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Cheap Sales from NOWHERE
Date of Scene: 18 May 2021
Location: Suicide Slum - New Troy
Synopsis: Hope follows a lead and finds one of NOWHERE's side business. Cole plots to steal a new gun.
Cast of Characters: Cole Cash, Hope Summers

Cole Cash has posed:
Metropolis is the shinning jewel of America, truly a City of Tomorrow. Probably a very alien environment for Hope, more used to ruins and, well, Gotham. But look, there is a neighbourhood in Metropolis that looks like Gotham: The Suicide Slum.

Rusty and abandoned factories, old and cheap apartment buildings and some new but cheap-looking apartment buildings. Few green spaces, cracked pavement on the streets, few police presence and lots of dark alleyways.

There is a thriving black market in the Suicide Slum. Sometimes even energy weapons are for sale at decent prices. The Darknet webpages offer all kind of goodies, including this week something that look like several of the advanced slugthrowers the N.O.W.H.E.R.E.'s armoured goons often use. There is an auction tonight at one of the abandoned factories.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope Summers hadn't been to this city before, sure. You'd think she'd be impressed by the clean shiny streets and law and order. But in a way it was intimidating. She felt kinda scruffy, kinda out of place there.

The Suicide slums on the other hand, now that's a different story. This place felt familiar, more like home. But of course, she wasn't here to admire the view, nor was she on a shopping trip.

The truth is, Hope had got a tip about weaponry being sold here, maybe even a potential supplier that might have info of NOWHERE.

So here she is, peering around, cloak pulled over her head, partly obscuring her face as she browses. Cuz you never know who is watching.

Cole Cash has posed:
Plenty of people is watching. In fact, everyone is watching everyone else. There are a few MIBs, a number of gangers that don't look like having the money to buy super-tech weaponry, local mafia types, Russian mafia types, Santa Prisca mafia types, mercenary types. About fifty or so of the best and worst scum of the East Coast. And Hope. Who is the youngest here. Also, the only woman alone.

Maybe she should have asked for backup for this one. Red Hood would have a good partner for this place.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope Summers strides through the streets with purpose and confidence in her step. She may be thin and scraggly and young in appearance, but she didn't leave home without her big gun, strapped to her back and hidden under her cloack. Cuz you know it's always good to catch people by surprise, let 'em underestimate you if they will.

But even then, she cant take 'em all on. Maybe some backup would have been wise..But she was eager to follow a lead before it vanished. And so she continues to search the place for those shady suppliers, pausing every so often to ask here and there for a key name she had heard about the merchants, pretending to be an interested customer.

Cole Cash has posed:
The gun runners seem a trio of burly brothers wearing white masks and some body armor. And yes, it looks like NOWHERE's armor. Only cruder, perhaps earlier model? They are not wearing body suits, just chest plates and helmets. Strong guys, too, given how they take to the stage several big crates.

Among the customers, leaning against a wall, is a tall blond man with a green coat and a fedora hat. A mercenary of some small fame and a long career. Cole Cash. Like everyone else here, he is armed, the heavy handguns on hip holsters. Unlike most people here, he seems pretty relaxed, almost amused.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope Summers blinks, wait what's this? she narrows her eyes, stepping nearer to the guy in NOWHERE armour. "Heey, excuse me, can I ask you a question?" she peers him up and down, uncertain of how he might respond, but she needs to know. "Can you tell me where you got that armour from?" she smiles, trying to appear all business like. Even if she is just a scrappy kid. "I'm kinda looking to buy some myself see. It looks amazing on you by the way.."

Cole Cash has posed:
The big man looks at Hope, giving her a once over, and sneering. "Get lost, kid. This is for grownups only," this draw some chuckles from the selling crowd. But not many. Sense of humor is scarce in this group. "We are selling weapons, anyway, not armor."

Another of the brothers comes closer, then. "Who are you anyway?" He glances at the ganger's direction, seeing if any of them would claim Hope as one of their own. But they respond with properly surly looks.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope Summers folds her arms, looking the guy up and down with a slight smirk, "Who says I'm a kid? I sure as hell probably have way more experience than you do with any of these weapons." as she speaks, Hope swings open her cloak a bit so he can see the badass gun she's got concealed there. "Modified it myself. Probably know more about guns than you ever could."

Cole Cash has posed:
The brothers laugh at Hope's boasts. Both are a foot taller and trice her size, so her posturing looks fairly amusing to them. Yeah, Cable doesn't have this kind of problem because he is the same size than those thugs, and older than dirt. "Bug off, child," repeats the gun-runner.

Much of the crowd looks annoyed, and a few of them, mafia thugs for the looks, move towards Hope with the clear intention to kick her out of the warehouse.

But they stall for a second as another of the buyers steps besides Hope. "Come kiddo, step back, I want to see what they are selling," he nods to the gangsters. "You babysitting, Grifter?" One of them asks. "Sure, lets call it that."

Grifter, the blond man, tries to drag Hope away from the stage, tipping the fedora to the gun-runners, that seems to recognize him with an unfriendly grunt.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope Summers blinks, not one to back down from a fight even if they are bigger and stronger than her..Grrrr how dare they? She'd just love to give em a piece of her mind, just you wai---errr!? Suddenly she finds herself being dragged away by the tall blonde guy. "Heey, what gives? You wanna piece of me? I might not be a giant hunk of meat, but I assure you I can take care of myself all the same!"

Cole Cash has posed:
Cole lets the redhead go as soon as she is some distance from the gun crates, then he gives her an amused glance. "Nope," he decides, "unless you are actually Supergirl with a dye job, you can't. Don't get yourself killed."

