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Didn't choose the Pug life...
Date of Scene: 06 September 2020
Location: An Abandoned Industrial Complex, Brooklyn, NYC
Synopsis: Kainashi needs to be rescued after being hit by a truck! Alopex and Donatello mean business. There is a giraffe.
Cast of Characters: Kainashi, Alopex, Donatello

Kainashi has posed:
    This was an underutilized area, officially. It was owned by a shell company of a shell company, that with the right research could be tracked back to Dominic Dominic, otherwise known as 'Dom the Bomb'. He's risen in the NYC crime circles in dealing with Exotics -- pets, drugs, animal skins and paraphinalia shipped from around the world. Rhino horn? He's got it. Elephant foot unbrella stands? He's shipping it. You want monkey paws for that extra-special Halloween effect? He'll have it to you in time for your party -- all for a price.

    Late last night, a certain young doggo never made it back to the Den. The Shell Phone was active, and trackable to this building -- after an alleyway was found with cast iron gutterwork ripped from it, along with two steel doors ripped from their hinges and a very misplaced garbage dumpster, which could be taken to mean that she wasn't taken voluntarily.

Alopex has posed:
    Bad move. First of all, whoever took Kai would have to deal with super strong canine that would keep trying to get loose, and second there was a whole slew of people that would come looking for her! Case in point, Alopex was on the move, phone in hand, heading in the general direction of where Kai's phone was. The scene in the alleyway only added to concern. When the alleyway was found, a call would go out to anyone that's listening, and would also suggest to start tracking both Pex's phone, and Kai's. Just In Case.

    Oh. And she has Tentetsutou with her. She's means business.

Donatello has posed:
    Anyone That's Listening is trailing Alopex by a couple of blocks, but has started to close the distance on the Brooklyn rooftops, vaulting over alleyways and scaling up buildings. He spent a few minutes putting the location data into the neural network back on his sewer computer before rushing out of there, purple mask and bo staff in hand.

    "I think we're getting close," a voice calls out to Alopex. A nearby shadow, which smells suspiciously like a turtle, appears to suddenly bring forth Donatello. In one hand, he grips his bo staff, while the other cradles his Shell Phone. His eyes are split between monitoring its screen and paying attention to the path they're following in the darkness.

Kainashi has posed:
    They are indeed close. The Shell Phone signal's decently strong now as the two come up to the imposing industrial structure, some sort of factory.

    There's a ladder that leads to the rooftop access here, secured with a lower fenced-off area with a master lock. The fence is a good eight feet high, with spikes curled to the outside to keep people out.

    There's the sound of distant engines revving up, and a squeal of tires pealing out, but they don't seem to be getting closer to the mutants.

Alopex has posed:
    Locks? Chains? Fences? FEH. A well honed sword is better than ALL of these things. Especially when Alopex is the one weilding a blade made of starstuff. She's pleased to see Donnie for a FEW DIFFERENT REASONS but will remain silent about A PARTICULAR ONE for now. The fox's phone is tucked away, meaning she trusts Donnie to keep an eye on the signal strength among other things. He was the technical one. She'd leave it to him. "Glad you made it," she offers before introducing the master lock to a master's sword. It doesn't go well for the lock. "Lets see what we can find out.."

Donatello has posed:
    Back in the Turtle Lair, Donatello's custom-coded AI has been combing through the internet's vast data stores. The GPS coordinates of Kai's Shell Phone had been the primary data source to get it started, but new details would soon emerge. After sorting through terabytes of cat pictures and memes, the AI was able to uncover information about Dom the Bomb and his tradecraft. Weeks ago, it was barely worth mentioning, but the small neural network had made fast progress since its inception and even earned itself a name -- Miyagi.

    The glow from his Shell Phone gives the turtle some concern, but Alopex's suggestion to see what they could find out produces a meek smile from Donatello. He takes a deep breath. "We, uh, need to move fast," he manages. Something from Miyagi's assessment of the situation seems to worry him: Don the Bomb's business model and how Kainashi could fit into it. Donatello gives the gate a poke with his bo staff, allowing it to slowly swing open, having just been freed of the lock by Alopex.

