6904/Who wants to wait for supper.

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Who wants to wait for supper.
Date of Scene: 12 July 2021
Location: Main Kitchen
Synopsis: A nice meal, and new friends.
Cast of Characters: Samuel Guthrie, Dyani Zitkala, Clarice Ferguson, Rahne Sinclair

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie had some early classes and got out a bit early but had to skip lunch. So, once back at the mansion he has found his way to the kitchen. He has already put some water on the stove to boil, but nothing is in it, as he has his head stuck in the fridge trying to decide what he wants.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Summer! Most students love summer, no classes, no work, nothing but daily chores here at the Mansion, but Dyani was BORED. She can't watch television, she can't read books, she can't play games, so really she has just a few things she can do. Follow Mister McCoy around petting him and watching him work, tend to her bees which she does religiously, and eat.

With Clarice visiting, she loved Clarice, a trip to the kitchen was needed for food. Dyani didn't so much run in the halls a she did fly really fast in the halls, into the kitchen and.... "Clarice! New face!" Right back out of the kitchen and into Clarice.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Well - the Mansion is a popular place," Clarice remarks in amusement as the purple-skinned mutant steps into the kitchen. She half expects it to be Worthington again with another spread of leftovers from some event or another - but when it's 'merely' Sam - she greets the boy with a nod of greeting and a friendly smile. "Don't mind Dyani. She gets a bit excited. What should we fix up?" she asks the girl - waiting for Sam to clear the way to the fridge so she can check what's even in there.
    Not that Clarice has the talent to 'fix up' anything complicated. Learning how to cook was definitely not included in her actually rather limited repetoire of life skills.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie is pulling some left overs out of the fridge. A container of chicken fried the night before, as long with some tater salad, and even some macaroni salad. He looks over to the ladies, and offers a smile "Good to meet you Dyani, if you two want there is enough left overs here for three or probably more, I went a wee bit over board last night."

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Clinging to Clarice like velcro, feet on the ground, Dyani's wings are fluttering behind her like crazy as she looks at Sam. Her head turns one way, then the other, at one point it is completely sideways as she studies him. In that moment several small bees lifts off from her person and fly over to Sam as well, getting in closer to hover at face level, then away, then back into his face and finally they fly back over to Dyani.

"You know him?" She asks Clarice, very slowly stepping out from behind the purple mutant. "We like left overs." Wings flutter, then flutter again. "With sugar water."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I do," Clarice confirms. "Sam here is part of the Bushwick Neighborhood Watch," she explains for Dyani's benefit. "He's a rather upstanding fellow in general. And like I said - most folks here at the mansion are decent sorts. With all the kids around, Professor Xavier tries to only keep trust worthy folks." Then again, Xavier could perhaps be argued to be //too// trusting. At least she's heard that arguement made more than once.
    "Left overs are fine. I don't know how to make anything more complicated than a sandwich, or a microwave meal," she admits. "Thanks Sam."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles and says "Well your welcome to some of my tea if you want." He offers to Dyani, as many folks have called his tea sugar water, it is southern sweet tea. He nods, and will put enough chicken for all three of them on a pan and slide it in the oven to warm up. He then moves to pour some sugar into a pitcher. "Now this sugar water is going to be hot, so don't try to drink it till it has had time to cool, and it will be Tea as well. He takes the pot of water that was on the stove and pours it into the pitcher to melt the sugar.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani inches out from behind Clarice, moving toward Sam, her head continuing to tilt and bend. Eventually her slow inching gets her to almost arms length, his arms, not her own. "We are Stinger, or Dyani, Dyani in the school," she offers, because that's the polite thing to do. "You have sweet tea?!" And now she loves him. "We /love/ sweet tea!"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Dyani's a new student," Clarice supplies - as if that really need clarifying. The girl looks like a very young teen, and those Clarice generally gets tense about people in her personal space - she seems to have had no problem with Dyani hiding just behind her, or grabbing hold of her arm. "Did you, uhh, make the chicken yourself?" she asks curiously - leaning back against one of the counters casually.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods a bit to Clarice, and says "Yea it is my Ma's recipe, and it is set for making enough for a house full on the minimum." He chuckles a bit and looks to Dyani, and says "Well hello Dyani, Ah'm Sam Guthrie, or in costume you can call me Cannonball. And between me and another we try to make sure there is sweet tea in the fridge at all times." He does pour her and himself a glass holding the pitcher up to see if Clarice would like some too, or wants something different. Once he has poured her some or put it back in the fridge, he will wipe his hand on a dish towel and offer it to Dyani "Glad to meet you, and don't let the place overwhelm you, we were all new here once. Ah was probably not much older than you when Ah came to the school myself."

