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Latest revision as of 10:34, 28 May 2021

Burying the Hatchet
Date of Scene: 28 May 2021
Location: Royal Chambers
Synopsis: Arthur and Namor bury the hatchet.
Cast of Characters: Namor, Arthur Curry

Namor has posed:

The greatest city on earth, or so many an Atlantean would admit. A natural wonder of technological advancement and isolation, yet still taking its place in the world. It's Emperor, Namor, has been the subject of many a controversy, namely in regards to the royal line. But many adore Namor. Others? Not quite so much. He has his opponents.

Some are hidden, others are far more public.

Those are the Loyalists, who believe that Queen Atlanna's immediate heir and bloodline should have taken the throne, rather than Namor in Atlantis's time of need. The heir in question is not a stranger to him: Arthur Curry, or more popularly known by his Atlantean or superheroic name: Orin, or Aquaman. Whether he is more directly involved or not, Aquaman is nonetheless placed blame by Namor's advisors as stirring on these insurgents and opposition to Namor's rule.

Granted, Namor hasn't been cruel to insurgents that he finds. Their worst punishment is exile, while their more merciful is to simply lay down their pride and bend the knee. Alas, Namor is aware that this cannot continue, and thus has called for Arthur to the Palace, to perhaps work out the solution. Currently, Namor floats in the waters as he looks over the city. Guards flank his left and right side, even though he doesn't much need them. His trident is in his hand, and he's dressed in a mixture of armor and royal wear.

Arthur Curry has posed:
Arthur was in the city visiting friends when the Royal Guards found him. Given that he's not too worried about the Guards and is pretty sure he can take Namor if he needs to, shortly after the message is delivered he can be seen swimming through the palace gates.

A short consultation with the guard later finds him directed not to a meeting room or the Throne room, but to Namor's private chambers. This alone sets a very different tone from previous encounters between the two, which have usually been in public and rather formal.

He's not in any way dressed up, in fact wearing just a pair of black jeans. Shirts tend to shred off at the speeds he swims, and shoes are just an inconvenience, so it's just the pants. As is normal for his visits to Atlantis, he does not have the Trident with him. It makes the guards nervous, and Namor gets all touchy that Arthur earned the thing, so it stays in the Hall of Justice, safely stored away until needed.

After the guard announces him and he drifts into the room, he shoots a look around and nods, "Not too bad, you seem to be doing ok for yourself here." He looks to Namor, his hair and beard drifting in the small currents winding through the room, "So, what'd ya wanna talk about? I doubt it was cause you missed having me around."

Namor has posed:
It -is- a difficult blow to the pride to know that a deity gifted the other guy. Granted, his trident was no pushover, but YIKES is Namor slightly jealous that Poseidon himself gave a blessing. Irregardless Namor stands tall, though he plants his trident into the ground when Arthur arrives properly after his announcement by the guard and makes his rather informal entrance.

"I grow weary, Orin." Namor tended to refer to Arthur by his Atlantean name. Its not out of disrespect for Atlantis, but out of respect for Atlanna to treat her child, bastard or no, with some measure of hospitality. He clasps his hands behind him, eyes looking down to the city below. "I grow weary of the opposition and the violence. I have no wish to fight you, not because I question my skill or yours, but because I am fully aware our conflict would bring unwanted attention and damage to this empire." He sweeps a hand out to the city.

"Thus I have invited you here to make talks of peace. The insurgents will follow you to their graves. Thankfully, I have not felt the need to test that theory." Ah, so Namor seeks to unite Atlantis under his rule.

"What say you to what you have heard thus far, Orin?" He questions of the man who apparently cared little to arrive in proper attire. But, well, Namor has learned over the years to not expect too much of people, especially when they don't necessarily like you.

Arthur Curry has posed:
There's the Namor he loves to irritate, overly formal and correct. On the other hand, he's kind of holding out an olive branch, in his own, long-winded way. Arthur actually thinks about his reply for a moment rather than just going with the most annoying reply possible, sizing the Atlantean king up.

