6656/Sorcerers vs. Wizards: 1pt to Bucky.

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Sorcerers vs. Wizards: 1pt to Bucky.
Date of Scene: 21 June 2021
Location: Malta: Pre-Castle Storming
Synopsis: The boys get all healed up by Morrigan before they storm the castle to rescue Tyler. Bucky wins this round in Sorcerers VS. Wizards, but was he joking about Sarah or not?! ...and will Bucky see Sam first and avoid the promise of 'talking later'?
Cast of Characters: James Barnes, Sam Wilson, Morrigan MacIntyre

James Barnes has posed:
    It's not too long post 'worst day ever'. It's definitely not long enough that Sam and Bucky are healed from the ordeal - emotionally or physically. That first bit might take some doing, but apparently Morrigan can do something about the second bit?

    Bucky, however, is unaware of this fact. He's also not currently in his bed at the safehouse. He *should* be there, all tucked in and awaiting the Big Rescue. But the bed doesn't even looked slept in. Really though, is anyone *surprised* that he isn't there, where he should be? The window to his room is wide open. Well damn, Sam took his eyes of his friend for *five minutes*. He should know better by now.

Sam Wilson has posed:
    Sam is here less with the intention of actively participating in the op than he is to... well, keep an eye on Bucky. And it's an excuse to get the hell away from NYC, which is both necessary for safety reasons (hard to avoid people recognizing you there after a while) and emotional ones, too. It's a bit easier to process things when there's a bit of distance between you and the place it happened, and Sam's got a whole lot to process.

    But, yeah, he's definitely not going to be part of the rescue mission, as far as he understands it. He's got his wings with him because he never travels without them, but his left arm is in a sling while he (hopefully) recovers from nerve damage after his shoulder dislocated, there's a large bandage on his neck hiding a long line of stitches, and the fall of his t-shirt around his torso is distorted by the wrap around his midsection to stabilize two broken ribs. Not to mention the various other cuts and bruises he's sporting (he got slammed into a wall mid-air).

    Oh. And he's still recovering from being literally *stabbed in the back*. That too. It's an older injury, though, so those stitches might come out soon.

    "Dammit," he mutters, rousing from the half-doze he'd fallen into while still sat up, leaned back against the wall. Of course Bucky's gone. Nothing in his life is easy, and Sam spends a moment leveraging himself up onto his feet while minimizing the amount of movement his torso does before he sticks his head out the window to see if Bucky's still in sight.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan was up now, mainly because Bucky needed the Kimoyo bead she had to do his little side operation. But she didn't get told that. She'd been staying away from others mainly because of talks going sour and her heart felt heavy. But there wasn't a reason to not go wandering at night. And that leads her past the doorway that Bucky and Sam...wait, when did Sam get here?!

The redhead backs up and peers inside the room where Sam is looking outside the window, "He went to run an errand I think. I'm sure he'll be swinging back in any moment." she states as she looks to her phone. "When did you get in?" she asks him as she heads over to look out the other side of the window.

Then she registers that he's hurt and she frowns deeply, "You're going to need healed if you are going into this craziness." she states quietly as she looks over to him. She'd done it a long time ago. So it's not weird to offer again. "Is James beat up as well?" she asks.

James Barnes has posed:
    ...and look, there he is! Bucky comes trotting through the yard, dressed entirely in black, right down to the black face paint around his eyes. Once he gets to the side of the house, he's taking a running leap and snagging the window sill to pull himself...

    "Uh... hi?" he says as he's kinda dangling there with them on other side of the window and not leaving much room for him to move in. "Can y'maybe move?"

    He's looking a little worse for wear, but he was looking that way on the trip here. When isn't he these days? The cologne he's wearing is definitely 'Aude de Blood', at least to Morrigan. He's bleeding again, but just a little. That's what happens when one goes jumping out of windows and sneaking about when one is freshly stitched from two gunshot wounds.