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
The fridge gets eyed, as in Dyani turns her head and her compound eyes look the appliance over before she looks back to Sam.

"Costume? You wear costumes? We do not see you as a pirate or princess, but a cannonball? Is your costume all stone looking or are you a metal cannon ball?" Flying up to get a glass, she now fills it from the fridge with sweet tea, and... adds more sugar.

"Clarice, why would a grown man wear costumes?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice accepts a cup of the tea from Sam - giving him a grateful nod. She takes a long, slow sip in response to Dyani's question, though she's not entirely certain the action is needed to hide her expression from Dyani, given the girl's vision issues. Finally she offers, "Some folks have outfits they wear when they get called in to help stop dangerous situations, or rescue people, or whatever happens to be going on. And some folks call those outfits 'costumes.' It's not a like a Halloween thing," she explains simply.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to them and says "Sorta like if you have clothes to work in the garden or in other places. But not to worry about it to much. So, what are you two up to this evening?"

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
As Dyani moves away from the sugar to stir the tea and get it all mixed in, five to ten bees seems to crawl out of no where and head into the glass to steal some. Her eyes shift from Clarice, after the explanation, and return to Sam.

"Oh! You are a helper hero! Clarice is hive, she heroed me away from Hydra, but she did not wear a costume." She nods sagely, as if that explained everything Sam might need to know. "Is your um... uniform like Superman or Batman's? To make it clearly known you will help those in need, or in Batman's case, vigilante everything on Gotham?"

Even with the bees flying in, landing to steal drinks, then flying away, she lifts the glass to her mouth and takes a drink. The bees merely move, wait and then fly in again for more sweet tea.

"Clarice, can I have a costume?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    A costume. Great. "We'll look into it, Dyani," Clarice promises. "But there's no rush. Right? Doctor McCoy is still working on those goggles for you. You need to practice and learn more about your powers... And you get to start working on your reading and studying more once we get your vision sorted out. Doctor McCoy sounded very hopeful about the whole thing."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to her, and says "You may want to wait a bit on the costume, Ah had to go through a lot of training before Ah got my first, one it was somewhat like a stepping stone, saying Ah had learned enough and was ready to try to help people with less chance of things going wrong. When Ah first started training with my powers Ah had a lot of issues controlling them fully."

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani Zitkala nodnodnods many times to Clarice, then goes in search of a straw because the bees are now all over inside her glass. "We have to get better at what we can do before we can help." She looks over at Sam for a moment, then finds the straw she was looking for and pokes it into her glass. "We have to get better, stronger and learn things before we can help others like Clarice helped us. We know this, but if we start designing a costume now for when we graduate, we will be ready. Our wings make it difficult to wear clothing, so serious design will be required."

She moves over by Sam now, much closer, once again looking him over in that odd way or turning her head and tilting it sideways until finally she gets just the right angle. "Oh! You are quite handsome! Clarice, you should see how handsome he is!"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    The purple tone of Clarice's cheeks deepen just a little at Dyani's comment - and she helps herself to another drink from her glass of tea. Yup. Conversations with Dyani always go strange and sideways directions. "So he is," she finally agrees. "And rather helpful and forthright - if I do say so myself. Sam's a good man," she remarks, giving him an appreciative nod.
    And staying right where she is, across the kitchen, leaning back against the counter.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles and says "Well thank you Dyani, and your a lovely young lady. " He notices the bees seem to be getting more and more "Do you talk to the bees?" He asks her, not seeming to bothered by the closeness or the odd behavior, he has know a few others with odd behavior patterns.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
A few more bees fly out of the glass, and a few more fly in, they are taking turns between Dyani's sips.

