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Latest revision as of 20:55, 29 October 2021

  Martin Blackwood  
Martin Blackwood (Scenesys ID: 3430)
Name: Martin Blackwood
Superalias: None
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Occupation: EMT (cover for Special Agent)
Citizenship: Dual, UK and US
Residence: New York City
Education: College Education (Oxford University)
Theme: Original (OC)
Groups: Mystic Arts, SHIELD
Apparent Age: 34 Actual Age: 34
Date of Birth 25 Sep 1987 Played By Harvey Guillén
Height: 5'7" Weight: 144 lbs
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Martin Blackwood is a SHIELD agent with magical aptitude. His cover identity is that of a New York EMT, allowing him quick access to scenes of disaster as a first responder. His powers are focused in the area of illusion and healing making him an idea support agent in the field. He is dedicated to the protection of Earth and humanity's continued survival in a world full of threats mundane and extraordinary.


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* 1987: Born in Manchester, England.
* 1995: Martin's father disappears under mysterious circumstances. Police make inquiries but eventually the case goes cold.
* 2004: Martin has a child with a high school girlfriend. Her mother forces the pair to break up. Martin vows to still try to be a part of the child's life.
* 2005: Martin takes a number of aptitude tests to get into university. Unbeknownst to him one of the tests is a SHIELD screening test. Martin tests exceptionally well.
* 2006: Martin is recruited into SHIELD and given a full scholarship in a field of his choice. He choses emergency medicine.
* 2006: Martin's aptitude with magic begins to come forward. He is able to create minor illusions or make himself or others invisble. SHIELD sees this as an asset and begins training him to unlock more abilities. They manage to reach a block after unlocking a few offensive capabilities and some healing.
*2007: Martin's mother succumbs to her fight with dementia and dies. Martin is devastated.
* 2008: Shortly before graduation, a fire burns down the house on Hill Top Road, Oxford, where Martin lives with his school friends. Martin and his boyfriend escape, and decide to move to America.
* 2008: Martin's daughter's mother dies in a car accident. The child is transfered into Martin's custody per the mother's wishes.
* 2009: After moving to the US, Martin begins training as an EMT.
* 2011: Jon and Martin get married.
* 2013: Martin moves up the ranks in SHIELD. The operations in Gotham and Metropolis provide a good proving grounds for his abilities, helping surivors of No Man's Land and the Alien Alliance Invasion.
* 2018: Loki's assault on New York leaves Martin badly injured. Lyra dies in the assault nearly destroying Jon and Martin's marriage with shared grief and blame.
* 2021: The day after Jon's grandmother dies, Martin and Jon wake to find that Jon has telepathic and empathic powers. Shortly after, Jon is attacked by assassins. Martin fakes his own death and goes to ground with SHIELD' s blessing in rooting out the reasons and source behind the attack.

IC Journal

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Martin is a natural caretaker, starting from a young age taking care of his sick mother. He chose a profession where he provides medical care and support, and has the right kind of caring-yet- firm attitude to be able to handle most "patients." He wants people to be happy, and will go out of his way to take care of them, even if it's just with a nice cup of tea.

Martin is very good at seeming less capable than he is, nicer than he really feels in the moment, unassuming and non-threatening. He's often thinking through even positive social interactions, thinking what to say to get the desired reaction. He can be sneaky and cunning and is quite clever.

Martin grew up poor, was a Scout, has SHIELD training, and is generally a practical person. He's taken "be prepared" as a personal motto, and has usually thought of a contingency plan for most situations. Even when caught off-guard he'll often be able to figure out *some* way to deal with a situation.

When he thinks he's right, Martin does *not* let go of things. He'll dig in his heels at times, standing on principle before changing his mind in an argument. He'll keep to a course of action he believes in even when it's dangerous, as much because he made a decision and he's sticking to it as anything else.

