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Latest revision as of 16:41, 30 May 2021

Abigail Brand (Scenesys ID: 2494)
Name: Abigail Brand
Superalias: Brand
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant/Alien Hybrid
Occupation: Director of S.W.O.R.D.
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: S.W.O.R.D. Headquarters
Education: United States Air Force Academy (DEng)
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Groups: Mutants, SHIELD
Apparent Age: 32 Actual Age: 32
Date of Birth 11 Nov 1988 Played By Ananya Pandey
Height: 5'8" Weight: 140 lb
Hair Color: Green Eye Color: Green
Twitter: @BrandMeanGreen
Theme Song: "Calling Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft" by The Carpenters


Character Info


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Abigail Brand is a no-nonsense, cold, observant former United States Air Force Special Operations Command Senior Operative, Government Special Agent, and is now the Commander of S.W.O.R.D. Brand is known for a few things. Being mensa smart. Having a volcanic temper. Always right. Ever successful in her operations. Oh. She has long green hair.


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Abigail Brand's history is mostly shrouded in mystery and within files so Secret, only Fury and a handful of others know where to even look. Brand's father was an extraterrestrial and her X-Gene came from her mutant human mother. Raised by her human mother, Abigail grew up an American Citizen until she was old enough to join the military.

Abigail was a soldier. Graduating from the United States Air Force Academy at the top of her class, she was commissioned as an officer, and served in several Top Secret Operations, that were all successful. When she had an opportunity to switch organizations, she advanced to become a Special Agent of the United States Government and earned her first command at the age of 28, almost unheard of.

Her successes and abilities brought her to the notice of the Director of SHIELD himself, Nicholas Fury, and has been promoted to become the new head of S.W.O.R.D., a subdivision of S.H.I.E.L.D., charged with defending the Earth from extraterrestrial threats.

All of this Brand has earned through hard work and ability.

1988 Abigail Brand is born.

2006 Graduated Highschool as Valedictorian. Early in her High School career, she discovered that she had "abilities". This led her to discuss this with her mother who revealed that her father was extraterrestrial.

2010 Graduated from the United States Air Force Academy at the top of her class. She was hand picked to be an officer on a highly skilled, covert operations team that furthered United States political influence throughout the world. This was when she first encountered Nicholas Fury.

2010-2016 Served the United States Air Force in several Top Secret Operations. Most of these are beyond Top Secret. This helped forge her into an incredibly skilled fighter and tactician.

2016 Completed her Doctorate at the United States Air Force Academy in Engineering (DEng). Promoted to Colonel and given her first true command - unheard of in the United States military lexicon, a historic event.

2018 As a special operations commander, was involved in three extraterrestrial events that also involved S.H.I.E.L.D. Her report on Earth's inadequate defenses against extraterrestrial threats got her "noticed".

2019 Re-assigned to a "desk job" this was when Fury re-entered her life and had a proposal.

2020 Brand, with consultation with Fury, wrote the "S.W.O.R.D." Initiative.

2021 Assigned to S.W.O.R.D. as the new Commander, rumoured to have been hand picked by Nicholas Fury himself.

IC Journal

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Abigail Brand is the traditional military officer. She is fair and firm. She would never ask anything of her crew that she wouldn't do herself, and they know that, which makes them fanatically loyal. Although one of the team, and willing to die for any member of her team, or anyone on the planet she is sworn to protect for that matter, she is a harsh taskmaster if you disappoint her. This cold distance allows her to make the big decisions if she has to, and order people to their deaths. Something she has had to do too often in her relatively short career.

Abigail Brand is one thing and that is efficient. She is mathematical in her effectiveness as an admistrator. She is precise and demanding, expecting everyone around her to be as effective as she is. She expects success and nothing less. If you fail, you better have a good reason for it.

Abigail Brand is, strangely enough, a born leader. She leads by example, and demands much from those under her command. She strives to be the best at all times, and this translates into an incredibly loyal group of people that she surrounds herself with. She rarely speaks, but when she does, it is an incredibly effective tool to either motivate or chastise - and both make people want to be better and work harder.

What makes Abigail Brand the perfect choice to be a Special Agent and a Commander of SWORD? She is always suspicious. Of everyone and everything. That isn't to say she isn't loyal and will follow legal commands and authority...but she will always push those orders through her mind to make sure they are good orders. She can be spontaneous and show initiative but is always the most effective when coming up with a Plan B and C...just in case.

Character Sheet


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Due to her alien/mutant biology, Abigail is able to speak and understand many alien languages and form sounds that human tongues cannot begin to speak. She has an innate ability to learn a new language at an unbelievable rate just by listening to a few sentences in that alien language. So far she has been known to understand and speak Kree, Shi'ar, Alien Purple Dragon, Tamaranean, Thanagarian and Kryptonian, to name just a few.

