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Latest revision as of 01:48, 25 May 2021

Impromptu Office Hours
Date of Scene: 24 May 2021
Location: Central Plaza - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: Greg visits Happy Harbor and wants to know more!
Cast of Characters: Morrigan MacIntyre, Greg Rollins, Hank Pym

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's made some time for staying after school and seeing if anyone needs her. Given there's not much else she's doing this week it's the least she can do. The red haired woman is seated at one of the tables that are closest to the door and she's humming softly to herself as she goes over notes that she's made on a notebook and currently composing them into files. She's dressed in her usual work clothing. But her skirts been traded out for a pair of dress pants today. Declan and Delia as well as a few other teens have stationed themselves near where the vending machines are and have board games out to play.

Greg Rollins has posed:
A small sound like something passing overhead is heard. Something fast before it's actually seen. And actually starts to lower itself on what looks like some sort of jets. It's definitely a young man from the looks, perhaps. Whatever means he uses to fly doesn't make any back draft or other such, and he just lands lightly before looking around. Reaching up, his hand raises the visor, which seems to disappear completely as he looks around. That's when it's revealed to be some sort of teenager. Granted, the skin tone is a bit off to be human. Maybe just a bit off.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym enters quietly. He give Morrigan a smile and wave and sits down at an empty table unless needed. He pulls out a battered paperback edition of 'A Princess of Mars' and starts reading. He looks up occasionally at some exclamation from a game player. He gives this a raised eyebrow but his usual frown is missing. For his part he is smiling faintly as he reads.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan looks up at the ceiling when there's the sound of something flying low overhead. Declan and Delia give conspiratorial looks to each other and then the twins bolt for the doors outside to see what is going on. Morrigan rises as they get to the door and then there's Hank, "Doctor Pym." she greets with a quick nod. "Sorry, need to go see who is trying to invade this week." she adds as she heads after Declan and Delia.

Greg Rollins has posed:
The silver armored figure of Greg is just standing there, looking around and obviously with a curious look. Some sort of wings are attached to his arms, and the young man looks both lost and curious from the facial expression. He may or may not have drawn a crowd, but it's a high school. And he just landed in the middle of it. Bringing his hands down to his sides, the wings disappear into whatever the silver suit he is wearing happens to be. Turning around a few times, he takes in the sights a bit and rubs the back of his head.

Hank Pym has posed:
That's the problem with being a long running super hero. You get used to sounds like jetpacks or wormholes manifesting or those relays that click as an AI is up to no good. Caught a bit flatfooted. He nonetheless is right behind Morrigan in a manner of speaking. With the force of habit he slips out the way the twins took. His Fire Ant is in his hand and with a snap he enlarges it full size before shrinking and hopping into it and regrowing.

He's back to normal size and ready for a fight as he circles around. He watches the silver clad figure and waits for it, no his, reaction to Morrigan. Nuklon or Irie would be handy to have about now in case this was above Hank's pay grade. He didn't have their numbers.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
There is indeed a small group of teens and others that are amassing. Some of the locals managed to catch things off the road and are pulling in. "That's so cool!" Declan exclaims as he watches Greg descend from the heavens. Maybe it was going to be one of those days? Who knew.

Morrigan's heels are digging into the concrete as she walks down to where Greg has landed. She crosses her arms over her chest and simply stares for the moment. Letting the gawkers get it out of their system before she interjects.

Greg Rollins has posed:
The silver clad teen looks around some more, not having spotted Hank. Then he reaches up to bring his visor down. He makes a few sounds before raising the visor back up and then just looking more confused it seems. Still, he lands and makes sure he's on solid ground at least as he seems to be waiting at the moment. A hand reaches up to touch the side of his head before he winces and presses the same spot again. "That was loud." And that was English, too. With some sort of slight accent.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a chuckle, "It's louder for the folks not wearing the helmet. Believe me." she states to Greg. "Do you have business here at Happy Harbor or just got lucky enough to drop in with your shiny suit?" the Irish woman asks. Then she's looking to the other kids, "Come on, you guys give him some space. He's not some sort of amusement piece.' she tells them.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym takes a moment to check with the ants around him. If this was a diversion if was working extraordinarily well. The ants had nothing to add to the appearance of this armored teen. He keeps an eye out for any onlookers coming too close.

Greg Rollins has posed:
The teen's look goes towards Morrigan. "Um. A bit different." He blinks, then looks down at the suit before looking at Morrigan, "I was told about this school by someone in New York. He said it might be a good place to learn and train my abilities. I did not mean to disturb anyone with my arrival." He looks around at all the teens and other crowd looking at him, shrugging. "My apologies if I have caused any trouble."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look over in the direction of Hank and there's a nod, with her sunglasses on most can't tell where exactly she's looking. Then she looks back to Greg as he speaks and there's a shake of her head, "No, you didn't disturb anything. These kiddos are just a bit excitable." she admits. "We are a school for humans, meta humans, mutants and others that fall into other categories that others might give them." she nods to that. "We try to give students a bit of normalcy that they might not find in other places." she states. "Are you new to earth?" she asks him as she starts to shoo the other kids back to what they were doing. "We'll be along shortly." she tells the kids.

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg nods. "A... what did the computer say it is called? Month? Perhaps two or three?" He looks thoughtful, "Does that include those with mental powers?" He looks a bit hopeful on that one, but not too much. "Oh! My apologies. My name is Gex Rol. The people who found me when I crashed gave me the identity of Greg Rollins whenever I wish to walk around without the suit."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives Greg a thoughtful look, "Wait, someone found you?" she looks a bit shocked. Generally people that were 'found' sometimes got put into programs to help settle them. "We can call you by whichever name you prefer." she tells him. "I'm Doctor Morrigan MacIntyre. I run the school here. And that is Doctor Hank Pym. He is a teacher here as well." she smiles to that. "There's...a lot to explain about the school. If you are interested in hearing things we could have you come inside and you can meet some of the students and hear from them about how things are here?" she offers. "Do...you have parents?" she asks in a quieter tone.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym makes a quick decision. There are nuclear and chemical reactions that it would be catastrophic to try to stop. They must instead have their forces channeled to more constructive purpose. So Declan and Deliah each find a stron armored hand laid gently on their shoulders. "I need you two to help keep the kids here, back from Greg until we are sure of his intentions. Not to mention he doesn't deserve to be mobbed by the curious. Do you think you can help me with this?" Then the completely unexpected, the man who threatened to make them babies a couple weeks ago smiles in a friendly manner.

Well... he smiles. Let us not get carried away. It's still Hank, meds or no meds.

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg shrugs, "My ship was destroyed in the belt outside of the solar system, and I left a noticeable energy trail before I could fix it in my remaining ship. The... DEO, I believe they are called? Found me first, and gave me an identity of sorts." He looks down, and the sadness is obvious on his face at the mention of his parents. "Yes... but they are back home. My... home was invaded." He seems to be considering how to proceed, then looks at Morrigan carefully, "I... would like the explanation. And perhaps I can explain my own story as well?"

He looks down at his suit, then sighs, "I knew I should have brought regular clothes from my ship."