"They are our hive," she explains, as if that should cover it. She glances to Clarice for a moment then back to Sam and realizes that might not be enough. "Some are our hive, some are from out side. They are all apart of us, we can talk to them, control them and make them part of us. We can speak to bees, hornets, wasps, and any sort of flying insect that can string, bees are merely more communal and easier to work with. Wasps and hornets are mean, and prefer to be alone, but we can call them if needed."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "And the bees remain quite docile, thankfully," Clarice adds helpfully. "I mean - I suppose it takes a little getting used to for most people - but I haven't been stung even once, and apparently neither has Dyani's parents." And they've obviously spent more time around the girl than she has.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "Well, probably is more likely people who aint going to freak out when see them. You may want to work on a call to have them all come to you or even behind you, as someone who is scare or allergic to them might react badly out of instinct. Can see where could be handy for both you and the wasps and such, if find them nesting somewhere, where they liable to either tick people off or people tick them off you can get them to move to a place where they will be less endangered and dangerous.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
The big compound eyes blink once, then Dyani's wings droop. "They have a call, they don't sting people unless we tell them to, why would someone be mean to them! It hurts then they are harmed. I keep them safe and away from people, except to see them, we do not see well, so we have to use the bees to see." She frowns very deeply, then seems to remember something.

Fishing into her pocket she removes an epi pen, "Mr. Hank has me carry this for other people, does that help? Are they okay now?" She looks over at Clarice, this all clearly upsets her. "We do not let them hurt people, not even the hornets and wasps, we promise.... except Ace, we stung him on purpose, in a very painful place, or we assume it is painful."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It's alright Dyani," Clarice reassures the girl with a smile. "People don't understand about you and your bees until we explain it. Right?" she remarks, before returning her attention to Sam. "With Dyani around - it's my understanding that there will be //more// bees around here... but that beestings arre actually far less likely. She just... won't allow them to get aggressive. There's actually some hives for the bees now - down in the garden. So the school will also be getting fresh honey out of the deal."
    Towards Dyani she adds, "You know some people are just plain scared of bees, though. And if people do seem scared, you just need to respect that and help keep the bees away from them. People can't really help what they're frightened by."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and will place a hand gently on Dyani's shoulder if she lets him, and says "That is good to have, and Ah understand you would not have them hurt someone specially as with a lot of bees, stinging is a last resort. But just wanting you to be aware if someone does react badly to them before they know you and know they aren't going to hurt them, you had a way to call them to you to keep them safe while you explained they were not dangerous. Ah had a cousin who was so afraid of bees, saw him just three foot in the air when a big fly buzzed by his head.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani sighs softly, her tone sounding defeated, "We know people are scared of them, but we do not understand why. Without bees, nothing would grow, and there would be no food or flowers or..."

And then he touches her...

Both of Dyani's eyes go wide, wider than they already were, she jumps and tenses at the same time and STARES at him. What happens next should be expected, but may not have been. The hand on her shoulder has several bees crawl out of literally no where, it looks like they crawled out of her skin even, and move onto his hand, just buzzing with the tension that is in her body.

"We are not used to be touched," she admits, eyes still wide, then she and the bees all seem to calm a little, because Sam didn't to anything but touch. They however, do not leave his hand while it is on her shoulder. "We can control them completely, we can also hide them when they need to be hidden. Would you like to see?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice remains silent for the moment, watching the interraction curiously. It was perhaps the first time she'd seen anyone other than herself initiate contact with Dyani. She'd sort of assumed - as touchy as the girl could be - that it would have been welcomed.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie 's brow raises a bit but he does not jerk his hand back or anything. "Ah'm sorry if I upset you, was meant to be a reassurance to let you know things were ok." He will slowly move his hand away "Ah did not mean to make you uncomfortable." He offers to her. He give her a smile says "Sure, Ah would love to see what you can do."

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani looks over at Clarice for a moment, as if confirming that everything is alright, and since Clarice isn't freaked out or upset, everything /is/ alright. She looks back to Sam and offers him a big smile, "We did not mean to be upsetting and react that way, we are not used to being touched by people we do not know and the last time that happened, we were kidnapped and forced to do bad things. We are still adjusting."

The bees on his hand fly off the minute he moves his hand, and both can watch them land on Dyani. Those that land on skin, such as her neck and face merely melt into her, like watching a drop of mercury rejoining a larger pudding. Those that land on her clothing crawl up to the skin and disappear in the same way until there are no bees, anywhere, except the one stubborn one still in the glass.