Tactile Pyrokinesis:
Abigail's main mutant ability is her ability to coat her hands with blue/blue-white or red flame and control those flames with fine precision. Abigail can control the temperature of these flames from "cold" flame, which does little to no damage, to temperatures that can burn through most (if not all) metals in existence.

Abigail has never had to push her powers to the extent to determine the upper levels of her control, but so far, no metal has withstood her power. It is unknown if the color of the flame has any significance other than she chooses the color, but theoretically, the "blue-white" flame could be even hotter temperatures.

Abigail can also control these flames to set objects or people on fire or heat them up. These powers can even affect super humans with invulnerabilties that would normally resist these flames. Even Superman would wince at the uper levels of her powers, but cause him no significant damage.

It should be noted that the reason Abigail doesn't push her abilities that hot is because the hotter she gets, the harder it is to control, and the bigger the mental strain that can potentially cause significant mental damage.

Due to her alien/mutant biology, Abigail has enhanced durability, stamina (about 2x human), strength (maximum olympic level human) and a minor level of healing factor.

Abigail can get hit by a laser canon from an advanced alien culture with only moderate damage. Smallarms fire stings, but bounces off her skin, leaving a bruise. Advanced armor piercing rounds can penetrate her skin at close range.

Abigail heals at a rate that is approximately 3 times the normal human rate. Although she could potentially regenerate lost limbs, she has never had to do this, so it is unknown if she can. Normal wounds take minutes to heal, serious wounds take hours, and mortal wounds, days or weeks, depending on how severe.

As an added bonus from her healing factor and her alien/mutant physiology, Abigail's aging is significantly slowed. It is unknown how slow she is aging, but as a woman in her 30s she looks like she is still 20 years old.


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Abigail Brand has received administration and logistics training as an Officer in the United States Air Force. However, she is not as skilled in this area as other parts of her skill set. She understands bureaucracy and the way the wheels turn, but she has little patience for it. If she had a little more patience for the system, she would find herself able to navigate it better than through threats and anger. Probably.

Covert Ops:
Most of Abigail Brand's life has been immersed in Covert Operations and Espionage. She has advanced training, experience, and knowledge from several years in the field as a soldier, and as an Government Agent. Abigail has been taught, fought beside, and learned from quite literally the best of the best in this field. That makes her one of the most dangerous women in the World if not the Galaxy.

Abigail Brand is NOT the type of person you would expect to be the great diplomat. Strangely enough though, she can be quite effective and has a knack for it. When dealing with extraterrestrial empires, she is the person you want on the front lines. She knows what to say and when to say it, and also knows when the situation is so FUBAR'd, she needs to bring the big guns in. Brand lives by the credo "speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far."

Abigail Brand has a Doctorate in Engineering (DEng) from the United States Air Force Academy. She has degrees in Astrophysics, Astronautics, Aeronautical Engineering and a Master's Degree in Aerospace Engineering.

Her thesis on Extraterrestrial Aerospace Engineering has become required reading for all Extraterrestrial studies in every post secondary institution on Earth, including amongst some of the greatest scientific minds on the planet. Well, the parts of it that aren't classified by SHIELD and the United States Government.

Suffice it to say, her advanced way of thinking is unique. Abigail is so brilliant in this area, she could have a discussion on the subject with Tony Stark, Lex Luthor and Reed Richards and be, at least, on par with them.

Abigail Brand has received leadership training as an Officer in the United States Air Force. However, she has her own, "unique" way of command. Her troops are loyal to her, of course, but also just a little afraid of her. It has worked for her to date, and she won't be changing it anytime soon.

Abigail Brand has the uncanny ability to learn new languages. It is a super power. She has also studied ancient languages, interstellar languages, and several Earth languages to prepare herself for when she might need them. A few of the Earth languages she has learned are: Chinese (all), German, Japanese, Russian, French, Arabic (all), Spanish, and Italian to name just a few.

Abigail Brand is an expert level marksman, from small arms, handguns, rifles, sniper rifles, and advanced energy/projectile weapons. She is not the greatest marksman in the World, but she rarely, if ever, misses. While at the Academy, she was Academy "Top Shot" every year except her first year.

Abigail Brand graduated from the United States Air Force Academy at the top of her class. She can drive/pilot, at varying degrees of efficiency, every military vehicle and aircraft in the United States armory...and a few others, including spacecraft. She is a very skilled pilot in these areas (aircraft), and excels in her piloting of spacecraft, including a few extraterrestrial craft she has been lucky to fly.

