7465/Good Eating and Good Company

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Good Eating and Good Company
Date of Scene: 21 August 2021
Location: Holy Ghost Church
Synopsis: Drax is on Earth and is out for some meat when he wanders into a church with his meal. He runs into good company in the form of Gabby and Phoebe and they all get to know each other a little better.
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Drax, Gabby Kinney

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    It was a short walk from the bar to the Church. Phoebe wasn't even sure just why she felt drawn in on tonight of all nights, maybe there was an argument. Maybe there was a moment of piety, or confusion, where she just needed to be one place where her roommates probably wouldn't go.

    Well. Church would do as well as any. She slips into the sanctuary, and removes her hood, dark eyes gazing to the stained windows showing the Stations. She knew them by heart, and quietly she ran a hand through her poodle-poof of a hair, making it just a little bit more presentable before she took a seat in one of the back pews for proper contemplation of her lot in life.

    And man, was there a lot in life to contemplate!

Drax has posed:
Drax still has stacks of Earth cash left over from his last and first drip to the blue marble.  He generally just keeps it in its sack and uses it to rest his head up.  His shipmates asked him why he brought it back with him.  Well today is one of those days that answers the question.

Someone has set Drax up with a thick chain wallet that is busting the back pocket of those pants.  It faintly jingles as he thump thump thumps along shirtless.  He's a known entity, and likely being watched while here.  One's slate might be wiped clean, but protectors of Earth aren't idiots.

"Yeeeeeees!" Drax shouts, his hands raised up in triumph when he sees the street vendor halfway down the block.  He pulls out the wallet and the chain immediately snaps and whacks him in the chest, the nipple to be precise.  "Ow," he hunches slightly as he lifts his hand to his breast momentarily.  Then he straightens back out into that towering presence.

"12 of your meat logs."  The exchange is, very quick, and Drax walks away with a pyramid of hotdogs, and eventually wandering into the church and into the sanctuary on his search for a bench to eat at.  It's okay to eat on benches, he was told.

Drax pads in a few paces and stops, the smell of street dogs wafting forward into the place of worship.  "Fancy benches.  I should have came here!"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
When you see a shirtless man order twelve hotdogs, that's bound to garner attention. Especially from a very curious teenager who had just gotten three hotdogs herself. Barely had Gabby taken a bite when she watches this odd skinned man order a bounty of beef franks. And... probably against better judgement... she follows. Right into the church with the fancy benches. She's been an otherwise silent shadow until now, but then... "Oh hey they've even got little foot rests under here," she has to agree while she pauses beside the opposite row of benches with foot outstretched to bump against the kneeling bench tucked beneath. "You found some great seats, mister." Not that she knew what it REALLY was. And as luck would have it, another familiar face is here as well. Lifting a hand holding one hotdog (the other two were tucked in her other hand) she waves toward Phoebe. "Oh hey Pheebs. Want a hotdog?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe had been in quiet contemplation as is want of a church, and then Drax steps in. And exclaims. She smells the hotdogs, and she just... sort of... stares at Drax.

    "... these aren't for-..." she begins, and then Gabby walks in. Phoebe's left eye twitches.

    "Ah... no. Vegetarian, sorry." Phoebe states, her stomach turning over as she tilts her head back, and breathes out. "I don't think you're supposed to eat in here..." she states, looking to the very strange looking Drax, and the very out of place Gabby. "... you weren't sent to check on me, were you?" she asks the youngest of the skints.

Drax has posed:
"I know."  But Drax soon realizes that these are not Drax-sized pews.  He sets his steaming tower of dogs down in the pew and tries to step in like he's solving a spatial puzzle, and he will have to if he wants to enjoy this particular fancy seat.  He grunts and extracts himself to sit on the floor with a THUMP.  "I also have them.  My dogs are still hot as well."

Drax pulls the hotdog pyramid closer and grabs the topmost one.  CHOMP.  Squint! at the vegetarian comment.

