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(Dazzler and Nick Drago watch some questionable choreography)
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{{Log Header
{{Log Header
|Date of Scene=2022/02/17
|Date of Scene=2022/02/16
|Location=Gotham Cable Studios - Sound Stage 4
|Location=Gotham Cable Studios - Sound Stage 4
|Synopsis=Dazzler and Nick Drago watch some questionable choreography
|Synopsis=Dazzler and Nick Drago watch some questionable choreography

Latest revision as of 06:17, 17 February 2022

Alright! From the Top!
Date of Scene: 16 February 2022
Location: Gotham Cable Studios - Sound Stage 4
Synopsis: Dazzler and Nick Drago watch some questionable choreography
Cast of Characters: Michael Hannigan, Alison Blaire

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack.

While things have gotten close to a normal pace with the Angel problems having vanished from the more mundane of perceptions, not all of the sound stages at Gotham Cable Studios was spoken for today. This ended up being a good thing for one musician in need of a practice area.

Instead of being set up for a film shoot, tape marks the floor setting up a general border area. Based from the items set inside of the border, likely the outline of a stage. Along with the instruments and sound equipment set up, there are a pair of dancers going through a set routine on the lower part of the area.

Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack.

Another person watches intently while banging a block with a small stick making for a very audible, and frankly ANNOYING repetitive sound.

As for the people manning the instruments? Well, they have opted to move over to a break table to get some water. One of which being Nick Drago. His shoulders lift and drop as he gives a long drawn out sigh while watching the dancers.

Alison Blaire has posed:
"I don't know how they do it," Alison says, grabbing for water herself, her hair tied up in her standard 'I Am In Practice' scrunchie. "I can't tell you how happy I was when I got good enough to internalize my metronome. If I had to listen to that-" she glances at the block-banger with a mischievous smile, "I'd go spare. Dancers have to go through all sorts of trials, though."

Glancing at Nick's dejected posture, she says quietly, "Have you looked at the internet recently?" she says with a little playful nudge, "This pulled up on my feed."

Holding her phone out to him, there's an artist rendition of Dazzler riding on a glowing, multicolored horse charging down a New York street. "My prod liked it so much he is talking about hiring the artist and making it the cover of the Final Pulse single. What do you think of that?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The male singer gives a nod, closing the cap on his bottle. "Sounds like an argument to get into tap dancing." Nick comments, "Can't really do the foot tap or knee pop if you're mid-leap."

Clack. Clack. Clack. C-"CAROL!"

The sounds come to a stop as the one with the block lowers their own instrument, pointing over to one of the dancers. "If that was an actual stage you'd have ended up crowd surfing. If you were lucky. Watch your feet!"

There's a visible breath from the leader. "From the top!"

Nick looks back to Alison, "No, I've been a bit distracted with Wade trying to get stuff rescheduled and making changes to the show." Still the phone is presented so Nick tilts his head to look at it. Thoughts of the Lone Ranger moment with Dazzler comes to mind and he lets out a cackle of laughter in reaction. "That's awesome!" Sweet. Indirect cameo. "Imagine if you were wearing a Lone Ranger mask with that."

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Oh, I am going to contact the artist to suggest that, that's a good idea!" Alison chuckles, pocketing her phone, "It was a few hours before people started adding. My favorite one is where someone photoshopped Betty White wielding the flaming chainsaw riding behind me."

She glances at poor Carol, and muses to Nick, "I remember the first time I fell offstage. Tripped on the power cable for my keyboard. Didn't secure it properly and I ended up on the lap of some dude on the front row who looked absolutely terrified." She chuckles, remembering her early days playing in small clubs. "Have you ever taken the fall?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
After the dancers move back to their starting positions the block starts up again.

Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack.

"First time was with Silver Round." Nick offers up, "Only it was the riser for the the drum set. Fortunately, the speakers hid most of me when I landed. Wade and Jack laughed their asses off after the show. Rod was- " Nick pauses, smile growing lighter but still sincere. "Well he laughed too but he was a lot nicer about it."

The smile widens as he recalls a few more details. He blinks, looking back to the dance routine. Carol had gotten a bit further, strutting over towards the center microphone stand before seemingly pitching forward, hand sticking out as she goes downwards. Nick looks over to the block smacker.

Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack.

Wait. That wasn't a mistake? He frowns, looking over to the stage, going over his own routine in his mind. Brows lift and the cap to his water bottle is removed, allowing for him to chug some water.

Alison Blaire has posed:
"You'd better keep sharp," Alison teases, taking a sip herself, "If you end up collabing with Lady Gaga at some point, she's going to have you jumping all over the stage. You can still do the splits, right?"

It's not a secret that one of Alison's ambitions was a collaboration with the reigning pop queen. Unsurprisingly enough, Gaga had proved to be an ally for mutant rights, which had allowed some contact. But still, nothing on the musical arena.


"I have a drag queen friend of mine who is an absolute /beast/ at doing death drops. I still don't trust myself to do them. Which irritates the hell out of him."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The bottle lowers. "I'm just hoping she's not off mark when she's doing whatever it is she's doing." Nick comments, looking over to Dazzler. "As for my flexibility, I haven't gotten complaints yet." Or that could be the celebrity thing. But, who needs to voice that?

"Could I get the stand in?!"

Nick turns his head, looking to the coordinator making the request before a guy similar in height to Nick walks by, moving to where the mic is. The coordinator walks over, gesturing to spots on the stage area.

"Ok this is going to be either very good or very horrifying." Nick figures aloud.

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Por que no las dos?" Alison says, putting down her water with a smirk, speaking in fairly passable Spanish, "-you know what they say at the Artist's Studio: You're not really doing art unless you are at least a little scared. This has the potential of being..." she pauses, weighing her words, "Very artistic."

She glances at Nick, "Have you had anything to eat yet? Self-denial isn't a good look on you, you know."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick watches the dance move being performed around the stand in. Jaw dropping a bit as he sees how the lunge move lines up. Both it is. "...Ok yeah let's get some lunch." He turns his back on the scene as the block plays it's own horror theme.

Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack...