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Latest revision as of 05:19, 30 May 2021

Awkward Afternoon
Date of Scene: 29 May 2021
Location: Roof Tower
Synopsis: Meet and greet apologies and picnics
Cast of Characters: Clarice Ferguson, Atrid, Kitty Pryde, Scott Summers, Gabby Kinney

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    It's afternoon at Xavier's School - and after checking in on Lorna, Clarice has found herself momentarily at loose ends. She makes her way up to the tower above the school, leaning up against the railing and looking out over the school grounds without really seeing it. It's quieter today - with classes out of session, some of the students have traveled home to see their families. There are still some that live permanently on the grounds, though, and a few of them are out and about.
    Her thoughts aren't on the students, though, but on the trouble that always seems to be looming. The threat of this new drug. The need to rebuild Genosha. And of course: the deep, painful divide caused by years of strife and disagreement between various factions within the mutant community. Why couldn't things ever be easy?

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen comes up sighing slightly as he looks around. "Well it aint Brooklyn but its nice regardless." He says simply as he moves to the railing. "Hey Clarice." Atrid says softly and slightly depressed as he moves towards a railing. "Fancy meetin' you up here." He leans against the railing his fingers drumming on the railing. His left hand accidentally icing the railing. "Crap...not again with this shit." Sighing Atrid pulls out a smoke and lights it with his flame.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    The voice sounds familiar - and a brief glance confirms the suspicion, causing tension and abruptly stiffen the woman's back and shoulders. Clarice's features go from pensive and thoughtful, and closed and guarded as she gives the man a look, then turns to stare across the grounds once more. "Those things'll kill you," she points out. "I'd've thought the school would have an anti-smoking policy."

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen shrugs and takes another drag and inhales and exhales. "Yea lots of things gonna kill us, we cant escape it can we?" He says with a smirk. "Im sure they do have an anti smokin' policy don' mean I follow every rule given an' laid out fer me." Atrid says softly. "Look I'm sorry fer last nigh' I won't change my mind on the tactics and policies I still say shoulda been used. I will say tha' after some research there are some similarities between prison and enslavement of our people. Ive also seen some glaring differences, so no I dont know how it feels to be enslaved though I do know what the fear of loss of freedom is. Just not to that same degree you do, and for that I apologize."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice glances aside at Atrid again - silent as she studies his features, her expression still closed with tension showing in her jaw. After a few moments, though, some of it eases - with a ghost of a smile even sppearing for a moment before she turns her attention back out and over the grounds once more. "In your research - did you come across the Mutate Program from Genosha?" she asks. It had been a particularly brutal and egrigious example of slavery, after all.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen shakes his head a bit back and forth at this moment. "I didnt come across that particular set of events no. I just wanted you to know I realized where I was mistaken, but also where I was right, though mostly where I was mistaken." He says softly. "So Im sorry Clarice truly."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice lets out a snort before she remarks, "It's good to know you still believe yourself to be more tactically correct about a situation - than people with far more experience, and far more expansive knowledge of the situation." She shoots him a look, and shakes her head slightly.
    Once again, though, her unnaturally green eyes turn to staring out over the landscape before she adds, "But thank you for the apology. Maybe it is a good thing I didn't punch in you in the gob after all. I was pretty close to it."

