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Latest revision as of 04:07, 27 May 2021

Food and curiousity
Date of Scene: 26 May 2021
Location: Level 4 - Recreation - The Roost
Synopsis: A bit of advice, and learning about one another.
Cast of Characters: Bart Allen, Laura Kinney, Jason Todd

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen has been out doing the hero thing in a city a few states over. Now that he has finished, he is coming home and bringing food. Bart never brings just enough for him, he was always taught to share. So as he comes running in the table is set up with Chinese food, some American Chinese, and some authentic. He then heads into his room, showers and changes clothes and is back into the communal room, before the napkins have settled on the table. He calls out "Foods here." for anyone in shouting distance.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura has been keeping herself busy with the ongoing threat from N.O.W.H.E.R.E. Patrolling Gotham, checking & rechecking security measures around the Roost and a whole lot of her own brand of extreme training. All of which has left her little time for fancy meals or recreation.

Of course lately her teammates have suggested she might not be 'fun' and, while she might not entirely understand why, X-23 has been of a mind to expand her horizons and do 'fun' things.

Like slipping into the Rec Room to watch the news on one of the two big TVs at some point between Bart arriving and returning (likely in the brief time he's waiting for the shower to actually turn). An activity that's educational and informative. Plus watching TV is what normal people do for fun right?

She doesn't so much notice Bart enter the Roost as she picks up on the smell of Chinese food which wafts through the rooms and coridoors, then makes an educated guess. So when he re-enters she gestures her hand up and waves to indicate her presence.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Hey Laura you want some food?" He piles a plate heavy with food for himself bunches of different types. He then moves to set it on the coffee table, and gets himself a drink, and some tuna for Mr Murder Mittens, so he can eat his own food. Then back into his chair once the kitten is fed. He looks over to Laura, and says "What ya watching? " Seeing it is the news he deflates a bit "Hey you got a brother and a sister?" He asks her.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney sniffs the air a few more times working out what each dish is without having to get up and look. She considers it for a moment and then gets up and nods. "I think I could eat something," she informs. "I'm not watching anything special. Just a Gotham city specific news broadcast."

She puts together a plate, mostly of sides that'll be easy to eat with her hands, then returns to her seat.

"I believe Gabby has visited the Roost for a movie night. You may have to be more specific though. As given my family situation I could potentially have hundreds or thousands of siblings I am unaware of..."

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason isn't around here often. He runs with others, and spends a lot of time solo. Still, sometimes the troublemaker sticks his head in and bugs folks. Today is one of those days.

He makes his way into the room and glances about briefly, brushing his fingers back through his black and white hair. Tight jeans, battered boots, and a sleeves old 'Bush' t-shirt for their Chemicals makes up his outfit today, along with a flannel tied around his waist. Seriously, the guy could have walked out of the nineties. It works for him, though.

He smells the food and glances over. "Oh, sick. Chinese food."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "It is from the best three places on the north half of the coast." He tells Jason. He then looks back to Laura, and says "I saw her, out with some others, and thought I heard her call a guy bro. There was a group of heroes fighting this nasty teleporting lady. Was a Red headed lady who flew, a girl with a skunk stripe in her hair, guy in a scuba suit, a girl who could walk through solid stuff, the guy who Gabby called bro, was a brow haired fellow, maybe a bit of family resemblance. They fought the lady, I took a guy she hurt to the hospital." He does not go into detail on hos he was hurt but makes an eww face.

Laura Kinney has posed:
"I do have a half brother who teaches at Gabbys school," Laura muses as she applies an excessive amount of a hot chili dipping sauce to her food. "If I had to guess the rest of the group are teachers and students from her school. Or just concerned bystanders."

The implied violence of the encounter not seeming to put X-23 off her food in the slightest.

"Good day Red Hood." Again her nose identifying the newcomer without her needing to glance up. "I trust you are well?"

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason raises a hand to offer an idle wave to Bart before he is on his way towards the food. He leans over and peers into the containers before he snags a plate and a pair of chopsticks.

"Eh. Single now, which means I'm...alive?" He shrugs a muscled shoulder. "At least it was amicable. Still good friends. Just...eh." The young man trails off and piles some delicious looking spicy choices onto his plate.

"Just needed to get out of the garage and clear my head, I guess. Ended up here."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and starts to say something but stops himself. He eats a bit more, and says "Well, I think Tim may have a spare room around here you can crash in if you need to." He looks to Laura, and says "Cool, I figured I should let ya know I ran into them."

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney nods to Bart. "They do not know I am part of this team," she notes. "So if the subject comes up in a future encounter I would appreciate it if you can be discreet." Not that anyone on the Outsiders is likely to be sharing secrets. "Members of my family I am aware of all know how to contact me if needed. So if anyone who appears to be related to me has to ask... it's probably a shapeshifter or some other trap."

She glances over at Jason and frowns.

"I am sorry to hear that. I think Conner and Tim are both recently single as well." At least in a very general sense of the word 'recent'. "Perhaps you could help each other to find romantic partners?"