"They are part of our hive," she says almost cheerfully. "We are the hive."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "//No one// here would do something like that to you, Dyani," Clarice says quietly, but firmly. "And you know I will always come after you if anything happened. But I don't think it will." She nods to Sam as she adds, "And like I said - he's a good man. He helps protect other mutants, and people like your parents, from anything that threatens them. You can trust Sam."
    She seems unbothered by the way the bees seem to come and go from Dyani's form - as if she's seen this many times befoe. Probably because she has.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie hmms and watches it for a moment, and says "Interesting so when you say you are part of them and they are part of you you mean it fully." He hmms and gets the chicken out and starts dishing up food for all three of them. "When you meet new bees, do they become part of you as well?"

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Again Dyani looks between Clarice and Sam, several times, the words finally seeming to seep in and... Sam gets hugged. Dyani just zips over and hugs him, she forgot to ask but oh well.

"Yes, they can become part of us, but only a certain number, we cannot hold all bees, but we want to. We want to protect them all, but they can be a part of us and we can release them back to their other queens when needed. We can also use them to see things out there, explore and spy on things, that is how we found the bad mutant controlling humans."

Only now does she let him go and step back. "Sorry, we are supposed to ask, but we forgot."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "She really likes hugs," Clarice remarks in a dry tone.
    Clarice really //doesn't//. But she's used to them from Dyani.
    "Thankfully, she can also use to bees to help her heal if she's hurt. Though - that shouldn't be much of an issue around here." She finishes off her first glass of sweet tea, moving to retrieve the pitcher for a refill before she asks curiously, "You know - I never asked. Do you get sick, Dyani? Like... can you catch a cold?" Mutant biology can be so strange. And since her body is //composed of bees//... Maybe she can't?

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will give her a gentle hug in return seems he is ok with hugs, may come from coming from a big family "It is ok, you can hug me when ever you want Dyani, Ah'm ok with hugs most any time." He does say "Ok everyone grab a plate, and we can eat and chat some more." He offers

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Taking one of the plates, she adds more tea to her glass then heads toward a table, or with them. "We do not get ill Clarice, except from pesticides, they make us very ill. With the bees always coming an going, we are always in a state of perfect health, unless we get hurt, then we must have more bees to heal."

Having the okay for hugs any time, that might be a mistake, just like Hank will eventually have a bald spot petted into one of his arms, but it was given and Dyani smiles great big. "We will remember Sam Guthrie, that hugs are okay with you!"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Now you've done it," Clarice mutters to Sam in an amused aside as she claims a plate with silverware, along with her drink. She follows along with the others, sliding into a chair, and picking up the chicken for a tenative bite. "Mmm." She takes a second bite, and after swallowing she adds, "This is good! You know, I should take you up to the Asteroid to teach one of our chefs the recipe," she remarks in a cheerful voice.
    Then towards Dyani she adds, "Well. It's a good thing you're here - the school has so much land, pesticides shouldn't be a problem anymore."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, a bit and says "Miss Monroe, will like you alot, she has lots of plants, and helps keep the weather nice for us. Ah do a bit of gardening here as well. He hmms a bit in thought "May talk to you about having different hives work with different plants. Different flowers make the honey taste different Ah have heard." He looks over to Clarice, well would have to ask Ma about sharing her recipe to space, but Ah think she would be ok with it."

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani nodnodnods profusely, "Oh yes, the honey is different depending on the pollen used to make it. Wild flower honey is sweeter, clover honey is sticker with a more green taste, and honey made from flower vegetables tends to not crystalize as quickly. We know all about honey, because the bees have told us."

She settles into a chair, but the chicken is left to sit there while she sips at the tea. Bees emerge again, hard to tell if they are her or free bees, but they are the ones that go and land on the chicken.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice sits at a table with Sam and Dyani - each with a plate of fried chicken, with macaroni salad and potato salad, plus glasses os sweet tea. Clarice seems quite intent on her fried chicken, though she gives Sam a curious, almost puzzled look. "Is that something people keep as a secret? How to cook different kinds of food?" she asks. "Hardly seems like a secret worth keeping..." She furrows her brow as she tries and fails to puzzle out the logic of it. What's to be gained from a secret like that...?

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
The nose tells her everything. If she were in wolf form it'd be even worse, but even as a human Rahne's always had a sensitive nose. It was hell at the monastery, able to scent all the good foods that her father fed guests, with none for her. In the school it mostly leads to not being able to concentrate on studying.