"Well, the reason you're sitting on the throne is because I wanted to avoid getting our people caught up in some kind of civil war. So far, I haven't done much to encourage the folks who support me, though I've heard some disturbing things about the way they're starting to be treated." He floats a little closer to the man, "I gave up my claim on the throne so you could be King without fighting. Long as you don't mistreat any of the people... including the ones who think I should be king, we don't have a problem."

He pauses for a moment, then adds, "If you're gonna be a good king to everyone, I'll even talk to the Atlanna loyalists. Explain that we don't need our people fighting each other. Keeping Atlantis safe and whole is the top priority."

Namor has posed:
The difference in origin results in that natural tension.

The pompous, regal Namor, and the Rebellious, Hardy Orin. It seems a match made in heaven. Though Namor's attention shifts to Orin, floating over to him as he doesn't shy or falter from Arthur's gaze, his own cold and calculating as he stares back into Arthur's eyes. No fear. "The reason why I sit on the throne is because I -won- it, Arthur. The resulting civil war was small and as bloodless as possible." note the 'as possible'. "I am aware you haven't done much, but its your existence all the same. I have no reason to mistreat the Atlantean people. They are each entitled to their thoughts, irregardless of what they think of me. So long as they do not threaten the lives of their Atlantean brothers and sisters, I have no cause to take action against them. If you do not believe my words, then my actions will do my talking."

Namor may be much the part of a politician and Ambassador to the surface now, but he is still ever so much a warrior. He thinks like a general, even if it's true that he deeply loves the Atlantean people. "Being a good or bad king will be left to the historians and poets. Though, if it helps your thoughts, I plan on being the former." He looks then to the city.

"I fully agree." on Atlantis's safety. "I'm hoping smoothing relations with the surface will assist in that."

Arthur Curry has posed:
Arthur snorts, "Well, whatever you want to call it, it's your butt stuck on the throne. You're probably better suited for it anyway, you seem to enjoy this stuff. Me, I prefer being out doing things to sitting around negotiating next year's fishing rights. So I'll put the word out that if they wanna think I should be in charge, that's fine, but if they start trouble I'll come looking for them myself. You're the king, I already agreed to that and I don't want to be putting out fires about it for the next twenty years."

He shakes his head, "Our people need one ruler, and you're it. I'm always available if something threatens Atlantis, but I don't want people causing trouble in my name."

He tilts his head, surprised that he agrees with Namor on something. "Yeah, Atlantis does kind of need to be part of the world. There's too much from the surface that can affect us down here, we need a voice in it."

Namor has posed:
Namor has always rather disliked Arthur's more nonchalant attitude. But he's an Atlantean, and a citizen at that. Namor considers him under the protection of Atlantis, and he nods ever so softly. "Very well." He decides not to challenge Arthur's views on Kingship. Not today. He has much to do, and as fun as wordplay with Arthur is...

He almost seems to smile. -almost-. Not quite. "Care for the job?" Namor asks of Arthur. "I can be on the surface, most certainly, but my role is here in Atlantis. You seem to be quite the middleman already, if you feel the desire to assist your people." Namor seems to offer the Ambassador position to Arthur.

"Of course, it would come with the necessary titles, but I imagine with a voice like yours -" which is said in mild amusement. "I imagine people will listen to you."

Arthur Curry has posed:
Arthur blinks.

"Are you actually offering me a position in the government? I'd check if Hell just froze over, but I never got any training in the whole sorcery thing, so I can't open a gate and check." He chuckles a little, it seems formal is just not something he does. "I would _never_ have guessed you'd make an offer like that."