Character Sheet


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Magical Aptitude:
Martin is a capable user of the mystic arts. His mother was a true witch in her own right. While no where in the league of the greats like Dr. Strange, he is no pushover. His years of training with SHIELD has focused his skills on illusions and healing, with a few applications of offense to keep himself safe. There is definitely room to increase his repertoire but he has only learned what SHIELD needs from him.


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Field Medic:
Martin finished six years of study in emergency medicine. He is a skilled and experienced paramedic. He has experience in SHIELD field operations and can properly handle medical emergencies great and small under high duress.

Martin, at his core, is a poet. Regardless of what situations he finds himself in, he can't help but start to internally parse it in symbolism and metaphor. He has entire notebooks full of his poetry. Some might not find it entirely palatable, but it's his way of understanding the world around him and coping with the myriad of highs and lows that come with existing.

S.h.i.e.l.d. Training:
Martin was trained by SHIELD starting just after high school. Aside fromthe physical regimen his training required, they also taught him skills suitable for covert operations. Combat, marksmanship, espionage, stealth, tactics, and military operations are among the list of things he was given access to. Martin took to this training quite well and, as a result, has moved up the ranks at a steady pace.


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Fifteen years with SHIELD on two continents has given Martin a number of contacts he could turn for information on the greater happenings in government. Gotta love bureaucracy.

Cover Identities:
Martin's time with SHIELD has afforded him a number of cover identities for field work domestic and abroad. These identities are all built on the level that SHIELD uses for all of their agents and should be treated as highly privileged information.

Despite being nearly a doctor himself, Martin married up in terms of his income class. Between the two of them, his husband and he can live a comfortable upper-middle class lifestyle. They have a flat of their own, two vehicles, and, (because of Martin's rather frugal nature,) an extended expendable income for larger purchases should the need arise.

Occult Library:
One of the things Martin has kept of his mother's belongings were her journals on the occult. While he does not truly believe the power he has is True Magic, should he decide to dive deeper into the journals he could find information and spells that could greatly increase his own skills in the department.

S.h.i.e.l.d. Armory:
Martin's rank in SHIELD affords him appropriate access to their arsenal of weapons and armor most of which he has had at least cursory training in how to properly use.


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For as long as he can remember, Martin has been susceptible to severe bouts of depression. During these times he tends to isolate himself from those around him, withdrawing deeper and deeper into other things in order to avoid acknowledging the problem and dealing with it. With his newfound power, these bouts often go a step further, allowing the man to walk the streets in complete invisibility under a spell.

Jonathan Sims:
Jonathan Sims has been Martin's partner for 15 years (boyfriend for 5, husband for 10) and he will do anything to ensure the man's safety and happiness, even to the detriment of their relationship should he deem it necessary.

Old Injury:
During the attack on New York by Loki's forces, Martin had a building collapse near him. The damage sustained required a number of pins and screws in his left leg to repair. While he has full functionality of the limb, from time to time (usually preceding inclement weather) the injury will flare up causing him severe discomfort and decreasing his mobility significantly.



