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Can You Outrun A Menace
Date of Scene: 26 May 2021
Location: Gymnasium - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Toni and America do some training and stuff but really what matters is the deep and intricate narrative that an auteur filmmaker brings to the field of kaiju cinema in the form of 'Godzilla vs. Kong'. You see, the subtle pathos always present in King Kong and his desire for human ladies is a place where he can find connection to Godzilla, whose solitary nature is undercut by the historical presence of Godzooky, as well as their complex historical relationsh
Cast of Characters: Toni Monetti, America Chavez

Toni Monetti has posed:
"Thank you so much for helping me with this," Toni Monetti says from her two-meter-tall stack of gymnastics polygons.

The Titans gymasium is huge... but their real size is the size of their God; or perhaps, the size of their determination to see Justice done. Antonia Monetti had had a plan on something to do with the nature and permutations of her peculiar and silverine powers, which she explains from her tall seat in the middle of the gym space.

"So like, just to repeat myself," Toni says, "I absolutely let some bimbo jewel thief get away because I couldn't get a good line on her and wrap her up, and I was like, you know, I don't actually want to kill or mangle a jewel thief like at all? SO," clap go the pale hands of ARGENT, "I wanna do this against a live target."

"If I pin you down three times, you buy the pizza. If you get me three times, it's on me." The sacred terms, agreed upon in the locker room after Toni was rinsing off from some light aerobics and jogging.

"Sound good? Oh, and when it comes to holding back..."

"... I guess don't actually pop me cuz I think I might just die or have to go to the hospital and I'm like an alien and shit? So like, /to be avoided/. I don't even like to take Tylenol if I don't have to."

Toni cracks her knuckles, gazing downwards. "Any direction, though. Go wild. I can take it." That part REMAINS TO BE SEEN.

America Chavez has posed:
'... I don't actually want to kill or mangle a jewel thief like at all?'

"Why not?"

This is the first salient thought of one America Chavez as she stretches out on her very own personal polygon. She's joking, probably, but considering the way she delivers the two word question with an effortlessly stoic poker face and the blandest of affects, it's a sentiment that Toni might have to take on good faith.

Deadpan knows no mistress like America.

But it's that same mysterious nonchalance that has brought her here today at Antonia Monetti's request: dressed in what seems to be a black, sleeveless unitard and a loose-fitting sweater with blue, star-spangled sleeves and a red-and-white striped body, the girl from the Parallel Utopia is currently stretching one arm lengthwise across her chest as her companion goes over the inviolate terms once more, hip turning just so with the motion. She seems more worried about her warm up than anything else at the moment, that cool facade persisting as fingers lace and stretch upward over her head.

It's only here that she turns chocolate brown eyes back upon Antonia with the upwards slant of a single, dark brow. 'I can take it.'

"That right?" she assures. "Okay, then. I'll go wild."

It might not be reassuring. BUT: at least she's smiling, now!

And so, with the roll of her head, one hand falling to her hip and hooking there for lack of pockets as that sharp gaze remains on Toni. That other hand?

"You ready to roll?"

Lifting, to beckon Toni hither with the curl of a finger.

"Let's dance, chica."

Toni Monetti has posed:
"I'm not gonna say it's a victimless crime," Toni says, about jewelry, "because it absolutely isn't, but it's not like it's gonna kill you to not have jewelry. It might break your heart but like, there's a... continuum."

Is there? Maybe. (No.) (But also... yes.)

Toni, on her end, claps her hands together. (Toni is wearing a boring black leotard and arm and leg warmers because she expects to get it sweaty. It makes her look extra monochrome given her eerie albinistically-pale skin, even if her eyes and hair remain, like, normal.) She spreads the hands apart, twisting them around in a completely unneccessary if cool looking (she assumes) invocative gesture -

Two blobs of silver float, like mercury, to her sides. "Alright, go!"

America Chavez has posed:
"Dunno," muses America, in the moments before the sacred training challenge begins, flicking the gold hoop ring dangling from her right ear.

"I get real sensitive about my shit."

A truly complex continuum, indeed.

There's amusement intermingled in the general, restrained intensity of America's stare and the steady tone of her voice, though; and it's a kind of subtle enjoyment that just grows a bit more when Toni engages in that grandiose gesture. Her stance widens. Corded muscles tense beneath that dark unitard as the soles of her star-spangled shoes squeak across the smooth flooring beneath her. She braces.


And the second that word has left Toni's lips, America Chavez is gone.

She's fast. She's very fast. It takes maybe a second or two at most for her to cross the distance between them. The rushing wind of her momentum chases in her wake as she surges for Toni, slotting herself right between the woman and her balls.