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen chuckles. "Listen with my MMA experience youd have been lucky to land that shot. And yes tactically and strategically Im absolutely correct. Stealth and sneaking to release the captives is by far superior to engaging the enemy in an enclosed area." He says simply. "Thats just obvious, read Tsun Tzu's Art of War, I have. Youll see that the direct approach is not the best in all circumstances." Atrid says with a grin. "But a tactical disagreement wasnt what pissed you off it was assumptions I made based off of not having all the facts and I dont like being willfully ignorant or arrogant. I do thank you for the forgiveness."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice straightens, hands on her hips as she regards the teen beside her - amusement playing across her features. "You're making assumptions again," she points out. "You know nothing of my training or experience." Though, granted, she'd known nothing of his.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen laughs and shakes his head. "I assumed nothing, I merely said you'd be lucky to land a hit. Doesn't mean ya wouldnt." He teases back taking a drag and exhaling.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It'd have nothing to do with luck," Clarice counters. "And everything to do with our training and skill. And, perhaps, the element of surprise. As angry as I was, I don't think you didn't seem to be expecting trouble." But looks could be deceiving. That was the first thing she'd learned from Mystique. "I think I mentioned before - I am a body guard to the Queen of Genosha. You don't get a job like that unless you're good at what you do." And it's not like Lorna Dane is a slouch, either.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen shakes his head standing straighter. "You dont get to where I did with the styles I did if you werent consistently looking at everything as a possible threat. Or always vigilant and on your guard. So my statement still stands if you connected it would have been entirely luck." Atrid teases while sticking his tongue out at her.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Yeeeeeah, we're not going to see eye-to-eye on a lot of things, are we?" Clarice remarks in a dry tone.
    "It is beautiful, here," she says instead - studying the view. "Peaceful - usually. We need more places like this. Safe places - where are people can gather, and learn, and grow. There aren't enough sanctuaries for everyone in need of it.
    "...we need to rebuild Genosha."

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen shakes his head with a smirk taking a drag crushing out the cigarette and pocketing it. "Im sure we will, just not strategy, tactics, and combat." He says with a grin. "Yes this is absolutely a gorgeous, and yes we need more sanctuaries and schools. But for that we need to stop fighting amongst ourselves." He says simply. "As long as we fight eachother and argue and debate what method works best the longer it takes to get more of these peaceful places." Atrid says softly. "But that means all sides need to agree to a way, and unfortunately I dont see that happening any time soon."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Expecting everyone to agree is unrealistic," Clarice replies. She's leaning up against the railing, her gaze looking out over the school grounds, mostly free of students at the moment, while periodically glancing aside at Atrid beside her. "What we need is a willingness to come together on those things we //do// agree about. We have common ground. We agree that we have a right to peace, and safety, and prosperity. So we found, in Genosha, a place to match those ideals. And there humans are welcome as well - I mean, parents won't bring their children if they parents themselves would be persecuted, or treated as a second class citizen. So we rebuild Genosha - and we all agree to its common defense. That is something we can //all// get behind.
    "Even those who believe in mutant superiority - they won't be willing to stand by while people attack a nation founded with such ideals at its core. They won't allow their people to be subjegated."

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen shakes his head smiling. "I agree we aint all gonna agree on everything." He says softly. "But I dont know many who think like I do that would be able to get behind or stand side by side with mutant supremacists just not an ideal I hold in any way. That said, I agree we need to defend ourselves and keep the communities we hold for ourselves safe and not crime ridden. But we tend to get relegated to the slums, and more so the mutants like yourselves that find it hard to blend in with normal humans."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Yeah, well, people need to get used to seeing us," Clarice says flatly, with an undercurrent of pride and determination in her voice. "I mean - I could try to disguise my appearance. But I honestly - I'd rather not. I can stand up in the face of whatever... nonsense gets thrown my way. And when it gets really bad? I can get away." So she's better prepared to take it than most.
    "...but you'd honestly be //unwilling// to stand beside someone whose views differed from yours? Even in defense of Genosha?" That seems to baffle and even appaul Clarice, as she turns away from the railing she leans against, to stare at the teen beside her.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The sound of a door to the roof opening and closing can be heard. A young woman with brown hair in a ponytail emerges. Kitty is nearing the day that she'll stop being a teen and starting being a twenty-something, but it is another month or two away. She's wearing shorts and a tank top, and looks like she's been getting sun recently.

Riding on the tanned shoulder is a small purple dragon with eyes that are completely yellow, And Kitty is carrying a small basket in one hand, and a collapsible cooler in the other that looks full.

She heads over towards the chairs on the roof. "Oh hi, Clarice," she says as she spots Blink, giving the Asian woman a bright smile. Kitty lifts a hand to wave towards Atrid. "Hey there Bjorn," she says towards the new student. "Mind some company from Lockheed and I?"

Scott Summers has posed:
The very familiar Scott Summers ascends the tower wearing a pair of jeans, gray t-shirt, sneakers, and the ever present ruby lens glasses. His hair is mildly disheveled and a 5 o'clock shadow dusts his cheeks. Someone must have been burning the midnight oil over something. Maybe he was finishing up his grading for the semester. He's right on Kitty's heels, opening the door in her wake and closing it with a soft click.