Kainashi has posed:
    The gate is open!

    Once the two ninja are to the top of the roof, there were a few hatches, a couple of skylights, including one that was propped open from the inside. There's the sounds of animals coming from within, bellowing of large repitiles, the lowing of large mammals and of course -- the aggressive barking of several dogs, along with the ringing of a time bell, followed by loud snarling.

    Looking down will show that there is a shallow five-foot pit in the floor where some packing machinery used to be, making an irregular course. Two big bully-breed dogs are fighting in the center of the irregular shape, crowds of humans waving cash and ill-begotten jewelery, placing bets.

Alopex has posed:
    Hmm. This seems vaguely familiar. Even if it wasn't, the sight of critters being forced to fight one another for the amusement of those above is just maddening. "Don," is called, waving him over before motioning down through the open sky light. She backs away, not wanting to be seen, "Mind your visibility," she hints as she lets him look. "I .. I hate seeing this kind of thing. It's absolutley frustrating to see things forced to fight each other for the entertainement of others.. and for GAMBLING too... Mngh.."

Donatello has posed:
    Don. Donatello raises his brow line slightly, almost reacting the way a child might when their full name gets used. If a fight wasn't imminent, Donatello might feel pressured to be on his best behavior.

    Alopex's warning brings Donatello to carefully inch his way up to the opening in the sky light. There's a tight hitch of air from Donnie as he manages to get a good look at what's going on down there. "Alopex..." he begins, his voice peetering out a bit towards the end of her name. The turtle slinks away from the opening and looks to the other ninja. He stares at her for a few moments, unsure. His features twitch, as though he's mustering up some courage. The turtle has clobbered countless thugs like those down there, but this fight might be different. "We have to find her," he adds with a whisper.

    Finally, Donatello closes his Shell Phone and tucks it at his belt. His hand comes up with a set of throwing stars, gesturing at the lights that illuminate the fighting ring.

Kainashi has posed:
    Down below, the carnage continues. There's blood on the sawdust-and dirt floor as one dog's cries echo, to the cheers and cursing of a mixed pile of humanity's worst.

    Down below, Dom the Bomb in his bright blue suit and brown shoes, wearing his yellow sunglasses at night and played in tonight's adventure by Kanye West, steps down a stairway from his office to a side-area, a holding pen. A worn and tired giraffe was awaiting transport to someone's vanity zoo. A lion with a twisted foot and no teeth left was limping in its tiny enclosure, no larger than a big passenger van.

    "I swear on my mother's house, Pins, if this isn't the most remarkable thing I have ever seen I'm throwing you in there with the dogs."

    "I promise, Dom, this is the *REAL DEAL*. I found a creature! I think it's an alien!" a smaller man states, running over to what amounts to an overly large dog kennel, and pulls off the blanket. By the look on his face, Dom is unimpressed.

    "... you brought me a bait dog in jeans and a Michael Jordan T-shirt." he states with a dull sound of 'whelmed'.

    "No, no, this thing ripped drainpipe outta the wall and beat Geraldo and Ricky with it! Broke Ricky's jaw! Geraldo got lucky an' hit it with our truck while it was trying to get away. It's strong as anything but when you hit it?" Pins whistles, "... flies like anything else about its appearance."

Alopex has posed:
    She's keenly aware of what needs to be done. She doesn't care how many of them there are, she will go down there, they will find Kai, and they will do their damndest to make sure these jerks can't keep these fights going anymore. She does take notice of the throwing stars and Donnie's gesture. She gives a nod, "Once you take out the lights, I'll drop in amidst the chaos and .. sew more chaos," she muses before slipping in, looking for a high rafter to perch on until Don's ready.

    From above, the fox is watching everything, taking it all in. The fights, the animals, the horrid conditions. However, her attention is drawn when the pair get to talking. If Donnie is watching, he'd see that blade slowly being tugged free of its sheath. She's just waiting for his diversion..

