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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2022/07/20 |Location=Madison Square Garden |Synopsis=Megan and Thomas confront another frost hound! |Cast of Characters=392,979 |pretty=yes }} {{Po...") |
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|Date of Scene=2022/07/20 | |Date of Scene=2022/07/20 | ||
|Location=Madison Square Garden | |Location=Madison Square Garden | ||
− | |Synopsis=Megan and Thomas confront | + | |Synopsis=Megan and Thomas confront a frost hound! |
|Cast of Characters=392,979 | |Cast of Characters=392,979 | ||
|pretty=yes | |pretty=yes |
Latest revision as of 02:27, 22 July 2022
Sniffing for trouble | |
Date of Scene: | 20 July 2022 |
Location: | Madison Square Garden |
Synopsis: | Megan and Thomas confront a frost hound! |
Cast of Characters: | Megan Gwynn, Thomas Blake
- Megan Gwynn has posed:
It's another lovely day in the park, a different park this time where Megan finds herself, wandering aboutseemingly aimlessly as she tries really hard to find some sort of clue to the next piece of the cursed armour.
She had talked to some guy at the local museum, and he had mentionned that the piece, an incomplete piece of armour was no longer of use and had been sold to some guy at another antique market in the park.
However, due to bad weather, it seems that said market has been called off. Which leaves all the merchants scrambling to protect their wares from the rumbling storm that came out of nowhere. And where is that darned antique dealer?
- Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake noted the lovely Fae in passing. Then he went for a closer look because she was a lovely Fae. Also he was getting tired of meeting her for training sessions that usually involved him kicking and punching the crap out of such a darling. She was getting better but still it was no contest. So he slipped his mask on and went into the park to scare the life out of her in a friendly fashion. He took a closer look, was her hair tied back? She might be expecting trouble. He could help out. Trouble was his middle name.
Actually it was Reese. He always hated it. Thomas jumps from shadow to shadow, claws flicking in and out.
- Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn is not exactly in costume, but she is dressed in black: black jeans, black t-shirt, pink hair tied back in a ponytail and trying to be sneaky as she lurks about. Ow, and it's raining, and windy, and lightning. "Meepers! Where'd that come from?" she pouts, darting for the nearest tent shelter.
Oh, she totally didn't notice Thomas there, mostly because she's busy hiding from rain. And lighting and thunder. Cuz thunder is scary!
- Thomas Blake has posed:
Oddly enough Thomas ducked int a tent as well. Ugh rain. The oddly part is a moment later Megan went into the same tent, standing with Thomas behind her as she watched the thunder. "Hey Cinnamon, you just made it." He says cheerily. Then... he dodges!
- Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn meeps and jumps in surprise as she hears a familiar voice behind her, and lughs nervously at the familiar face. "Oh..Heeeey, what are you doing here, sneaking up on cute faeries?" as she speaks, the very tent they are under is taken down with an apologetic wave from the merchant as he packs up his stuff and...Flees.
Boy, does he seem to be in a hurry. Wait, a LOT of people are suddenly in a hurry, and was that a scream?
Oh, maybe it's that HUGE scary looking hound bounding around, breathing plumes of ice and freezing everyone that gets in its way..What an odd bejeweled collar with a shard of metal it wears around its neck.
"Oh crap. It's that guy again.." Megan groans, as if she's met mister scary giant icehound before..
- Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake tweaks Megan's chin and leans in to plant a kiss on her mouth -before straightening and pulling away, the male bimbo. "Cute faerie? Nope."
Then he smirks and says, "Not cute. The CUTEST! What g... oh... you don't see THAT everyday. You should do something about that. Portal it to the sun or something? Then we can discuss how cute you are."
- Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn's eyes widen as he leans in..."Uh...Wait, what!?" Fortunately, there are other things to worry about right now..Like that giant hound thing. "Ohh, it's this whole big thingie where these gang guys were looking for pieces of ancient magic armour and....Gah!"
She yells and points at some people hiding underneath another tent..Which the hound just froze into a block of ice. and now it's falling on the four kids hiding under them..Someone had better rescue them!
