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|Date of Scene=2022/08/28 | |Date of Scene=2022/08/28 | ||
|Location=Blake House - Exterior | |Location=Blake House - Exterior | ||
− | |Synopsis=Artemis confronts | + | |Synopsis=Artemis confronts a former enemy about her past and learns more about her mother. |
|Cast of Characters=979,4329,502 | |Cast of Characters=979,4329,502 | ||
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Latest revision as of 19:49, 29 August 2022
Alley cats | |
Date of Scene: | 28 August 2022 |
Location: | Blake House - Exterior |
Synopsis: | Artemis confronts a former enemy about her past and learns more about her mother. |
Cast of Characters: | Thomas Blake, Artemis Crock, Gabby Kinney
- Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake is working his ass off. With the aid of several videos and a very... helpful young lady at the local Hardware Depot, he has laid in a genuine fire pit for proper barbecue. It already had a test rune with the JLD. He's merely cementing tiles around it to prevent grass fires. This also involves hammering the tiles in. He's working in what some consider heat, stripped to the waist. Back in Queens the housewives on the block usually came out when he did this.
He takes a break, grabbing a frosty mug he brought out and pouring some beer with a nice head. He pauses a moment, listening... as he nonchalantly reaches for a Theme of the Crime t-shirt.
- Artemis Crock has posed:
The one formerly known as Tigress has since reformed herself. However she never really forgave Catman for beating her and nearly managing to expose her identity, turn her over the police, steal the cat statue she was after, etc. Oh yeah, maybe she just holds a long time grudge, maybe she's just curious to see if he's still out and about, or maybe she's looking for a new mentor.
Whatever the case, she is dressed up as Tigress 2, daughter of the original catlike villainess who, Thomas himself once purportedly dated in the past. And she's out for blood, or.lSomething.
Sticking to the shadows, she stalks him, scoping out his house,wondering how much of that was stolen, wondering if he's still a villain now.,As he works so hard on his bbq grill, she aims an arrow at him, not a killing shot, more a warning shot as she lets it fly, catching the tshirt he reaches for, pinning it against the wall.
- Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake gahs as the shirt is whisked away and the head on his lovely mug splattered as he jerks to his feet, much of t on his face. Then he stands still. The arrow is quivering in the wall of the house. It's not green or red... not a quarrel. Strange. He wipes his face and takes a drink of the frosty mug. He thinks he sees the assailant or at least where they could be.
"Well, let's get on with it, whoever you are. If you meant to kill me that arrow'd be in me. I want to finish my fire pit and take a cold shower. Come on out."
- Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis Crock steps out of the shadows, the next arrow pointed at his chest. She's dressed like Tigress, and as she steps out, she has a small smirk on her face. "You are the infamous Catman, aren't you? Last time we fought, you beat me, you humiliated me, but this time..Time to even the score..Show me what you got!" she lets the second arrow fly, curious to see how fast he can move.
- Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake doesn't dodge the arrow. He snatches it out of the air and tosses it aside.
He starts walking towards her. "Cut the shit Paula... damn you look good. But I have to take issue with you shooting at me. You ruined a really nice shirt from my show. What gives? We parted on good terms I thought, actually, really good terms... that night at the casino, and the beach, and the parking lot. Hey didn't you use a crossbow? Wait..."
- Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis Crock is already readying another arrow...But freezes, eyes widened as he speaks of her mother that way. "What..?! What do you know..About my mother!" her dark brown eyes narrow in anger, raising the arrow again and shooting, this time aiming at his shoulder. "We're you the one who injured her?! Did YOU put her in jail!? Answer me!"
What started as a friendly rivalry (maybe) quickly turns into a deadly one, already readying another arrow, this one an explosive one getting ready to blow him up if he answers wrong.
- Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake keeps walking towards the lethal young woman. He is deadly serious now. "Paula Brooks was my friend and more. She taught me a lot of... life lessons. She was my friend and more at one point. We lost touch. Someone hurt her? Narced her? I never knew. Was it her lousy on again off again husband? Mother... of for... the way I was talking... you're little Tigress. Oh shit, yeah... I screwed with you big time. I thought you appropriated Paula's title. She's your mom? Listen little girl... put down the goddam arrow, bring it in and catch me up... and I think I still have that cat statue if you want it. You worked hard enough for it that night. You're her daughter... son of a gun. C'mere." With that, he has gotten close enough to grab the weird arrow by the shaft. He does a leg sweep resulting in them both falling, him on top and he attempts to wrestle her into submission.
- Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis Crock just stares at him, frozen on the spot, shaking her head in disbelief. Her mother never talked much about her past or her prior loves. "You..Don't know? She threw herself in front of Sports-master, protecting him from a lethal shot from someone..And ended up getting shot in the back instead. She's...Paralyzed.." well last she heard she was. Who knows if she was ever able to recover from it. Somewhere between running away from home and trying to avoid the injustice society, her former colleagues, Artemis kinda lost touch with her mom.