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason smirks a bit at that and glances over at Laura. "Playing wingman for Tim? Fucking pass." He takes his plate and makes his way over to a seat, sprawling unceremoniously on it. He pops some food in his mouth, skillfully using the chopsticks before he glances between the two again.

"At least it's not just me, though. Maybe I'll take them out for some beers. Misery loves company."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "I need to find out if Madigan has any time, free, see if we are going to try to go out again sometime. It has been a while but she has been busy and so have I.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney blinks once. Then again. "Why would you and Tim need to pilot aircraft?" she wonders, looking at Jason as if he's speaking nonsense. "You will likely need to provide a /lot/ of beer to get Conner drunk. So perhaps get Tim to split the bill with you."

Her attention shifts back to Bart. "Madigan is your current romantic partner? Have you made use of the Roost computer systems to run full background checks on her?"

It will shock no-one when Laura doesn't volunteer her own romantic status.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason shrugs a shoulder at Laura and works idly on his food. "Who's Madigan?," he asks. He glances over at Bart, arching an eyebrow.

He lounges back in his seat, getting nice and comfortable.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen shakes his head to Laura and says "Na, we met at a arcade, and hit it off, would be sorta weird to go looking her up, specially on the computers here. Turns out she is part of G.I.R.L. She knows I am a speedster, and she is one but she does not know I am Impulse, and don't think she does the hero thing would be a bit obvious if she did.

Laura Kinney has posed:
"All the more reason to run background checks," Laura points out. "If she doesn't do the hero thing she might be a supervillain. Or have family connections to various groups which put her at an increased risk of kidnappings or attacks. The more well informed you are the better prepared you'll be in the event of trouble."

Her attention shifts back to Jason. "I assume she's his girlfriend given the rest of the context of the conversation." Another frown, this time at Bart. "What's G.I.R.L?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "A smart girl thing that Nadia Pym runs, Viv vision and some other of the titans are part of it. She is a decent person, she just has to walk with braces, and know there is at least one hero who does it, think it would make it a lot harder, specially at speed.""

Laura Kinney has posed:
"I've never worked with the Titans," Laura admits with a shrug. "It's better if I'm never openly associated with more public hero groups given my reputation and.. ah.. current legal status." Which is technically internationally wanted fugitive but hey no-one is perfect right? "Just because someone appears frail it does not mean they can't be a supervillain."

The rest of the information Bart provided is likely filed away for further research in case it leads to a potential strategic threat in the future.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "Well don't really think of her as frail, but I don't think she is a super villain. Something wrong with your legal status, sure we can get Tim or someone to sort it out, they got me legal papers, and I aint even born yet."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"You aren't currently wanted for multiple high profile assassinations," Laura points out with a shrug. "It's better for me not to exist within any formal systems. I don't want anyone to be able to track me. It'd only put others at risk."

If Bart or Jason want more specific details well that's what the Outsiders dossiers are for.

"If don't think is good enough for you that's okay. I would personally much rather be certain than assume anything."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen ahs and nods his head a bit to this. He hmms, and says "Well if there is anything I can do to help let me know. I will help how ever I can."

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney nods.

"Don't worry about me though," she informs with an air of confidence. "I have plenty of training and experience when it comes to living and operating off the grid. And if anyone in Gotham was likely to try and detain me... Well it would be someone associated with Batman."

Besides it wouldn't exactly be difficult for her to escape from a prison in Gotham!

"I would offer you similar assistance with your romantic situation but I am afraid I wouldn't be of much use in that regard. You'd be better served asking Phoebe."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen hmms and says "Not so sure, I think Phoebe might be one of the few people who have less experience than me, course could be wrong either way sure she would try she is a good kid.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney takes a few moments to consider this while eating her way through some more excessively up-spiced Chinese food.

"I meant less in terms of practical experience and more for sound advice." A beats pause. "You can always ask Red Hood, Tim or Conner. All of which have some, albeit unsuccessful, relationship experience."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "Have had a bit of that myself, but hey it is all a learning experience. " He looks to Laura, and says"You know if you ever want to know things your not sure of we will help as best we can too right?"

Laura Kinney has posed:
"A romantic relationship would not be  tacticallyadvantageous to me," Laura points out. "Also I don't really have any interest in dating." She takes a moment to savor a particularly delicious bit of food and then adds "But yes, I am aware that if I need information I can ask people for it. Unless you are talking about physical relationships in which case I already know the details. My education in physiology was quite extensive. For reasons which do not make socially acceptable dinner time conversation."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen offers her a smile and says "Well meant more than just relationship stuff, ment pretty much anything you wanted to talk about.

Laura Kinney has posed:
There's a slightly awkward silence as Laura looks between Bart and Jason for a while.

"No nothing really springs to mind. I don't really feel a need to engage in 'small talk' very often. I had been looking into some handguns which have inbuilt silencers but they don't seem like they are especially reliable. Which means they aren't suitable for operational endevors."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods over to Jason and says "That would be a lot more on his side of things for sure, I mean I could probably throw bullets quicker than a gun.