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Martin Blackwood has 62 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Farewell is Not Forever May 9th, 2022 Martin tells Cael and Jon of his plans to travel to Nilaa in search of his father and perhaps expand his magical repertoir while there. Goodbye hugs are made and a family dinner for the final night is in the works.
Welcome Back May 1st, 2022 Cael wakes after her brush with death.
Roller Coasters Are Required April 6th, 2022 Cael celebrates her birthday for the first time in a long time. With family. Jon clarifies their gender preferences, and Agnes rides her first roller coaster.
Sunrise Party March 5th, 2022 Jon's return party is a resounding success with drinks, food, and best of all karaoke (including one highly unexpected opener.)
Back From The Dead March 3rd, 2022 Jon and Cael return to Martin and find out what Martin's been up to while they've been gone. It involves illithids.
The Last Archivist: Absent Without Leave February 28th, 2022 No description
The Troll Market: February February 24th, 2022 Things are searched for. Things are lost. Then things are gained. Two people go home with wares, but at what cost?
When All Seems Lost February 20th, 2022 Agnes, Martin, and Cael mourn the loss of Jon with funeral rites often given the Egyptian royalty and Cael moves one inch closer to accepting her place in their strange, but loving family.
Path of Glory: Eat, Drink, and be Merry February 18th, 2022 A celebration of life, before a probably death. Jon makes curry mee, Martin does the cutting, Cael tries not to freak out. Plans for after Jon's death are discussed. Karaoke should be a welcome distraction from worries about dying.
Path of Glory: Shattered Gates February 8th, 2022 Jon returns from his time under Michael's captivity changed both internally and externally. Cael, Martin, and Lydia are there to see that he can get the help he needs after his ordeal.
The Definition of Tolerance January 31st, 2022 Cael visits Martin in the final week of their Resistance against the angelic forces. The pair discuss matters of family, curses, and how emotions can be scary.
Digging Up The Past: La Canela, II January 31st, 2022 No description
Part of the Family January 24th, 2022 Martin and Agnes have their first night in together as a family and Martin introduces her to the most essential British television series ever created: Doctor Who.
The Last Archivist: Chosen January 23rd, 2022 Jon, Martin, Cael, and Charlie rescue Agnes from a mirror-world by facing their fears. They do /not/ burn down the house, much to Agnes' displeasure.
The Last Archivist: Homecoming January 23rd, 2022 Jon, Martin, and Cael bring Agnes to the Triskelion, and explain some of the current situation. In the end, there are s'mores.
BRANCHES: The Black Dog January 20th, 2022 A group of thugs mess with the wrong mother dog and her neighborhood!
We're All Fine Here Now: Redux January 19th, 2022 Jon and Martin get a puppy! And they try to confront Cael on her feelings in the wake of Sara's hospitalization. It simply results in all three of them retreating from one another however.
What Do You Do With A Drunken Vampire January 15th, 2022 After the battle for Battery Park, Jon and Lydia return to Grand Central Station, where Cael and Martin help them both deal with their reactions to the fight. Lydia's magic is back, and Jon's /glowing/ now. It's all a little weird.
The Last Archivist: We All Ignore The Pit January 14th, 2022 Martin and Cael head to Bucoda, Washington to look for part of the Archive, and find a pit the locals won't acknowledge.
Turquoise Hair January 11th, 2022 Martin meets the Lady Turquoise. She's kinda intense. In the end he chooses Earth. Next stop Castle Amethyst.
Popping In January 10th, 2022 As Martin packs for an extended stay at Grand Central Station, he gets a visit from Cael Becker. There they discuss the situation concerning Jon and how she fits into their relationship. Truths are exchanged, confusions dispelled, and tea--as always--is had.
Onsen and Ofuro: The Night Parade January 9th, 2022 The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen survive the Night Parade, acquire some food, and manage not to fade away entirely.
Path of Glory: All You Who Are Weary And Burdened January 6th, 2022 The forces of mortalkind retreat to the Grand Central bunker. The Witchblade gets calmed down, people are healed, and disagreements are had. Hopefully, they can rally together and strike back against the armies of the Host.
For Tomorrow We Die January 5th, 2022 Jon admits to Martin that Cael kissed him... and Martin isn't remotely surprised! Jon is obviously the last to understand his own emotions.
