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Latest revision as of 04:40, 1 June 2021

Blue Wonder
Date of Scene: 03 April 2021
Location: Themysciran Arts Center
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Adam Brashear, Diana Prince

Adam Brashear has posed:
Atop of the still under contruction Themysciran Arts Center The Blue Marvel has deiced to fly in and admire the garden. Looking for some moments of quiet reflection before the next event happens and He has to fly off into action. Adam hasn't had much of a home life. So He just finds places to take in some peace and scenery since his lab doesn't offer much of a view.

Construction workers and grounds keepers going about their work notice the man in a blue hero costume and flowing Silver cape. They talk among themselves in hushed tones. they don't really recognize the hero no one saw or heard him arrived. No one wants to tall him he can't be here since they aren't entirely sure who he is or if he's hostile or not. Eventually they radio to their supervisors who then make the decision to call Diana. someone whom is more intouch with these sorts of people and situations.

'We have a guy in a blue suit and silver cape on the roof He doesn't look like any of the supers and we aren't sure how to approach this.'

Diana Prince has posed:
It doesn't take Diana terribly long to get to the Arts Center, as the Embassy is just across the park down on the street level. She doesn't arrive in her own armor, in fact, she arrives in street clothes. She has a white denim jacket on with black buttons on the pockets and a pair of black slacks on her lower half with a blue sweater on under the jacket. Her hair is tied back in a pony tail and she simply walks up on to the roof level via the glass doors that open up on to it. She steps out with two of the hired security guards, but she just asksthem to stay back and she leaves them by the doors whilst she walks to close the distance between she and Adam now...

"Adam." Diana says in her smoky pitched voice as she draws closer to him. She stops when comfortably near and just holds her stare upon his face. "It is very good to see you again." She adds.

Adam Brashear has posed:
Adam turns to face the ound of her voice. He smiles and responds "Diana, Hello. I'm not trespassing am I? I just wanted to admire the Garden. This seemed like A nice place to spend some time."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's hands come to lace her fingers together in front of her lap. She looks to the flowers in the garden that Adam had been enjoying before she speaks up.

"You are." She says, her eyes then raising back up to look at him, a smile creeping across her red hued lips.

"But it is fine. You are welcome here." She tells him then next. "We are opening soon, and you are invited to the ceremony, if it is something you'd be so inclined to attend." She's not sure that he would, being that he is a bit of a withdrawn super hero amongst the pantheon of heroes in this part of the world.

Adam Brashear has posed:
"I apologize I didn't mean to intrude" Blue Marvel says his expression changing to show thathe's embarassed and remorseful for causing trouble. "I guess that explains why the workers were acting apprehensive."

"I'd like to come yes just don't put me infront of people or expect me to speak or anything" Blue Marvel says with a bit of a smile to imply he's being playful. "it is really a nice place you have here. I'm sure the community will enjoy it. "

Diana Prince has posed:
The man's playful approach to getting out of any responsibilities at the grand opening just has the Princess of Themyscira showing him a faint smile. "I would not dream of it." She replies swiftly to his words before cracking a more open grin at him.

The rest of what he says about the Arts Center just has Diana softly saying 'Thank you' to him before she motions for him to walk with her, she leading him toward the center of the building where a railing over looks the central courtyard and ont he other side of that courtyard from where they are is a large arena that likely could sit 500 to 1000 people within it.

"We hope to help shed more light on my people's culture, to help bring it further in to the forefront of the world's conscience." She places her hands on the railing and then looks over to him.

"How have you been? What sort of things have you been up to of late?"

Adam Brashear has posed:
Adam follows Her and takes a look over the courtyard. "looking at this place it's beautiful I can only imagine What Themyscira itself looks like. thank you bringing a bit of it to the world who can't go there."

When asked how is doing Adam's Smile fades and he sighs. "I have been trying to get back to 'the work' it's all got now. My boys stop talking to me after 'their mother' died. so All I have is the work. The world needs Blue Marvel doesn't it?"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana knew a bit about Adam's life, but not a great deal. So when he speaks a bit further about himself she turns to face him more fully to give him her full attention, her right hand remaining on the railing overlooking the courtyard.

She looks at him with a soft expression up to him saying that last bit about the world needing Blue Marvel. This makes her smile and glance away for a second before her eyes drop and then she raises them back up to his own. "Of course." She says. "You are amongst the most capable of super powered heroes the world has to offer. But... I would be very happy to hear that you found a way to mend relations with your children, someday, too." She shows a light smile then to him. She wants to say something else about that, but she doesn't want to overstep on his personal life.

"If you are going to be around here more frequently, you should consider stopping by the Hall of Justice sometime, the Justice League might benefit from your assistance in the coming days of new threats."

Adam Brashear has posed:
"One can only hope." Adam says when the idea of reconnecting with his sons is mentioned.

"I have been thinking about the justice league." Adam admits. "I'd like to be part of a team. I've never been on a team. And right now I'm bitter and distrustful. The Watcher tries but he's not the best company. I'd like to be out there fighting the big threats on the front line." Adam shakes his head. "I'm sorry I sound scatter brained"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana was no stranger to people like Adam reaching out to her when they were in need of help. This could be his way of doing something like that, or it really could just be him stopping by to check in. Either way she just offers a light smile to his words, especially that last part.

"You needn't apologies to me." She tells him. "You sound like soemoen who knows that your potential is great, and you wish to live up to it. I know that feeling very well myself, it has been the driving force of why I do what I do, especially now as a public member of these types of groups." She shows another light smile then.

"If your eally would like to join one, it is a good way to shake off that tendency to not trust. When yo uare on a team with people that you have no choice but to trust, you will soon grow to do just that, and it will be better for your soul to do so."

Adam Brashear has posed:
"I have this power this emmense power and for 50 years I did nothing. I watched as the world passed by. I watched my people struggle for freedom and equality. I watched threats come and go and I stayed home. Because I was told to. I wasn't the right shade of superman for them and I stayed home for 50 years out of spite. I have a lot to make up for." adam blurts out. "I need to make this right and I need to make it worth it." a pause "Bettter for my soul, yeah I need that." Adam looks off intot he middle distance for a moment taking in the cityscape. "When is the opening day? I'll make it a point to come. I assume that will be a busy day for you but how do you feel about sharing breakfast that day? To catch up before you have to manage all the day's events"

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana gives a glance out to the courtyard again as she listens to him speak on all of this, but the talk of how he sat at home makes her look back to him. She stares upon him while mulling these thoughts over in her own mind. It's not that dissimilar to her own situation... She didn't come out to the world as Wonder Woman until the event in 2017 where Superman was downed by Doomsday. IT was then that Diana chose to come out of hiding and make herself a public super hero. She landed on that battlefield and fought that great monster with sword and shield,and the media soon branded her as Wonder Woman based on some history from her past...

"If now is your time to forge your mark in all of this, then you will find support from me. You will also find it from the League." She states, adding a light and brief smile for him. "We must only ever strive to be ourselves, and do the best that we can as ourselves. That is how you become what you are meant to be."

As for the topic of the opening of this facility Diana grins softly. "Soon. We have not quite narrowed down the date. But we are hoping for a month, maybe two at most? I would be happy to join you for breakfast on that very day too. Communicating with each other is how we become a stronger defense force for this world after all."

Adam Brashear has posed:
"'time to forge my mark' That is quite a way with words."Adam Smiles "Well then when you do have the date I'll be happy to treat you to breakfast. till then I suppose you expect me to turn up at the hall of justice." Adam takes a deep breath and starts to rise off the roof "Thank you for this, I need it. And I'm sorry for intruding. I'm off" Adam Waves and starts to fly off.