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The Framework: Parent-Teacher Meeting
Date of Scene: 26 May 2021
Location: The Westchester Academy, HYDRA Institute of Enlightement and Learning
Synopsis: After the surprise of Daniel's resurrection, May and Peggy realize finding young Melly Sousa is a much bigger deal than either of them initially realized. So, they decide to go to her school to pick her up. She's not there. But Jemma Simmons is...
Cast of Characters: Melinda May, Peggy Carter, Jemma Simmons
Tinyplot: The Framework

Melinda May has posed:
The Westchester Academy stands on an extensive acerage, a grand old manor house with broad lawns and an elegant, sweeping drive that leads up to the front stone stairs and the large double doors that lead into the place. May maneuvers the unmarked SUV up the drive, parking off to one side. She doesn't, for once, want to attract attention. More than that, she doesn't want *Peggy* attracting attention.

Bringing Peggy along with her was *not* what Melinda has planned. She just couldn't argue with her. Not after the shock of seeing Daniel alive again. Melinda herself isn't quite over that one. But his story?

She pushes that completely out of her mind. "Follow my lead," she tells Peggy, looking at her before she bothers to open the door. "Can you do that? We'll attract enough attention just by being here. If anyone suspects this is anything more than a parent tour..." Does she really need to finish that sentence?

Peggy Carter has posed:
Someone had to stay home with the children. While Peggy is not the most beloved person in the world, she's not thought to be dead or a highly wanted SHIELD criminal. She can still show her face out of doors without HYDRA storm troopers coming down on her neck. Especially if it's to visit the school she hopes her daughter may still be near. Or information on where she went. Therefore, with a fair bit of arguing, she's stubbornly bullied her way into this trip.

She's still pulled a few of her old spy tricks out of her back pocket, not looking exactly like the woman who is on HYDRA's top watch list. Her hair is pulled tightly back and slightly lightened with some sort of spray. She has glasses across her eyes and isn't wearing her normal color of lipstick. Anyone who knows her well would be able to recognize the shape of her face and body, but to strangers she shouldn't ping as the woman she is.

The question of following Melinda's lead gets the other woman a bit of a smirk and a small sigh through her nose. "Of course. I don't care to get either one of us in trouble..." And with that, she falls quiet, her high heels carrying her along side Melinda into the school.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Jemma Simmons may not be the most beloved person ever. But, according to the coffee mug that is in her hand as she traverses from the teacher's lounge towards her classroom/lab, she is the best teacher ever. So, maybe that means just in the school. Or maybe just in the science department. Or maybe it really means for the whole world, virtual as it may be. Such thoughts may have entertained Jemma at some point.

But...at this moment, Jemma is busy considering something else. Mainly, how is she going to infiltrate and figure out where everyone is at when she herself is what could be considered 'deep' cover. Really, a teacher for Hydra? Did it have to be that? Still...a teacher has access to certain networks. That may be used for other purposes.

A coffee cup in one hand. A clipboard with what appears to be tests cupped in the other arm. Those that might know her will certainly recognize her. Another benefit of being in deep cover. No need to hide....

Melinda May has posed:
May gives Peggy a brief nod in response. It's unusual, really, for her to be this rattled. But she covers it well. As she pushes through the door, her back straightens and her shoulders square. She is Commander Melinda May, Agent of HYDRA and the Doctor's lieutenant (for now, anyway). She has *nothing* to worry about in this place.

Her eyes sweep the foyer as they enter, the plush red carpeting the polished hardwood floor and late 19th century ornamentation to the woodwork and panelling that adorn the walls. There's a small brass sign that points the way to administration. She nods in that direction, heading down that corridor.

As Jemma steps out into the hallway as well, May's eyes sweep over her. There is no recognition in her face.

Peggy Carter has posed:
While May hasn't given her direct permission to talk to anyone, the moment Peggy sees one of her daughter's many teachers, a faint smile lights her face. While this is the first year Melinda Sousa was in Jemma's class, she wasn't selected out all that long ago and Peggy crossed paths with the teacher more than once. In this reality, Peggy looks far different. Instead of the hard, trained muscles of a woman who has been a spy all of her life, Peggy's softer. Hourglass curves and hips that have born several children, a softer face beneath those glasses. She might almost not be recognizable to Jemma.