"Stylish pose," she offers, seconds before her calf hooks into the back of Argent's knee.

Her palm presses into the center of Toni's chest.

And with a little press, and a tiny yank--

-- she seeks to bring Toni's feet out from under her, to send her toppling down with America following soon after, pinning the silver-pale woman into her polygonal perch, hovering over her with with a finely arched brow.

"Gonna want it Detroit style," she asides in a warm huff of breath and a challenging little grin, only one pin in. Cocky?

Yes. Yes 100% cocky.

Toni Monetti has posed:
Toni's lips purse. Is this... privilege? Toni has worked for very little in her life, and maybe America's from a rougher situation and a necklace or something would be like a huge treasure even if it was something she could just put on the credit card and



"Wagh!" says Toni Monetti, indicating that a POINT HAS BEEN SCORED. Her eyes goggle as she looks up at America. "How did you -- can you teleport!? I didn't know you could TELEPORT! Holy SHIT. Like just to like make it more educational can you not do it the same way tho? Because, ha ha, shit!"

She slaps the gymnastic bolster thing several times.

"What's Detroit style like? Is that like Chicago style? I had that a few times, it was dece," Toni says, showing, perhaps, her real superpower-- she can bridge both sides of even the greatest war.

America Chavez has posed:
Can America teleport?!

America hovers over Toni, letting the gentle application of her body weight through the press of her palm hold Toni down as those dark brown ringlets of hair bounce around her cheeks like a thick, curly veil.

"Yeah," she answers that question, easily enough. "But that wasn't it."

They just build them fast down Utopia way.

"Play your cards right, maybe I'll show you."

There's a teasing touch to those words; but America though she doesn't answer Toni's request directly, as she eases her body weight off the other woman and backs up and onto her feet, America takes it more slowly -- wordlessly ratcheting herself back a bit as Toni breaches the great pizza divide with the olive branch of reasonable discussion.

"Less pie, more crust," is America's succinct answer as she bounces back leisurely on her heels. "Cheese all the way to the edges. Carb hell. Makes you feel terrible you ate a bite." She shoots a glance Toni's way. Is that a grin on her lips?

"You're gonna love it."

And with that, she tips her head, legs spreading once more. "C'mon. Let's see what you got, princess."

Toni Monetti has posed:
"But it's still really thick? Like it's deep dish?" Toni says, and her face -

She doesn't blush. It's pale. It's set off by makeup but she can't blush. But her cheeks do warm. She gets upwards, crouching downwards, rocking her neck back and forth and then slapping her knees. "Okay! Don't count your -- pizzas, before... Yeah, anyway," And this leads to another summoning of PLASMA BLOBS:

"OK go," and that is the point where she hurls a plasma net down!

It's basically just a regular net but made out of her silver plasma stuff. It feels a little tingly, like a plasma ball at the science museum, but is otherwise harmless. It was a pretty fast throw, but was it fast enough?

For America?

There's something about her, Toni thinks. It's not like the other chicks I hang out with. Is - wait, is this awakening something in me?

Her eyes narrow slightly, but the struggle is not revealed outside of her own mind. And perhaps, her heart.

America Chavez has posed:
"Thick as hell."

America isn't one of many words, but body language tells tales all its own. Her gaze is sharp. Alert. Observant. Beyond that casual swagger she carries herself with, her stance is subtly tense. She's taking this - and Toni - seriously. A sign of respect, maybe.

But there's a keen sense of interest there, too, for those clever enough to pick up on the signs.

The little wink might be a more obvious giveaway, though.

Dark eyes turn toward those blobbing masses of silvery plasma. A frown settles across her lips. She's expecting them to be hurled at her as a frontal assault, or a diversion. And she reacts in the way she normally would in such situations:

She rushes dead on for Toni to punch straight through the problem.

Her fist rears back to make that a very literal thing when what was once blobs of plasma become a wide, tingly /net/ of plasma. For a rare moment, America's eyes widen.

To her credit, America's reaction times are remarkable. Her foot's already pounding ground to launch herself rightwards away from the net within the first second of her realization, but that's exactly one second too late. She leaps. The net snares at her.

And maybe Toni can feel the pressure of America trying to force her way through as the albino-pale Titan gets her opportunity to score her hit--!

Toni Monetti has posed:
"Thick... satisfying... hm..." Toni feels an urge to half-giggle. She suppresses it. But then there is the net, the leap, that moment of surprise...

And THAT is when Toni leaps from the high turnbuckle! Sailing through the air, aiming to tackle the Woman of America! Throwing herself into the air without a plan!

Well, there is a mat here, for a reason, so Cyborg doesn't have the chance to raid people for their parts due to neck related injuries. However, a few things become pretty clear.