Self Defense:
Abigail Brand has been trained by some of the finest combat masters in the world. Brand is an outstanding student, with a natural affinity for learning new techniques. Although not on the level of Shang Chi or Lady Shiva, she can hold her own against nearly anyone, without bringing her powers to bare.

Strategic Thinking:
You see, one of the reasons Abigail Brand was chosen for her role, first as a Government Agent, and more recently, as the Commander of SWORD, was because she doesn't think like normal military Officers. She thinks outside the box, and always considers the big picture before the smaller picture. Strategic Thinking versus Tactical Thinking. Small unit tactics are not her forte, although she is sufficient in this role. It is her genius level "four" dimensional thinking that makes her vital to the safety and security of the entire Planet.

Abigail Brand has been taught self defense, firearms, and martial arts skills. Somewhere along the line, she also learned how to improvise weapons when she seems to have none. What does this mean? Brand can grab anything she can reach, and make it an improvised weapon. A pen, a sword, a knife, and stapler - she can use that to hurt, maim, and even kill. Brand is almost a berserker when she gets angry - and you wouldn't like her when she is angry.


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Abigail Brand has a surprising amount of military contacts from her time in the United States Air Force, from fellow students and facilty when she went to the US Air Force Academy, personnel she met and bled with during her years of service, and those she met after her transfer to the United States Government as a Special Agent. The last few years, she has also made contacts within S.H.I.E.L.D. and S.W.O.R.D. as the Commander of S.W.O.R.D. These contacts encompass all ranks and positions within the United States government, law enforcement and military complex.

Shield & Sword:
Abigail Brand has been assigned as the Commander of S.W.O.R.D. (Sentient World Observation and Response Department) a subdivision of S.H.I.E.L.D. As such, she has access to all resources, manpower, and equipment within both organizations at a moments notice at the highest levels of security clearance. This includes everything from her sidearm and body armor, to interplanetary spacecraft, to an orbital space station (the Peak), when available and personnel, as needed, to fulfill mission specifications.

The Director:
Abigail Brand has one contact that is puzzling to all observers who know one or both of these personalities. The Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nicholas Fury. Why is it puzzling? When these two people are in the same room together, discussions tend to get heated. Aigail is one of the few people that Fury will allow to speak to him with a raised voice (Brand's temper is legendary) because he values her advice . However, when Fury uses that "look" even Brand will listen. They respect each other, and maybe even admire each other. You wouldn't think it to be true, but Abigail has an unbreakable loyalty to Fury...but she would never admit that. As for Fury...well, he almost trusts her, and hand picked her for her role as the Commander of S.W.O.R.D.


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Abigail Brand is blunt. Straightforward. Tells it like it is. She doesn't "pull her punches" in combat and verbally. Sometimes her words hit like a punch as she has little filter. If she doesn't like something, she will tell you. Then she will tell you how to fix the problem. In as few words as are necessary for you to get the point. Understood?

Abigail Brand has surgical precision control over her powers. To a point. As she unleashes her full potential, her control wavers. At the temperatures that she can reach, this can be extremely dangerous. The higher the temperature she pushes her powers to, the deeper the sharp pain stabs into her skull. Like a knife, the wounds actually cause her mental damage, like a scar that just won't heal. As the pain gets more intense, her control wavers, and so on. It would have to be a desperate act for her to go all out. Heaven help the Earth if that day ever comes, because the threat would have to be Apocalyptic.

Abigail Brand's temper is legendary. Abigail Brand's cold, distant demeanor is almost as legendary. Abigail runs hot or cold, never usually anything in between. She can be cold, distant and even callous, and will make decisons based on mathematics, survivability, likelihood of success, etc. She is a Commander that her superiors appreciate, and her troops are wary of. Abigail is a tough women to truly know, and very, very few people get close enough to see the real Abigail Brand.

Abigail Brand's temper is legendary. She may be cool under fire and able to make the tough decisions when they are called for, but when she is riled up and angry, it takes a lot to calm her down. Perhaps her temper is related to her pyrokinetic powers, but her anger can burn as hot as the sun when left unchecked. When she is angry, she can be out maneuvered and will make mistakes.



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Abigail Brand has 2 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
... who began to be a mighty one of the Earth. May 17th, 2022 Abigail Brand and Sebastian Shaw discuss the Sentinel Project.
Themysciran Arts May 26th, 2021 The Themysciran Arts Center debuts its offerings to the public. The Center will be a bastion of immersing the public of the mortal world in all things related to paradise island. Caitlin Fairchild is welcomed in to the Amazon ranks, and a squirrel eats a hot dog that is bigger than its own body.


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Abigail Brand has 2 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Abigail Brand has been credited in 0 shows.

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Abigail Brand has been credited in 0 albums.

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Abigail Brand has authored 0 books.

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