A New Year, A New Mission January 1st, 2022 Cael comes to Martin and Jon's residence at the Triskelion to deliver a gift to the couple. They get to talking about Martin's new mission, the impending doom coming, and their shared desire to keep Jon safe from harm during his part in the trial at hand.
Lightening the Heart January 1st, 2022 Martin picks up Jon after he gets kidnapped by vampires, and some long-withheld truths finally come to light
The Last Archivist: Acquisitions List December 30th, 2021 Jon and his friends go to London to try to rescue Agnes and get a list of pieces of the Archive. They find the latter, but cannot rescue the former. Martin gets a memory he'd lost, and Charlie saves the day--now she's thinking with portals!
The Last Archivist: Boiling Point December 30th, 2021 Jon, Martin, and Cael go back to the Triskelion after the events of The Last Archivist: Acquisitions List, and deal with the fallout of the revelations had in London. Also, Cael can't brew tea.
Statement of Cael Becker December 26th, 2021 Cael heads to Jon's apartment to give him her statement about her time with Michael. There are hugs and crying afterward and then Martin walks in and misunderstands the situation. (Maybe.) It's awkward. But there's dinner in the end!
Mother's Night December 20th, 2021 The SHIELD Winter Holiday party is interrupted by strange surges of energy. What at first appears to be a young woman who had been in a car crash turns out to be a spirit of Fate, who has an annoyingly vague warning for the agents.
Disaster Response December 19th, 2021 In the immediate aftermath of Michael's destructions of the Laughing Magician, Cael calls Martin to help deal with a panicking Jon. Once he's calmed down, they discuss their options--and then Cael goes home to sulk.
Digging Up The Past: La Canela, I December 13th, 2021 Phoebe, Jon, and Martin accompany Tim to Ecuador and the last dig site discovered by Jack Drake before his retirement. While Tim discusses his father with an old friend, they enjoy a guided tour of the site and an historical lecture on the Yumbo Tribe that once lived there.
Through the Valley of the Shadow December 11th, 2021 After the JLD's battle with the angel inhabiting Chas, Jon takes a walk to Rockefeller Center. Martin finds him there, slowly unraveling from the events of the day--and finally insists that he take a break. The universe will survive for another couple of days, at least.
7th Seal: Book 1, 3 December 8th, 2021 The Medallion of St. Maurice has a message. It may not be the one Jon shares.
Let Your Love Shine Bright December 5th, 2021 On the last night of Hanukkah, Jon comes home to tell Martin about the Papal Killer and his thoughts about the case.
The Vista Inside a Snow Globe December 2nd, 2021 Jon and Martin take a nice walk in the snow after the events of the Rockefeller Center tree lighting. Jon's relay of the events there provokes terror in both men but they find resolve in each other.
A Bit of British Business November 28th, 2021 Martin and Jonathan update Peggy on the vast amount of trouble they've been getting up to lately.
Old Chaps November 28th, 2021 Alfred, Jon and Martin find themselves in the same pub in London after their meeting at the Tower. Discussions on the nature of heroes and how to avoid becoming a casualty of your own war are had over drinks, like proper English gentlemen.
All That Glitters is Citrine November 26th, 2021 Jon and Martin meet the Lady Senshe, Grand Archivist of House Citrine. It goes pretty well until Jon sticks his foot in his mouth and 'mucks things up'.
Splints, Tea, and Cigarettes November 23rd, 2021 Jon finally makes it home to Martin after being kidnapped and kept in Arkham. Tim's secret identity is safe, but Jon's poor arm isn't.
Brave New (Magical) World November 21st, 2021 Porcuwolves, Tyranosaurs, and Gem Magic, Oh my!
SHIELD Nacho Night November 20th, 2021 A group of SHIELD agents converge on the recreation room for a night of nachos and margaritas and nothing really terrible happens, aside for the invention of a new form of chemical warfare. It all ends with a ghostly revelation.
Citrines, Opals, and Black Diamonds, Oh My! November 19th, 2021 Thieves from another world try to rob a museum geology exhibit and for three unsuspecting do-gooders a grand new adventure begins!
The Secret Life of Jack Drake: Book Hangover Part Two: 2 Fast 2 Falafel November 17th, 2021 The group tries to figure out what to do with both Skelos and the Book. There is no falafel, sadly, nor is there pad thai. Fortunately nobody comes to blows, either--there's just a lot of sad to be had.
The Secret Life of Jack Drake: Writ in the Book of Skelos November 17th, 2021 Our heroes arrive to stop Sophia Crowne. ...They all get interrupted by somebody else.
