as many as I could. Especially after the alien thing last summer... You're lucky you weren't around for that. Damn near the whole neighborhood just disappeared, a few blocksf rom here. I very nearly got taken in to space." She huffs out a heavy exhale then"

April then holds up a finger. "To be fair, to me... Frank Castle picked me up and threw me in his van. I didn't willingly go. But I probably am glad he did. I probably was about to get shot." She has a liiiittle smile then, and takes yet another sip of her drink.

Jacen Knight has posed:
The second beer is not hit as hard. Leaning against the bar he looks solidly curious on the mention of rat stories,"Plural? Stories about about rats plural? Maybe we should getta few more'n b'fore ya get inta that." He laughs as well, something in her laugh getting him.

When she talks about knowing the mutants he nods,"Glad ta hear that. I've noticed there's a lotta folks'n these parts what wanna do some folks hurt just b'cause how they're born. Pertty rotten really."

The finger up causes him to pause though and so he listens to her talk about what the Punisher did. He shurgs a little, giving up the point,"I reckon it's a good thing he grabbed ya then. Give me a chance ta meet th' April O'Neil. Been a bad miss ta not run inta you th' other night."

April O'Neil has posed:
April shares in the laugh about the rats and softly nods her head a few vague times. "Yeah, yeah.... for sure." She idly says on the topic. Ominous!

She shows the cowboy medic a grin then and nods about the Punisher too. "I didn't get a bad feeling from him. He felt like... well, someone with a lot of issues, but someone who thinks he's helping. Maybe he is, in a weird and morbid way. I dunno. Not really for me to say. It's for a jury to decide, nce they catch him." She smirks then.

Antoher sip is taken from her drink then as she lowers it back down to hold it in front of her and half turns to face him, on elbow on the bar now. "Hey, it was a mutual meeting of greatness. Bikes don't last long out in the wild around here... not unwatched." She grins again faintly. "So what kidn of things did you do for fun back home?" She asks him then.

Jacen Knight has posed:
Not overly concerned with the rat stories for now, Jacen just lets it pass and listens to her talk about the Punisher. Considering her words he finally nods,"Reckon he's gotta code o' conduct'n jus' lives by it. Whether it's right'r wrong ain' our call like ya said. Still sounds like spendin' too much time with him likely getcha dead'n a hurry."

After another drink of his beer he nods and agrees,"To mutual greatness." A riase of his glass towards her. There is a long, thoughtful expression and he says,"Well, we like ta do rodeo, play football, go ta bonfires, drink a lotta beer, drive cars too fast'n try ta race four b' fours through deep pits o' mud'n water ta see who c'n go th' furthest before buryin' th' truck."

April O'Neil has posed:
April slow nods her head a time or two to what he says about Frank Castle. "Probably." She softly replies. "But it's unlikely I'll see him again any time soon. Not until I'm covering his inevitable trial, right?" She grins just a little but its gone pretty quick.

The talk about his activities of fun back home has her grinning. "Where did you say you were from again? Texas?" She asks. "I should remember, but my head was pretty.... foggy that day. Gunfight and all."

"I grew up on a farm, ya know?" She comments then. "Not that you'd ever know that... But yeah. A farm a few hours outside of Boston. Well, that's to say... it's where I was born and spent like a few years at, and then visited it in the summer sometimes." A softer smile shows on her lips then as she leans on the bar now. "It's a bit run down now, but we fixed it up a bit recently."

Another sip of her drink is had and the bartender sweeps past and sets another one down for her. April grins at the woman. "Thanks, Clarice." She tells the tender.