Sam Wilson has posed:
    One of Sam's arm is up against the windowsill to brace himself, since he's a bit unbalanced at the moment, and when he hears movement outside the room he turns his head to look. "Hey, Mo." He's about to duck back inside when suddenly Bucky is just UP in his face and Sam had to scramble to get out of the way, narrowly missing giving himself a goose egg by smashing his head against the raised window. "Fuck's sake, Bucky," he grumbles as he steps aside.

    "You ever heard of this thing called 'a door'? New tech, you probably didn't have anything like it when you were a kid in the *bronze age*."

    He rubs the back of his head. "Not long ago," he says. "Sorry I've been out of touch, came up against some, uh, unsavory characters after an Avengers mission." There's usually a 'I'm good now' that comes after that part, but Sam is really just not feeling up to it. Also, he really doesn't look good.

    When Morrigan offers her healing, he holds up a hand and then hooks a thumb over his shoulder at Bucky. "Don't worry about me. Take care of him first, he got shot in the back." Pause. "Twice."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan looks HIGHLY amused as Bucky comes slinking back in through the darkness, "That's a look." she whispers to Sam with a smile. She'd not really smiled in a while. So it was nice. She looks down to Bucky who is hanging there and she breathes in deeply, "You're bleeding again, get in the damn window." she looks a bit miffed as she backs up and away so they can both get situated without her in the way.

"Hey Sam." she offers with a smile. "It's good to have you here for a bit. So don't worry about things." she tells him. "We'll get you feeling better...and hopefully no one will get shot again." she points out.

There's a look between him and Bucky before she looks back to Sam, "Only if he'll trust me to do it. I don't want to spook anyone with magic use. But being shot...is not a good thing on top of whatever is going to try to stop us when we go in." she frowns. She looks to Bucky, "I know you don't really know me, but Sam does. If you'll let him vouch for me...I'd be happy to heal you up." she tells him.

James Barnes has posed:
    Bucky heaves himself on in the window and dusts his hands off on his pants once inside. "I'm gonna need that bead, at least until we go," he tells Morrigan. He's already trusted the woman with that trinket which was a pretty big step, but this... He *looks* at Sam, it's not quite a BuckyStare(tm), but it's significant, with one eyebrow raised just slightly higher than the other. Well?

    "It's not the first time I've been shot, deal with him first." After all, Sam doesn't have Super Solider serum running through his veins. and maybe a little part of him is afraid to go first?

    He kicks his boots off after bending to untie them and shrugs out of his armored jacket to toss it on the bed that he should have been sleeping in.

Sam Wilson has posed:
    "It's kind of his thing," Sam replies, though he's less amused. Okay, maybe a little bit amused, he can't quite stop the twitch at the corner of his mouth. But his expression is mostly set into one of frustrated acceptance, eyebrows drawn together in consternation as he watches Bucky climb in through the window.

    He adjusts the strap of his sling. "Thanks. It's been a week." This is possibly the largest understatement of Sam's entire life, and he lets out a breathless chuckle that's more disbelieving than humorous; it's a twinge off of hysteria, but a big contrast to the level of personal composure Sam usually has.

    The BuckyStare(tm) is easily countered. It bounces right off of Sam like it's nothing, and he lift his good shoulder in a faint acknowledgment of it but levels Bucky with a flat look before he gestures towards Morrigan. "We're friends. Technically I work for her as a counselor for the school, but we talk outside of work. You can trust her."

    For a second, his head turns and he looks askance. He thought that about the guy who stabbed him too, but that was a much more surface-level friendship. Still, it's going to affect how Sam views his professional relationships going forward.

    Guess you really never know anybody.

    "If it's not too much trouble to deal with us both?" he asks first, to Morrigan, and then to Bucky: "It's fine, sure. She's done this for me before, no big deal." Well, little bit deal. Sam's been able to reconfigure his world views to account for androids, aliens, and wizards just fine, but it's still pretty wild.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan still had the kimoyo bead in her hand. Apparently keeping it safe was the most important thing next to saving Tyler. She opens up her hand and holds it out to Bucky once he's in and getting settled, "Here you go." she tells him. Then she looks to Sam, "I think you're up first." she stage whispers to him. She does look back to Bucky though as he kicks out of his boots and things.

She lets Sam talk and then she gives a look to Bucky, gaze not afraid to meet his. After she's vouched for though she relaxes a little. She turns to Sam and there's a smile, "No, no trouble at all." she admits. She reaches out to put her hand on Sam's shoulder gently., "Just breathe, nothing's going to hurt. But as always, it's an odd sensation." she tells him quietly. Morrigan then dips her head and closes her eyes before she starts whispering in another language softly. There's that violet energy that flows out of her hands and into Sam's body to get to healing. It's a sensation of warmth, protection even.

Sam Wilson has posed:
    Sam looks between Bucky and Morrigan as the bead is handed off, curious but not so much so that he outright asks. What little he knows about Wakandan tech is definitely enough to make him want to know more, but it's not necessarily any of his business, is it?

    His weight shifts from one foot to the other as he plants himself a little more solidly where he stands, and then he nods at Morrigan. When her hand touches Sam's shoulder, he leans into it for a second without meaning to, and then he reels back with an apologetic glance.

    It's been a week.

    "Yeah, sure. I'm good," he says, and then he feels it. The way it travels over him makes him shiver, sort of like when you've been out in the cold too long and then you finally sink into a nice, hot bath. It gives him goosebumps, but in a good way, and immediately the tightness of his chest--from everything, not just his broken ribs, but *everything*--gets a little looser. He sighs.

    Bucky mumbles something about getting cleaned up and Sam watches as he goes, before he turns back to Morrigan. "He's hurt worse than he's acting," Sam tells her, voice pitched low. Just in case super soldier hearing is trying to eavesdrop. "He took two bullets and fell eight storeys for me, and that's not even--."

    Not even the worst of it, he wants to say. But doesn't. Some things are beyond what Morrigan's healing can handle, and beyond what Sam is comfortable sharing. It's not his place.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan notices the lean into her hand, but she doesn't say anything. She was focused on healing the man for the moment. And now wasn't the time to crack any inappropriate jokes really. Her eyes are bright when she opens them, but she keeps her head down, "Yeah, I think it's his MO to say he's fine...but really isn't. He reminds me of someone I used to know." she admits.

"I like him though." she states in a whisper. "Our first meeting went poorly, but, wasn't his fault." she admits.

Then she's quiet again as the magic works around ribs and his other injuries. "I sense that he's extremely complicated. Is it fair to leave it at that for now?" she asks Sam as she starts to get towards the end of his healing.

James Barnes has posed:
    Sam is not wrong. Super Solider or not, that was a whole lot of hurt for one man. It's just that this one is a master at hiding his physical pain even if he sometimes, inadvertently, wears the emotional stuff on his sleeve. Bucky's in the bathroom right now so he can clean up the wounds he re-opened so it doesn't look as bad as it is if Morrigan has to see them to fix them.

    When he finally comes back out, he smells more like whatever soap they had in the bathroom than blood he gives no indication as to whether or not he heard any of the conversation.

    He holds that little bead up ... and it just works when he turns it this way and that. It works by projecting a holographic, 3D image of the insides of the fortress they're about to storm into the air. Now that's nifty. He managed to place all four of the beads at opposite corners of the building to form a complete picture.

    "Anyone look particularly 'magicky' to you, Ms. MacIntyre?"

Sam Wilson has posed:
    "Yeah, me too. He's a good guy, if you can get past the bad attitude." Sam snorts and tips his head back, eyes going shut. "You know the type. Acts like he doesn't care but deep down he does, way too much." That part of Bucky, Sam can empathize with. Sometimes caring too much is a weakness but it's one Sam's never tried to rid himself of, even if his therapist kept hammering him about it.

