10958/One Plus One Equals Sailor Moon

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One Plus One Equals Sailor Moon
Date of Scene: 29 April 2022
Location: The Midnight Mission
Synopsis: The Moon Knight and the Archivist spar and discuss their lives and the changes that have come with being what they are: avatars to gods.
Cast of Characters: Marc Spector, Jonathan Sims

Marc Spector has posed:
    Moon Knight had been out on a routine patrol. It had been mostly lucrative. Between the salvation of two of Night Walkers--prostitutes, by their professional name--from lecherous deviants and their more dangerous pimps, and a lesser Werewolf the Fist of Khonshu is feeling rather proud of himself. He barely even broke a sweat through the ordeals as well.

    He kneels before the statue of his patron and offers up an offering of gratitude and continued service in the name of the Moon before rising. There is a little bit of blood on the chestpiece of the suit as well as a scratch over the crescent in the center of it. His gloves and bracers are equally stained but overall the damage is indicative of his 'lucrative' night out.

    The main seating area of the Mission had been cleared of all seats and furnishings, leaving a wide open area closed off by the trio of statues and the exit of the building. Frenchie, Marc's trusted friend and assocaite, had done his job well. Moon Knight isn't certain how much of Jon's change has affected his martial prowess, but it is time he found out; tonight is a good a night as any.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon has started coming out more often; he's been by each night since he came by and talked to Marc earlier in the week. He usually arrives from a door that simply materializes itself in the wall, and tonight is no different. There's a faint teal glow in the shape of a door frame, and then a door appears, and opens, and Jon steps through.

    "Busy night?" he calls to his friend. He's wearing his favorite cardigan, jeans, a t-shirt: the same thing he's worn every night he's come by, though the specific pair of jeans or t-shirt has changed. He goes to the statue of Ma'at and lights a cone of incense kept there, creating the fire by snapping the fingers of his left hand. He does magic without really thinking about it, these days.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Moon Knight nods. "Not terribly... minor werewolf in Brooklyn and a few Women of the Night who had the poor luck to draw patrons who felt more entitled than their pocketbooks allowed and would lead to the women being beaten by their financier. Hopefully, the funds given to them would allow them to find a way out of the business of Night Walking."

    He shrugs a shoulder. "Rather typical for a routine patrol. Yourself? I take it you've made some inlets to the governance of your own crew?" he asks, moving away from the statue and closing the distance between them.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "The leadership business is settled, yes," Jon says, settling the incense cone on the base of the statue and then walking over toward the Bast statue to place an offering of chocolate. He clearly expects Moon Knight to walk with him. "I wouldn't call them 'my crew' in that way, though. They are a sister organization to the Justice League, and even if I left their leadership, they would continue. Rather different than your 'crew.'"

    He glances over, and adds, "Money is rarely the only reason someone takes up such work. Maybe it will help, one certainly hopes so if they're being exploited or they're miserable. But they serve a need and a purpose in society." Funny that an asexual man, of all people, should have /that/ attitude.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Moon Knight does follow. "I would hope that they can find a way to fund themselves rather than being exploited by their contractors in that case... either way... tonight will be a night they can rest peacefully." He muses over the man's words. "I don't know... I would like to think that you and Tara could coordinate the Heliopolitans if some great calamity befell me."

    He moves toward the middle of the room and adds. "If you would look behind the alter before Khonshu... there is something there that I've been told you are comfortable with. I think it is time we see if your words hold weight." He reaches toward his back and removes a small solid looking bar of gleaming silver metal.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon lays the chocolate out for Bast--Tara might well come by and eat it, but that's about the same thing, and it's the main reason he didn't give an offering to Ma'at. That would be like giving offerings to... himself. Should /he/ take any offerings to Ma'at? He stops, blinking, at the sudden thought. That's what an avatar is for, right? But it feels strange. Like taking advantage of people.

    He shakes himself and turns away, glancing to Marc with a raised brow. Then he goes to the altar of Khonshu, finding there a metal khopesh, well-maintained. He blinks at the thing and picks it up. "What's this about? I don't need one," he points out. "The one I have was given to me as a gift in Duat... a gift given to Ra, but I was Ra's avatar at the time." Still, he looks it over, testing the balance and the edge.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Jon's answer comes first as the whisper of metal sliding on metal as the truncheon that Moon Knight was weilding is extended into the staff he favors these days. "A test. You said you could use it" he says. "I didn't get much of a chance to see it when I was engaged with Bushman." He gestures to the empty and cleared room. "Now seems a good a time and place as any."

    He spins his staff around with practiced ease and drops into a ready stance for combat. "That is... unless you're afraid? I wouldn't hold it against you if you were..." There is definitely a smile in his tone as he waits for his friend's response.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon hesitates as Moon Knight suggests he might be /afraid/. He was moving into combat position himself, but he very deliberately stops and puts the khopesh back down on the altar. He removes his cardigan, then reaches into the t-shirt and removes the prosthetic arm, which he walks over to place on Ma'at's altar. He summons a glowing emerald arm as he goes back to pick up the khopesh and regards Moon Knight with a raised brow.