"How do I know I can trust you!? I've heard rumours.." or maybe someone trying to sully his good name by linking him to the attack in her mom. She's about to let loose the next , more dangerous arrow,when he grabs the arrow first, knocking her to the ground. "Ahh!"
She yells, struggling, instinctively twisting to the side, trying to knee him in the groin.
- Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake gets a knee in the groin. He ignores the tunnel vision it induces, feeling like he'll throw up any second. He grabs Artemis by her hair and puts her head against the tiles he installed. "Ok. I am going to let you up in a moment. We are going to go in my house and talk civilly... I will give you that cat statue that was the start of our animosity. I had nothing to do with your mom's misfortunes... I neve shot at Sportsmaster, I use cutting weapons but..." The arrow he grabs gets cracked across her backside. "That's for putting a hole in my shirt... and my house!" He smacks her again. "That is for not putting a hole in me when you had the chance. Now get up, pick up all your arrows and come inside. I'm calling a truce as senior villain here." He gets up and walks inside not looking back at Artemis.
- Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis Crock cries out as he grabs her by the hair, attempting to scratch at his face with those sharp claws of hers. When he finally lets go, she coughs a bit and smirks. "Heh. Are you saying you regret that I didn't just kill you outright? Get this straight, I'm not a villain anymore. But can you say the same about yourself?" she climbs shakily to her feet, hastily retrieving her arrows, but hesitates to follow him..Can she really trust him..? "Hey! Don't turn your back on me! I..." Ugh. Dammit. If she's ever gonna get any answers out of him. With a sigh, cursing under her breath, she stalks after him.
- Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake opens the refrigerator and removes a package from the freezer. "Here -the statue. Take your mask off. I want to make sue you're Paula's girl. Mostly just curious. Sit down. Relax. If I was mad at you, you would still be pretty, or walking. Are you on the run? In trouble? Need help?" Charming bastard. He peers at her intently.
- Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis Crock blinks, following him into the kitchen, eyeing that lovely cat statue that they both fought over once. It must be of some worth. "Wait, after all this time..You kept it?" it's been what, a couple of years the last time they clashed? However, as for the request to move her mask, she just shakes her head, "Sorry, no can do. I have too many enemies now, too many secrets."
Dark eyes narrow on him. "Didn't come here for help, I came to settle the score and take back something that I won fair and square. I work alone.." she replies, stubborn as heck.
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Soooooo. How you guys doin?"
The rather lazy greeting comes perhaps out of the blue as Gabby makes an appearance. She hadn't driven her motorcycle for once, so she arrived the old fashioned way: On foot. This had let her have a good view of the fight going on in front of the house while she approached. It was easy enough to follow the pair into the house since, hey, open door.
Slurping on the straw of a coffee cup she holds, she tips her head at hte pair considering them.
- Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake walks over and leans in on her. "Too fucking bad, you're getting help if I have to beat the crap outta you. And... you're Paula's daughter, I can confirm who you are with a phone call. Get it through your thick skull, I want to help you. And watch your back, tiger coming through. A real one and he doesn't like people n the house who are not my friends. I suggest you be my friend."
"Hello, Gabrielle. This chica took a shot at me and didn't finish the job. Got all manner of false ideas how heroes and villains do stuff. Not sure what she's calling herself -but I know her mom. I would like to help her but like I said. She's sorta like your sister... except I will slap the crap out of her if she don't loosen up and stop talking like a damn comic book. Can you talk to her?"
He indicates Gabby, "Here, talk to her. She's a hero. Give her your secret handshake or something. If you want to fight take it outside. You a-holes always fight when you meet."
- Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis Crock inspects the cat statue, stroking its fine white jade surface and gold inlaid eyes, before slipping it in her bag. Who knows what she plans to do with it later? She's about to say something else when Gabby just kinda..Pops out of nowhere, causing her to jump nearly three meters straight up, snarling and reaching for her bow before relaxing once she realizes she's a friend of Catman's. Wait. Does that mean she's a villain too?
"You could, but doing so will most assuredly put my life on the line. If you *realky* want to help me, you'll not ask questions. I got what I wanted, I have no more business with you. And you should know, I'm no longer a villain, this costume was just to throw you off.."
She turns, glancing at Gabby, not really paying her much mind as she reaches for the back door, but pauses. Thomas was once a powerful criminal who easily bested her in combat. Even now, he beat her fair and square..He could sure teach her some useful stuff but..Can she trust him?
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
"That's totally not true, we don't fight every time we meet," Gabby protests. To further her claims she explains, "I made cookies with Supergirl last night. Snickerdoodles. Want some? Promise I wasn't the main baker, they're edible." A pause as Gabby considers. "Not ediblES though." It wouldn't do her any good to begin with.