He snaps a glance to the three brothers. One of them is still keeping an eye on Hope. If she follows his eyes, he slips a hand under her coat and draws out her custom-made blaster gun. "Did you really build this? Pretty good. I never got used to these fancy energy guns, replacing the damn power packs is such a hassle."

Back at the stage one of the brothers is opening the first crate.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope Summers blinks as he attempts to pickpocket her, "Heey gimme that back! What are you, some kinda thief?" she frowns, reaching for her gun, glaring daggers at him. "Uh, yeah, of course I built it!" she smirks, equal parts proud and indignant.

"Anyway, my friends and other innocents are being attacked by the same person who is selling those weapons. So I need to know whose behind it, you know? And like I said, I can take care of myself!" yeah stubborn kid, isn't she?

Cole Cash has posed:
Cole lets Hope get back her gun, but gives her an amused look. "Yeah? And if I was with them," he thumbs back to the stage, "I could shot you right here, with your own gun. You need to keep your mouth shut and your ears open if you want to find out anything here. You are way too young and way too alone for this, you draw attention just by being you."

The trio of burly brothers is pulling out advanced-looking assault rifles from the crates. Hope can recognize the design. It is very similar to the guns the N.O.W.H.E.R.E. cyborgs used. Perhaps slightly less advance. Likely the model of a few years back.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope Summers frowns and folds her arms, glaring back at him. "Oh yeah? And why should I trust you? For all I know, you're one of them. What do you get out of helping me?" even as she speaks, Hope has an eye on the thugs and their weapons, frowning. "No way, those guns are definitely from NOWHERE.." she mutters.

Cole Cash has posed:
"Well, for one you are still alive," retorts Cole. "But yeah, trust no one here." He glances at the weapons, frowning. "Sure. Funny. I heard that particular group of assholes didn't operate in the US. That guy is a freelancer, though." He steps closer for a better look. Those are ballistic weapons, which he favors. Not that he has the kind of money to purchase super-tech guns.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope Summers chuckles a bit at that and shrugs. "Okay..Suure. I guess I owe you that at least, maybe.." She's still not sure she trusts this guy, but right now, a lot of what he says makes sense.

"Oh wait..So these guys are buying these weapons internationally? Soo..Why'd they do that?" she frowns, 'I just need to know more, but I can't do that unless I can buy one of those weapons and check it out. Heck, maybe even talk to one of those guys. But they probably wont take a kid seriously..But they might take YOU seriously." she smiles.

Cole Cash has posed:
"No, I mean... I had never heard NOWHERE's firearms sold in the US," comments Cole, returning to Hope. "Damn, now I want one. I have only heard about them. I doubt they have sold a hundred of those worldwide, and this guy has six." No doubt a few of the buyers plan reverse-engineer them, which was exactly what Cole was thinking. Gunsmithing being one of his few hobbies that is not actually a vice.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope Summers frowns, folding her arms. "OKaay..Firstly, I'll bet those things are illegal, otherwise, why is it the only place I can even buy one is on the black market? Secondly..WHY do you want a terrorist weapon? You'd really consider giving these guys business, while I'm trying to shut 'em down?" she smirks.

"But, on the other hand, you could always make a front of buying one for business, if you could go in there and chat 'em up, get some more info on their suppliers. Heck, I wouldn't object if you kept a weapon and tried to reverse engineer it. To be honest, I kinda would like to see what makes them so special, what makes them tick myself.."

Yes, alright, so Hope is just a kid, but for some weird reason, she seems to have an odd fascination bigass weapons. Furthermore, she's quite the skilled gunsmither herself. This girl is just full of surprises!

Cole Cash has posed:
"Jesus, kid. Of course they are illegal," Cole has to restrain himself not to smack Hope like a redheaded stepchild. She is one of them. "There are forty two guys here, and sixteen more outside, and I think only about five are carrying legal weapons. Including you, Ms. Lawful. High energy guns are illegal in all America." Beat, "maybe not in Texas."

He snorts at her 'trying to shut them down'. "I am a mercenary, like... oh, about a third of the people here. Including the sellers. I shot people for money, which is mostly illegal everywhere." He grunts and lits a cigarette. "They are not going to talk to you about their providers, why the hell should they?"

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope Summers rolls her eyes. "Of course, that's what I just said! But..There's gotta be a way to find out more." she makes a face. "Of course they wont take me seriously, but they would you." she smiles. "Guess we're pretty outnumbered though so we'd have to play it lowkey.."

But hey, she was totally serious about shutting them down. She's not sure exactly how yet, but.."Wait, you're a mercenary? Sooo what, you're here on some paid job?" Hope's eyes narrow warily at that. "But that also means you could turn against me on a dime..What angle are you playing?"

Cole Cash has posed:
Cole's plan was to see who are they buyers and then maybe steal one of the guns. Well, and improvise. He doesn't like detailed plans. "He is not going to tell me either, but I will make a good guess. The Triple Brothers, those guys," he headtilts to the burly guys currently conducting an impromptu auction, "they are metas. And they usually work for NOWHERE. So, I bet they either smuggled out those guns, or they are partners with someone from NOWHERE that might be smuggling them out."

He takes a drag from his cigarette. "In any case, they would be very dumb to tell anyone who is the supplier. In other circumstances I could try to get them drunk, but I doubt they will stay to socialize. If you are willing to 'go get them' don't do it here. Wait a better chance. And get some friends. Big ones."

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope Summers follows his gaze towards the supposed metas and nods. "Alright, that's something to work on..Maybe I can come back with reinforcements." she grins, "Ooh, getting them drunk might be one option, but you're right, y'never know how far you can go down that route.."

Hope sighs, wishing things were a bit simpler. But with any luck, at least some of those metas were mutants too. But who knows? "Alright. Well..Obviously I wasn't gonna pull out the big guns here, but information gathering is just as important."