Making his way toward a rail, he offers a brief nod of greeting to the others then takes a deep breath of the fresh hair while arching his back in a deep stretch. "Ah, that's what I needed."

Leaning on the rail, he takes a survey of the school grounds, brow knitted as he looks for anything out of place or dangerous.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen looks to Clarice and blinks a bit. "No I mean not voluntarily or of my own volition, or its not something Id choose to do. I dont like being on the side of any one who thinks that how they were born makes them superior to others. But now if we are in the same place at the same time and we get attacked than yes Ill fight side by side with them until the threat has abated. But no I will never willingly stand beside people with those kinds of beliefs." He than turns to Kitty as she uses his alias. "Oh Im sorry, if weve met I dont recall it. But no I dont mind in the least please join us, but here where Im not worried about people knowing who I really am, call me Atrid, thats my real name after all." He smiles and gives a nod. As Scott comes up and nods his head a bit. "Hey there."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "If you can agree on the cause - if you can agree on the plan - then why should it matter what you //disagree// on?" Clarice asks - giving a shake of her head. Why did people have to be so stubborn, and make things //so// difficult?
    Her attention shifts next to the two new arrivals - who are both greeted with friendly smiles. "Don't mind in the least, of course," she answers Kitty - before she takes care of introductions. "Atrid - this is Kitty Pryde, and Scott Summers, both on the staff here. And Lockheed. If you mess with Kitty, he //will// set you on fire. ...though maybe that's not such a problem for you."
    She turns a knowing look on Scott as she sees him scanning the horizon. "You know - I would have sent Atrid for help if there were any trouble to be seen," she teases.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty glances over to see Scott coming out on the roof too. "One of those days, hmm?" she asks her old friend. "I have something else you might need too," she tells him, opening up the basket and pulling out some tubs of food. She opens the first, there's cold fried chicken in there. Another has slices of cheese and sausage. Another has carrots and cucumbers and a container of ranch dressing. A small jar of olives is pulled out, and then a bag of tortilla chips and some dip for it.

"Help yourselves. Was hoping to have a picnic here with Warren, but he got a work call. Something something design change so the airplanes don't crash. I don't know, the minor stuff that boy finds to occupy his time with," she says with an exaggerated sigh and a shake of her head.

Kitty smiles over to Atrid, though the topic draws a more serious look though only in her eyes. "Yes, I'm also one of the school system administrators. So things like your security clearance come through my tablet," she tells him. "And don't worry, Lockheed only burns people who deserve it," she says, reaching up to pet the tiny dragon, who is checking out Atrid from his perch on Kitty's shoulder.

Scott Summers has posed:
"Sounds like you two are having a deep philosophical discussion about the place of mutant kind in the world." Scott offers a half-smirk and turns to lean against the rail. "And I'm going to bet the Brotherhood is part of the discussion, hmm?"

A brown eyebrow raises above his glasses before he nods to Clarice. "I know you would of, but you can't help me from wanting the ease of seeing everything is secure myself. Its just an extra piece of peace of mind."

Nodding to Atrid, he offers a hand. "Nice to meet you. I've read your file. Welcome to Xavier's."

Scott hums then injects himself into the conversation, "You know... I don't think its a question of superiority, but one of equity. Being pragmatic, we are superior to humans. There's a reason the scientific term was coined 'homo superior'. All the same, being bigger, stronger, faster... or blastier doesn't mean you have more rights then the next person. Might doesn't make right. That's what we teach."

He stretches again overhead, sinew in his neck and shoulders popping. His eyebrows pop over his glasses again. He steps over to Kitty's offered food and snatches a piece of cold fried chicken. "Thanks Kitty. You are a life-saver."

