6774/Higher Learning and Lower Humor

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Higher Learning and Lower Humor
Date of Scene: 02 July 2021
Location: Location
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Blake Riviere

Peter Parker has posed:
Being a genius in one area isn't enough when it comes to college.

Peter Parker may be in the accelerated classes for the neuroscience program, but he's still struggling with some of the "bonehead" humanities courses. At least he still has his love of ancient history, cultivated when he was much younger...back when he wanted to be Indiana Jones for a year.

No chance of him being an archaeologist now, but it is providing dividends for this latest assignment about the gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt.

So, safely ensconced in a corner table, his back to the nearest wall (another old habit that died hard), Peter Parker cracks open THE COMPLETE GODS AND GODDESSES OF ANCIENT EGYPT and prepares to get in good with Ra, Sekhmet, Maat, and the whole crew...

Blake Riviere has posed:
Libraries were always simply wonderful places, fantastic fonts of knowledge past...and also of where things were headed. Blake had seen it herself, she'd even studied far more in these later centuries than she had in her mortal life. She even had a degree in her current identity!

Unfortunately, knowledge kept moving and curiousity had gotten the better of her. Technically she wasn't a student, but a handy donation and a little charming here and there was enough to have Blake Riviere moving into the library at a casual stroll. A little sniff of the air, her head cants to the side. She knew that scent.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter tilted his head. "Sekhmet, I've heard of happy drunks, but you certainly set the bar..." he whispered to himself.

He began making notes. He really, REALLY hoped this was all just myth, but the appearance of Anubis and his "pyramid scheme" was unsettling to a longtime Presbyterian. Then again, Thor was supposed to be a deity, but he was just a very powerful person from another world, so there was that.

He made a note to find a recipe for a very powerful intoxicant in case Sekhmet showed up in New York, wanting to destroy the world again...

Blake Riviere has posed:
Blake herself had seen elder gods of egypt causing havoc, with her Childe and a few mystics, she'd even done a little good. Still, shifting her gait on her path through the library, the vampiress was dressed in a simple black shirt, her skirt trimmed in red and the usual ribbon tying her hair back that same deep red to match. With a book clutched to her chest she rounds the shelf, a little tilt of her head as she spots the familier face.

A soft chuckle rolls from her lips, tilting her head. "Interesting light reading..."

Peter Parker has posed:
A familiar voice caused Peter to crane his head up out from between the pages and...

Okayy...look who's here.

"Uhhhh...hi, Miss Riviere." He sounds a little...dwindled, hesitant. Less confident and aware than he does as Spider-Man. But his average looks (the loose jeans and flannel tend to conceal what the costume displays) hint at the 98-pound weakling he used to be.

"Uhmmm...yeah, class assignment. Uhm, won't you have a seat?" He leaves the book on the table as he stands up.

Blake Riviere has posed:
And sit she does, a shift from her form and she crosses her legs while she lowers her book to the table.

She leans in, a lazy lift of her hand drawing the book to her grasp.

"Interesting class you are taking..."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter sits down. She's not an enemy, but she gives him that little tickle he feels when in the presence of someone...powerful. The old adage about standing next to a live power line fits here.

"Well, Ancient History 204 was the only one open, and I can't set ALL of my classes for the Neuroscience program. I have to take some electives. I don't mind, though. I wanted to be one of those pulp-hero adventurers like Indiana Jones when I was a kid."

Except his boulders were Carl King and Flash Thompson, and they always ran him down back then.

"I guess you could call it my secondary interest, so I'm not a COMPLETE egghead."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"One has to keep hobbies to keep things interesting, no?" Blake muses aloud, releasing the borrowed book and slipping it backwards. "History can certainly be interesting. But it is a big strange place..."

Lazily stretching back, the pale woman gives a little chuckle. "I didn't mean to interupt your afternoon."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter quickly says, maybe a little too loud, "Oh, no it's no trouble..."
He looks around, then speaks in a lower tone, "...it's okay. The truth is...I was kinda thinking about you. Hoping you were doing okay. I...well, I ran into a vampire attack one week ago. It was...pretty brutal. The victim lived, but we got him to the hospital in time. The vampire in question was...animalistic, almost. Comparing her to you is like comparing..."
He cut himself off before saying, "...like comparing rape to romance." Might not be the kinda thing she'd approve of.
"...like a wood chipper to a mobile hospital."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"I am not...a typical example of a vampire..." Blake offers softly, her voice quiet enough not to be heard even in the soft ambiance of the library.

"It is not just a different 'flavour', it is like comparing a strawberry to a piece of chalk at times. Some are little more than rabid creatures, barely even able to pretend at being human."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods. "Yeah...that was the vibe I got from her. She was wearing clothing, but she was...GNAWING on the guy's neck. And when I confronted her, she SNARLED at me. I...can't really see YOU snarling at anyone."