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Dancing Queens
Date of Scene: 18 May 2021
Location: Paradise Limelight Karaoke
Synopsis: Selene and Elektra enjoy a cyberpunk bar out in Gotham where they talk and dance.
Cast of Characters: Selene Corvinus, Elektra Natchios

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Once Elektra had healed up, Selene had suggested that the two of them make a night of it and go out to a place she'd known about in Gotham. A trendy night club, some place she thought they could get away from anyone who'd know them and maybe just get to know each other that much better.

They'd taken Ele's car to the location and stowed it in a nearby parking garage. The two women made their way to the club from there. Selene dressed in a black corset-- normal for her style --though she's wearing a asymetrical dark purple dress underneath it that falls in 'tatters' around her legs. The vampire's arms andshoulders are left bare, her long black hair going down in softly brush locks to her shoulders. On her legs she has heeled knee-high boots of black leather that are visible through the waving tatters of that purple dress she's wearing.

"This should be fun." Selene says over to Ele, her voice that husky pitched tone, laced in taht Englishaccent, mixed with a few other flavors from her varied history in Europe. "And if it isn't, you can berate me for hours, or something." She cracks one of her trademark ghostly grins at the other woman, then links arms with her.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Gotham night clubs. Not exactly Elektra's expertise. Sure, she had been to a few, but a few caped crusaders made it hard to be around this town for *too* long. Specially as she was more often here when she was engaging in her previous occupation. Assassination. Dancing is certainly a good chance of pace. Specially with the present company.

So how best to go out without the need of hidden pockets or other places to store weapons for killing? Well, first there are the tight leather pants framing those long legs, followed up by her own corset, tight around the waist and chest and leaving her shoulders bare. A leather jacket gives off the finishing touch, along with calf-high high heeled boots. Heels sharp enough to stab someone of course. She couldn't resist to bring at least *something*. As for her hair, it's pulled up behind her head then down on a ponytail to the middle of her back.

"I have a good tongue for berating." She says with a touch of a smirk gracing her lips. "But I am certain it will be fun regardless. Besides, if I *do* start getting too berating you are free to stab me." a beat, "Gently."

Linking arms she makes her way towards the entrance, opening the doors in to the club. The first thing that hits them is the music, a low intimate affair at this moment, laced with techno beats from time to time, a smokey ambiance to the air.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
"Quite." is Selene's simplistic response of a teasing design for Elektra's summary on her ability to berate. She gives another light grin to the other woman as they enter the club, her eyes look around before going back to Ele's own. "Better than the one we met in, yeah?" She asks, referring to that dirty warehouse turned in to Halloween night club. One of that flash clubs that just spring up somwhere for a few nights and then get turned back in to an empty rat's nest. They're wildly popular in Gotham with a darker sort of guest than the ones who you might meet in a place like this.

With the music thumping nice and low, its atmospheric, but not overwhelming. There's a fog machine or two running somwhere as well, leaving a nice layer of haze over the ground floor of the club and as they walk together in to it, Selene points out the bar and moves along with the other woman toward it.

"My treat tonight." She tells her. "The very least I could do after possibly getting you ambushed..." She takes oneof Ele's hands and gives it a squeeze before they arrive at the bar. A young dark skin handsome man greets them and asks what they'd like to drink. Selene orders a raspberry vodka drink, then looks to Ele for what she wants. Once it's ordered, she leans against the other woman. "We might actually be able to do a bit of dancing this time around too." She states with a soft smile.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"I recall the drinks.." A faint wrinkle of Elektra's nose right after, "Awful." then a brow arching. "The company was adequate though." adequate?! But the tone is teasing. "At least you did stop me from taking on three of those .., things." lycans. Her arm wraps up around the other woman's, fingertips brushing on the back of her hand before that dark gaze turns to fully appreciate the club.

Immediately it seems as if Elektra is scouting the place, looking for the best escape points, threats, anything out of the ordinary. Instinct almost. Old habits do die hard. But she does herself be taken towards the bar, dodging past a few patrons who chose to dance between tables. Though she *does* relax a touch after a few moments in, turning to settle against the counter, one elbow to it, hand casually remaining against Selene's, "I believe I will go with Bloody Mary tonight." she calls out.

Once the man goes to get their drinks her attention is fully on Selene, "I am looking forward to it. Been a while since .., I have been in a place like this without an ulterior motive." she admits. "It feels different but .., not as bad as I thought." because being normal isn't something Elektra cares about much.

