7653/Mary meets Courtney

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Mary meets Courtney
Date of Scene: 01 September 2021
Location: Roof - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Mary Meets Courtney
Cast of Characters: Mary Bromfield, Courtney Whitmore

Mary Bromfield has posed:
     The sun beginning its slow descent towards the west, the towers long T shadow starts to form to the east. Mary Bromfield seems to always catch the tower feeling empty, today though that actually seems to serve her purposes just fine. A series of colored taped lines have been extended across the long roof of the building from a basketball goal post. A set of six balls are at each location, a speed radar, and a high-speed recorder, overlook the test area.


A BLAST of LIGHTNING Strikes the roof, but only to the form of Mary Bromfield, now Mary Marvel AKA Thunderbolt.

     The test starts at incredible speed, a ball grabbed and dunked from each line point, the red gold, and white streak zooming along till suddenly stopping in the form of a brown haired young woman reviewing the results.

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
    The Star Spangled Kid was a big deal way back in the day. The man was a founding member of the JSA, and a legend in his time. Courtney is...well, she's not him. Sure, she's well-known in the midwest, but outside of there she's mostly an unknown. For now! She explores the tower quietly, her eyes wide as she takes it all in with a keen sense of wonder.

    The black of lightning draws her attention to the roof, and the costumed girl sprints up the remaining stairs, bursting out on the spot. Her bright eyes widen at the sight of Mary and her test.

    "Oh! I'm not...uh...interrupting, am I?" Her accent is pure midwest, and she offers an awkward, braces-baring smile.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
     Mary looked over towards the girl, there was a faint hint of an awkward smile. Then she abandoned what ever she was recording to walk over and offer a hand, "Hello there. I am Thunderbolt." She tested the name on her lips, still uncertain she complete thought it appropriate. "Mary Marvel." She looks back towards her test area, "Sorry about the mess. No one was around and it seemed light a good space for testing using the Tower equipment.. Cannot afford that kind of stuff myself. I didn't want to just haul it off either."

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
    "Oh, no reason to be sorry!," she said quickly. She glanced at the taller girl's hand before reaching out and shaking it. The blush wasn't visible, thanks to her mask. "The Star Spangled Kid," she said. "But, uh...some folks just use Star or Kid for short." She chuckled and shrugged before releasing that hand almost reluctantly. "I -love- your costume, by the way."

    She glances down at her own. Red white and blue. Cute boots, what amount to bicycle shorts, and a midrift-baring top and mask. "I designed mine when I was in High School and a cheerleader...so...y'know."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
     "So you know it is quality." Mary says taking over the completion of the dropped sentence. "This outfit sort of came with the powers." Her spread fingered hands sweeping down in front of her at the red and gold dress. "So, at least yours is what you want." Then she raises a finger and takes a few steps back. "But.. I am experimenting. Seeing what I can control. Tell me what you think of this." A quick little back peddle away. "Might want to cover your eyes." A second to allow for that.

Then "SHAZAM!" Lightning bolt and Flash!

"Not yet," softer voice "SHAZAM." Lightning bolt and Flash.

     Now a two-color look with a bit showier cut on white and gold. And she starts to walk back closer, "Kind of a.. Well, what do you think, first person I have had the chance to ask about it.

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
    She blinks and then covers her eyes. "Um...al-AAAGH!," she manages in surprise at the lightning strike. Her curly blonde hair is tossed about in the windy process, and when she finally uncovers her eyes she is treated to that beautiful white and gold costume. This time her blush DOES travel enough to be notable in her mask.

    "Oh! I like the red one, but...um. Wow. I don't mean to be a creep or something, but...you're so beautiful!"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
     "Thank you." Mary blushing a little bit too. she steps back closer as she is finished with the shock potential of changing outfits. "I know, it seems like such a waist, but we are being ccareful. For now it seems drawing power increases the power, instead of draining it"

     She points at her temple and tilts her head a little bit as she looks the other woman over. Then Mary says in a musical and strong femimine voice. "Can I ask, why you.. Umm, have the mask on?"

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
    She blinks at that. "My secret identity? But...I guess...I don't need that here, huh?" The girl reaches up and peels her cowl up and off, letting her blonde hair tumble about her freckled, chubby-cheeked face. Such a cutie! She clears her throat and flashes that awkward smile of hers.

    "So, uh. Courtney, then. I'm Courtney." She clears her throat again and glances about the rooftop before her bright eyes return to mary.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
     "Nice to meet you, then Courtney. That is a very patriotic motiff you have. It is nice to see these days some still have it. Much better with the more you, by the way." Her eyes look over Stargirl again, and she nods, "Yes, that is the great thing about the tower, we can relax a little. We are far from the identities that we are trying to hide, so much so that if anybody sees us full on them, it is unlikewly they will know who we are."

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
    "Oh, well that's cool, then." She brushes her fingers back through her hair. "Well, it's...I took the original costume and altered it. That's why it's kinda old-fashioned, I guess. Wanted to stick with the whole...schtick." Courtney grins ruefully and tucks a locke of curly blonde hair behind her ear.

    "So, uh...shot in the dark, but...do you want to grab some lunch or something? Like...uh. Like a date? I know we just met, but...well, I'm trying to get 'out there', you know?" She shakes her head at herself, glancing skyward.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
     The brown haired woman looks over Courtney one more time. "Maybe, I mean sure but.. You. This is not the me.. Entirely.. First do you fly?" Thesn she looks to her experiment set-up again. "Hold tyhat though."

     This time it is a white gold blur as things just start vanishing and the basketballs all land in the hamper. About twenty seconds later she slows to normal speed, "I didn't want to leave a mess, you know?"

Courtney Whitmore has posed:
    "I don't fly, no. Back home I had a sidekick, sorta. He flew and I rode around on him." One day, when she accepts the Cosmic Staff, she will be able to fly. For now, though, it is just a dream.

    She jumps as the cleaning blur happens, and she laughs and claps. "That's amazing, really. And what do you mean that this isn't you? You said the costume came with the powers. Do you...transform or something?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
     "You ride someone?" That is the first time she ever heard of a side-kick for riding. A pause and a slightly nervous look, that cannot seem to stick to the magestic form. Her hair rises to run through her hair.

     "I will change if you want now, or after we get there. Did you want to change or go like that?" She asks and glances around the roof. "Either is fine? And you can recognize my normal form, but really, only if you know you are looking at it.. This is sort of idealized."