"Miss Simmons! It's so lovely to see you, it's been too long..." Peggy's British accent coos gently.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
There might be no recognition from May as Jemma steps out into the corridor. However, as those brown eyes look up from the clipboard to regard the newcomers, there is a blink of surprise from the science teacher. The eyes flicker, between Peggy to May and back. Who did Jemma recognize? Peggy or May? Both? If someone would be monitoring emotional levels, there is a flush of excitement. Fortunately, no one can read minds here

Or can they? If so, then Jemma just gave herself away, with her mental dialog fast and heated. They are here? And right there! Oh...but they don't recognize her? Oh, no. Peggy knows her here...but May doesn't. How? Oh...this is not going to be good at all...

Still, all that is hidden from the public view. After the initial blink of surprise, Jemma pauses and slides into her bedside manner, with the pleasant demeanor refined from years of medical practice. "Hello!" Jemma's own British accent sounds out clearly. "You must forgive me. You caught me off-guard. It is a pleasure to see you again Ms.?" Jemma lilts the statement into a question, giving Peggy the chance to fill in the blank. Would it be Carter in here? Or...something else? If she is here and knows Jemma...then Jemma taught a child of hers? The quick glance through the monitors before Jemma went in gave her a peek at Peggy's new 'normal', which means there are kids involved. How many kids? What was the names? Curse this damnable world...

Melinda May has posed:
Jemma's flush of excitement is, in the grand scheme of things, a bit of background noise absorbed by May's empathic abilities where she lays in a pod inside a dark chamber deep beneath the real Manhattan. She is more sensitive, over all, to Peggy's emotions, familiar as they are, simply because Peggy's pod lays right beside hers. And even then...

She has no such abilities in the Framework.

Thus, she fixes Jemma with an evaluating gaze. She can read body language, micro expressions. She knows there's some recognition there. She doesn't think it's her the teacher recognizes. She expects it to be Peggy. But the words belie that guess.

"This is Mrs Sousa," May says evenly, stepping forward. "My name Comander May." She shows her HYDRA badge. "We're looking for information on one of your students."

Peggy Carter has posed:
There is a flicker of confusion across Peggy's features as Jemma doesn't immediately seem to recognize her, "Yes, I'm Mrs. Carter-Sousa, remember? Melinda Sousa's mum, though she normally goes by Melly? She had you for 4th period science. She always said you were so sweet. We had that conference back in December?" Peggy isn't exactly hurt, but she is a little confused as to why the woman doesn't seem to recognize her. Then it hits her. Her 'disguise'! Of course.

"Oh, forgive me. I've been trying something new with my hair and you know, get to my age and everything just starts going. Can't get away with just the readers any more!" Peggy states with a too-bouncy little laugh, motioning to her glasses. Her spy skills have waned in this place. "But yes, we... we were hoping you could talk to us about Melly."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Disguise or no, Jemma knows Peggy Carter when she sees her. But having to pretend to play ignorant is so cumbersome. Yet...it does help to fill in the blanks. "Oh yes, of course. Mrs. Carter-Sousa. I do remember you now. Margaret, correct? Oh, but you prefer Peggy, if I am not mistaken." With the surname established, Jemma obviously feels that she can let on a little more knowledge...something that a teacher knows. "Ah, yes, Melinda. Melly was always a delight." There is a flicker of a glance towards the namesake, one Melinda May, just the briefest of looks before she focuses back on Peggy. "Oh, December seems so long ago, doesn't it? Almost like it is worlds away, yet it really has not been that terribly long, has it?"

Worlds away? What are you thinking, Simmons? There is almost an internal cringe as Jemma realizes what she just said. As she does so, that attention shifts from Peggy to the commander in the room. May is not the only one that can pick up cues from people....especially those that are her patients, at least in the real world. And....the fact that there is nary a twitch from May, not a flutter, could only mean one thing. The empathic May is not here. Which...is both a relief and not. Jemma doesn't have to worry about a Hydra agent reading her emotions, if May really believes she is. But, it will be harder to convince May of the truth.

After all, if this May is as suspicious as Jemma's May...

