7579/Cynthia v. H.R.M.

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Cynthia v. H.R.M.
Date of Scene: 28 August 2021
Location: Breakstone Lake
Synopsis: Cynthia embarrasses herself - and Lorna reluctantly agrees to a big responsibility. And then Clarice drops her sister in the lake.
Cast of Characters: Clarice Ferguson, Raven Darkholme, Lorna Dane

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice has been showing Cynthia around the school - peeking into a few classrooms and the rec room, raiding some cookies and drinks from the kitchen, around the student gardens, and past the pool - now they were wandering down towards the lake. "Honestly - this part of the grounds is my favorite, anyways. I mean - Mister Creed taught me a lot about how to get by in the woods, and it's so much quieter, and more peaceful..."
    Much of the anger she'd felt in the Professor's office has been dying down - aided by the stroll, and the 'theft' of the cookies. And now the water glinting off the lake, and the wind rustling the trees helps with that all the more.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Cynthia has remained ticked off right up until there were cookies. Even ticked off, she enjoyed the tour. It was a real school, more or less, something she hadn't been in for nearly two years and she missed it. She knew better than to talk about anything right now, but once there was cookies, she sighed and calmed down.

Out on the grounds, that felt more like home. Green was back in Genosha, and outside the orphanage tent-building was green and beautiful. Having been on the Asteroid for a while now, she missed the openness.

"That is a nice lake," she comments as they approach. "Makes me want to go swimming."

Lorna Dane has posed:
A very nice lake with nice greenery around it. And over by the boat house there were even a few boats that were docked. It was a pleasant, peaceful place to sit and overlook the lake and surrounding forest. A place that Lorna currently sat at in a lawn chair with her head tipped back to soak up some of the sun. Sunglasses perch on her nose, and her equally green hair is swept over the back of the chair to keep out of her face as she just indulges in the environment. Even Queens needed to relax now and again. She does hear the sound of voices nearby which causes her to stir from her half-dozing state to regard the pair approaching. Some familiarity comes, of course, at the sight of Clarice. The other... Oh no. A single gulp of air is taken and she lifts a hand to wave. This was inevitable.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    It was indeed.
    "We could go swimming," Clarice offers. "I mean - I could always blink us right into our bathrooms afterwards to take care of the wet clothes." She starts guiding Cynthia closer to the lake - to where she's spotted that familiar head of green-toned hair. She says nothing to warn her sister, yet, of who they're approaching, though she can see that Lorna has spotted them.
    That's probably for the best, honestly. Why risk annoying Lorna again, so soon after the last time?
    "I mean, the weather's still plenty warm enough."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Caught up in looking around the area and at the lake, Cynthia didn't see the green haired woman at first. Her mind was distracted by what just happened, and the possibility of swimming, so it took her a few minutes to notice there was some one there. Clarice didn't have to offer warning, when you've lived in Genosha your entire life, you know that color of green... so either that was the Queen, or someone was going to get yelled at for daring to make their hair the same color.

Inspite of recognizing who it may be however, she looks to her sister and grins as she says, "I have swim suits on me at all times, various types and sizes. I'm a walking backpack, remember? Need a towel? I have lots. New shoes? Probably got a pair that would fit you. I mean if you want to swim in your clothing, feel free."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane shifts her weight forward in the chair to rise to her feet. While she could be elegant, stately, even statuesque perhaps... She ruins the image entirely by planting her hands just behind her hips and leaning backwards to stretch her back out before standing straight again. She had a swimsuit on herself, a dark blue one-peice wrap around sort. Along with it was a sarong tied at her waist to offer a flowing skirt, and of course sandals. She, too, was enjoying the weather and potential swim opportunities. "Hello Clarice. Lovely day isn't it?" She greets her friend as she starts to stroll leisurely in their direction. "And who is this?" Of course she KNEW.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Well - if you've got the suits, I'll take one," Clarice agrees easily, rolling her eyes. "I don't know what all you've got stashed in there, you know!"
    As they come closer, Clarice's smile widens as she greets her friend. "Lorna - this is my sister, Cynthia." It was readily apparent, even if Lorna hadn't been warned - from the bright green eyes that they shared, to their pointy ears, to other more mundane shared features. Cynthia even has purple in her hair and splotching her skin - though it was a distinctly different hue from Clarice's magenta tones. "Cynthia, this is Lorna. You can thank her for any manners I've somehow managed to acquire, as sparse as they may be."
    With her arm around Cynthia's middle, Clarice already looks relaxed and comfortable in her sister's presence - even if they haven't known each other very long.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Everything that Clarice had told Cynthia went screaming through the teenagers mind the very moment it was confirmed who this was. Every word, every suggestion, ever reminder, which was a really, really good thing to have happen. It allowed Cynthia to smile brightly, extend her hand like a normal person and say, "It's an extreme honor to meet you, Miss Lorna." Rather than the freak out, screaming, bouncing around, holy mother of ahhhh, reaction that she wanted to give.

"I'll show you the list some time Clare," she then offers to her sister. "That way you'll know everything in the pocket."

