7605/Drinks and Dumb Choices

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Drinks and Dumb Choices
Date of Scene: 30 August 2021
Location: Joe's Restaurant and Cafe
Synopsis: Just coffee between colleagues.
Cast of Characters: Friday, J'onn J'onzz

Friday has posed:
Isabella waits at a table for her compatriot to arrive. Not used to waiting, she flips through some papers that she has to figure out what to do with, rather leaning toward the idea of making said budding writers take the year over again.

She spoke to Jonn earlier about possibly meeting at a cafe over lunch, but she knows that he may not have time. Even though her own schedule is a bit more lax, what with online courses being the core of her work, she knows that's not the norm.

Her coffee is cold, and she scribbles on a sheet 'please spellcheck' in red. No marks off, but damn. This kid desperately needs to retake English.

She sips at her coffee, then makes a face. "Phagh, how long have I been here?"

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
Every day J'onn took the lunch hour as his own, no matter if he truly had the time or not. Everyone needed time to destress, prepared themselves either for the next task ahead or the next day. When he'd received the call from Isabella, he has agreed to meet her at the usual school lunch hour.

Noon struck, he set aside the papers into a drawer, then merely walked out of the school to leap into the air. One advantage to agreeing to meeting, no matter where they were located, he could get there without worrying about traffic.

At the cafe, the clock on the wall read twelve o'five and the door opened. He wore a nice pair of black slacks and a short sleeved, light blue button front shirt. If he weren't forest green, he completely looked the part of a teacher.

Wasting no time, he approached the table she sat at, and while offering a smile says, "Forgive my tardiness, up draft over the waterfront."

Friday has posed:
Isabella is wearing a pencil grey skirt and a light blouse with a high collar. She honestly looks as if she belongs in another job and is just pretending to teach, though the marks she's put on the papers before her say otherwise.

She looks up, then puts her coffee down on top of her own papers showing a profound disrespect for scholastic efforts. Or lack of.

"John. Save me from grading substandard workmanship with better coffee?" She has a nice face, olive complexion and nice lips, but something about her cheekbones is oddly shaped. Just a little bit wrong. To be fair, imperfections are often nice in a woman.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
Although he is a Martian, J'onn is also a man. His appearance is alien, very much so, but he can definitely appreciate the beauty of human beings, men and woman. To his eyes, she does look out of place, but not everyone matched the profession they choose, so why should she?

As he slides into the booth across from her, he actually lifts her coffee cup off the paper, moves the papers, and sets the cup right back down where it was. "Of course," he says with a smile, deep baritone tone calm and soothing. "They make very good coffee here, though not the more complex mixtures you would find at Starbuck's or other coffee establishments."

Friday has posed:
"I like to try new things," Isabella admits as J'onn moves her coffee with his mind. She raises an eyebrow, having no such powers of her own. "Showoff."

She takes a moment, sliding her papers into a folder, and assembles her wits for this moment with J'onn. "Do you know what going out for a drink means for humans, John?" She isn't certain that he does, and she actually wants him to be not blindsided by anything.

Decency. Gotta love it.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn folds his hands together and rests them on the table, the smile on his face broadening slightly.

"I have lived on this planet for several hundreds years," he explains. "And though there are still some social customs I struggle with, due to the ever changing status of what is socially acceptable, the concept of 'going out for drinks' has two possible meanings. One is of course is the social gathering, for friendship and company version. The other is more personal, something akin to a date, a 'getting to know you' setting in public for safety."

Coffee is brought for him, and more goes into her cup. He adds only cream to his, no sugar.

"I will admit as to being uncertain which this is meant to be, however I am open to either," he concludes, then takes a sip of his coffee.

Friday has posed:
She smiles, though the slight flush on her face reveals something else. "Well I was not expecting that," she admits as he finishes his explanation. She regroups quickly though, sitting up straight.

"I, am a fairly busy person. I like to travel, and I like to talk to people from far off lands and get to know other places. I admit I approached you because I'll never get to know your planet, and people like to reminisce about their homes. It's my own passion, and one I get to share with every person who's from a new culture."

She pauses, then sighs. "The thing is, it wasn't meant to be a kind of interrogation either. You see, I never expected to get this far." Truth. She's being completely honest.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
Holding the coffee in his hand, J'onn's head tilts slightly as a curious expression crosses his face.

"You expected me to tell you no? Without knowing me, or my knowing you, you expected to be turned down for a drink?" He seems truly confused by this. "You are welcome to ask any questions you would like Miss De La Torres, though there may be some I cannot answer, and some I will not answer."

Friday has posed:
She shakes her head. "That's not what I meant, no. I expected other things, but that's not important." Her first lie, it's very important, but she moves on. "You can tell me anything that you want. No specific questions, because I don't want to pry. Just tell me something that you love about your home and I'll be happy."

A complicated woman, then. She has simple tastes, but she also has secrets.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
The lie is casual in nature, but J'onn doesn't miss it. He won't pry, there is a reason that people lie, sometimes it is as simple as the truth would be embarrassing. He didn't fully understand embarrassment, but he knew that humans took it very seriously. He would wonder for now that she had expected, and because of the lie, he might go to the Justice League computers and see what he can find out about her, but for now...

"Something you must understand," he begins. "My home was over eight hundred years ago on Mars. What it was is gone, so what I miss is gone. But what I miss most is the connection to my people, it was all telepathic in nature. I miss being able to leave my mind open and not offend everyone around me by existing. So, I keep it locked up to ensure I do not catch what humans are thinking, they truly loath that."