"I am not mister.  I am Drax the Destroyer.  What are your names?"  If Drax didn't say his title how would she know who he was?!  Absolutely necessary.  As for eating where he is, Drax chews and looks around at the place that is being kept from such delicacies, such scents.  "Is that why no one is using this wonderful place?  What a sad thing."  CHOMP.  Concern lines his brow and a hint of confusion.  "Two wondrous things should not be kept apart."  The injustice.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Ooh, right sorry Pheebs. I keep forgetting." Gabby glances down at the proffered hotdog only to pull it back, and look to her other hand. "Should have gotten some french fries then. Didn't know I'd run into you." Here she pauses only to blink at the remark of being sent to keep an eye on her. She merely shrugs, and when Drax is forced to plop down on the floor she considers only a moment before doing the same. Sinking down cross-legged the extra dogs are set carefully on her knee to balance. "No I just figured I'd follow him," she states with a gesture of her chin toward Drax. "I don't see people order that many dogs at once and I wanted to see if he could actually eat them all." Reasonable. Plausable. She takes a bite of her own dog chomping it down quickly before swiping at the corner of her mouth with her wrist to get any mustard off. "I'm Gabby Kinney, but everyone just calls me Gabby." Sometimes Gabster but no need to get into that right now. Then with a friendly grin she adds, "Nice to meet you, Drax the Destroyer. What do you Destroy usually?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "... well, they do use this place, but it's... a place of worship? Quiet contemplation and-- if I were still part of it I would probably be excited to share the story behind it but--" Phoebe sighs, and goes to move to the end of the pew as she looks over the two, shaking her head.

    "Phoebe." she introduces herself simply, looking over at the two in amusement. Hardly older than Gabby, but still figuring she'll have to keep these two from starting a rumble in friendliness.

Drax has posed:
Hotdog supply is casually starting to diminish, but there's still what one would consider a heap of them.  "Hmm.  I will finish them quickly then," Drax says when he learns of the place of worship, of quiet.  "And quietly."  Not likely.  This is like a tug of war.  You can get fast or you can get quiet, but you're really pushing it if you expect Drax not to make some kind of delightful noise before settling down into a proper scarfing.

"Mm.  I destroy anyone who carries the blood of my wife and daughter on their hands, or tentacles.  I think some of them did have tentacles, but I ripped those off so...so hands," Drax decides in his serious tone.  Then a moment later he licks some mustard from his lip and takes another bite.  "Your names do not tell me who you are.  Surely you both have stories you do wish to share," he urges, as if it would be perfectly natural to tell a strangely colored tattooed stranger stories...in a church...while eating hotdogs.  Sure.

Drax does finish his hotdogs, and way quicker than a human man ought to be able to, but is that really any big surprise?  He has the surreal ability to manage making putting away two dogs at once look half normal.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney lifts her head a little contemplating what Drax had just said. Slowly she nods, and lifts her half eaten hotdog in apparent salute. "Those are very good things to destroy. I hope you find them all if you haven't already." She doesn't offer apologies for the death of the wife and daughter though--That seemed a bit pointless at this juncture. You can't change the past. "I've got a lot of stories," she has to agree. Then a glance is cast to Phoebe, and back toward Drax thoughtfully. A quick, deep breath is taken before she exhales it. "I'm Gabby, the last of the ten Sisters." This was something she'd touched on breifly in her past. But not in detail. Not for a long time. "We were created from stolen DNA and used as live test subjects. Trained to fight, to kill. They ran experiments on us. I was the youngest and my sisters protected me, but they began dying. So. The last few of us escaped. And I'm the only one left." Here she pauses recalling his own tale of revenge only to crinkle her nose. "I want to go after the people that did this to us, that killed my sisters, but everyone keeps telling me to wait because I'm young. Wait, because it's dangerous. Wait... And it PISSES me off so much," for the first time in awhile her face contorts in actual anger making her look far more like Laura, or even Logan. "But I ... am trying to follow their rules because I promised one of my sisters I would try to live the lives they couldn't. I'm TRYING to be good." With that she chomps down on the rest of her hotdog venting her frustration on the mustard coated dog. "But I'm getting older."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "... I'm no one special." Phoebe states qith a certain quietness to her. She slips her sneakers off, and draws her feet up. Her socks have happy little sushi rolls on them, and she puts her chin on her knee as she looks at the two in quiet contemplation. "I should count myself fortunate that I have no past that requires such titles as The Destroyer or The Last of Ten Sisters."