Donatello has posed:
    Alopex's plan brings a brief moment of relief to the turtle. A plan! The throwing stars are gripped loosely between his fingers -- his unique hand only allowing a couple of them to be pressed and at the ready. Nearby, a hospital is preparing its emergency room for a sudden intake.

    Donatello reaches his arm down into opening in the sky light and pauses there. His eyes briefly linger on Alopex and her sword and, when he feels that the time is right, he flicks his wrist two times -- zip, zip -- and the makeshift arena is suddenly a whole lot darker! It's not enough to coat the entire area in complete darkness -- two stars taking out two lights isn't all of it -- but it's enough to even up the different in numbers.

    And with that... Donatello drops down from the roof top and into a nearby shadow, readying his bo staff. Someone nearby is about to have a bad night.

Kainashi has posed:
    A man, a plan, a canine?

    Kainashi, half-awake and nursing a massive headache opens one bloodshot eye to the two humans. She was formulating a way to get out of here. Momentarily considering riding the giraffe to freedom like a warlord on TV.

    However, once those two lights go out over the pit, with some people scrambling, pulling guns from pockets and holsters and looking suspiciously around as the sparks fly, Dom turns, striding back out.

    "What the hell is this. Who turned out the lights?" he calls out. "Which one of you 'gentlemen' is not taking kindly to my hospitality?!" he barks.

    Donatello landed near one of the armed guards. He has his back to the turtle, having drawn an AK and is aiming it at the ceiling, as if expecting some other famous New Yorker to show up.

Alopex has posed:
    The telltale sound of shuriken to lights reaches her, and a moment later Alopex drops in to say hi to both Dom and his little lackey. "Hi, fellas. This isn't yours, so I'm going to have to let you both know she'll be coming with me." Without even giving enough time for them to respond, the hilt of the blade is sent toward Pins' face, momentum carrying to try and cut open the kennel. She wasn't sure if Kai was drugged or worse, but she hoped that the commotion would rouse her to action.

    Just hold on for a few minutes, Don. Help would be on the way soon, hopefully.

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello doesn't bother with a one-liner. Experience has taught the young turtle that he should just leave those to his brothers. Instead, he takes advantage of the rare moment of advantage. A wooden blur cuts into the air as Donatello swings the heft of his bo staff towards the back of the unsuspecting guard's head! It's not the most honorable display, but who would blame him? He's mad and that's a reasonably unfamiliar feeling for the purple one.

    Even in the chaos, it would be impossible for anyone to not see Dom the Bomb trying to make an exit. Him. After the AK-wielding guard, he would be next on Donatello's list.

Kainashi has posed:
    The AK's rapport goes off, eliminating the light overhead as he goes down with a whack to the head, down for the count pretty hard.

    There's some yelling, and people are beginning to move, heading for exits, cash and canines forgotten.

    Pins turns, taking a hilt to the face with a nasal 'OWMYFACE!' before the kennel is cut open, and Kai three-legged dogs-it out, standing, and holding her arm slightly.

    There's a grunt, and a twist as she gets the room to pop it back into place, her scarred face showing pain and a mild amount of bleariness.

    "Hit head." she mumbles, her ears flicking back. There's some blood crusting in the wiry 'hair' atop her head.

    Dom the Bomb turns as the ninja turtle makes his approach, and giving a surprised yelp he draws a handgun and aims it at Donatello.


Alopex has posed:
    Well, Pins, you should worry about everything else going on, not just your face. "You alright?" Alopex asks before observing the re-location of Kai's shoulder. Blood. The man is hefted up by his collar. "Don't ever come for us again," she growls before shoving him toward the wall, and exit. how well he recovers his balanace as he stumbles forward will result in if he just smacks the door, wall, or manages to stumble through it.

    "If you're up for it, we can help Don, or you can see about getting some of these other animals out of here. Seems like a lot of other folks are running." Something something rats and sinking ships. Though as Dom calls out, the fox turns and moves to go help Purple. "The only freak here, buddy, is you."