"Seems like tonight I will be finding out how good of a dancer you are." Is it a challenge? The expression and tone seem to confirm that yes indeed it is.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
"When their drinks arrive, Selene smiles to the bartender (becasue it's always good to get the bartenders on your side) and she looks over to Ele. She raises her drink up to sip from it before she lowers it once ore and leans toward the other woamn to press up against her. It's required in a place like this after all, because the noise level if fairly high, but also because she wants to do it!

"Am I to be judged tonight?" She asks the other. "This will feel quite normal to me then." She grins once more at Elektra and then motions with her head to move again. She leads the other woman away from the bar, just before two guys were about to approach them to likely flirt with them.

Selene leads Ele to one of the open tables and sets her drink down there. Elektra knows that Selene has weapons on her person too, she'd seen where they were before they got here... She's doing that same thing too, letting her eyes roam periodically over the faces of people here. She's trying to ID people, and Ele will know it.

"I'll admit." Selene says then. "The first time I saw you I thought you were just a very serious cosplayer enjoying your Halloween. I don't keep up on all the latest films, and your outfit looked very expensive..." She teasing, right?

She brushes shoulders with Elektra then as they stand beside the dance floor for a moment, a moment to enjoy their drinks likely.

Sel's eyes go back to Ele's and she stares at the other woman, her stare suggesting she's searching her eyes. "How many times have you scanned the room for threats?" She asks the other, knowing they are similar like that. They both struggle to ever relax.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The question whether Selene will be judged or not has Elektra's lips curl up into an amused smile. ".. And hopefully not found wanting.." yes, continuing to tease. And since they are pressed together she leans in to rest her forehead against the vampire's before letting out a soft chuckle at the banter. Though with glass in hand she moves along with Selene to settle down on on a table, just a raised brow to 'shooo' the approaching guys that were zoning in on their position.

The choice of table appears to be to Elektra's approval, a good view of the place, not being surrounded and instead quietly by a corner. It gives both an intimate touch but also safety. Why risk and go for anything less?

"You.." and she leans against Sel, leaving her drink on the table as well. ".... of everyone that could say that, come talk to me of outfits?" her eyes go over the other woman's choice with a grin. "Though can't say I dont approve of yours tonight." a beat, "Or any other night.." fingertips reaching up to brush over the other woman's cheek and hair.

That last question though.. "That many times, mmm?" so she had noted. Indeed they were quite alike where it came to that. "We are who we are in the end." her eyes remaining linked with Sel's now. "But maybe some dancing will help us both relax." She suggests, hand sliding down to Selene's shoulder as if wanting to lead her up there.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Their shared playful banter has Selene grinning lightly again at the other woman, happily enjoying their closeness in this busy night club. It's a nice place, though there certainly are people in dark corners doing fairly illicit things. This is Gotham after all...

"It's not often I wear clothing like this, especially for actual entertainment purposes, and not as a disguise or some sort of 'tool' to achieve an end for the war we fight." She states idly before she feels the urging to go dance.

Her lips were on the edge of her drink's glass when she felt it, so she took a slightly longer pull of the sweet alcoholic beverage then set it back down with a jingle of its ice cubes against the glass. She flashes a smile and once more presses up against Ele's side to walk with her toward the dance floor which is bathed in fog that is illuminated by the lights beneath the dance floor.

The bodies on the dance floor are close and writhing to the beatss of the synth techno music that is throbbing and bumping in the background. This club certainly has a theme, and its somewhere around 'Cyberpunk Vampire' tonight, imagine that. It's almost like Selene picked the place.

When they find a place on the dance floor, the European Vampire woman turns to face the Assassin and she gets good and close to her as she reaches her hands up to briefly cup Ele's face, before lowering them to her hips to dance with her, eyes locked to eyes.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Though we should mostly be fine tonight. Unless the place gets raided." Which could happen. Gotham! And there were indeed some underhanded dealings going on. With some bad luck it could even be one of the caped ones. Ufff, that wouldn't go well. No need to think on *that* right now though. There was dancing to be had after all.

"I admit it's not .., my usual way either. Social gatherings are mostly just something I use to advance my position, or my agenda. It's been ..., a while since I have just gone out just for the pure fun of it." one hand coming up to her own hair, brushing up over it and over to the ponytail. "Though so far I can't complain." she adds.

The fog, the ambiance. Why it's almost as if someone had hand picked this place. Go figure! She casts a look at Selene. "I should had looked at the theme on the door before coming in, hmmm?" a wink.

They move between the throng of people, almost as if entering a new world, full of heat, pulsing hearts, a frenetic motion that appears to fill the dance floor with sensuality and energy. It's something that Elektra seems to feel, her eyes just a touch more open, smile just a touch more pronounced, "And how has this .., normality been for you?" living with someone was quite a new experience to both of them after all.