Another slurp off her coffee is given as she suddenly throws her weight to the side to bump into the stalking approach of the white tiger that was stalking closer to the kitchen and the unknown Artemis.
"Calm down, Rasputin," she soothes with one arm stretching around the large predatory cat to scruff his sides in greeting. She wasn't getting in the way of his face right now though, hell no. Not when he was in 'who the hell is this?' mode.
"No offense Thomas but usually when a woman is fighting you she has a reason." A friendly enough smile is offered to Artemis as she introduces herself, "Hey, I'm Gabby, aka Honey Badger. I'm with the Outsiders."
She watches the hesitance of Artemis by the door apparently debating if she ought to stay or go. "Look, Thomas might steal some stuff now and again, but he's not a bad guy over all. I've known him for years. He's helped me a ton, taught me how to pick locks, went after some folks trying to kidnap me. And," she glances toward Thomas with the grin of someone about to spill some very very intresting deets, "He is totally, hopelessly, irrevokably smitten by my teammate and trying to do good now."
- Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake glares at Gabby. "You exaggerate. Come here... girl? what do I call you? You're supposed to say your name to someone you want to thwart. Come back, please. I won't call anyone about you. You're in danger. Let me help. That statue, turn it in for the insurance reward. You'll get a couple maybe ten grand, no questions asked. Please come back in here before the Legion of Doom spots you or whoever."
"I'm not a do-gooder... but I don't leave friends or their kids in trouble and I've been clean for a while now. I'm not going to hurt you. You have my word. Gabrielle will back me on this. She fucking better..."
- Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis Crock smiles, "Oh, I do plan to turn it over to the authorities. But maybe I was wrong about you. You seem to be turning over a new leaf.." she sighs, "So am I..But even so. I'm not ready to reveal my identity to you yet." she turns, shrugging, leaning casually against the door as if she might still bolt at a moment's notice.
A nod is given to Gabby as she introduces herself. "You can call me Tigress. For now. I dint know how you intent to 'help' unless you..Ahh!" she yells at the sudden sight of Rasputin, pointing an accusatory finger at him.
"You have a pet tiger? WHY do you have a freaking tiger running around your house? Are you crazy?!"
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney just allows herself a burgeoning grin while Artemis starts to freak out about the actual tiger here. A sidelong glance is cast over toward Thomas, then back to 'Tigress' as she asks cheerily, "Do you want to pet him? You just have to hold really still to let him sniff you first." Even as she explains this she reaches back to sling a bag forward from her shoulders.
Rasputin is left by himself as she moves to the kitchen, digging through the bag. A tupperware container filled with snickerdoodles is set on the countertop. "A lot of my teammates wear masks, but honestly, unless you're famous? How the hell are we gonna recognize you? Keep it on though if it makes you feel better. At least say for lunch."
- Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake says, "I have a pool house. I made the pool into the tiger's den, not that he stays there. You could hold up there, till the heat dies down. It locks from the inside. You're welcome to it and... I got a couple of steaks I grilled for some guests I can reheat and... salad. I saw your sister Gabrielle." He looks at Artemis.
Thomas points to himself and says, "Catman. That's my cat. Rasputin. I'm reforming him too. Also I have a permit... you know you're really stressed out. Why don't you go to the pool house, get cleaned up and I'll send Rasputin to get you when the steaks are heated up. I'm <<kidding>>. I'll get you or Gabrielle will."
- Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis Crock frowns at Gabby, shaking her head. "Oh, it's Soo much more than that. Let's just say I have enemies. If they knew who I was, where I live. They'd make quick work of me. And it's just..Complicated." she sighs, looking tired? She really does need a place to stay after fleeing her evil dad and with her mom in jail and her sister doing who knows what..She fingers the key in her pocket still, pondering, shaking her head.
"No thanks, I live alone, work alone. Don't need to put my life in anyone's hands, it's easier that way. I have an apartment across town, so I'm fine. As long as no one knows my identity, I'm fine. Although.." she smirks at Thomas, "Teach me some of those killer moves and we'll call it even.."
- Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney actually looks up a little surprise at Thomas' remark about her sister. "What? Which one?" Shifting her attention back to the cookies she pops the container to snag one out. "I thought Bellona was still busting heads out in Madripoor." She assumes that's the one he's referencing at least. It was hard to tell, she did have a fairly large family.
As Artemis starts to go to the work alone live alone thing she rolls her eyes. "A fighter uses all the advantages they have at their disposal. Sometimes that means taking help from others, too," she points out before lifting a cookie to frisbee over toward Artemis. "At least have a snack." She's trusting the girl can catch an airborne cookie at least. But after that she doesn't stop her further.