6667/This is a high steaks get together...
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This is a high steaks get together... | |
Date of Scene: | 22 June 2021 |
Location: | The Strait Lace Steakhouse - Hellfire Club |
Synopsis: | Hey, they didnt burn the Hellfire Club down. Or even get kicked out. Steak might even be had. Hallelujah! |
Cast of Characters: | Michael Hannigan, Hellboy, Damian Wayne, Hank Pym, Stefani Houston
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Alright folks, let's go over the snowball effect. It first starts with an offer to buy a drink. There then is an offer to buy food. And then the food becomes steaks. And the- Well. You get the idea.
True to his word Mike did talk to his roommate about the steak place he loves. And it turns out that love of the place was very fortunate indeed. Because this place turns out to be a place where there is a long wait list. (Eep.) And it has a dress code. (Well-) And one person on the desired guest list is Hellboy. (Oh for f- Where is he going to find a suit this time o-)
But fear not. For it turns out... Wade had a reservation and wasn't going to be able to use it after all. (Ooh! HOW CONVENIENT.) For Lunch. (Alright.) Where there's no dress code. (DING DING DING!)
And so we bring you to this afternoon where the group has gathered and the host leads them on their way with a smug stride that could only be taught in the finest of schools.
Mike is taking advantage of the lack of Dress Code. And while Wade has convinced him to use the nicer end of the clothing spectrum. He is still wearing Jeans, and a tee. They're just from the Drago side of the Wardrobe instead of the Hannigan line. His hair is vastly improved from the helmet headed mess from last night and has been swept back into a ponytail.
- Hellboy has posed:
Sure, Hellboy had to do a doublecheck - Lunch, check. In public, check. At a fancy restaurant, AHAHAH...oh really, check. This means, of course, that when the big red one does show up at the front door to meet the rest, no, that's not a formal suit, but SOMEONE loaned him a smart black 3/4ths length duster. Hey, this is dressing up! Just ignore the tail.
There are some expected bumping and pushing around as he approaches Mike to try and follow the man's lead with a murmured, "You sure you know what you're in for, Smash?"
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Showing up to the strait lace, with his uniform on was a little...unorthodox. But considering Damian was a legacy member of the Hellfire Club, and this was a celebratory lunch, he needed to be in a mask.
So even the Hellfire Club's Steakhouse was getting a visit from Robin.
He waved off the offer to check his cape, nothing was going to be left at a coat check here. The only difference between the op and now was that he left his sword at home.
"Yes, this is going to be...interesting." He commented on their way to the table.
- Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym for his part promise Bo a treat for being a very useful ant. He walks in with the ant wearing his service animal vest. that and the fact JvD divorced his ass stalls him at the door. Licenses are produced. A compromise is reached. Hank lets the host live and Bo is reduced in size to that of a lap dog.
I hate this. He gets so damned hyper. Hello all."
//MikeRedDamian! Great Py, Damian, my other friend, take a sniff. Seriously! All in the feet!//
//Bo. We respect the mask. Do not go near him, let him come to you. His boss is one of the scariest melon farmers you'd ever hope to meet...//
//Great Pym worries for boy. Nice.//
//Yeah let's go with that.//
"Smash?" Near audible smirk. They move to the table, Hank holding Bo.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike gives a slight smile as Hank repeats Hellboy's nickname for Mike. "It seems most people he's met named Mike are those he wants to punch. So he improvised." He responds back to Hank, tilting his head to look to the side of Hank's. "New earring. Was the last one not sparkly enough?"
"Hearing the question, the musician gives a chuckle. "Wade says this place has, and I quote, 'The best damn steaks New York has to offer.' And considering how often he's been trying to get me to join his lunch meetings here. Might as well give it a go once, right? Besides. No dress code at lunch and how often do you get to-" Mike turns his head, looking to the loaned out attire thrown on to Hellboy. A brow archs, "Red. Guy at the front's messing with you. Lunch doesn't have a dress code."
