7770/Step Two: plug it back in again

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Step Two: plug it back in again
Date of Scene: 10 September 2021
Location: Food Court: Triskelion
Synopsis: Stark meets up with Agent Coulson and Secord over milkshakes and pudding.
Cast of Characters: Tony Stark, Phil Coulson, Clifford Secord

Tony Stark has posed:
"Danny, of the ferocious aftershave," Tony writes on a napkin, with a half-smile visible. "Yep, no problem at all," Tony is cheerfully agreeing with a SHIELD cadet that was brave enough to join him at his table in the cafeteria. They'd asked for a quick autograph written for a husband that is a huge fan. Iron Man doesn't mind, and soaks attention when he's free like this. Tony has now signed an autograph, but didn't do it in a showy way -- he got the name, did it, and lightly salutes the SHIELD cadet as they accept the napkin back.

Tony stretches his legs out more, steering his tray away to the end of the table with two fingers. It wasn't at the cadet, but they immediately jump to offer to take it, and earn a smile for it, while Stark idly tilts his cup to check for the remainder of milkshake that was in it. Specially made, stemming from overwhelming the staff on entry. It's that Stark energy, wherein things are taken for granted.

Like special milkshakes.

Phil Coulson has posed:
There's a quiet rumble as the sound of one politely clearing one's throat, followed by, "Mr Stark?". It's a great deal more polite than snapping, as some would, to gain attention, or re-attention to the matter at hand. Literally.

At hand.

On the table before them is a prosthetic hand; one obviously made in a tech lab. It's got more than a few 'do-dads', courtesy of the R&D labs here at the Triskelion. Phil sits at the table, dressed in his own 'uniform', that is, impeccably tailored suit and tie. Hands are below the table, his right hand cradling his left forearm there. "I was sort of hoping you could do.. something with it."

Clifford Secord has posed:
    Clifford isn't far behind in his leather jacket and tan khaki pants. He's holding a simple tray of food in his hands pudding cup, pizza slice, nothing too fancy. Yet as he lays eyes on Tony he pauses for a long moment barely having noticed the existing conversation that he's about to crash head first into metaphorically speaking. It's after all the first time he's run into Howards Son, and it brings him a bit of a shocked expression on his face as he walks closer offering a surprised.

     "Howard? Is that y-" He cuts himself off as he gets close enough to notice that it's NOT in fact Howard Stark come back from the dead, and he gains a bright redness to his complexion as he just realizes the mistaken identity. He coughs into his elbow awkwardly before running his hand through that perfectly windswept brown hair of his looking over towards Coulson for a bit of assistance.

Tony Stark has posed:
"Yeah, I basically can do ... anything," Tony answers Phil immediately with a light tease, smoothly, as if there were no interruption of cadet at all. He acts as though he were fully within that conversation the whole time, and didn't detour at all. And maybe that's entirely a possible situation for Tony Stark: that level of complete multitask.

"I don't build a lot of cybernetics, though. Which isn't to say that I /can't/, of course: as they do fall under 'anything', as I said. Faster if we do schematics or the lab's mockup, and get your wishlist of improvements you want---" Tony's interrupted by the arrival of the surprised form of Clifford. He orients with a sort of dubious expression, as if he were being tolerant of a stranger trying to troll him. Generally those that call him Howard are more of that category, but the innocence in Clifford's expression adjusts that quickly. "Nope, still not my father," Tony deadpans with a brief smile and chuckle.

Phil Coulson has posed:
Phil smiles, the expression tightlipped, but obviously pleased. It's no secret that he both enjoys and appreciates the connections he's made over the years. He revels in them, and at times, has absolutely no problem with name dropping. "I really do appreciate it, Mr Stark." Still, formal, polite; it's just him.

"As far as wishlist?" Phil shrugs a single shoulder, the smile still formed, "I don't know. It's why I've always relied on R&D. I have absolutely no sense of imagination. Maybe some sort of shielding? You know.. SHIELD.. sh-" Yes, pretty lame, and even he drops the thought.

Aaaand, just in time, too, when Clifford appears, and sets his boot properly into his mouth. "Agent Secord," Phil's tones sound a gentle warning, "This is Mr Tony Stark." There's a pause before, "You know... Iron Man?"

Phil casts a glance back at Tony; yup.. Iron Man.

Clifford Secord has posed:
     "I am so sorry." Special Agent Secord starts still a bit red in the face as he speaks. "I don't keep up with the news and I just thought. Yes, Iron Man." He's gesticulating wildly with his hand as he tries to think of a way to dig himself out of this little conversational hole that he's brought himself into. He clasps his hands together collecting himself enough to say. "I worked with your father for a long time, and mistook you at a glance."

