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Latest revision as of 13:28, 26 May 2021

Date of Scene: 25 May 2021
Location: April's Apartment
Synopsis: April and Harley get home after speaking to the Rat Catcher in the bowels (gross) of the Blackgate Prison. They talk all kinds of things, and read fan mail, while enjoying each other's company on the sofa.
Cast of Characters: April O'Neil, Harley Quinn

April O'Neil has posed:
The hyperloop ride home had been as fun as ever those weird things are.

Okay, so admitedly April hated traveling in transit systems. This is why she has a bike that she rides everywhere. She is okay with cars, but she hates busses, or trains, or definitely airplanes.

The hyperloop was... new tech, so that made it kinda fun, and at least the stations were clean and the loop-cars were fancy. That also helps.

But still, she gets streeeeeeeeessed in transit like that. This is why she never goes to California to see her older sister, June, and her family.

When the door to the apartment over the Antique Store oepns, April strides in on her heels and sets her purse (it only had her phone charger in it, she never uses purses except for show) down on the table beside the door. She pulls her suit jacket off and walks over to the sofa chair to drape it over the back. "Ugh, I've never been more happy to get home and get out of 'gross creepy prison mood'." The Reporter says to her roommate and incognito assistant as she reaches up to take her ear-rings out of her lobes.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Did ya know that hyenas aren't permitted on the Hyperloop?" Harley picks up on a sort of random manner while they are travelling through the Hyperloop. She also got her shades on. And dressed as a sexy secretary like she is it almost doesn't seem as if this is Harley Quinn, former clown princess! She still takes a quick peek about as they go, trying to look casual. Is sher persona non grata here?! "I tell ya, it's totally unfair. But at least they don't keep agents on every exit! Too bad foh them..!" yes, clearly she has history here.

But the travel goes without too much of a fuss, just Harley speaking on how she went to the Themysciran embassy with her hyenas, evading cops on the hyperloop and then meeting the Amazons' gardener, who turned out to be Thor in the end! "Like .., muscles foh days..." but as with every story that Harley tells... Is it really true? Unreliable narrator and all that!

Eventually they are home, she stretching. "Imagine havin' ta be theah all the time!" like she was in the past! "Ya pulled a good Clarice on the guy though. He was duly impressed." a beaming grin up on her expression.

April O'Neil has posed:
April stands behind the sofa chair and smirks at Harley softly. "Guys like that appreciate confidence., I was trying to ... exude that?" She shakes her head then side to side. "I dunno, hopefully he stays inside that cell for forever though. Last thing I need is a guy like that getting out who was 'impressed by me'." She says that, then suddenly realizes the direction that takes, consider her roommate's history with her...

Yeah, awkward!

"So!" April changes the subject. "We have a lead now. Yeah?" She asks with a grin as she turns toward the kitchen and walks toward it, her legs coming up to take one heel off, followed by the other allowing her to walk on gher stocking covered feet quietly, and a breath of relief to escape between her lips.

She looks back to Harley. "We can tell the guys." The Turtles, obviously. "And maybe do some research on this location he told us about. Have you heard of it?" April asks, setting her heels on the table by the door and going to the kitchen archway.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Oh, I know what they appreciate...!" The suggestive tone on Harley's voice needing no further explanation for it! Yet she does still waggle her eyebrows followed by a wrinkle of her nose. "Though the mask does throw me off a lil..!" just the mask?! A nod to April after, "I mean, it's Blackgate, a notch above Arkham, but not by much!" as in, might just happen eventually.

"But he thinks you awhe some kinda mastah villain, with me on yoh cornah!" She explains, making her way across to get out of her tight little jacket and starting to undo the rest of her clothing. Blouse first! "I could get used ta these threads. Sorta comfy, if a lil tight in places.." she says.

"Though yep!" she pays attention to the subject change, "The place rings a bell. Real shady. Even compared ta how shady Gotham is, but that place always had a big no-no." another nose wrinkle. "Ya know, like instinct was tellin' me ta stay away."

She makes her way to her room to toss her blouse over the bed, the two hyenas whining and coming out of it. Clearly not happy at having been locked inside the room for the whole day! So they are grumpy...

"But maybe ya can find somethin' about the place with yoh nosin' about." She probably means doing investigative journalism!

April O'Neil has posed:
April is in the kitchen moving around as Harley talks and goes in to her room beside April's own. The fridge door thuds shut and the reporter with the dark hair steps back out of the kitchen and walks toward their bedrooms. She sticks a hand in to offer Harley one of the vitamin waters that she kept always on supply in the fridge.

She looks down to Bud and Lou and gives the two a big smile. "Hey fellas." She says to them. "You both have severe bed head." She states with a little laugh to follow before she goes in to her own bedroom to do some similar clothing swapping to that which Harley is doing too.