Donatello has posed:
    Crack. With the armed guard down, Donatello manages a dive roll to get out of the way of the falling glass and debris from the overhead light. The turtle remains, however, fixated on Dom the Bomb and the many people in between them. He begins to move through the chaos, artfully using his bo staff and martial arts to create a path. Goons and gamblers begin hitting the floor. None of them really came ready to fight with a pair of fully trained ninja warriors.

    Donatello stops, however, as he watches Kainashi emerge from her kennel. He's about to call out to her when Dom the Bomb's voice is heard instead. Donatello stands there, briefly frozen, as the very real, very loaded gun is pointed directly at him.

Kainashi has posed:
    "Don? Donnie's here?" Kainashi squeaks, she looks a wreck, and she weaves slightly, turning her attention towards the chaos up the stairs as Donatello faces off against an armed Dom the Bomb.

    "... DONNIE!" she yelps, stumbles forward a few steps and collapses. The world was still spinning. That wound and its place on her head -- along with the whole 'hit by a truck' thing -- likely means she's concussed.

    "'M fine, Pex, make sure he doesn't get hurt." Kainashi states, wincing and closing her eyes a moment to try and stop the world from spinning.

    "Huh. Looks like the other freak can talk. Man, I should trust Pins when he says he brings me good stuff every once in a while. Now. What the /hell/ are you supposed to be? Some kinda... combat... frog?"

Alopex has posed:
    Well, Pex would REALLY like to introduce Dom to the Tentetsutou, but when Kai stumbles and proves that she may be a bit more badly hurt than Alopex thought? Well that's an issue. "Not the time, Don!" the fox calls before moving to try and help keep Kai up. "No, no no no, no sleeping right now, Kai," Alopex insists before fishing around on her belt. Smoke bomb. Ninja vanish, time! The small sphere is given a toss. The tell-tale hss and white smoke can cover a hasty exit! "He'll be okay, Kai."

Donatello has posed:
    Standing there, looking down the barrel of the gun, Donatello hitches his breath. He's well-trained, and fast, but not faster than a bullet. He can hear Don the Bomb's taunt but it's mostly just noises -- like Charlie Brown's teacher. Somewhere in the distance, in the darkness, he can hear Kainashi's voice and her pain.

    He takes a breath, tightly gripping his bo staff, before taking a chance with a sudden head-first dive behind a nearby pallet of industrial barrels. In the current game of rock-paper-scissors, gun beats staff.

    But then...the familiar hiss. Donatello carefully peers upwards over the tops of the barrels, catching a glimpse of the white smoke. Were they leaving him?

Kainashi has posed:
    Kainashi's extraction was needed, but they weren't about to leave Donatello with no back up.

    There were a couple other animals that had a bone to pick with Dom the Bomb.

    From the smoke there was a shadow. A tall shadow, and stepping out was the very angry giraffe, stretching legs and bowing its head slightly to duck as it climbs the stairs.

    And then there is a lion, who though Toothless, was still hefty and had claws. There's a loud MMMMNUUUUUUFF! as the half-ton beast lumbers up the stairs, and licks his lips as he regards Dom.

    "L-LION ON THE LOOSE!" Dom calls out, turning and firing -- poorly aimed -- hitting a wall and richocheing off a metal divider. The divider's ricochet peirces through the barrel that Donatello is hiding behind, and the barrel begins to 'glug, glug, glug' away.

    Inside? Vegetable oil.

Donatello has posed:
    As the white smoke masks their exit, Donatello can at least rest comfortably knowing that she got out of there. But, how will he? Any opportunity to formulate a plan is cut short by the loud, metallic clap of a bullet passing through the barrel. The turtle flinches suddenly, which gives him a motivational kick to improve his position.

    As the chaos grows on the other side of the barrels, Donatello begins a slow, and decidedly un-ninja-like crawl using his forearms. Once he's made some distance from the barrels and their growing puddle of vegetable oil, Donnie rises to a crouched position to watch the commotion. A giraffe and a lion -- unlikely teammates -- might be fine on their own, but then again...Don the Bomb has a gun.