     He tries to dislodge that boot from firmly inside of his mouth before offering "Pudding cup?" With a bit of a nervous chuckle as he sets the butterscotch pudding cup down onto the table.

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony starts with the interesting project Phil is presenting. "If you're talking of pure functionality and tech upgrades along a weaponization or defensive side, yeah, that's my zone. Or if you need it to not be hacked by enemy tech agents that might decide to trigger weapons while you are scratching your nose, yeah, me." Tony's smiling, but it's rueful. Putting a big gun on something does mean it needs more security!

"If you're looking more towards say, sensation that your brain can read correctly and intricate control using what's left of your musculature or--- Dr. Pym may be the quicker resolution on it. I can give credit where obsession makes it due," Tony chatters. He's an engineer more than a doctor, and cybernetics or items that can connect to the brain tends to lean into the other Avenger's field more readily.

"It happens, usually with time travelers; just get yourself caught up," Tony answers Clifford with a quicksilver grin, though his tone is a little more reserved or lightly cranky. It gets that way when his father is pushed into his face as a topic. Polite, but less cheerful. The pudding cup gets a look, and this time Clifford gets a real stare. It's awkward and Tony isn't bailing him out of that one, just lifts an eyebrow, and sends a question sideways to Phil. Is this a strange SHIELD thing, pudding cup in-joke that he doesn't get?

Phil Coulson has posed:
"I was thinking fun- wait." There's a long pause as the words trickle down, "Hacked by agents?" Phil casts a glance back at the prosthetic hand on the table, and back to the tech genius. "Really?" His words come, stop, continue, stop.. "They can do that?"

Obviously Phil needs to give this a touch more thought, after all. Reaching with his right hand, he pulls the artificial one back to reconnect it in a quick, somewhat self-consciously manner. "That would be you. Dr Pym is a little more.." Here, Phil smiles tightly, and while there's a gleam in his eye, his tones are a little less humored, "Eccentric. Not someone that I'd call on casually." Moreso than Tony Stark? It's all in who one knows and is comfortable with.

The apologies that rise from Secord gains another look from the Commander. "He already had his milkshake."

Clifford Secord has posed:
     Secord puts the pudding cup back onto the tray and looks towards Coulson. A light thumbs up given as he backs away attempting to partially flee from the sheer levels of awkward he just stumbled himself into mouth first. He looks over the hand for a long moment in confusion before he realizes what it's for, and the look transcends confusion into amazement at the wonders of modern technology. Also the fact that people could 'hack' it.

     That was a new one for him as well.

     He looks fascinated with the hand for a long moment keeping his eyes on it as he works through things in his head mainly just how one would be able to hack into such a device. "Modern marvels never cease to amaze."

Tony Stark has posed:
"Sure. Think of it like .... Lola," Tony's referring to Phil's car. "/Sometimes/ the older, elegant designs have good qualities also. Like they can't be hacked into by enemy agents who then drive it into the ocean using the computer," Tony grins. "Sometimes higher tech creates an open door that has to be guarded, right?" Tony is amused by the surprise - and may have created that surprise on purpose.

"Anyway, I'm a great gatekeeper, no Skynet 'aware' or possessed hands strangling you at night. So no worries. You /are/ better off going with me overall. I'm not the one that invented Ultron." Milkshake slooooow sip. Yes, shade cast.

"But yes, you are right that I did finish my Milkshake. So ... let's get to the lab and look-see. Please call me Tony next time, agent......?" Tony trails off as he stands, prompting for the name of Clifford to introduce himself, or for Phil to do it. But he doesn't wait. "Agent pudding." A flash of smile.

Congratulations, Agent Pudding.

Phil Coulson has posed:
Lola. When the love of his life is mentioned, there's no doubt of his affection for the vehicle when mentioned. The converted '62 Corvette convertible is almost legendary through SHIELD, parked as she is on The Bus. Phil is rarely far from her, and the fact that he not only lets Tony //touch// it, but the genius actually worked on it, upgraded it, says a lot for the trust that Phil holds in the man. "I see.. yes."

Shielding will be necessary, obviously.

Phil makes to rise, secure in the knowledge and understanding that he does have the right man for the job. There had never been a question in his mind. "Agent Secord, Mr Tony St-"

Agent Pudding?


Phil manages something of an apologetic look, coupled with a quick shrug to the Agent. Stark is infamous, after all. Even the pair have their .. quirks.

Once on his feet, Phil is awkwardly buttoning his jacket; eventually he'll get the 'one handed buttons' down. Until then?

"Lab.. right." The arm is connected once again, and has a glove on it.

"We'll talk, Agent Secord."