"Yeah, I don't wanna tell the Guys about it until I have some research done. They'll rush there, immediately, especially Raph and Leo. Id' rather come at them with some intel, so to speak." April says, out of the skirt and blouse and reaching for a tshirt and loose fit shorts.

"If you want to come with me on more stuff like this, I'd be happy to have you along. I actually feel a little safer with you there." She admits, talking out the partially open door to the other in the apartment.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Busy with half her head into a tight t-shirt to substitute the blouse Harley takes the water without looking at what it is, mumbling a, "Thank ya!", before she wiggles into the damn t-shirt and takes a long swig of the liquid. Moments later... "PFfffftbbbtttt..." a look at the bottle. "APRIL O'NEIL!" what made the clownette so angry?! "Ya tryin' ta poison me with a non-alcoholic drink?!" clearly someone was expecting a beer.

"Hmph..." But then she drinks a bit more of the water, "Well..., I am thirsty I suppose.."

The two hyenas look up at April and grump before moving on to climb upon the sofa to claim it and just laze atop it. Yes, they are grumpy because their choice of place to laze on wasn't available! Spoiled mangy things!

Harley puts the bottle on her nightstand, busy with her skirt next, speaking from her room out to April, "Yea, some people can just be so impulsive sometimes!" not Harley of course. She is the epitome of cautiousness. "It's a good move ta look more into it."

"And of course we will be goin' back in further stuff like this! I mean, if we could get into Blackgate we can get into anywheah!" she rubbing her hands together just before she picks up a pair of shorts and slides into them.

April O'Neil has posed:
"Ya gotta hydrate, Harls." April says from her own bedroom as she continues to do the same with her own clothing. It only takes her a few moments more before she pulls the door open and steps out, padding across the hardwood floor on her bare feet now as she walks toward the sofa and just sits down between Buddington and Loubert.

April takes another sip of her water, leaning forward on her knees as she looks at the mail on the table. "Looks like one of the Turtles came by and dropped off mail. Must've been Donnie." She mutters. "Or Leo...."

Another sip of the water is taken and April sets the bottle down on the table then leans back with one of the envelopes in her hands, she puts her feet up on the table and reaches over to pet whichever of the Hyenas was on her left side, she wasn't sure at the moment.

"Hey Harls, you got a fan letter here." April announces. "It's all cute and glittery." She says as she turns it over in her hands, grinning at it. "Can I open it?" She asks, figuring Harley will definitely say NO WAY to that.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Yea, yea... Hydrate.." Clearly Harley has her own ideas about how to hydrate! But well, she at least appears to accept it for the moment for when she is done with getting dressed she steps over to pick up her drink. Another good swig and she walks out, also bare feet. Stare goes a bit wider when she sees her throne has been taken though! And with her hyenas as loyal subjects to April! Well then...

"Traitors..." She mutters under her breath, prowling over a little to the side. The hyenas continue their traitorous ways of cozying up to April, tongues lolling out and just lazing bonelessly like the nice hyenas that they now are!

"You always know who it may be by how much pizza is left in the fridge!" she complains. "Mikey is the worse.." she states, finally wandering over to the couch though her eyes shoot out when she is told of a fan letter. "A FAN LETTAH!?" immediate run to the couch and jumping-wiggling next to April, sliding Bud a bit to the side. "Let me seeeee! Oh, who can it be?!" she swipes the letter and starts to open it up, tongue poking out just a little.

"I must say the glittah is a nice touch!"

April O'Neil has posed:
Of course Harley's run to the sofa has all 3 sets of eyes looking at the Clownette as she charges them and lands between April and Bud. April leans over Lou and makes a squeaking noise, following it up with a 'Ow." and "Huge butt." Is she talking about Lou, or Harley?

Finally though she settles back in to place on the packed sofa and looks over at her roommate as she opens the letter up. April raises her bottle up again after grabbing it and watches... watches.

She gets fan mail too, but it's usually just... well, gross stuff, from lonely men.

"I should open a P.O. Box and invite people to send us free shit." April says with a grin. "I don't know why I haven't gotten around to that. Busy busy busy." She says as she lays her left arm down on Lou's back now and finger scritches the back of his neck.

"What's it say?" She asks after giving Harley about 5 seconds to read it.

The letter is, of course, a gushing example of fandom and is actually sent from three college-aged gals who say that they are all massive Harley fans and wanted to send her a real letter, not some lame ass internet thing. (their words).

They go on to say that they love all things Harley Quinn, old Harley and new Harley too. Though they do gush about old Harley and her criminal-esque ways a bit more... kids, right? There are pictures included of the 3 girls all dressed up as Harley Clones. Clown Clones? They are smiling at the camera and posing in saucy ways, with bats and mallets and bling and multi-colored hair.

It's quite the letter! Some mega huge fans!