"Indeed it doesn't." The host droans, "That is why lunch is so popular with music studios. The clinentelle always seem to bring-" There is a pregnant pause. "unique friends."
The trek is long but eventually leads over to a table for ten in a back room. "Your table... Mr. Drago." He nods to the musician before looking to the others in kind. "Dr. Pym. Mr. Robin." He pauses looking to Hellboy. "Sir." He glances back, "Your server will be with you shortly." The host moves off.
- Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy is busy looking around so much so that he almost misses Mike's comment - but its still enough for him to raise a brow and look back at the front door, then grunts a soft, "I'll break his nose on the way out. Or make him think Im gonna. We'll see how good the steak and booze are first."
He actually goes so far as to grunt a hello and bob his head at Hank and Da Ant, and Damian, rumbling, "Good ta see you all got out from before. Things got a little crazy for a while there." But with that said, HB eyes the chairs at the table, scrutinizing the options for a moment, then chooses one on the far side to turn around and straddle, giving it a dubious look as the seat creeeeeaks under his weight, but amazingly, doesnt suddenly shatter into kindling.
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Damian allowed himself a cursory glance to the small Bo as the group had gathered to their expedition to their table. Going so far as to offer a hand to the ant, though before touching, asking. "May I?" Respecting the service animal vest of course.
Robin gives a nod to the maitre'd as he leaves them to the table.
Taking his seat, the napkin is unfurled, and placed on his lap. Very much showing off that he is at home at such an establishment. "I do not leave Gotham often." Lie.
- Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym shakes his head. "Mmm one pat. He's working right now. I spoil him I know."
"What do you mean sarkly? This is an understated earring. I didn't swipe it from the girl child if that is what I am meant to infer. Huh. Smash." He turns to the bar and the tender come out to take an order.
"Hello Dr. Pym, no lady today? Ah plenty of fish. I knew Dr. Pym when he was married. He hung around the b... may I take your orders gentlemen?"
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
"I don't know about the ones inside but the ones outside were a bit..." Mike pauses for a proper way to describe things in a restaurant, "distracted. But yes. Glad things turned out for the better. Had my doubts for a bit."
He turns his head, watching Hank start to walk off. Seeming stuck on the name. "Sure thing, Sparkles." He calls to the scientist. This... might backfire on him in a bit but, the hell with it.
Mike ends up selecting a seat on the side adjacent to Hellboy's, allowing for the large man to have his space but not be too far from the intended conversation. His seat remains oriented the way it had been before and there is no sound of creaking when he sits.
As the server jumps upon the table before they get settled, Mike reaches over to the drink menu to confirm a matter. A brow rises. "Black Rock, please." He replies back. Offering over the drink menu to the one nearest him. At least as far as arm reach is concerned and where legal drinking age is met.
He handed it to Hellboy.
- Hellboy has posed:
When the bartender addresses the table, Hallboy lifts a brow and looks down at the offered menu for a moment, then over to Mike, perhaps intending on seeing just where he's gonna go with this. Once Mike's spoken, he lifts his gaze up to focus those eyes upward and rumbles, "The man said you have damned good steak. Onea those, make sure ya killed it on the grill. And a bourbon. Big'un. And keep th' bottle handy."
Apparently satisfied that he answered the question asked, he shoots a curious look around the rest of the table, "This is...normal for lunc round here?"
- Damian Wayne has posed:
One pat, Vassily, one pat only. The one pat is given to the good boy ant that he is allowed.
Robin didn't bother with the drink menu. He didn't need it anyway. "Pellegrino with lime." Yep, probably the most banal drink a teenager could order. But then again, Robin carried himself much differently than any other teenager most of them probably knew. He was already perusing the menu as if he didn't know it already.
- Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym eruses the menu. "I'll also have a Pellegrino with a wedge of lime. Real lime, not an unripe lemon... and a couple sugar cubes on the side." Hank looks over at the drinking men. "Sorry I can't drink on meds. Plus that dang Martian watches me like a Hawkman. He means well though. I may have him just... stay. He's good company. Likes old movies. Tolerates the Dropkick Murphys and Staind."
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
"I haven't a clue." Mike admits, "This is my first time as well. Keep getting invited. Keep putting it off. Although I might have to consider it next time I'm asked. I haven't found many places that I go to that serve Black Rock." He picks up the food menu, glancing over to Hank as he offers an explanation for his drink choice. "No judgment here. Water's fine. I'm just taking advantage of the time before I have to switch back to that."
As the drink order is completed and the barkeep walks off, a server walks over in a well fitting black dress. "Have you had a chance to see what you'd like?"
Mike glances down to the menu, "The Filet. 8. Medium with the potato, loaded. Please."
Giving a smile the server nods, and looks to the next person.
- Hellboy has posed:
Once Robin orders, Hellboy gives him an odd look, "Th'hell's Pellegrino? Why yes, he does tend to live under a rock from time to time, but seems to shrug it off once Mike is done ordering, looking at him, then the waiter, then back at Mike, before finally waving a hand, "Yeah, that's good." With the torch more or less passed on, he does grumble at Mike, "Mosta the time, I think m'doin good if they dont freak when I step in the front door. So I'll give em credit for that, s'pose. Nice place."
- Damian Wayne has posed:
"Sparkling water." Robin answers quick enough, before settling down with his order. "Nine ounce New York Strip, rare, fresh steamed broccoli and a Caesar salad." Yes, a teenage boy that ordered a salad and broccoli. This was a weird kid.
"Nice place indeed." He offered back, starting to be more at ease around the others.
- Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym hrms. "I will have the Marco Polo, saffron rice on the side. Oh here Baudelaire.... Bo? Okay you're q world class detective and you missed him slipping away. I'm making him working breed size again... /Charles Baudelaire! Get your abdomen back here! Leave that woman alone!/
Baudelaire abruptly is enlarged to great dane size. He looks up at Quiet and not too far up. Hank gets up to leash the ant. "Terribly sorry miss he's well behaved. You in no danger. Bo! Down.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
A meal, a break, a day off. However it might come about, even Quiet needed some time to relax when she wasn't working.
Of course, lack of dress code or not, Quiet probably wasn't going to be rocking up in a swimsuit and combat rigging. Still, as she steps into the restaurant dressed a little strange: exercise shorts and a sleaveless shirt more akin for a beach day than some fancy restaurant. But well...needs must!
Making her way through, a pause comes as she moves through the door and is immediately face to face with a giant ant.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike leans forward to lazily set his forearms on the table. The left hand clasped over the right. As Hellboy and Robin give their assessment of the place, he glances around. "Seems alright. Although I probably wouldn't want to come here during dinner hours. While I can do it, I hate dressing up when I don't need to be."
The server listens quietly to each person making their order, making no motion to write any of this down. Upon Hank pausing in the middle of the order. The smile on her face fades a bit to one more of confusion. Her head turns, looking in the direction the doctor is looking.
When Hank uses Bo's FULL NAME. Mike pushes back in his seat. The arms sslide off the table as he looks over to where the shouts are being directed at. The ant suddenly enlarging in size does make it easier for him to be located. "Uh be right back."
Expecting a bit of an incident, Mike follows after the leash carrying Hank. When Bo is secured and Hank gives a few words in parting. Mike pauses at the door, watching the doctor leave.
He turns to look to the antcosted woman. "Sorry about that. Bo's actually a very good Ant. Seems he wanted to wander around though."
The server, looks to the scene before looking back to the rest of the table. Well, this is awkward.
- Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy rumbles softly, "Yeah, Im not seein m'self in a suit n tie for this place, don't care HOW good the steak is..." He trails off as Hank leaves and a commotion is started, looking like he might get up himself, when Mike does instead, leaving the Big Red One to settle back down despite the creaking of his seat. By the time Mike returns, however, at least beverages arrive, enough for Hellboy to shake his head, "I guess if they aren't gonna bat an eye at me, then a giant ant should be scarin anyone, either..."