Yet soon enough the are face to face, body against body, the assassin moving in those sinous movements along with the vampire, hips moving as if with a life of their own. As for the eyes? Forever locked.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
"It's been a welcomed adjustment." Selene replies with a little hint of a grin as they dance together.

It's true. Over 600 years of being completely connected to her Coven, and though much of it was hardship and constant conflict, she still had good times with her people too. But this was different, itw as new and it was personal. Personal, was not something Selene was alotted very often either. She was always being watched in her Coven, always being judged, called upon, asked of, etc.

But not with Elektra, with Elektra was just a shared partnership, one she was able to sink herself in to and just enjoy the ride.

Their dancing continues for a spell longer before Selene looks toward the side and draws her back toward their table to take a moment. "Though your'e still stuck with someone who cannot exatly attend anything like afternoon parties in the park..." She states lightly, reaching for her drink again, th eice having melted away now.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The dancing was intense, their pace matched, bodies brushing together until breaths were paced and skin was flushed. At least to one of them! Though indeed Elektra does prefer to work herself in this manner than out there, killing. Blood and more blood. When would it end? Oh, she at least had an idea on *how* it would end at least.

"Glad you are finding this adjustment a good thing." Because she pretty much felt the same way. It was very different from her normal but also .., good? In a way it's as if they could simply be without the pressure of the outside world, equal partners, just enjoying it for what it was.

As the dance comes to a pause and Selene draws Elektra back to their table she laughs when she says she can't attend afternoon parties. "I have always been more of a night person. Besides..." and she leans in to touch her nose to the other woman's. "Whoever parties in the afternoon?" a teasing tone to her voice. And the kind of affective gesture that she probably wouldn't had done that easily with anyone else.

She reaches for her drink as well for a sip, sliding down to seat on the booth to relax a spell from the intense dancing. "Come, sit with me." she raising her hand to invite the vampire in.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene wasn't at all flustered by their dance, not in the physical endurance level anyway, and not because of a lack of enjoying the activity, just entirely due to the nature of her Vampiric biology and all of the mysteries that go with it. She certainly was enjoying it, as she ever enjoyed Elektra's company.

By the time they return to their table she's raising her drink to her lips to take a sip while standing with the other woman, a hand still on Ele's hip. She turns to her and grins at her as they get nice and close to one another. "Old people." She replies softly to her, loud enough to be heard over the thumping and beating music though. "Like me." Her smile shifts in to a grin as she watches EEle take a seat in the black leather booths's embrace.

When the invite to join is given, Selene takes another sip of her drink and then looks to a passing serving waiter. She calls him over and speaks to him to order two more drinks and maybe a few other things to have brought to their table too.

Soon she's sliding herself in to the booth and ends up shoulder to shoulder with the other assassin. A lot of deadly killer laies in one small confined space. She looks over to the other woman and reaches over to put a hand on top of her thigh closest to her. "So where do we go from here?" Selene asks in her husky voice. "Carriage ride through Central Park seems a bit.. mundane for people like you and I." She states, still maintaining that ghostly grin of hers.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Call yourself old one more time." Elektra says in ways of challenge, her eyes twinkling with mischief. ".. And I may just call you something that you may not want to hear." potentially relationship-breakup material too! But her hand is atop Selene's when she says that, giving it a squeeze and then they are settled down on their booth, that vantage point enough to have a good look on both the dance track and the other tables.

Intimate places, dim lights, secrets shared. As it should be in these places. Those dark eyes of Elektra watch the happenings, then the dance track, content in being silent for a small while longer and just being. It's not often they can just relax. Or that they can just be like this.

"Carriage ride?" Some curiosity there, "It doesn't sound like a bad prospect. Back on the Hyperloop, then to the park, take a carriage.." she appears keen to that idea. "Besides, mundane? I don't think we could make any activity mundane even if we wanted to."

Face has turned so she is looking at Selene directly, those dark eyes watching her expression, leaning in to place a slow kiss on her jaw and she whispers, lips still close to the vampire. "It will be more fun if we steal the carriage." she suggests. Because of course she does.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
It only takes a matter of moments for that waiter to get back to their table with their fresh drinks and sets down some sushi in a silver tray too-- apparently Selene had been paying attention to the menu that was resting on the bar when they'd first come in.

She looks at the new drinks but takes a pull from her existing that is still 2/3rds full. She looks to the woman beside her and grins as she feels the kiss to the side of her face then hears the other's comments. "Oh yes, steal the carriage." She tells her, turning to face her in return as they are up close and personal in this space.