Stealing a napkin too, he bites a piece off the chicken and chews, humming in delight.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen shakes his head with a chuckle. "What people disagree on is often as important or more important than what we agree upon." He says to Clarice before turning back to Kitty and Scott. "A pleasure ta meetcha both. Im Atrid Torsen." He says with a smile and than he turns to look at Clarice and than back to Kitty. "Well bein burnt doesnt affect me often." Laughing as he extends his right hand to Scott when it ignites in flames and spooked he tries to and finally extinguishing the flames from his hand taking Scott's hand and firmly shaking it. He than takes a piece of the cold Chicken and some of the Sausage and cheese. "It was actually Gabby who told me about this place and gave me info to get ahold of you all."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Chips and dip!" Clarice exclaims. It's not something she grew up with in her childhood, living in the Mutate Program, and the slave pens, and when she was finally exposed to it? It was a revelation. "Kitty, you're a lifesaver," she says warmly, as she pulls open the bag of chips, and twists open the jar of dip. "You are too, Lockheed," she adds - and as long as the little dragon doesn't pull away, or act aggressive, she'll briefly rub a finger over his eyeridge.
    When she turns to address Scott, it's with a mouthful of chips. Though this doesn't slow her. "Mmm. Not by name, actually," she manages to get out - before swallowing her food. "But yeah, sure. The Brotherhood. Some of them take the whole 'homo superior' thing too seriously. But I think we'll get a lot further, and heal a lot more wounds, if we focus on the things where we //do// agree. Find the common ground. At least //try// to work together sometimes. There's more to unite us, than divide us. We //let// those divides happen."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde grabs herself a carrot at first to nibble while the others get first access to the food. "The Professor is good to talk to about that topic too," she says. Xavier's Dream and all. "I get people who have suffered at the hands of bigotry and worse feeling the urge to lash out the other direction. But, yeah. We're all people when you come down to it. We all deserve the chance to live good lives and be treated with respect. And having some segment not doing that towards us, doesn't make it right it to do it others," she says simply enough.

Once everyone had had a shot at the food, she gets a drumstick and begins nibbling it. A second one is pulled out and tossed up towards her shoulder. Lockheed catches it and then flaps down to the ground, landing to eat it on the floor there rather than dribble bits on Kitty's shoulder.

"So you're going to be a senior?" she asks Atrid. "Any plans on what you want to do after you graduate? College or anything?" she says. Kitty takes a bite of the drumstick, then gives Blink a quick smile. "By the way, I haven't really talked to my dad about if he wants to go back. To Genosha I mean. But, if he does, any chance you'd be heading back that way he could catch a portal with you?"

Scott Summers has posed:
"Gabby, huh? Good kid." Scott comments to Atrid then looks to Clarice for a moment while he bites and chews on more chicken.

"I agree with you. Its very important we all work together where possible. The reality is... the enemies of Mutant-kind are very strong. I don't agree with many of Erik's methods or objectives, but I don't pretend not to understand him. Giant robots bent on your imminent capture and imprisonment have a chilling effect on idealism." Scott comments then nods to Kitty.

"Even the Professor realizes we won't get to our utopia over night. However..." He grins toward Atrid, "I admire your integrity. Keep a hold of that... Just try to keep your eye on the objective too. A better world for all of us. Sometimes that means temporary alliances. For example, I'm offering to help Emma Frost in Bushwick. There's... definite history there, but I can't ignore the good she is trying to do."

Scott peers Kitty's direction and hums regarding her father. "If she can't, we can always fly him over."

