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Founded 01 January 2020
Headquarters Various
Leadership: Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Natasha Romanoff
Brief Summary SHIELD was founded at the end of World War II. It is a US-led NATO operation with operatives drawn from all over the world. SHIELD drew heavily from the decommissioned Strategic Scientific Reserve and recruited many valuable assets and agents who had shown their mettle in the field.
Members: Clint Barton, Jane Foster, Steve Rogers, Carol Danvers, Jemma Simmons, Jessica Drew, Daisy Johnson, Sara Pezzini, Atrice Duckstein, Lara Croft, Michael Erickson, Alexander Aaron, Mary Jane Watson, Tom McCarthy, Camille Russo, Nico Minoru, Blackagar Boltagon, Glenn talbot, James Barnes, Wanda Maximoff, Cindy Moon, Sam Wilson
Allies: Bruce Banner, Hank Pym, Jack Nolan, James Rhodes, Jennifer Walters, Morrigan MacIntyre, Richard Stadler, Stephen Strange, Susan Richards, Ted Kord, Thor, Tony Stark, 180975, Felicity Smoak, Opal Moirai, Reed Richards

Additional Group Information

Group Assets

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Full Summary

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Originally the Strategic Scientific Reserve, SHIELD was created from that organization in 1950 with the formation of NATO. SHIELD was organized as Strategic Homeland Investigation and Enforcement: Logistics Division. With many of the 'founding members' coming from the SSR, including Peggy Carter and Nick Fury Sr, there was a strong loyalty to the NATO states and a focus on enforcement and intelligence gathering, specifically against the remnants of HYDRA and the new Soviet threat: Leviathan.

SHIELD later added two specialized task forces. In 1983, Director Bridge authorized the creation of Task Force: WAND, specifically trained to deal with supernatural and paranormal threats to national security.

When Superman identified himself as an alien, SWORD was created as a special task group to focus on alien visitors and other extraterrestrials.

Notable Events

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Recent History

SHIELD has gone to ground to escape the public eye thanks to the machinations of HYDRA. Defections and betrayals at all levels have sorely tested the faith agents had in their comrades. After HYDRA and their allies were defeated, loyal SHIELD agents returned to the fold and now occupy the Triskelion once again.

Organizational History

SHIELD's founder Peggy Carter, would also be its first director with very nearly unanimous support from SHIELD's agents and allies alike. In 1985, Director Carter "retired" due to health issues. She was instead sealed in a cryogenic storage unit due to extreme cell degradation in response to a version of the Infinity Formula.

Following Carter's 'retirement' in 1985, George Washington Bridge would become the next director. Col. Frank Rhodes (father of Col. James Rhodes) was appointed to the Directorship in 1989. Director Rhodes retired in 2001 following an inquiry that revealed General Thaddeus Ross had accessed sealed files on Project: Rebirth.

After Rhodes stepped down, Colonel Nick Fury Jr. was nominated to the directorship. A consummate spymaster, he helmed SHIELD into the strange new world as metahuman populations surged and aliens made their presence on Earth officially known.

SHIELD claimed two specialized task forces over time. In 1983, Director Bridge authorized the creation of Task Force: WAND, specifically trained to deal with supernatural and paranormal threats to national security.

When Superman identified himself as an alien, SWORD was created as a special task group to focus on alien visitors and other extraterrestrials.

Over the years SHIELD has had clashes with both civilian and government entities. At times it has acted unlawfully, much to the chagrin of NATO, and has a storied history of espionage and clandestine military operations alike.

Currently, SHIELD is recognized as a global expert in handling and retrieving advanced or alien science and materials.

Group Description

SHIELD is a US-led NATO counter-terrorism and intelligence agency, tasked with maintaining both national and global security with a focus on alien threats, magic, super-science as well as exotic weapons and materials. They oppose private corporations like AIM, cabals such as HYDRA, and even foreign operatives such as the Winter Guard.