1. The net is well made, but it isn't... in fact... made of metal. It can be stretched, wiggled. Enough shock and it will breach, outpacing Toni's own wisdom and focus. It can be hurt... it can be KILLED!

2. Toni is not actually familiar with what she's trying to do here. The mats mean she probably won't, like, die, but her big plan seems to be to throw all 120-ish pounds of Toni on top of America even as the latter is already coming upwards.

3. She is managing to grimace in a way that reveals literally every tooth in her mouth.

America Chavez has posed:
Toni makes an innuendo! See America smirk!

Toni makes a net! See America caught!

Toni makes a leap! See America--

--punch a hole through plasma seconds before Toni makes contact?!


Toni's plan is sound, of course. It's just a problem of timing, and the fact that the person she's hurling 120-ish pounds of herself upon is more used to hurling around tanks rather than Tonis. There is one second in which she has opportunity.

In the next, she's hurling herself upon America just as the latina multiverser is taking firm handfuls of the front of Toni's leotard before she just -- goes with Toni's momentum, and tumbles backwards into the mat.

There's a wild look in those chocolate brown eyes; it matches Toni's all-teeth-always grimace quite nicely in the seconds before they hit ground.

America strikes the mat, back-first. And then she keeps -going- with it, intent to use Toni's momentum to roll -all- the way over with the other woman in tow, flipping their positions until the Utopian has pinned the half-alien on her back to the mat with her body, bits of torn plasma netting still clinging to her.

A second passes by.

"Thinking maybe a movie, too," she mentions, off-handedly, with the next deep draw of her breath. "Before the pizza."

Toni Monetti has posed:
Pizza is serious business, when you need to fill

your stomach. Toni finds herself hitting the mat with an enormous SLAP hard enough that America can see the little pouf of air rustle through Toni's hair, the glossy black locks ruffling lightly as she looks momentarily and completely poleaxed. Not looking at America so much as through her - then perhaps at her - and she actually smiles, and actually even laughs.

As the plasma evaporates, Toni says, "I'm learning a lot, I think, America. Like, I did not plan this out super well, but also, gimme your frank opinion: How good was the net? I like... I'm just kind of stunting here, I don't know what I'm doing." She grins more, wider. "Best trick I did was this like... there was this evil suit that an Evil Cassie had and I hadda put like caps on its evil spikes. And they would have done some really nasty shit to anyone they touched? But this stuff," she makes a little blob of plasma and raises it up to boop America's snoot, lightly, "it's not 'anyone', you know?"

("You got one in mind? I kind of wanna see the one with the big monkey...")

America Chavez has posed:
"Evil Cassie," America repeats, first and foremost, in a voice that doesn't sound so much perplexed as it does bemused. There's a difference. It's all about context.

The context of this is a tone that says, 'okay, sure, explain?'

Regardless, though, America eventually eases her way off of Toni once more; she doesn't get up on her feet immediately, though. Instead, she just flops back into a seated position for the time being, one knee drawn up and a bracelet-decorated wrist loosely draping over it.

Plasma boops upon the snoot of Ms. America. She goes cross-eyed staring at it, before lifting a hand to casually flick at it with her index finger. There's not an obvious smile on her lips. But it's there, dancing in her eyes.

For the observant.

"You got skills, and you know how to use it," she says, finally. "Like the Lanterns, yeah?" Those intense, brown eyes fall on Toni, sizing her up for a quiet, critical moment.

"... You ought to use it more though. Probably coulda had me there if you didn't go swooping in for the kill like the world's whitest dodo." She cocks her head at a forty five degree angle to the left. A smile threatens at the corner of her lips, despite her words.

"Es muy mona."

A second passes by.

("Funny, I was just thinking, 'I really wanna see the one with the big monkey.'")

(she doesn't know what that movie is at all)

Toni Monetti has posed:
"Yeah, like, alternate universe or something. She was real nasty, she'd put Wonder Woman in a coma for like three weeks so I was kind of scared, especially since I guess she DID figure out, hey, the hot chick is the one doin' this and then like LEAPT and like, I'm not Wonder Woman, right?" Toni says, getting upwards with good enough cheer.

Toni is fit but it is aerobics fit. America's assessment is right: Work harder.

"But then VIV, who is great but she's quiet so I don't know if you met her, was like, yoink! And did the.. thing, where you like... It's like noclip? Like the thing where you can run with walls. Boy, that was freaky, tho."

She takes a deep breath and pushes it out, before smiling again. "Guess I ain't keeping the belt, though."

SOON ENOUGH: Where in Metropolis can you get Detroit style pizza?





Why did you say that name?