Murders of London: Mourning Moon November 15th, 2021 London's troubles start and end with the shadow Parliament. An emergency call receives a response.
Murders of London: Mars in Opposition November 15th, 2021 A great big mess as domestic terrorists wearing footie jerseys and symbols wreak havoc on London. But a darker purpose stirs....
Where You Go, I Go November 14th, 2021 The Archivist finally gets to the bottom of what's been bothering him for weeks, with a little help--and he and Martin make a promise that even if it means going to the Underworld, they're going together.
After the Earth Moved November 12th, 2021 Jon comes home still in Archivist mode and scares Martin. They have a talk about it.
Where to Go From Here November 9th, 2021 Jon and Martin discuss future plans and worries over dinner and... microcassettes?
Into the Zone: Great Falls November 6th, 2021 A rescue team of SHIELD agents enter an area of anomalous red fog on the Potomac River. Inside, the rules of time and space need not apply. This time, at least, everyone makes it out unscathed... except for their quinjet pilot.
A Pho-shionable Meetup November 4th, 2021 Jon takes Martin and Zatanna to one of his favorite eateries in Gotham--Pho Gedda Bout It. Zatanna and Martin get to know each other, a wild Clarice appears, and in the end three alerts go off at once, drawing the original three away.
Not Lonely Anymore November 2nd, 2021 Jon comes back from his first real SHIELD mission to find Martin terribly worried. They have another talk about what happened while Martin was gone, and broach and emotional barrier that had been between them.
One Night In Gotham (Makes a Hard Man Humble) October 31st, 2021 In which a warning is delivered.
The Last Archivist: A Halloween Visitor October 30th, 2021 Jon takes a walk on the streets of New York on Halloween, and is visited by the ghost of his grandmother, Gertrude Robinson. She gives him advice and insight--and a warning of sorts.
Reconciliation, Part I October 29th, 2021 Instead of meeting Tim's fist, Martin just meets Tim. And Lonnie, too! But only for a little bit before he and Tim get into a fight. Awkward. Tim and Jon bring Martin up to speed on the whole book situation afterward, though, so at least it was a semi-productive meetup. Shame that everyone but Martin has lost their appetite by the end, though, because Onion Maiden is really just that good.
Occupational References October 28th, 2021 Martin brings Jon to SHIELD HQ to meet with the Chief. Tea is had, (because of course it is with three Brits in a room,) and Jon is designated a probationary agent among the ranks. And, because it wouldn't be SHIELD without earth shattering events in the making, Jon gives them both their first impromptu mission together. What a first day!
Meet the Scrubs October 28th, 2021 Jon and Martin head to the food court as order by Chief Carter, and run into a variety of other SHIELD agents. Sam Wilson, Jessica Drew, Michael Erickson, and Jane Foster are all there, and they discuss various matters over food.
A Difficult Reunion October 27th, 2021 Jon and Martin head home. There's a tense and awkward conversation before Martin discovers just how far down the spiral of madness Jon has gone in his absence.
The Last Archivist: Family Feud October 27th, 2021 Jon visits his daughter's grave with his friends Tim and Zatanna along, but doesn't have a chance to mourn before his cousin attacks. She should have been Archivist, but she made a deal with a demon and Jon got the position instead. She tries to kill him, but Jon's friends--and Venom--hold her and the assassins off. Jon's husband turns out to be alive, and he's the one who kills Sasha--right before Tim punches him in the face!
The Last Archivist: Prologue October 25th, 2021 When assassins come for Jonathan Sims, his husband Martin Blackwood fakes his own death in order to track down the killer. But the world of the Archivist is a stranger one than Martin knew, and he'll have to use more than just SHIELD resources to figure out what's going on.
0-8-4 Files: 073 October 24th, 2021 Boston does not blow up in pursuit of a Daemonite flash suit, but SHIELD keeps up a vaunted tradition of destroying vehicles and property all the same.


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Martin Blackwood has 62 finished logs.

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Martin Blackwood has been credited in 0 shows.

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Martin Blackwood has been credited in 0 albums.

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Martin Blackwood has authored 0 books.

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