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen is standing by the railing eating some sausage and cold chicken chowing down and grabbing some more. Kitty and Scott are both near by as well. "I agree that helping each other is key but there are also limits to what Im willing to do in that pursuit. But I will definitely keep my ideals and I wont let them go or lose sight of what Im fighting for." Atrid than eats some more before continuing on. "Yes yes Gabby is great a real sweet heart, didnt even flinch away from my scars." He says with a chuckle and than he quiets for a moment. "I know Im still learning to get a grip on these." He says after he flushes and his hands go fire and ice and back. "Still kind of attached to emotion a bit."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Oh, Kitty, absolutely. //Any//time," Clarice offers immediately. No, she doesn't teleport just anyone around on a whim, but for a friend? And for Genosha? "Actually - I'm hopeful that the Brotherhood will soon be turning their focus towards helping to rebuild Genosha in earnest. And I'd like to hope that is a project that people would be willing to work side-by-side on, //regardless// of their beliefs..." She gives Atrid a rather pointed, but also amused look.
    "It would be good for you. A little //work study//. Maybe for school credit, somehow. You could... write a paper on the experience." That's how school works. ... right? "Or, umm, make a diorama." Honestly, she's mostly judging of what she's heard said by her friends, or on television shows.
    Her attention shifts back to Scott as she adds with an amused smile, "Oh, good. We're all working together for the sake of Bushwick. We," the Brotherhood, clearly, especially given the news broadcast from a certain Erik Lensherr, "help-" She cuts herself off abruptly, a frown appearing on her features as the words of Mystique from a few days earlier rang in her ears. "Emma worked with us in stopping a group that was using enslaved mutants to create a drug that suppresses powers. If it would be at all helpful to get a more detailed report on everything that happened... I was there that night," she offers simply.
    And then, predictably, she goes for more chips 'n dip. "Theseisgoof," she says towards Kitty - somewhat intelligably.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde sets out an extra container to hold chicken bones or the like. She finishes off the drumstick and then grabs a small handful of slices of cheese and summer sausage to nibble on. "Oh, drinks," she says, turning to the small foldable cooler she brought. She opens it up, it's only big enough to hold a twelve pack or so with room for ice. She pulls out a few cans of soda and lemonade to pass around as people express preferences for.

Lockheed gets tossed a few pieces of sausage, the dragon catching each out of the air and chomping on them briefly before swallowing them. "I haven't been over there since, well, since we were first starting to rebuild," she says, expression darkening slightly. "It'll be good to see how much Lorna's been able to accomplish since then." Kitty smiles to both Scott and Clarice appreciatively for their offers. "I'll talk to Dad, see if he wants to go back. He's been..." Kitty says, voice trailing into silent for a moment. "Well. Kind of off. I mean, he's been through a lot, I can't blame him. Just... well, I'm still worried about having him here. The Yakuza have never really stopped looking for him," she says.

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott frowns for a moment as he listens to Blink. Not out of disapproval of her, but simply because of the seriousness of the situation. He offers her a curt nods, "A full report would be greatly appreciated especially considering the seriousness of this particularly threat. With something that valuable and dangerous, I wouldn't be surprised if there were other labs for manufacturing. We'll need to make sure those are dealt with quickly."

Scott pauses for a moment then asks, "On the subject of Erik Lensherr... Does he seem stable now? He surprised all of us with the callousness at Genosha. I'm glad he's owning up to that mistake, but..."

Biting and chewing, Scott thinks over his next statement carefully. "Blink... Many of us trust you, so I'd like to leave this up to your discretion. If Magneto snaps and gets too extreme, we need to know. So we can do something. Its good to know we have something engaging on that side."

Scott looks toward Kitty and frowns, "Do I need to optic blast a few Japanese mobsters? Or maybe we need to sick Logan on them. I thought they gave him a wide berth."

Gabby Kinney has posed:

Something metallic falls on the roof edge a distance away from the group. The dark metal lays there a moment before sliding with a spine-rattling skreeeetch of metal-aginst-stone as it slides closer to the edge. It's then that it's purpose becomes apparent when the three pronged fingers that branch off of the center cylinder latch onto the edge of the stone locking solid.

It was a grappling hook.

The rope that is attached to the thrown end goes taunt as whomever threw it up there apparently begins to ascend the tower. It's a quick enough process, and whomever it is makes their presence known as a little jaunty off-key singing grows louder the closer they come. The picnickers get heralded to the tune of DMX's 'Up In Here'. Yes, it's the explicit version.

Soon enough Gabby's head pops over the edge and she pauses to stare with wide green eyes at everyone here. Silence stretches out a moment before she speaks. "Uh. Surprise?"