- Damian Wayne has posed:
Robin watched as Bo has made his way towards Quiet, though not reacting as strongly as others may have. "One is different than the other. A giant ant usually garners a different reaction."
The young hero takes a drink of his bubbly water, actually starting to enjoy this little excursion.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet had seen some strange stuff, in some circles she even counted as part of the 'strange'! Still, as the ant was hauled out and the eyecatching red of Hellboy crosses her senses? Quiet shrugs her bared shoulders and moves to take a seat.
Taking a menu there's a slight frown as the server passes her by. Distractions were a plenty and being mute did her no favors!
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike turns his head, looking to the server, shaking his head.
Giving a nod, the woman turns to look to the rest of the table, "I'll put your food orders right in." She states before walking off.
A pint glass with a pitch black liquid is set down at Mike's seat.
Sparkles- err... Hank's SPARKLING water is set not too far from Damian's .
As Quiet shrugs and walks away from him, the musician turns his head, looking curiously. Shaking his head, he heads back to his own table. "Sorry guys." He states, sitting down, "Hank has opted to head out with Bo. Looks like Robin gets an extra water. You'd think Bo would have gotten a LITTLE tired out from what happened last night."
- Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy watches Quiet head to her table as well as Hank leaving, shooting Mike a quizzical look, but finally shakes his head, murmuring, "Who's the girl in the shorts? Hank's wierd, but I dont recall his animal buddies flipping out before. I mean, yeah, he certainly had enough of em last night. Folks were sayin something about a horde? I was busy knockin a wall down." But then there's bourbon in front of him, the glass snagged to take a sip and wince a little, "A'ight, that's good stuff. I can live with this place."
- Stefani Houston has posed:
A lack of menu before her was going to make ordering a little difficult. With a non-verbal sigh Quiet was standing again, apparently suddenly back near the table where Michael, Hellboy and the grumpiest of Birds rest.
A soft clearing of her throat to gain attention as she skulks back over to the group, one hand is lifted to point to herself before she gestures with the same digit to the uncleared menu Hank had left behind.
Hopefully they could understand the improvised charades, because most of the people she'd encountered didn't really understand sign.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike shakes his head. "Hell if I know." Mike answers, "She didn't say anything. Just walked off." As he listens to Hellboy he gives a slight smile about the mention of a horde. "Don't know what was going on the inside. But outside after you started yelling, there were two giant ants causing confusion while Robin was doing what he does best. Bo was one of them."
Hearing a clearing of the throat. Pale eyes glance up and over to the quiet...Quiet. head tilting, he watches the pantomine and the gesture towards the menu. "...Oh." Brows lift before he shifts in his seat, reaching over to grab the menu and hand it over to her. "Host must be off their game if they sat you without one."
- Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy looks back up when Quiet approaches the table, savoring another sip of his bourbon, then glanes at the other seats at the table and shrugs before grunting at her, "We're runnin everyone else off. You wanna sit down and read up on th'food, be my guest. Neither one of us bite much. Least I dont think Smash here does..." He even flashes a small smile, which does NOT do him any favors in trying to look harmless.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Menu taken with a nod and still not a word spoken, Quiet almost makes to turn away and take her leave when she's addressed by the big red guy in the trenchcoat.
Pausing in her stride to consider. She had been among equally strange crowds and...well her 'work friends' had told her she should be more social.
A shrug, a nod, she makes to take the vacated seat offered.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike turns his head to look to Hellboy for a few moments before looking to Quiet. "Not really my name but... One wild night (Was it night? Was it really?) I broke a lot of glassware. Now he calls me that. The End."
He tilts his head back to Hellboy, "And I call him Red. Welcome."
He sits back, picking up his beer to sip.