- Thomas Blake has posed:
Curse that heroic side. He takes after Aunt Zinda too much. He also has some standards, not wanting to see kids get crushed. In a very heroic fashion, please don't let anyone from the Black Market see, he bounds to the tent as it starts to come down, burdened by the weight of ice. is claws snap out, the better to grab the icy mass. He holds several hundred pounds up, even raising it a little.
"Get the hell out of here you little idiots! You think I got all day? Move it before I put my foot up your..."
The kids do scoot as the tent collapses on Thomas burying him in a layer of ice and fog! <Ker-RASH!> Okay, not so heroic but he tried, and switched gears from dallying with the cutest fae.
- Megan Gwynn has posed:
The kids scream as they flee, barely missing getting crushed by the frozen tent..Catman is no so lucky, seemingly buried under an avalanche of ice..Hopefully the frozen tent is not TOO rock solid, mostly consisting on a bunch of poles holding up a canvas sheet..Either way, that might hurt, and Megan is nit taking any chances.
"Thomas!" she yells, clearly concerned, dashing towards the collapsed tent and she starts to dig through the ice, trying to reach him in time. "Hang on...!" Nevermind that the frost hound is slowly headed their way..
- Thomas Blake has posed:
The ice shifts. A huge block of it rises into the air, hauled upwards by Catman. He stands there a moment, with a half ton or more of ice over his head, fueled by anger and adrenaline, held fast by his claws. Then with a raw primal scream he hurls it at the demon hound. the moment the ice leaves his hands, e has a huge knife out and is leaping to attack, or finish the job.
"My ex is scarier than you! My tiger is scarier and more magical, and I rub his belly. Snaaaaarggghhhl!"
- Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn's eyes widen in surprise. He's a lot stronger than she assumed..Who IS this guy, anyway? But suddenly that frost hound is charging at them and it's a good thing that Catman acts quickly, hurling the ice at the hound. Unfortunately it is *made* of ice, and while the block knocks it back a bit, distracting it fir a moment or two, the snarling fiend seems to..Absorb the ice into itself, before opening its mouth and unleashing another wave of freezing mist on a nearby park bench.
Still it's bought some time and Megan darts to the side, swooping up some nearby bystanders, flying them to safety.
- Thomas Blake has posed:
Catman charges. He really isn't Thomas, the flirty instructor she knows. Perhaps Megan thought the beat downs he gave her and called 'training' were a little out of control. She may reassess this now.
This is Catman out of control. He's a snarling, raging fiend, who matches the demon's fury. They meet and he slides onto the brute's back, one arm hooked around its neck, knife stabbing for the eyes and throat. then they are a tumbling ball of claws and fangs. Things blur for the man a little, beyond the red mist filling his eyes. He is clawed and bitten and frost spreads over him, freezes his mouth as he even bites savagely, tearing at an ear. His screams of rage almost drown out the demon's. Then the knife slips under the collar and Catman instinctively attempts to cut the band.
Hey, you bang a demon princess of Hell, you cuddle, you have pillow talk, you learn stuff.
- Megan Gwynn has posed:
While Catman is busy fighting the scary ice fiend, Megan is still busy rescuing innocent bystanders from collapsing ice sculptures, or simply freeing them or porting them out of ice prisons. Hey, crowd control is pretty hard work too!
That leaves Catman to tackle the big scary beast all on his own, and he proves to be quite the match for the huge frost hound. The massive creature's strength is comparable to his however, and it won't go down quite so easily. It howls and shrieks in pain as he tears into its ear, and then there's the collar, a simple leather thing with a piece of glowing metal dangling from the ring. What an odd decoration.
The bloodied frost hound snarls and snaps and attempts to claw at Catman, determined to get that collar back which seems to be of considerable importance to it..