April peers over Harl's shoulder and can see some of the pics. "Oooh, that's so cute. And, a bit scary..."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Damn right." Is Harley's immediate response about the big butt. "Theah's this machine ovah at the gym I sometimes sneak inta called the ass blastah. Makes wondahs.." she doing a sagely nod and wiggling her behind further in on the couch. Asserting dominance of her realm apparently! But no, she can't get distracted from this nice letter!

So those eager baby blue eyes are set fully on the letter as it's getting opened, big wide grin on her lips. "Awww, look at that! Three college gals sayin' they love my stuff! Maybe I should put up a few moouh things up on my instagram..." she ponders a little more before showing the pics. "Awww, look. So cute!" then a feverish little expression coming to her. "I will have ta write 'em a lettah, maybe I can even gain some new pen pals! I am still waitin' foh that no good Caitlin ta write me back!" a hmph coming out right after, "Just cos she was lost in some other dimension doesn't mean she can just stop writin'!"

"Scary?! Why?!" She is beaming with pride, "They look like the perfect clownettes. Maybe I should teach 'em a move or two, create a posse of clownettes ready ta conquer the world." typical Harley, not thinking on the consequences of steering these girls to her clownette ways!

A finger points to a part of the letter. "They think kickin' the Jokah outta my live was the best thing I did!" her grin only widening. "Well, that makes me feel good!" also typical Harley, caring more about other people's validation than her own (on certain matters).

"Wait, we can get free shit with a PO box?" She looks at April.

April O'Neil has posed:
April is happy to see the fan mail come in for Harley, she was worried it'd be something sinister, but it looks like it was a legit group of happy youthful girls, not that much younger than her really, 19 or 20 maybe? Her own blue eyes go over to Harl's and she flashes her a grin.

At the question of the PO Box, April just nods her head as she takes another sip of her drink. "Yeah." she says. "I mean, it'd mostly just be 'ass blasters' if you catch my drift. But still. REally that's why I didn't go set it up, I thought I'd mostly get lewd stuff. But if you'd be willing to open the boxes up... preferably in the alley out back..." April grins. "I'd be more willing to take the plunge and see what they'd send us."

She means her listeners and followers online, of course.

"I get asked about it all the time. But yeah." She upnods toward the letter. "You shoudl consider opening one too. Clearly you got a following also, and a good one if they're willing to handwrite letters to you. I didn't know anyone still did that." She grins softly again and reaches for one of tjhe pics of the trio all with their mouths wide open in a happy crazy pose.

"They're cute." She says after a audible 'awwww' escapes her lips. "I doubt they're hardcore enough to actually roll with ya though, Quinny." The reporter teases the clownette again and hands the picture back.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Well, it's a dyin' art unfortunately. But theah's just somethin' different and giddy about sendin' and receivin' a lettah that ya just can't get from an email." Harley says with her immense wisdom, bobbing her head a couple of times. "It's why I keep a pen pal! It's somethin' fun ta do. I mean, I'd do it with you too but not as fun when we awhe livin' togetha ya know." she leans back on her throne, one hand brushing over one of the hyena's head, the letter now on her lap along with the photos. "But ya should get one, it's fun!"

As for the PO Box.. "Something ta consider.. We could even get a channel goin' about us openin' that stuff up. Nothin' like some online shame foh those that send the crazy crap!" which would probably just make people send a lot more crazy crap. Details!

Yet now she is considering the damn thing, tapping a fingertip to her chin. "Time foh Ms. O'Neil's secretary ta get busy this afternoon.." PO box time!

As April then says they aren't Quinn material she laughs, "Oh, they can be shaped!" she leaning forward to April. "Just like I shaped ya..." eyes squinting in that way of Harley's that one is never sure whether she is joking or not!

April O'Neil has posed:
April is reaching for the tv remote while Harley is speaking. She turns it on and keeps the volume low while she grins at what the other woman beside her says. She looks over at her roomie and leans her head over on to her shoulder. "Yes, I've been shaped by you so much." She says in an almost mocking sort've way. "I definitely haven't been domesticating you and the good boys here." She says, dramatically petting the back of Lou's neck like Cruella DeVille.

April lifts her head up straight then and looks to the tv as she habitually checks Channel Six to see if they're airing any of her stuff. Is it narcissism? Or is she just looking out for her career? Or is it BOTH.

They're not though, there's a weird gameshow on that looks like its on the bridge of the Star Trek Enterprise. "A YouTube channel where you and I are opening things on air together?" She asks, looking at Harley. "It'd be a million dollar idea, maybe more. But yeah, we'd be opening nothing but ass-blasters." She says the last part with a frown......

Another sip of her drink is had and April moves to stand up. "Time to order some dinner. And /then/ look in to this Rat King location in Gotham..." She says while barefootin' her way over to her 'purse' to get her phone out of it.

"Chinese food?" She asks, smiling over at the three on the sofa.