    In hindsight, maybe it's a good thing that she's maybe-probably HYDRA. Sam needs the excuse to find one that's a better fit.

    His chin drops and he blinks at Morrigon once, twice, and then he shakes his head, but not to disagree. "You have *no* idea," he mutters. "But it's fine. You don't have to worry about him." Because Sam's going to. And about every other thing he can possibly worry about, too. "We're good."

    He straightens a bit when Bucky returns, and it's nice not to feel the pinch of pain at the movement. Already he feels like a completely different person, as without the tension and discomfort of his body it's a lot easier to keep his thoughts in order.

    The holographic display earns a low whistle, less because of the visuals itself and more because it's coming out of that tiny bead. What, it's impressive! He's not Tony Stark, he doesn't get to deal with fancy tech stuff on the daily.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I already have kind of worried about him. So...I guess he's got one more person in his corner should he need it." she tells Sam.

Morrigan gives a look to the side when Bucky comes back in and there's a moment she just watches what he's doing. She'd never really got to see Wakanda tech and it was fascinating to see. Then he asks his question and she laughs, "Mister Barnes. That's not how it works. Do I look 'magicky'?" she asks him. Then she looks back to Sam and she gives his shoulder a gentle squeeze before she lets him go and steps back, "At least he didn't call me a Wizard." she points out. Then back to Bucky, "None of them look familiar sadly." she tells him.

James Barnes has posed:
    What's *really* cool is that once he's activated it, he lets it go and it floats there in the air. "There's no such thing as Wizards," he grouses. But he adds, "I dunno if magicky can see magicky or not, s'why I asked..." Bucky studies the holograph intently for a moment or five.

    His attention turns back to Morrigan. "What about age, would someone that powerful have to be... older, not like a kid or something?" He's really just genuinely curious in regards to how it could relate to the people in the holograph.

    "Do I need to strip or something?" ...for the healing thing. Sam didn't strip did he? Or if he did, he got dressed quick. But really... not 'does it hurt'? No, he's more worried about 'do I have to take my clothes off."

Sam Wilson has posed:
    Yeah, that *is* really cool. Sam likes tech; he treats Redwing like his son but he also fiddles with his internals all the time, and even does some custom coding. So this captures his attention, even as he slides his arm out of the sling and tugs it off, setting it aside so he can glance down at his hand.

    One by one he touches his fingers to his thumb, and then squeezes them into a fist before splaying them out wide. Seemingly satisfied, he gives a little roll of his shoulder, and then with a hard breath out of his nose he nods. "Thanks, Mo. Wasn't looking forward to doing PT for that one."

    He starts picking at the medical tape keeping the bandage on his neck, but he narrows his eyes at Bucky. "Met this guy once, goatee, wears a fancy red cape, goes by *Doctor Strange*? Come on, Buck, I know you pay attention."

    When Bucky starts talking about taking off his clothes, Sam holds up a hand. "You can keep 'em on," he answers. "Please." He levels a flat stare at the other man.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"It's different really. I can feel the presence of magic. Not really see it unless they are in the process of using it. And some can cast without speech or hand movements." she admits. "Young people can be just as powerful. Anyone can do magic. Just matters the time and energy you put into it really. So a child could be more powerful than an adult, yes." she tells him.

His question of stripping catches her off guard though and she looks at him for a split second before her face turns red. "No...no...you don't have to strip." she tells him as she ducks her head for a moment, her hair hiding her face for a moment before she regains composure.

"Are you comfortable with me laying my hand on your shoulder or something along those lines? I don't want to step on comfort zones." she adds after a moment.

Then she looks to Sam, still a little red in the face, "You're welcome. And yeah, no PT." she tells him. "And yeah, Strange is a sorceror." she points out with a grin. But she turns back to Bucky, "Whenever you're ready." she states.