Surprisingly, teachers tend to not want to hear 'I couldn't do my homework because the boys won't shower'. Or that someone is cooking something...something nice.

She sniffs the air, then throws her book across her room. Two minutes later she's at the door to the kitchen, the door opening with what was meant to be a slam but ends up being a soft swish. And she stands there, five feet of upset, going. "Do ye know how good thae smells???"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks up as Rahne comes in and chuckles a bit "Well it should be, it is Ma's recipe." He tells her "There is still some on the tray in the oven, oven is off should still be hot, cooked it last night but just warmed up some." He then looks to Clarice, and says "It is more a tradition thing, used to be a town would have contests for who had the best pies, or chicken, or who grew the biggest watermelon or such. Still see it in some smaller towns or state fairs, but not as common any more. He then looks over and says "Rahne, this is Dyani, she is a new student, and has a bit of a way with bees, and wasps and such flying critters."

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
New voice. Both wings stick out from her back to the side and Dyani turns slowly in her chair to look at Rahne with her huge compound eyes. Her head tilts to the left, then the right, then almost all the way over to the left again as she looks at the other girl. A few bees lift off from the piece of chicken to fly over and almost in Rahne's face, but not quite. They hover right there, as if they are looking at her, then fly back and land on the chicken again.

"Hello!" Dyani offers cheerfully. "We are Dyani, or Stinger... or just Dyani. We are pleased to meet you Rahne."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice nods to Rahne, a simple acknowledgement as she takes another bite of her chicken. "You should join us," she remarks. Or at least, she tries to. It comes out rather garbled.
    After she swallows the mouthful she looks back to Sam asking with puzzlement. "Chicken cooking contests? I've never heard of anything like that. Does your mother enter those? Did... she win?" she asks with curiousity - before looking over towards Dyani, to see if this makes more sense to the younger girl.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
The tiny redhead's face is a study in how not to act on espionage missions. Every emotion she has goes through her, her anger at Sam going to a sudden annoyance at herself, her stomach taking that moment to rumble and complain that it hasn't been fed in ages, simply ages!

Rahne's face turns a little red, embarrasment evident as she takes a step back, then returns to the room as she pulls at her own hair for a moment. "Ah...ah mean, y..." Then, as she's greeted and introduced she blinks. She looks at Dyani a moment with eyes that widen, clearly looking right at those compound eyes, before the bees come up to play.

f"Ah, es nice...tae..wha?" Someone failed their diplomacy training.

A few moments later though as the bees retreat, she visibly glances at Clarice, then at Sam, and while she clearly has something she wants to say she instead says, "Chicken sounds good." Then she looks at Dyani for another second and gets a plate. "Ah be sorry, am nae normally s' rude."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie grins and says "My grandma, and great grand ma did, ma had her hands full with us kids, but the recipe has been handed down through the family. He does make room for Rahne to have a seat next to him, and says "Rahne here an old friend, she started classes her just a wee bit before me." He informs Dyani "If your wanting to know about the neat places where cool things grow out in the wilderness, Rahne might know, better than most."

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani had only been paying partial attention to Clarice, she heard what she said and it made sense to her, but her eyes were on Rahne, trying to see her still. Her head tilts all the way to the left and... there it is, Rahne as clear as she is going to get her.

"We are not just one, we are a hive," she explains, hoping that helps with the confusion, and then she looks to Clarice. "What you said makes sense to us, we have never heard of competing with food... large vegetables yes, but not food."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I can be rude enough for both of us," Clarice offers Rahne with an amused smile. "If it makes you feel any better." She takes a sip of her sweet tea - which remains blissfully free of bees. If that wasn't proof of Dyani's control over the little insects - what other proof did you need? She returns her attention to Dyani as she adds, "Contests to grow large vegetables also sounds pretty odd. But... well. It's not like there's any harm in it? Did you and your parents do competitions like that?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
With a nod, Rahne quietly accepts Sam's opinion of her outdoor skills. She doesn't look like much, but anyone who's seen her work knows otherwise. She slips in next to Sam, bumping his shoulder with her own in a friendly fashion, but lets others talk first. it's her way.

Though she definitely is curious about the new arrival, and something in Clarice keeps drawing her attention, it's to Sam that she speaks first. "Es yer mum alright?" she asks, with a definite softness of tone and heart. She worries.