Simmons looks over May's ID and offers a nod. And just a nod. "Right, then. One of my students?" The critical mind of one Jemma Simmons does not take long at all to put two and two together, as she takes in both at once. "You are looking for Melly." It isn't phrased as a question, but more a statement of fact. It is really the only obvious conclusion, especially since Peggy led with little Mel first. "That is it, isn't it?"

Melinda May has posed:
'Worlds away', in this particular instance, isn't a *good* phrase in May's books. And, as a HYDRA agent, Melinda May is twice as suspicious as her real world counterpart. Worse... she's also twice as paranoid, given their current situation. She stiffens only faintly however.

"We are," she confirms. Her voice has that deep note of authority to it. That note that has always suggested the first person to piss her off will end up bleeding on the floor. "It's a matter of some urgency. If you know where she is, we need you to take us to her."

She watches Jemma like a hawk, however. Because if this teacher decides, for any reason, that they're not on the up-and-up... well, that will be the end of one Jemma Simmons. May will not hesitate to kill her to protect them.

Peggy Carter has posed:
There is the smallest twitch from Peggy as Jemma comments about those worlds away. Not understanding, but almost dread. Some heavy knowledge lingering in the pit of her stomach, the woman's words almost echoing the madness that her husband was spouting. She stares at Jemma hard, a slightly more tense smile crossing her soft features, "No. December was December and very much here. In this school. We met right down that hall. Don't you remember, Ms. Simmons?" Peggy's trying not to sound angry or panicked, but it's her daughter who is missing. She's on the edge of both those things.

"I... I know they said Melly went to some special training. But it's been *weeks* now. Her sister misses her. I miss her. Surely she can come home for just a few days or a weekend? If you know anything, I just... I want to see my daughter, Ms. Simmons. You know we only want the best for her."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Well, that is something. Both Peggy and May reacted to the worlds commentary. And...not favorable, if these versions are anything like the ones Jemma knows. Right. Do not do that again, Jemma. The mental chastisement rings in Jemma's head as she latches on the escape route already in place. That of Melinda Sousa. "I will be perfectly honest. I have not seen your daughter in these hallways recently." If only they both knew exactly the truth...that Jemma herself has only seen the hallway they are in now recently. "However, if you two would care to follow me to my classroom, I could use the computer terminal there to perform a search to see where Melly may be. Perhaps we may be able to determine the special training courses that you speak of, Mrs. Carter."

If there is any oddness with Jemma only using half of the hyphenated name, it is minute and fleeting, as Jemma extends a hand forward, already willing to lead them to the science labs. And, should they follow, they will find that it is a normal laboratory like any other, with a chalkboard in front. Formulas are written upon in, in Jemma's precise script. Some look relatively normal, at least for middle school science, while others look rather complex....Jemma's own calculations. Perhaps for the advanced class, most likely.

The science teacher takes a seat at her desk, turning to the screen resting upon the desktop. With it, a login prompt on the screen. With a passing thought akin to hoping that virtual Jemma thinks the same, Simmons types in her username and a password. Luckily for her, the prompt clears, providing Jemma with access to the school's network. "Right, then. Let us see what we can find, shall we?" The finger flitter over the keyboard, selecting the student records and performing a search for Melinda Sousa. And...the results come back, prompting a frown upon the british national's expression. "Well, I do see that Melly was transferred, certainly. That would hold true with the special training. However, there is a code number here that does not correspond to anything I am aware of." Jemma tilts the monitor towards the direction of the two ladies...though, mostly towards May. Even if Jemma idolizes Peggy, in whatever world they are in, Jemma knows full well who exactly she needs to cater to. And that is the commander in the room.

Melinda May has posed:
May is a *very* good spy. Especially in this world. If these two women didn't know her as well as they do -- in either world -- the faint flicker of confusion that flashes through her eyes would go unnoticed. But she knows that code.

She straightens, that cool, aloof 'commander' attitude wrapping around her like a suit of armour. "Thank you, Ms Simmons," she says simply. "You've been very helpful."

She turns and fixes Peggy with a direct gaze. "Your daughter isn't here, Mrs. Carter-Sousa. We should go. I'm sure Ms Simmons is very busy." She noted the test folder. "I believe it's the middle of exams."