"Ride through the city that never sleeps, find the things that go bump in the dark, and bump back against them." She retorts with a small smile as she sips at her drink once more and rubs the top of Elektra's thigh beside her own. "One step closer being back to our normal ways then. So much for a life of relaxation and being 'just people'."

Selene's eyes dart up to a pair of men who walk past their table, her eyes on one of their faces almost like she's recgonized them, but such is the nature of who she is and what she's done to survive for six centuries. She ultimately looks back to Elektra and smiles at her again, apparently no alarms sounded after all.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Sushi. That's certainly appreciated by Elektra, her smile showing just that and she taking a moment to take a drink from her own bloody mary, draining past half of it before setting it aside. Selene's retort about her suggestion to steal the carriage does bring a more open laugh out of the assassin. Something that feels good to her. "Now we are talking. You always know how to get my blood running." she teases back. "But .., fine. We *can* go for a normal ride." a beat, "Because it would be anything but normal to us, wouldn't it?"

"I would like to try it." She admits. Without pressure, just doing something they weren't used to. "Even if I know we are all but normal. Sometimes I wonder if we aren't just living an illusion.. Trying something that is impossible but..." and she leans in to rest her forehead on Selene's shoulder, " ... we deserve to try, don't we?"

Peripheral vision catches sight of the two men going past, eyes following them a moment even as her head remains close to Selene's shoulder. But soon enough she is straightened up on her seat. "Anyone we should keep an eye on?" She asks, her tone levelled.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene is downing another sip of her drink while Elektra speaks and she does track those two guys as they go to the bar, sidling up to some of the girls who are gathered at one of the corners of it.

She looks back to Elektra then and takes a moment before she shows a reassuring smile. "The one in the dark violet shirt." She begins to explain. "He's a contact to a contact, I suppose is the best way to explain it. We've no issues with one another that I'm aware of, but I wouldn't call him an ally by any means. He saw me, but, well, I'm sure it's fine."

She looks back to Ele after another glance at the blad fit man in the dark purple shirt. She grins softly again and leans over to rest her head against Ele's so that they can share a bit more closeness again. "There might be carriage rides here in Gotham somewhere, I'm not quite as familiar with this city's night life, beyond all the crime and ... debauchery." She says with a motion toward the club that they're occupying tonight.

She leans over again to whisper in to Ele's ear. "I like to make your blood run." She teases.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
A thoughtful mmm escapes Elektra's throat as she tracks the man for a small while longer. Looks harmless enough, no matter how appearances can be deceiving sometimes. Yet the face is stored in her memory. Perhaps for the future. Yet right now she has her attention very much focused on the pale vampire near her, enjoying that closeness of head against head, hand moving to rest on a knee and giving it a gentle squeeze.

"I am not familiar with Gotham at all either.." She admits, "Most of my stays here were ..., brief at best. Blame it on the capes, always nosing about." really, people can't even assassinate in peace anymore. But that had been a good while back.

Another teasing grin comes to her expression and she looks over, "This club doesn't look half as bad in terms of debauchery as some places I have been in.." she confesses. "... reminds me I should bring you there some night. Have you ever been to the Hellfire Club?" She questions.

Those last words though, whispered to her ear in that teasing manner has her grin, a slight flush to her skin and the heartbeat up just a notch. One hand slides over Selene's neck in a caressing manner before she leans in for a kiss, lips on lips in a slow, heartfelt kiss.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene finally finishes that first drink and exchanges it for her second as she listens and smiles at the other's words. When she settles back she looks over to her companion and shares in the kiss. She rests her drink in her lap between her thighs and raises her hand up to touch the side of Ele's face as she just... enjoys the kiss. She runs her fingertips through the other's dark hair and when they part again she is grinning at her.

"The Hellfire Club?" She asks. "Why yes, sometime in the 1700s. Do they still serve 'Devil's Loins'?" She asks, clearly joking, though likely rooted in some truth. "It was quite delicious." She follows it up with a little soft melodic laugh.

She knew what Elektra meant though and shakes her head. "I haven't been to the modern incarnation in New York though, no." She clears her throat. "Kraven, speaks highly of it." She states with a knowing smirk offered to Ele then before she offers them both a bit of the sushi off of the silver tray it came upon. "I'm, mildly curious, though if I know my history it likely means quite a lot of attached trouble...." She glances to Ele, looking for her to confirm or deny that.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The kiss is certainly savored by the assassin, the lingering touch of the bloody mary she was drinking still on her lips until they finally separate and she exhales, lips still parted and remaining close. Intimate. "The ..., Devil's Loins..?" that perks her curiosity actually. "You will have to tell me the story sometime." or at least the truth it comes from! For some reason she imagines witchcraft. And a Baron's son being caught with their pants down. Or daughter... Oh, the rumors..