- Thomas Blake has posed:
Catman manages to break from the brute, spitting its ear n its face. The collar in one hand. He's grinning against all likelihood. His jacket and shirt are torn open. His arms are laid bare and bloody. He keeps his knife moving around but pointed at the creature's face, or what remains of it. He looks beyond to see whether Pixie and the children are clear. But this is not a man buying time.
One of them is not leaving this park alive. That's the way his fights play out.
- Megan Gwynn has posed:
This seems to be a classic Cat vs Dog fight, and the frost hound is determined to fight to the death! It snarls and shakes its head as the torn ear is thrown in its face, and lunges again, trying to snap its icy fangs at his open shirted chest. That piece of armour is eyed greedily, but the hound is determined to kill its prey first.
And then suddenly Megan rushes behind it, stabbing it with her dagger, though missing any vitals. It causes the frost hound to shriek in pain, momentarily stunned. "Hurry, finish it!" she calls out to him, trying to buy him time.
- Thomas Blake has posed:
Catman says, "This was my kill!" He claws at the monster's face again, his thumbs creep over its eyes. He does make the most of the momentary distraction. His thumbs go over its eyes. Then the claws come out, and into its brain. The creature shudder and screams in its final agony and then drops to die writhing.
He retrieves his knife and the piece of armor he'd dropped. Then he sits down heavily and spits some ichor and blood from his mouth.
- Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly, stepping back as she watches his brutal savagery in all its glory. "Woah..You're like..A real tiger.." she eyes him a bit warily, as if she feared he might turn on her next in his current blood lust. But he's covered in blood now and it's hard to tell, if it's his own blood or the frost hound's. The piece of armour is important, but she's more concerned with his well being right now.
"Uh..Heey, are you..Okay? You're kinda..Bleeding and stuff..Um..Here!" she pulls off her cute green scarf, offering it to him, still trying not to get too close. Rabid cats are vicious.
- Thomas Blake has posed:
Catman gets to his feet and accepts the scarf. He cuts it in half because he has two arms.
He looks down at her and says, "Do I look that bad? Hahaha."
"I haven't had a good fight in a while. Can you take me to Happy Harbor. I need to perform some first aid. I may also need a third hand. Also I like having you around."
- Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly, "Um..I guess I see why they call you Catman, hehe.." she laughs nervously and sighs, picking up the piece of armour, pocketing it. "Thanks fir that, I probably couldn't have handled it myself. They just keep making them stronger and stronger.." she sighs and nods, "Happy harbour huh? So I guess a hospital is out. Umm, I haven't been there before, which way is it? I can port you, but..I need a more specific location description.."
- Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake says, "My house is at the end of a drive that starts at Surf and North. It's a New England style with a huge yard and a tiger pen. Happy Harbor is North of Staten Island. It's where Mount Justice is, which my house has a view. Who keeps making them stronger? Who's bothering you?" He leans a bit closer and rests his chin on her head. It might be to steady himself.
- Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn makes some mental notes, nodding slowly. "Right, I think I got it. Um..Can you walk okay? Err..!' she blushes again as he leans against her head, "Oh, you know, just some magical Yakuza members. No biggie really!"ok it kinda is but..Right now she's more concerned about those wounds, "We can discuss it later, right now, let's get you somewhere safer!" with a wave of her hand she ports them to Happy Harbour, not really sure if they will let a stranger in, but hey, he's wounded so she'll do what she can to get him help!
- Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake drapes an arm around her but doesn't seem about to fall. "It's my house. I have medical supplies. I... the tiger is outside. I'll make you some eggs. If you can't handle the blood and maybe stitching... I can call my aunt. Pretty sure she doctored worse. Zinda Blake, Lady Blackhawk. I appreciate the ride little buddy."
- Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly as they port outside his house. Or is that mansion? She peers around with wide eyed wonder, then arches a brow at him and laughs. "Heh are you kidding me? You have a pet tiger for real? That's nuts.." she sighs, "I know basic first aid and I'd be a wimp if I fainted at the sight of blood after the years I spent training in the Xmen. I'll be fine." she smiles,but quickly scowls at the comment, letting go. "Heey! I'm not your 'little buddy!'"