Not wanting to interrupt Dyani and Clarice's talk, she gets herself some chicken real quick. Damn stomach. "Gonna make m' fat," she grumbles under her breath.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "The way any of us run around here, Ah don't see that happening for any of us." He grins and says "She is doing pretty good, talked to her earlier in the week, she said Paige checked in and is doing well." He offers. He does eat a bit and says "Dyani just joined us at the school, and is learning more about it and that the folks here are good people. " He looks over to Dyani and says "Rahne is good people here too, she is like a sister to me, and Ah trust her with anything." He tells the ladies.

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
The chicken continues to be consumed by bees, in fact there is quite a collection on it now. As for Dyani, she is enjoying the extra sweet sweet tea, which also has bees coming and going from it.

"Clarice brought us here," she says softly with a smile. "We like it better than the apartment, and our human parents know we are safe and getting an education here, so they are very happy. We call them every other day to tell them what we are up to, and they call us on the weekends. We are grateful they are not in danger from Hydra, they are talking about moving from the farm however, to a smaller place, we think that might be best for them."

Now she does reach for the chicken and the bees just fly up and land on her instead. Some melt into her skin, others just remain there buzzing as she takes a bite.

"Rahne, would you show us these neat place? We like outside a great deal, easy to fly out there."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice smiles - glad to see Dyani making friends, and nibbles again at her chicken, which is quickly disappearing. She takes another sip of her sweet tea, while looking between the others present. It was so... calm, and homey, and relaxed. "This is a much better place than that apartment. Is there anyone in particular at the school that's a bit more tempremental?" Clarice muses in a thoughtful tone. "I mean... Logan's around here sometimes, right?" And he wasn't always the friendliest fellow. But maybe that's just because she so often smells like Creed. "Anyone else?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
While Rahne is unable to address some things being discussed, she's fully capable of being happy for Sam's mom. She gives this little smile up at him that's so natural, so instant, that it feels like she's been blessed simply by hearing that someone is doing alright. "Tha be wonderful, Sam. She...ah."

Her smile drops at that point, something she's thought of derailing that deep sense of warmth. But she shakes it off and looks up at Dyani. "Ah. Certain sure ma'am," she says, treating Dyani not like a new arrival, but as someone special. "D'ye mind 'f ah eat first?" She has chicken that's begging to be in her tummy, and she's been hungry since Sam started cooking it. Last night. Yes, that long.

Out of the blue, she adds, "All o' th' kids be a bit, Clary. Es kids, 's what they do." She looks like a twelve year old herself, yet she's talking like she's oh so adult..

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie hmmms and says "Laura can seem a bit stand offish at times, but thats sorta like Logan, just who she is. Cable if he is around, can be a bit gruff at times, but that depends on the day." He hmmms and scratches his chin "On the opposite side, Ah am sure Gabby will want to meet you and talk to you and get to know you."

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani gets a very confused expression on her face, left brow raising as she looks over at Clarice. "We... are... confused," she just flat out says, her wings even starting to twitch a little. "We are not ma'am, we are Dyani. We do not care if you eat first, or if you never show us, we were just asking..."

The confusion seems to have her brain short circuiting a little, it's obvious even in the way the bees on the chicken start twitching and buzzing, though they remain where they are.

"We..." and she just goes silent, trying to figure out what just happened, what Rahne was talking about, just generally what the hell.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice has another one of those moments where she's forced to pick up her tea - to cover from the amusement she feels at poor Dyani's expense. The poor girl; she's a sweet thing, certainly, but she does have a hard time sometimes.
    "Don't worry about it, Dyani, I think Rahne's just trying to be polite." Looking towards Rahne she adds, "Honestly, it's better to just be straight forward and plain spoken with Dyani. There's less understandings that way. Dyani would be delighted if you showed her around - at your convience. No rush, right, Dyani?"
    She finishes off her chicken leg, then starts in on her potato salad as she adds, "Well, can't imagine Dyani'd have much cause to hang around any of them. ...does Laura come here often?" she asks curiously. "Laura with the..." She makes a fist, then flexes her fix downward to extend her wrist. Her way of miming the claws coming out.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne, who'd just taken a bite (finally) of her food, realizes that she's made some kind of f-up. Somewhere. She isn't sure what she did, which is fairly her norm, so she goes with the standard. Apologize.