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen shrugs his shoulders tearing into some more of the sausages he shrugs. "I met Emma once, tricked me into thinking I was saving her from some people who meant her harm. I kicked there asses and than to find out she was testing me. Wanted me to come work for her said she needed people of my skill talent and /heroic/ nature to help keep our people safe." HE says simply. Realizing now that he missed a question from Kitty in the mess of seriousness. "Sorry Kitty I forgot to answer yer earlier question, yes Im a Senior this year." He says before looking back to Clarice he shakes his head at her mention of Erik and the mission. "See, this is why I have my reservations, if people are worried about him cracking and getting to extreme. But what do I know?" Atrid asks with a shake of his head and a chuckle clearly referencing an earlier conversation. And than there the grappling hook and a Gabby. "Heya Gabby, I was just telling the nice folks here it was you who told me about this place and got me in touch with folks for it."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "We can go downstairs later, then," Clarice offers, "And I will answer any questions that you have. I think it's best if we work together on things like this." After all, she's made no secret of her desire to be a unifying force in the various, disparate mutant groups. Scott's first question, however, elicits a brief flash of anger - her jaw tightening before she can get the reaction under control. It was clear she'd felt the same as many others at Magneto's choice of actions that day. "He's-" she starts uncomfortably, shifting on her feet. "He regrets his actions and his decisions. I believe he honestly means to set things to rights - and then some - to make up for... for his unfortunate decision." It's the request, though, that has her withdrawing a step. "I- I'm loyal to the Throne of Genosha," she offers in response - a bit vaguely. He can read what he wants out of that. She follows that statement with, "We shouldn't discuss this here," as she glances at the others on the balcony. It was a fine enough line she tread. If it became known she'd agreed to betray Magneto? No.
    And then - abruptly - there's the clunk of a grappling hook, and instantly a thin, silver javelin appears in Clarice's hand, as she steps towards the edge, peering down- ...the tension and animation filling her form abruptly draining as she recognizes the girl, and allows her hand to fall back down to her side, the javelin still held in place. False alarm.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde sits quietly without comment on the topics of Erik, nor Emma Frost. Both of them are equally likely to press her lips into a tight line though as a topic of discussion. Lockheed gives a few flaps and flits back up to her shoulder, the empathic dragon possibly sensing something of her emotions over those topics. He nuzzles at her cheek, and soon draws a smile of out her as Kitty reaches up to scritch his head.

Her head tilts curiously at the grapple hook flying over the edge of the roof and latching on. Kitty glances to Scott and back to the hook, and the eventual appearance of Gabby. "You know, there's a door," she says in a mild tone. "Which, doesn't result in holes in the roof that Logan has to patch." Of course it'll be Logan who has to do it. Roofing is a Logan kind of job.

Which brings her back to Scott's comment. "Well, Dad's been in witness protection since I was fifteen, which is why he decided to go to Genosha in the first place. Logan... was already involved at the time," she says. "Though, we had worse to focus on, than them."

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott's mouth maintains a thin line as he listens to Clarice reply. "I understand and appreciate your cooperation on the sensitive subject. I do not seek to compromise you or your loyalty. Just protect everyone involved."

That same thin line is reserved for Gabby as she emerges via grappling hook. An eyebrow raises above his visor. He shakes his head as Kitty states the obvious. "Roofing sounds like a wonderful summer time activity to build character. Once you are done spelunking, you should report to Logan and let him know you've volunteered to help him repair the roof."

Scott nods to Kitty, "Well, if he needs help getting situated there again. Let me know. Be happy to help however I can. Family is important."

Grabbing one last piece of chicken, Scott gives everyone a wave and heads back to the roof access door. "Stay out of trouble people. Grab me if you need me." He disappears behind the door marching to whatever duty he'd assigned himself that day.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney pauses to fix her gaze on Clarice if only because she had a weapon out. It was at least an appropriate response for someone scaling the wall. She's grateful none the less that she didn't get speared in the face. "Hi Clarice! Atrid, Kitty." There's a pause and she adds, "Scott." That covered everyone, right? With one final pull she hoists heself up over the edge to clamber to her feet. A quick dusting of her hands over herself gets rid of the dirt that came from climbing a wall. "No fun in that, Kitty. Besides it's good practice. Dad'll..." She catches herself. "Logan will just have to deal with it. I'm sure he won't mind!" He'd mind, but potentially might be amused by it as well. Then Scott gives his declaration causing her face to fall. "Awww man!" She scuffs her foot against the ground.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Summers-!" Clarice calls after the man. She's still tense - having your loyalties challenged in front of witnesses will do that to a girl. She should- She needs to- They should finish this. "Save me some of those chips," she urges Kitty, flashing her a brief, slightly forced smile. She looks down at her hand - a moment of concentration causing the silver silver javelin to break apart, and fade. She doesn't will them away, as often as she wills them to exist - it's strangely challenging to make them disappear.
    "I'm sure I'll see all of you another time," she adds, as she opens the door and starts trotting down the stairs. "Summers - wait!"