    Then he quite deliberately runs the green hand along the khopesh, wreathing the thing in shimmering emerald energy.

    "You were saying?"

Marc Spector has posed:
    The grin on Moon Knight's face is heard through his words. "Good to know..." he says. "Same properties as fire or... different?" he asks as he moves forward. The bo staff juts in for a body strike on the man. It's a testing move, more to gauge reaction speed rather than anything meant to truly injure.

    Jon is a smart man and pays attention to celestial movements. He might realise that tonight is almost the New Moon and that means that Marc himself is at the lowest power and strength. Perhaps to give them something of an equal footing, or perhaps as a small snub, one avatar to another.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "I suppose you'll just have to find out, won't you?" Jon's been practicing, a lot. Nearly every day, he spars with someone's who's better than him. He's been fighting beings that are more powerful than he for months--and until he died and came back, he'd been practicing with the staff. So he counters the staff with the khopesh, the emerald shimmer not seeming to endanger the staff at all.

    He pushes off the staff, sword making a singing sound as metal slides off metal, and spins around to slash at Moon Knight's side. He knows his friend can heal from most any wound, and he's wearing body armor besides. Evidently he's not going for testing. And maybe he's pressing Marc a little to give himself an opening to bring up his own shield.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Moon Knight brings his staff in to brace against the blade. Sure, he could take it. The carbonadium and adamantium armor would likely stop a couple of slashes from the blade, but the impact from the strike and the magic energy (that he could feel as he holds off the blade) itself worried him some.

    He disengages and takes a few steps to reposition himself. "Who is your teacher?" he asks. "Ms. Becker doesn't strike me as a the trained swordswoman" he says, before attemplting a feint with the left head of the staff before swinging in the right head towards his opponent.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon grins cheekily. "One of my ancestors," he replies as he takes the moment to pull up his shield, twisting his free hand as he pulls it up. There, much better. "I spend most of my time asleep training in one way or another. Whether with the sword, or with magic, or studying."

    As soon as the shield's up he slides forward, pressing the advantage, twisting away from the feint. It brings the staff in to contact with his side but he ignores that and keeps pressing with the sword.

Marc Spector has posed:
    "Lukcy" Moon Knight says. "What I'm doing when I sleep is questionable at the best of times." He wasn't expecting Jon to be so aggressive in combat and the surprise move of driving inward forces him back some more. He trips as he stumbles back and were the fight for real, he would be mortally wounded.

    Even so the magically infused sword sears away a few layers of the armor as it cuts in, but the final layer holds and the damage is kept cosmetic in severity. "I yield!" he calls out before Jon goes for the deathblow. He releases the staff and holds up a hand to emphasize the call.

    "The training has served you well" he says, offering a hand for Jon to help him to his feet. "Or maybe it's the things you went through in Manhattan that've done it." Even so there is a smile in his tone. "You're a different person now. That much is certain."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon holds the sword on Moon Knight for just a moment, grinning in triumph, then dismisses the magic with a flourish as he pulls the sword aside. He leans down to grab Marc's hand and help him up.

    Something the other man says makes the grin fade, just a bit, though. "Am I? Really?" A pause. "Well, I suppose you mean that... I've changed. Not /literally/ a different person. I worry, sometimes." He shrugs and goes to put the sword back where he picked it up.

    "I don't know if I'd say lucky. Busy, more like. Cael and Martin have been rather insistent on going on a vacation. We'll be heading to the Alps soon."

Marc Spector has posed:
    Moon Knight rolls a shoulder as he settles his armor about him. "I think it's for the better in the long run. You're still you, Jon. Just you with... more experience. More... authority." He shakes his head. "It's not a bad thing. If my opinion counts for anything."

    At the mention of the vacation he nods. "You deserve it. You all do" he bends down to retreive the staff and sets it with the weapons on the rack. "How long will you be gone?" he asks as he ensure that everything is in place. "Just so I know how long to hold down the fort in case something comes up."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "About a week," Jon replies. "There's a lot else going on, but there's always a lot else going on. Cael and Martin have both been rather insistent." He shrugs. "I'm looking forward to it, if I'm being honest. Which I rather have to, lately."

    He smiles, then. "Your opinion counts for a lot, actually. Thank you."

Marc Spector has posed:
    Moon Knight nods and moves to place a hand on Jon's shoulder. "Anytime Jon. I'm here for you and I know you'll do the same for me." He gives the shoulder a squeeze. "Now go. Be with your family. There's some management papers in my office that I need to look over and sign."

    He pauses and shrugs. "Or well... Steven needs to sign. Place doesn't run itself and I can fake his signature well enough for goverment work." He starts for the door ushering Jon to come with him where they can go their separate ways.