Drax has posed:
Drax listens to Gabby and Phoebe.  During most of this he was thoughtfully eating his hotdogs.  "Hmm.  Someone who has experienced such loss is old enough to train and someone who is old enough to train is old enough to fight.  Perhaps they have reasons they are not telling you," Drax posits without much stock behind it.  "It seems strange to me that other people decide when children are adults here.  How do they know if you can kill a-"  Drax searches for an Earth reference, but just leaves a blank in his speech like someone skipping over a word when singing along in the car.  "Or even eat gnug meat without falling asleep?  There is no way they can protect you from these things."  Even the might Drax falls to Gnug meat.  Mmm...Gnug legs.

Drax turns his somber expression toward Phoebe and assures her with complete sincerity, "It is okay.  I understand.  Not everyone has the time to slay so many."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney smiles up toward Phoebe only to reach out and give her arm a consoling squeeze. "Your life is pretty interesting though. You have the choice to do more than just be boring and you are. You're going out of your way to help people even when you don't have to. You have so many choices. My path was kind of chosen for me in a way." She shrugs a little before returning her attention to her remaining hotdogs to take a chomp. "Mm. I mean it's nice getting to be a child for awhile. I never got to have fun the way I have been, but it *is* really frustrating when no one takes me seriously."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a wry grin. "I know one or two things about people not taking me seriously. I'm not that much older than you." Phoebe points out to Gabby, and she tilts her head back in thought.

    "No, I'm afraid I don't do very much slaying. Not much time for it while trying to learn to be a doctor." she replies to Drax. "So you must have had many adventures to earn such a title, but you don't seem like you're from around... here." she states, and looks to Gabby. "At least not like us."

Drax has posed:
"Lots of people do not believe me when I say I can slay and fit three gyliafer fishes in my mouth at once.  Being underestimated is no laughing matter.  Having fun is important, but just because you become an adult, doesn't mean you should stop having fun.  Who will show the little ones how to eat the hot dogs.  I mean you eat them without remorse."  They're so cute, and cuddly, but he understands.

"Oh but I bet you will see things in your training," Drax assures Phoebe.  "You are the one who fixes bodies?  Yeah.  You will see.  You will have stories.  The humans are so fragile so many of them will come to you."  Drax nods.

"I am from another planet...It is very far from here," he tacks on the last bit as if this is meant to satisfy their unresolved curiosity.  This might have been...his story.  His very short story, and he looks from Gabby to Phoebe expectantly.  Of what, who knows.  Probably the continuation of the conversation after his stunted attempt.


Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Pretty sure he's not human," Gabby begins before he speaks once more. Yep, she was right. A solid nod is given, and she tucks away the last of the hotdog with a rather mighty bite for someone of her size. Compared to Drax at least. It's gulped down and she swipes at her mouth with the back of her hand again just in case. "True. I don't ever plan to stop having fun I just want to be able to punch those who need to be punched." There was a long list. As for Phoebe the other earns a broad grin. "Oh yeah, I offered to let her practice fixing me up but she feels bad about having to hurt me first. I don't even feel it though, and I heal quicker than ... just about everyone." Mention of the planet earns a tip of her head. "So you're not with those Shi'arr creeps are you? I kind of owe them some punches."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I have seen some sh-.." she pauses, and looks up "... stuff. I have seen much stuff. So many stuffs. Wounds that I could put my fist through just in the last week. Inner organs turned to mush. Legs sticking out of piles of boil-covered flesh. Bones bursting from bodies." she states, quietly... and then she looks to Gabby.

    "There are so many moral and ethical reasons that I don't hurt you to heal you. One of them being is that Laura would possibly find a way to end me."

Drax has posed:
"Hahahaha.  Hahahaha."  Knee slap.  "Human?  Me?  No."  The very idea.  Clearly he has absolutely misunderstood nothing.  "I will have to tell Rocket that one."  Drax stretches and leans back on his hands.

"That is like asking her to cheat.  You are having her make the answers," Drax points out with an appreciative laugh.  "I do not have to heal.  I do not break.  My people live or die."  That can't be true, but isn't that true of all people?  "Healing quickly though.  And not feeling it?  That must be useful for your delicate human body."

As for the gore, Drax says solemnly.  "These things happen.  Hopefully the ones you care for are safe."  He pushes up onto his feet, scooping up the little stack of thin cardboard dog holders up into his giant palm.  "Me?  With the Cheetaras?"  That is absolutely not how one says Shi'arr.  He laughs again.  "You're funny little one," he addresses with absolutely sincere but easygoing respect, "I'm a Guardian of the Galaxy."  With that, he lifts his free hand in parting as he passes on his way out.