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen shakes his head with a laugh. "You got yerself busted Gabby." He says with a laugh moving to where she is taking two more pieces of chicken offering one to Gabby. "So how ya doin' dahlin'?" He asks with a laugh. "So what are yer plans for tonight?" Than back to Kitty as he starts munching and chomping and nomming and sipping his soda. "So Kitty may I ask what you can do youve seen what I can do and since meeting more of us I get curious to what our gifts are."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde nods to Clarice, "Sure thing, they'll be here waiting for you," she says of the chips. Kitty can't help but get a tiny grin at Gabby's reaction. She no doubt remembers her own time as a student and a few run-ins like that. Even if Kitty is supposed to be one of the mature ones now in her guidance counselor role.

"Help yourself to food. I was planning a picnic with Warren but he had a meeting he got called away to and can't make it," she says, waving towards the picnic basket contents which have been broken out. "Also have soda and lemonade if climbing buildings has been thirsty work," she says, flashing Gabby another small grin.

She turns back to Atrid then as he asks her about her power. "I'm able to phase my body, and things I touch," she tells him. She reaches out her hand towards the small collapsible cooler and then her hand passes right through it like Kitty was a ghost. She holds up her lemonade can, tabbing it on the leg of her chair to show both are solid. And then she nods back to the can, and it passes through the chair leg as if it was ghostly as well.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney lets out a puff of breath at being caught and punished. So much for having a little bit of fun to burn off extra energy! When Atrid comes over to offer her some chicken though she's quick to accept it with a thankful grin. "Thanks. I *was* doing better but apparently I'm gonna be roofing this weekend." Plus she gets to break the news to Logan. The thought causes her nose to crinkle just a little which she hides by chomping into the drummie she was given. "Mm, cool. How is Warren anyway? Haven't seen him in ages myself." A look is cast toward Atrid as Kitty shows off her powers. "It's really cool during a fight when she does that. Freaks people out."

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen ignites his right hand and freezes his left. "Yea this is what I can do, though its not as cool as phasing through things." He says than he chuckles at Gabby. "Youre too damn adorable." Laughing he powers down as it were before looking back to the two ladies and scarfing more chicken. "Dis iff, goodff.." Swallowing and sipping again. "Sorry months on the street and catching the odd meal when I could snag it or lift someones cash to buy one left me a bit ravenous." He says afterwards turning back to Gabby. "Hey so how about I help you out this weekend."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney smiles brightly at the compliment though she doesn't immediately respond: Her mouth is full of chicken after all. She does mind her manners by grabbing a napkin to swipe over her face before she opts to talk. "Thanks. I dunno, maybe. Logan's tough to get along with... But maybe. I don't want to put you through that if you can avoid it when you just got here after all. Plus," she adds wagging the chicken bone in his direction. "I'm going to have to break the news to him. Usually bad news is best delivered with a case of beer. I can't do that part. Anyway, how are you settling in so far?"

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen smiles and kisses her head playfully before he takes another bite and a sip. "Thats fine dahlin' I ain't the easiest ta get along with either. And itll be good ta work with my hands again, and well...honestly....I well it'd give me...a chance ta spend more time with ya." Taking a bite chewing and swallowing again taking another drink and wiping his face with a napkin as well. "But Im settling in fine, not much to settle in with ya know, just the backpack and a few articles of clothing Ive got."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"There's more to settling in somewhere than just things. Trust me, I didn't have much of anything when I came here, too," Gabby points out with a grin. She crinkles her nose a little at the kiss to her head but smiles all the while. At least her hair wasn't messed up this time. "It's probably going to be easier for you to begin with. You were socialized a lot more than me. Though I don't think I'm doing a bad job at it." The chicken bone is discarded on a plate earning a few more swipes of the napkin to clean her hands off. "I mean there's lots to do here."