James Barnes has posed:
    "See!" Bucky exclaims as he points to Morrigan. "I told you!" Sorcerer, not a wizard! He considers Morrigan for a moment or two before, "Right shoulder if you need to touch flesh." He's nervous, it's clear in his expression, that slightly pinched brow leaving little lines between his eyes.

    He shoots Sam a *look*. That look is... 'if she turns me into a frog I'm gonna piss on you and give you warts'. Really all that from a look or at least the gist of it.

    "Shuri's awesome man, seriously, the shit she comes up with *should* be magic." But it's not, it's tech... hence it working where magic won't.

Sam Wilson has posed:
    "Ah!" Sam leaves the bandage at his neck hanging half-off of him so that he can point at Morrigan. "A sorcerer is just a wizard who doesn't wear a hat! Doctor Strange is 100% Saruman the White, come on, you can't tell me that he isn't. It's the same facial hair, just shorter!"

    The bandage peels the rest of the way off and Sam touches the newly healed skin underneath, still moderately baffled. Magic really is something, and he huffs out a breath as he sits down on the edge of the nearest bed so that he can lift the bottom of his shirt up and find the end of the compression bandage where it's tucked in beneath the wrap around his ribs.

    "You're gonna be fine," he tells Bucky, meeting Bucky's eyes for a second. "Just be glad that those bullets didn't fragment inside you, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to dig them out."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan laughs. It's a genuine laugh. "Really? You guys have argued about this?" she seems entirely too delighted by this. "We're sorceror's. Not wizards." she nods. Then there's a look to Sam, "Sorry bud." she tells him. But her attention goes back to Bucky and she sobers once again, "Right shoulder. Alright." she nods to this as she steps just a little closer. Her hand stretches out to lay gently on Bucky's non metal shoulder. She rolls her eyes playfully at Sam's commentary about Wizards and sorcerors.

"Just remember to breathe. I won't hurt you." she tells him.

Then she dips her head to start speaking softly and letting the warmth of healing infuse Bucky like it did Sam. Maybe it's like a hug. But for your broken bones and organs.

James Barnes has posed:
    So she finally gets to give him that HUG! If Morrigan can tell how much needs to be 'hugged', well it's probably a lot. Bullets do a lot of damage, so do eight story falls. If not for the serum, he'd absolutely be dead. Cracked ribs, internal 'leaking' if not outright bleeding, is that a hairline fracture in his skull? Concussion.

    "Told you," he snarks at Sam... again. He looks a little smug. But when that purple shit starts happening, Bucky tenses. It's easy to tell that he's about to take a step back, but in the end he holds his ground. Well, it definitely doesn't hurt. His expression goes from pensive and nervous to a little bit of wide eyed wonder. "Huh..." His color starts turning more normal and less death pale, bruises fade beneath his clothing. The cut on his scalp knits.

Sam Wilson has posed:
    The look Sam shoots towards Morrigan is one of indignant confusion, as if to say 'Of course we argue about this.' As if the distinction between wizards and sorcerors (and witches and warlocks and cultists and...) is an important thing in either his or Bucky's life that needs to be clarified. And when Mo joins Bucky's side, Sam frowns down at himself as he undoes the last bit of bandage from around his ribs.

    "Is this where one of us says 'you clean up nice'?" he asks, fighting back a smile as he balls up his discarded bandages. He's only gone a moment after that, stepping into the bathroom to trash them and then scrub his face quickly at the sink, before he's back and leaning in the doorway. "Still, you know what would do you even more good? Eating real food, not whatever processed garbage you can get your hands on every other day." He folds his arms over his chest.

    "You know I'm gonna keep giving you shit about it until you do. You eat like my sister did when she was a teen, just straight sugar. I don't know how she has any of her teeth still."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look over to Sam and there's an apologetic look to him. But she doesn't pick at him about the arguing with Bucky really. Even if it was a smidge amusing. She nearly chokes at his joke about Bucky cleaning up nice. Oh no, she wasn't saying a word. She already blushed at other questions. So she wasn't lining up for more. "He worries about his friends." Morrigan tells the super soldier in a quiet tone. "I don't get to cook for a lot of people most times, but if you guys wanted to stop in sometime I'd be happy to cook for you." she chuckles.