"Ah be so sorry," she says, lowering her chicken to the plate while lowering her eyes. She keeps looking at Dyani, but only from a lowered gaze. "English be nae m' native language. Ah make mistakes. Ye jus' gotta tell me tae slow down an' try again, 'sall."

Taking a moment to listen to Clarice, she nods. But doesn't see that she needs to add anything or correct what Clarice said. The lady seems to have said it quite well. Hopefully.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks between the two and says "Rahne is polite as Clarice said, till she gets to know someone she uses signs of respect like Sir, and Ma'am, once she gets to know you, you get "Hey you., and shirts thrown at your head, if you leave them in the dryer when she is planning on doing her laundry." He teases Rahne a bit and says "There are a lot of folks around here from different places, and if you don't understand something someone says or does, you can ask one of us or most time even ask the person."

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
The big compound eyes blink once, indicating there are eyelids there some where, then Dyani seems to reboot and nods.

"You do not need to be sorry, we are easily confused by many things. Clarice understands we are not quick in our head, it is many random voices together, that is why we are we, and not I." She offers Rahne a smile, trying to show everything is fine. "Eat your chicken, it is very good, we like it a great deal."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Dyani's a good kid," Clarice remarks. "But - well. It's just how it is with all mutant kind, right? We have to take people as they are." She gives a shrug of her shoulders. "We're all pretty weird in different ways." She smiles with wry humor - eating more of her potato salad, looking between Sam and Rahne curiously - noting the fondness and familiarity. Hrm. Close friends? Or family? She couldn't quite decide.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne tries to kick Sam in the foot without really trying, not really needing to add to what was said. Is that an agreement or an argument? Who can tell? But she does pause, looking at Clarice a moment, and opens her mouth to speak.

When nothing comes out, she slowly closes it again, then suddenly blurts out, "We gottae talk," to the purple wonder. "Ah mean, we...thaur be stuff." It trails off, and she sighs. "Ah mean, sometime."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over, and says "Does it need to be private, Ah can step outside if need be" He does dodge the kick smiling a bit. "If it is something ya don't want me to hear carrot top."

Dyani Zitkala has posed:
Dyani looks from Clarice to Rahne, then back again. She has no idea to offer to leave, so she goes back to sipping her tea and letting the bees enjoy the chicken. She's willing to leave if needed, but not a single voice in her brain gives her that hint. Not even when Sam offers to leave does a single voice get it.

"We very much like Rahne just as she is, even if we do not fully understand her, we will learn, and that will make it even better."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It will indeed," Clarice agrees with Dyani - giving the girl a bright smile, though her gaze is quickly returned to Rahne, her expression curious and puzzled. "Sure thing, Rahne," she agrees. "Anytime. I mean - my afternoon's clear to just... spend time here, at the school." With Dyani. She likes to check in at least once a week. Look - she's protective of the little bee girl. She's a bit... simple in some ways. And possibly too trusting. If it weren't Xavier's, she'd be even more paranoid.
    "Can you say what about?" she asks curiously.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne looks at her chicken, which she hasn't finished, and for some reason seems to have lost her appetite. She doesn't answer either Sam or Clarice for a moment, trying to gather her thoughts, and bites her lip. Then she says, "No. Maybe will talk 'bout et later." Apparently she's not really ready, or it's something she thinks should be private, but there are clearly emotions gathering.

Then, almost with a suddenness, she looks up at Dyani. She tilts her head, her eyes still just short of crying about the previous issue, and says, "Thae be amazing. Do thae, an' naer change et. Es pure wisdom ye ken, an ae could learn from ye, truth."

She seems to nod, almost without moving. But something Dyani said really affected her. Bee girl or not.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie 's phone rings, and he pulls it out and looks to the number "Hey guys I need to take this." He looks to them and says "It was a pleasure meet you Dyani, Clarice, Rahne, have a good one and if you need me you know how to get ahold of me."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice studies Rahne, puzzlement and curiosity both on her features. There's even just a hint of concern peeking through. "You know - sure," she promises the girl. "I'll come find you another time," she promises. "You got the number for my cell?" If not - she'll be sure to provide it. She nods to Sam as he leaves, then turns her attention back to her meal, chatting lightly with Dyani and Rahne about the school, and the grounds surrounding it - as if nothing had ever happened at all.