He goes quiet for a minute, chin sinking to his chest as he seems to think things over. Looking up suddenly with a nod, he says, "I'll do it. I'm not great with speeches, but Diana's been pushing me to be a little more open and personable in public, and this is an outgrowth of that. Besides, she has her embassy thing going, so I can always get some pointers from her. And most importantly, it's a way to help Atlantis officially, and it might help with those folks who support me if they don't think I'm stuck in exile or something, not that I ever was. So yeah, I'll take the job."

He chuckles again, "Who would have thought that we'd end up on the same side?" He shrugs, "We'll probably never be close buddies, but if you do good for Atlantis, we'll at least be allies."

Namor has posed:
"Oh no, we'll probably never be friends." Namor confirms with a small smirk to add to the humor, and potential playfulness, of his words. But he does seem rather pleased that Arthur accepted the job. "Very true. Now you don't have to, what's the term, 'poster boy'?" Namor smirks at him as his hands end up behind his back, clenched together and held at the base of the spine. But all the same, he nods only once.

"Out of every single way this could go, I'm happy it went the way Atlantis needed it to go." Battle between them would've ravaged the city, regardless of who would've come out on top. Set them back decades, maybe centuries.

This was the best option possible and Namor knows it. Not for him, maybe, but for the Empire he loves.

" You'll be our contact with the surface world, and all dealings with Atlantis will go through you. You may not know how to do speeches, but I imagine you will get the hang of it soon enough."

Arthur Curry has posed:
Arthur nods, "We're pretty different, but we both want what's best for Atlantis. That's a good base for a working relationship, at the very least. And yeah, this is probably a good thing all the way around." They weren't that close to fighting, but it could have gotten there someday if things deteriorated. Best for all involved that it goes peacefully.

He shakes his head, "I doubt I'll ever be a poster boy, but I can represent Atlantis. And I've been getting a little more reputable lately, so you need not even be embarrassed that I'm the face of Atlantis." He looks down at himself, "Which may not be showing at the moment but you know, for one, it's always been kind of fun to annoy you, and two, this is what I had on and I don't keep clothes down here. Which I imagine will change now, I guess I'll need to have an actual place to stay down here for when I'm on official business.

He straightens up and meets Namor's gaze directly, "Ok, so now what? There some kind of ceremony or something? I might need to borrow a tailor if it's a formal thing."

Namor has posed:

Though talk of a tailor makes Namor almost scoff. "Only when you represent us in formal matters will I demand you wear the colors." he mentions with a mild smirk on his face. "As for ceremony, as fun as it would be to watch you squirm in the face of millions (more like billions, perhaps) of Atlanteans, I will leave the decision of the ceremony up to you. Otherwise, we will make you aware of when you are needed."

Which will probably be a lot. Namor is a good talker -- when he feels like it -- but Arthur is a better people person. "That said, your words have greater weight in this Empire, and you have access to the palace and the resources of the crown." Namor offers to Arthur as he looks back out to the city.

"Let us pray to Neptune that this will be a partnership of success." To a unified Atlantis.

Arthur Curry has posed:
With a shrug, Arthur says, "Not a problem, I can dress up for embassy functions and the like. People have been pushing me to show a better image, I guess I'll make them happy." He grins, "Guess we all get forced to grow up at some point."

He thinks for a moment, "I heard we have an Embassy already, so that's covered, don't need to set that up, I can just move in there. I already know a couple people who can aim me at a good tailor or two for the formal occasions." He purses his lips, thinking, "Honestly, I guess all we need is you to draw up whatever documents need to be done to make me whatever rank or title or whatever you want to call it officially so that I _can_ run the Embassy and we're good."

He nods, "Ok, I'll let you get to what you need to do and go slap a few of the more hotheaded folks into line. Send someone to get me when you have the documents and I'll collect them and start the process on the surface."

He moves towards the door, then stops and turns back, looking a little disgruntled, and says, "The biggest downside just hit me... I have to be less annoying to you now. I bet you planned that." He shrugs, then says, "If I can go?" He's drifting towards the door even as he asks... He may never get the hang of not being at least a little annoying.