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen chuckles and finish his piece of chicken discarding the bone to the plate as well before grabbing another two pieces and hands one to Gabby. "Well youd think wouldnt ya, but really after I hit eleven or twelve years old people started making fun of me and keeping me isolated alone and well yea. You know what happened after that. But making friends doesnt really come easy to me you know?" He grins and puts the arm without the chicken in his hand around her back and on the railing. "But no darlin' yer not doing a bad job at all."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney takes the offered chicken again without question. It was rude not to accept food right? She leans back into the arm around her shoulders though getting a bit comfier than before. "Yeah, well. I grew up in a lab," she explains with a wry grin at the recollection. It's a bit forced. It doesn't stop her from talking about it though. "With my sisters. I'm a clone of Laura, who is a clone of Logan. The guy that we'd be stuck roofing with," she explains gesturing with a tip of her chin back toward where she'd made her oh-so-dramatic entrance. "We broke out a little over a year ago now. I was the only one that ended up with the x-gene. They thought were were just failures to begin with, so we hid the fact I developed it until we could escape." Pausing, she clarifies, "So you still probably have more social skills than me. I talk too much."

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen shakes his head pulling her in closer as he ignites his hand to warm up the chicken. "You want me to warm yours up too dahlin'?" He asks holding out his hand. "I'm sorry about what happened to you and yer sisters, but now at least ya got yer sisters, and yer new siblings yer gettin' ta know and Logan well yer meetin' the closest thing ya got to a dad right, this is a good thing. And nah ya don't talk to much, this is how we get to know each other." He smiles and takes a bite of his chicken sighing in contentment. "Oh I got a nice job workin' fer the Pizza Joint in town too."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"I am so abusing you next time I'm making s'mores," Gabby teases with a grin at the fact that he keeps warming up his food. Even so she offers her chicken back toward him for some as well. "Yes please. Which pizza place is that? Jubilee was working for the coffee shop we met at for awhile, I don't know if she still does. I need to catch up with her and Noriko. I didn't want to keep bugging them too much since they got together. Give them some time alone and all."

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen shudders a bit. "Nah Jubilee works at the Burger Joint, and Noriko well I dont really like her too much. Shes to damned jealous and not very up front." He shrugs a bit. But the place I work for is called the Pizza Joint and the place Jubes works for is called the Burger Joint. But it was a messed up meeting a few weeks back. I was talking with Jubes and she seemed cool I asked her to go out to get to know each other. Had no idea she was seeing any one and Noriko stormed in acting like a jealous bitch and than it dawned on Jubes who got embarassed. We all went our way after that." Atrid grins. "Than weeks later I met you and felt a more kindred spirit with you and thats why I asked this time up front if there was anyone whose toes I was stepping on by asking you out." Atrid heats her chicken taking another bite of his own. "Oh yes this flame power comes in handy for s'mores and roasting Marshmallows."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney ooohs softly at that story having been unaware of it. "Well that's awkward. Noriko's always been cool to me but then again I haven't been like, weird with Jubes or anything. Plus I knew them both before they got together. To be fair though, Nori is kind of..." She pauses considering how to best describe it. "Hyper. More than me." When her chicken is warmed up she takes it back with a grin. "Thanks. And yeah doesn't hurt to be up front. I only ever dated Julian for awhile, but he's been off doing his own thing." She shrugs a little.

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen nods his head taking another bite. "Though who knows maybe things will change and relationships better when Noriko realizes I aint after Jubes." He says with a chuckle. "Yea it was awkward and honestly it was my fault and Jubes's she didnt tell me she had a special someone and I didnt think to ask, oh well ya live and ya learn and now I found some cuter that I think I connect with a bit better." He teases playfully. "Birds of a feather right?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney nibbles on her warmed up chicken using it to hide a little bit of a smile. "Just hope I'm not too much for you. I can get pretty out of hand at times. Pretty serious at others. I mean serious for me anyway." Narrowing her eyes she stares off into space a few moments in thought. "But yeah, things always seem to work out. They'll warm up to you."

Atrid has posed:
Atrid Torsen chuckles taking a good sized bite of his chicken chewing and swallowing before continuing on. "To much for me, sweetie Ive been beaten and almost killed, Ive been on the streets and survived an encounter Emma Frost, and Mystique. I doubt youre hellion like nature will be to much for me, I can be pretty out of control too, and Im serious a lot. So I hope you can keep up with me and that I aint to much for you."