Her own fingers reach up to brush through Selene's dark hair before she lets her hand rest on the woman's shoulder. The sushi is accepted gladly, taking it off Selene's fingers before doing the same offer to the vampire.

"I am certain he does.." But some kind of idea appears to be brewing when Selene says that, she letting out one of her thoughtful mmms. Which most likely means she will be getting some trouble going, soon.

"Trouble in a way, yes. It's also a place of .., liberation." She replies to Selene. "But there's a lot more to the club than meets the eye. I am part of the board of directors of it." she then finally reveals. "And that's part of why I'd like you to visit it with me sometime. But ..., that's for another time."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
The bit of food is enjoyed and the elder Vampire is quick to show her pleasure by smiling to the other woman who is close up beside her in the secluded booth within the busy night club. The club continues to bump with motion, with tracks of soft and seductive modern music. It's clear that Selene is enjoying herself, she doesn't seem quite as tense as she oftne does, especially when she's 'on the job'.

She takes another sip of her vodka cranberry and shows a grin to Ele's interest in the Devil's Loin dish. "I'll tell you all about it." She replies with a grin and a little chuckle to follow. But when the information of Elektra being on the 'board' of the place in New York, Selene looks back with a more surprised and impressed expression.

"Ever the deepening mystery. The story of the fair maiden Elektra Natchios..." Selene quietly says low enough that it is just shared between them. She grows another grin across her lips. "I'm now suddenly eager to go to this place... like never before, no matter whose loins ar eon the menu today." She leans in again to kiss the side of Elektra's cheek, then back toward her ear.

"Do we wish to dance more? Or go find a horse carriage to commandeer, and joyride about the town?" She's joking, probably, as Ele will feel her teeth grace down toward her neck, light nipping bites, playful in nature, no fangs out... yet!

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Fair maiden said right before my name just sounds ..., wrong.." Elektra even letting a bit of a grimace show on her expression just to depict how wrong it does! But it's all done in a good natured manner, the kiss being welcome and she leaning forward as they share those intimate touches, fingers lacing together. "But then it's set. We will go there next time we go out. This is a part of me I don't reveal often..." She says. But then again, does Elektra ever reveal anything to anyone? "I feel you deserve to know though.."

"Mmmm, decisions. Is it all on my shoulders then?" She muses, lips twisting amusedly but soon enough those same lips are parting open when she feels teeth on her neck. There's that immediate sense of danger, the one she enjoys so much, back arching.

"Keep it going like that and I may just have to take you home early tonight." nearly breathless, but indeed the assassin is brimming with emotion now, skin flush, her eyes vibrant. The closeness she is feeling from Selene certainly welcome. One hand goes up slide under the vampire's hair, keeping her close to her for a moment. "Maybe that's just what I will have to do.." she finally says.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene was a bit playful when someone broke through her cold outer layers. Sometimes she'd used it over the years to get under other people's cold outer layers, but that's all just apart of being an assassin. Something Elektra is likely all too familiar with using herself.

But this time, here and now, it was honestly what she wanted to do herself. She'd never been this close to someone, not to any degree that she actually trusted the other woman's intentions to this level. "I'm feeling a little liberated already, if I'm being entirely honest." She says with a grin as she pulls back from the other's skin.

She grins at her and the offer ot returning home. "I've always been a bit of a home-body, as they say." She states as she reaches for her drink. Her lips touch the edge of it and she sips again from the beverage within the glass before she looks back to Elektra. "I'm enjoying myself though, here, with you. We could dance a bit more, then meander ever so slowly back the way we'd come. Not rush, at all, no... that wouldn't be like us one bit."

She gives the other's thigh a soft squeeze and a light rub again as well.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The old game of seduction. Of getting the upper-hand on someone, lay them out in the open to take advantage. Yes, Elektra had done it in the past. She was all too familiar with it all. How the game was supposed to go. But right now with Selene? Those rules were off the table. It was certainly a different feeling of being with someone without having to be careful, or having to keep her guard up. Right now it was all about the moment. Enjoying it, these moments together.

She was .., happy? Perhaps that was the feeling. Did she deserve that though? That was an entirely different thing. But she kept that safely tucked from her mind for now, lost in the eyes of this vampire, her own turn to lean in to place a brief kiss on the woman's neck after those words. She chuckles amusedly. "I still remember that first time we were together." because how could she forget?

"I believe I may have beaten some speed records on some of the roads we took." She had a sports car. That's what sports car do!

She slowly slides out of the booth she is in and extends her hand out to Selene. "Lets dance." she tells the other woman.