    Donatello watches the white smoke cloud begin to clear and sighs. While he might want nothing more than to chase after Kai and Alopex, he can't leave these other, totally-not-mutant animals to fend for themselves. Taking a deep breath, Donnie begins to slowly -- and quietly -- walk around a corner of boxes to try and sneak up on Don the Bomb.

Kainashi has posed:
    The lion seems the most intent on getting some revenge on Dom. The chomper-challenged king of the savannah prowls closed, and it's evident that though lacking teeth, the lion didn't lack claws, a swipe taken at Dom catches against the fine blue suit jacket and rips the fabric, making Dom cry out, and take aim at the lion's head.

    The giraffe snots, finally getting footing, and appears to be more intent about going around the hullaballoo, only moderately concerned.

    The pool of slippery vegetable oil grows in the corner.

Donatello has posed:
    As Don the Bomb raises the gun at the nearby lion, Donatello readies his bo staff. He moves lightly, allowing his knees to bend a little bit more as his feet touch the ground, all in an effort to make as little noise as possible. When he's reasonably comfortable with his positioning, Donatello swings his bo staff and brings it down at Don the Bomb's forearm!

    A few feet away, there's a crack and the hiss of a new cloud of white smoke starting to billow. It's probably good to be thinking of an exit. Kainashi might be the strongest person that Donatello knows and these people were able to get her locked up. Imagine what they might do to him!

Kainashi has posed:
    To be fair, they got lucky and concussed her with a truck before she could do the same to them!

    The hand gun goes flying from The Bomb's hand, its rapport going off and striking Dom superficially in the leg, but it's enough to make the man howl as he hobbles away.

    "Pins! PINS! BRING ME THE CAAAAR!" he wails.

    The lion sneezes. The giraffe looks to Donatello, looooowers its head, and licks his head with its massive black tongue, apparently in affection before it slooowly raises its head back up and wanders.

    In the distance, there's sirens -- and from the rooftop, a rope is lowered!

    "Donnie!" comes Kai's voice, a little bit garbled from above.

Donatello has posed:
    With Donatello's cloud of smoke growing, an exit rapidly begins to form. But then...there's something slippery and slimey trickling down from the top of Donatello's head -- and it's not vegetable oil. The giraffe's black tongue stops the turtle dead in his tracks, with his arms locked at the shoulders and elbows. EW!

    Donatello begins to move swiftly towards his cloud of smoke, confident that no animals were going to be harmed in the making of tonight's adventure, he hears the police sirens. They're coming from the same direction as his ninja vanish cloud. His breath hitches once more and he stops, turns, and looks around for another way out. It's the only way. But then...A rope!

    Donatello smiles brightly and tucks his bo staff into the sash wrapped around his shell before starting to climb up the rope to safety! As he climbs up and out of the opening in the roof, Donatello takes a breath. "Kai!" he exclaims. It's equal parts 'thanks!' and 'are you okay?!'

Kainashi has posed:
    Alopex is standing guard over to the side. Kai has blood matting part of her hair, but she was able to hold the rope steady and even help pull Donatello up over the edge. "M' dizzy, I got knocked in the head pretty hard." the pooch replies. "They hit me with a truck."

    She's keeping one eye closed, and her head is lilting to the side slightly, probably to help mitigate how dizzy she's feeling.

    "We weren't about to leave you behind though. Not when you came to rescue me."

Donatello has posed:
    Donatello takes an initial step towards her, his arms outstretched slightly, but then stops. His eyes flash to Alopex for a moment before he looks back to Kainashi. "Well, I bet that truck is in worse shape," he replies, managing a smile. It's a shaky smile -- he's trying to hide his concern so as not to alert her. Another glance is given to Alopex, wherein he allows his full worry to briefly show on his features.

    "We better go," he adds, stating the obvious.

    "Thanks for rescuing /me/."

Kainashi has posed:
    The caneine's tail gives a shakey wag, and then she gives a little smile, "Ye-yeah... I need to be cleaned up. THey hit me with a truck." she explains again, wincing, and she stands up, shakily, to follow the Fox over the side of the roof, the two canine ninja disappearing into the night.