The grip on his shoulder loosens just a little as the magic nears it's end of the healing process. "You should be all put together again." she tells him as she steps back, giving him his space. She looks about a shade paler than she was when she started the healing process though and there's a tired look cast between the two, "I'm going to need a nap." she sighs softly.

James Barnes has posed:
    "Yeah, well, your sister is none the worse for it," Bucky says with just a little added something in his tone to make the innocent comment sound not so much. He even waggles his eyebrows a little suggestively. Honestly though, he's just being an ass because it's Sam's sister they're talking about... Romance or even sex without the romance has been the furthest thing from his mind since Steve brought him in from the cold.

    He does 'clean up' nice though. That is to say that he looks way more like he's ready to kick ass and take names now than he did a moment ago. He can stand straighter without feeling like he was being stabbed in cut by a hot knife, his head isn't pounding anymore, his chest doesn't feel like his lungs are scraping against his ribs with every breath. He opens his mouth, about to thank Morrigan and then closes it again. His brow furrows. BuckyStare(tm) it happens, but not so much in the intense, scary way it normally does. "I... you shouldn'ta done that if..."

    Sam knows that look, that tone. It's Bucky's 'guilty' look. "I woulda been fine in a day or two without... you overextending yourself."

Sam Wilson has posed:
    Sam's indignant look returns, though now it's aimed at Bucky. "Uh uh, don't talk about Sarah. Don't even think about her." This is clearly another common thread of their bickering, and Sam narrows his eyes slightly before he pushes himself up straight. He walks over and puts a hand on Morrigan's shoulder, in case she's unsteady on her feet.

    "Thanks, Mo. We got put through the wringer pretty bad," and then he adds on in a lighter tone, "Obviously cyborg brain over there more than me," before he continues, serious in that way that Sam gets, steady without being intense. "Honestly, after this we're the ones who should be cooking for you. Though Buck'll probably just want to boil everything."

    He pulls back after and smiles, doesn't even bother pretending not to roll his eyes over-dramatically (purely to get a rise out of Bucky) as he says, "She's fine, she wouldn't have offered to help if she couldn't handle it. *You* could use a nap too." Hell, Sam could use a nap, but first things first.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's almost about to duck out of the way just in case Sam swings on Bucky over the sister comment. Though she gives a look to the super soldier and she gives him a genuine smile, "Magic always comes with a price. It's something I've had plenty of time to come to terms with." she tells him. "And don't give me that look." she tries to squint back at him intensely, it just ends up making her look a bit goofy. "You were bleeding internally and you fell eight stories. You needed to be taken care of. That's not a hard concept." she points out.

"I will be fine after a bit of a nap. You weren't going to suffer through a few more days." she nods to this. Sam's hand on her shoulder makes her look to him and there's a smile, "Hey, you guys are better. It's worth it." she admits. Then there's a chuckle, "There will not be any boiling unless it's seafood." she chuckles. "And what Sam said, I'll be alright." she nods in agreement.

"But yeah...should maybe try to buckle down and get a few hours of sleep." she tells them as she turns to head for the door that she'd entered through.

James Barnes has posed:
    "Maybe you should tell Sarah not to think about me?" Bucky counters. What does he mean by that?! Surely he's just making shit up to get a rise in return? Right?! ...but then again, he really *does* clean up well and he has those pretty pale blues that just seem to melt hearts. But no, he's just pullin' one over, has to be... doesn't he?

    "Boil?" Gross! "Put me in front of a grill and I can guarantee you'll sing a different tune."

    Then everyone is talking about naps. There's that crinkle in his brow again, "Yeah, you guys go on and get some sleep. I'm gonna keep an eye on things." He gestures toward the holograph still there in living color.