Peggy Carter has posed:
"Thank you, Ms. Simmons." Peggy chimes in as the woman offers to lead them to her class room. She clearly knows the way, probably a bit better than the newly appeared Jemma does. She's comfortable in this school, she walked it many times with her daughter. Once they are inside the classroom, Peggy is pacing. She's nervous, quite worried, especially as the woman has no clue where her daughter has gone. She's worried enough she's missed the oddity of her last name, but her head tilts a moment, habitually filling in, "Carter-Sousa." Though she leaves it there.

Then the news comes. Or not-news, as it were. She frowns in confusion towards the two, looking at that code. "What... does that number mean?" She asks that almost more of May, since Jemma said she didn't know. And now May's already trying to get them otu of there. "..O-of... Of course. Thank you again, Ms. Simmons. You were always a lovely teacher." She's letting herself be ushered out, unless Jemma stops them.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
May was right. It was the middle of exams, which was a lovely time to drop in with no warning. Fortunately for Jemma, that lovely student of hers performing a little extra credit to pad her grade point average was rather helpful and very forgiving with her teacher's momentary forgetfulness. And, as much as Jemma really wants to stop the two and shout out that this is all a simulation...she knows that May is also on her guard and now would be the absolute worst time to do so.

And so...Jemma runs with it. "Commander May is absolutely right, Mrs. Carter-Sousa. I do have exams to grade." The urgency in which May wishes to leave is not outwardly perceptible with Jemma...but a mental note is taken. That code...disturbed her. That is something to research later. And, now with Melinda Sousa's information, Jemma has an address. And contact information to Peggy, should she need it. "Please, let me know if there is anything else I can do in the future." Ah...the bedside manner is back in place, with that practiced smile and cultured demeanor. And...just the right amount of concern injected in that voice. A science teacher has a lot of similarities to a medical doctor, including how to handle people.

Jemma does remain seated, however. Must keep up appearances, after all. There are tests to grade, extra credit to dole out. All so terribly busy.

Melinda May has posed:
May gives Jemma a curt nod and a flicker of an almost-smile that never reaches her eyes. Jemma likely heard from others before she went under that neither May nor Bobbi quite seemed like themselves. Now, she's seen it for herself.

May moves toward the door, but waits for Peggy to join her, even precede her from the room.

Nevertheless, she pauses, turning back toward Jemma for just a moment. "Ms Simmons," she says quietly, a dark edge to her tone. "I'm sure you can appreciate this is a sensitive matter. I would advise you to excercise discretion, should anyone mention this." The threat is in her eyes, not her tone. But it promises a very unpleasant return visit, if word of this gets out.

Only then does she exit the room.

Peggy Carter has posed:
As Peggy double times along side of May, trying to match the woman's angry energy and determination to get out of the school quickly, she forces herself to stay quiet. She doesn't want to ask anything incriminating while they are in the literal halls of HYDRA's young training center. She looks back to Jemma one last time, eyes lingering in some strange worry, but they they are out of the room, down the hall, and soon out of the school.

It's not until they are in the parking lot that Peggy asks quietly, "...what was that code? Do you know? Do you know where Melly is?" She's too desperate to be patient. This is no longer the woman who has been trained for the most dangerous missions in the world. She's a mother terrified for her child and making sloppy mistakes for it.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
A thinly-veiled threat from May. Well, at least some things do not change. The commander gets a curt nod and a simple two word answer. "Of course." And Jemma remains calm as the pair exit.

It is only after the parent and the guardian exit does Jemma allow herself to relax, exhaling slowly to release the nervous energy. Still, there was some headway made. Information gathered and research to be done. Not in the least is how to convince these two that this world is not real, without them deciding to take Jemma out of it, the old-fashioned way.

The tests are left on the desk. Jemma approaches the board, picking up a piece of chalk. Calculations are made, chemicals formulas written. One remarkedly close to a familiar use of dendrotoxin.

After all, a girl needs to be able to protect herself...

Melinda May has posed:
"Get in the car," May says curtly, unwilling to say anything on campus and outside of the car's protection. She moves smoothly, unlocking the door with a flick of her thumb over the key fob, and pulling Peggy's door open before she marches around to her own and slides in.

Her door slams shut, the ignition comes to life. When Peggy is safely in, May carefully maneuvers the SUV around the loop of the drive. They just need to put this campus to their backs and not look back.

Questions can wait.