It was /exceedingly/ difficult to act casual and normal, it showed in tensing of the teens body, which Clarice could feel due to the arm around her. Cynthia's arm was also around her sister, and it tightened slightly.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane reaches out to accept the offered hand with an eyebrow raising at the apparent tension in the teen. This meant either she was nervous, scared, angry or... A gaze flicks over to Clarice considering how her friend often acts to begin with. Excited. Perhaps excited and nervous? Either way Cynthia was overall acting fairly normal. Good. "A pleasure to meet you, Cynthia. I've heard a fair amount about you from Clarice. Well, so much as she knows herself," she adds with a soft chuckle. "Are you enjoying the school so far? I spent time here myself when I was younger."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "We're trying to get Cynthia enrolled in a proper school - the online courses don't challenge her enough. We're going to look at Happy Harbor, and a place called Amador Valley in San Francisco... Maybe a few more, who knows?" Clarice remarks easily. "We'll see which one she likes the best."
    Nodding towards the lake she adds, "We were thinking of enjoying a swim as long as we're here, though." She smiles at Lorna - and gives Cynthia a brief squeeze with her arm that she //hopes// conveys her approval. But who knows?

Raven Darkholme has posed:
A slight vibration begins in Cynthia's body, the building if contained excitement, but other wise she's keeping it contained.

"I don't like the idea of a school that keeps secrets," she offers, to explain why Xavier's isn't on the list and perhaps a little more meaning behind her words. "I believe in transparency and honesty, in all things. I bet Xavier's is a really great school, but their need to remain hidden and only taking a select few, I'm afraid that's a deal breaker for me."

She glances to the lake again, keeping herself right beside Clarice because if she moves away just yet, she'll likely vibrate apart. "It's been a while since I got to go swimming, would love to jump in that lake."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane hums thoughtfully more at Cynthia's own repressed energy than at the mention of the school. "Oh they take pretty much every mutant that comes their way and wishes to, they just hide behind the guise of exclucivity to keep the curious mundanes away. However," she adds with a knowing nod of apparent understanding, "I can see your point as well. I hope you find something which is better suited to you." Here she pauses to grin at mention of the lake. "You are a guest here, and as such the lake is open to you, of course."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "And you can use the guest house to get changed," Clarice suggests - nodding towards the nearby building. "If you like. I'll probably be right after you if you want to leave a suit there for me. I'm feeling rather over-dressed." She gives Cynthia another squeeze, before starting loose her grip on her sister. She doesn't let go until or unless Cynthia begins to move away from her, though.
    She stalwartly ignores the urge to blink her sister into the lake in her best clothes.
    Siblings. They don't even have to grow up around each other to be like this - apparently. It's an instinct.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Cynthia takes a slow, deep breath, helping keep it all contained, then hold out her hand. The first thing that appears in her hand is not a bathing suit, in fact it's no where /near/ a bathing suit... it is the September 2020 issue of Playboy.

BOth of her eyes go wide as she stares at her hand, then looks at her sister, then at her QUEEN... and that's when the color of her face goes from a gentle brown to dark brown, right up to the tips of her ears.

"Oh holy, son of a," she shake her hand and the magazine disappears and a black one piece bathing suit appears in its place.

Squeaking to Clarice, "Here to you go." she offers it over then moves very, very, VERY quickly the guest house.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane clears her throat quietly at the sight of the magazine. Though forced to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing, she does manage to do so. It's hardly the first time she's had to remain stoic in the face of an obvious faux pas. No sense in bringing more attention to it. Her hands shift to clasp behind her back along with a little nod as she turns her gaze out over the lake to pretend she saw nothing, and was merely admiring the view. "It's a lovely day for a swim. Perhaps I'll join you both."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice similarly has to bite down on the inside of her lip as she takes the swim suit, giving Cynthia a nod of her head. "I'll be there in a minute," she offers.
    It's not until her sister is out of sight - and hopefully out of earshot - that she lets out a quiet laugh. "Oh, God, poor Cynthia." She lets out a sigh. "She's even more of a staunch monarchist than I am, you know. She must be dying." She shakes her head, then sobers up enough to ask, "Lorna... you did think about my question, didn't you?"
    Hastily she adds, "I man, I don't think it's very likely that it would ever be necessary, but I'd feel much better knowing there was some sort of... plan, if something did happen. That someone would look out for her. I mean, if she ends up going to Happy Harbor - it's nearby, and they have dorms on campus, I just- I don't want her to think she's alone again."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Cynthia stays in the guest house. Sure she changes into her swim suit, folds her clothing, pokes it in her pocket, but she stays in there and thumps her head lightly against a wall, over and over again while muttering, "Of all times to roll a 1."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane inhales slow, and deep. "I have thought of it." Here she narrows her eyes at Clarice still looking rather put out by it all. "I'm not a fan of children overall." A pause before she relents with a sigh. "But I will look out for her if you have some accident or another. I wouldn't just abandon her." She couldn't do that. Even if she might not want to do the job she was used to that at this point. She seems about to say more, but her phone rings causing her eyes to roll upward. "Of course. Excuse me, Clarice, please enjoy your time with your sister. I should get this."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice's expression brightens at Lorna's response and - even while the woman is answering her phone - she'll find herself the recipient of a grateful hug. "Thank you," she murmurs in Lorna's ear, before allowing her to take her call.
    Swim suit in hand, she jogs towards the guest house - pausing to turn and wave to Lorna before she heads in.
    She even remembers to scrub her broad grin into a more neutral expression before she walks in on her poor sister's misery.