    Maybe Sam better let this one rest, really. If he got some sleep and didn't have dark circles the size of Texas under those pale blues... well.

    "I..." It seems like he might have something he's trying to spit out for Morrigan's benefit, but whatever it was he abandons it in favor of just, "Yeah, thanks."

Sam Wilson has posed:
    Nah, Bucky hasn't earned any punches for his comments about Sam's sister. Not yet. Just a few glares and some thinly veiled threats. Though he does cough out an unexpected breath and point at Bucky. "You're pushing it." Still, there's something about the way he says it that it's not really serious, the gleam of poorly hidden laughter in his eyes. Like he knows Bucky's just kidding.

    Uh, Bucky's kidding, right?

    "Why are you saying that like you think it's a win for you? You think I'd turn down a steak or something just on principle?" He looks over at Morrigan and raises an eyebrow. "What do you think, we hire him out for the next summer event at the school? The kids'll love him." At the very least, Sam will get some kind of grilled meat out of it. And a hell of a lot of enjoyment at Bucky's expense, probably.

    For a long moment, he considers the holographic projection. Yeah, it would probably be a net benefit for the op if Bucky were to stay up. But it would also be a net benefit if Bucky were to get some damn sleep already. "Man, what do you need? A bedtime story, a super soldier dose of melatonin, a security blanket? Which, you know, not judging if you do." Really. He holds his hands up. "But you do need to sleep."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan didn't have siblings, but she understood the joking about the sister. "He can always grill on the 4th if we all live through this." she muses to that. "And I'm sure the kids would like him." she tells them with a smile. Bucky's thank you catches her off guard though and she stops at the door and gives a look back to the two SHIELD agents, "It's never a problem." she admits. "Get some sleep." she smiles before she finally turns to walk out and back down the hall where she was staying.

James Barnes has posed:
    What he needs is to know he's going to sleep without waking up screaming and bathed bathed in sweat... or to know that he's not going to wake up with his hands around the throat of someone he cares about. But Bucky can't know either of those things, so...

    "I need you to shut the fuck up right now," he sort of snaps back after Morrigan leaves the room.
    Normally there would have been a quip about using Sarah as a security blanket, but not tonight. The nightmares have just been too often, too vivid lately. His lack of sleep is a sore spot right now because mostly? He's actually *afraid* to sleep these days. It's not like he doesn't know he needs some shuteye.

    Without so much as a glance at Sam, Bucky pulls a chair in the room over near where that holograph is playing out the happenings at the 'castle' they're about to storm and settles into it to watch and learn what he can while anyone that wants to nap, well, can.

Sam Wilson has posed:
    Sam sees Morrigan out and stands there for a moment after, hand on the doorframe, before he steps back and shuts it. Because, yes, he does in fact want to take a nap, and one of the beds in the room has his name on it. He doesn't react to Bucky's rudeness except for a habitual side-eye look, before he sits down on the edge of the mattress.

    He rolls his neck, left hand bent and extended back to dig into a knot between his shoulder blades, and then when he pulls it back around he looks down at his palm. Morrigan's magic did its job, he can feel all the way down to his fingertips again, but after a moment he tightens his hand into a fist and then releases it with a little shake. Sam's expression briefly turns troubled.

    "We're going to talk about this," he says, as much a promise as it is a threat, and then Sam beds down for forty winks or however many he can fit in before it's time to suit up and head out.

James Barnes has posed:
    "Not if I see you first," Bucky mutters under his breath like an insolent little toddler. He leans forward in the chair, elbows on his knees and studies that holograph as if it might hold all the answers to all the questions. It isn't until Sam's asleep that he lets his head hang so his hair falls in front of his face and closes his eyes.

    The few ragged breaths he takes to try to pull himself together and get his emotions in check likely won't wake his friend and when he looks back up again, those emotions are all bottled down again and gone from his expression and those pale blue eyes.

Sam Wilson has posed:
    Sam doesn't even bother dignifying that with a response. Maybe he's already asleep.