7839/Welcome to Xavier's!

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Welcome to Xavier's!
Date of Scene: 15 September 2021
Location: Main Foyer
Synopsis: Dashenka comes to visit the school that her foster parents hope to enroll her in. They speak with Laxmi and Roxxi makes an appearance to do her best Cookie Monster impression. Things go well, for the most part, though Dashenka does get a little bit overwhelmed at the end.
Cast of Characters: Dashenka Ivanov, Laxmi Mallick, Roxxi Smith

Dashenka Ivanov has posed:
It was a long drive to get to Xavier's, and Dashenka's parents kept giving themselves worried glances at each other, occasionally looking in the back seat where Dashenka sat, back straight, staring out at the passing terrain.

"Do you think she'll fit in?" Alice says, worriedly. "Probably not," her husband, Luke replies. "I doubt she'll fit in anywhere. But... we have to try. She deserves to live a normal life."

They drive up to the Mansion and all pile out of the car. She looks over the mansion, her expression stoic. Inside, however, she's rather surprised at the structure. When she was told that she could be going to be going to a boarding school, in her mind that meant a large concrete block. She didn't expect anything quite so... lush.

The three of them march up to the front doors and ring the doorbell. Hopefully there will be somebody there to answer and let them in.

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    The door is opened by a dusky-skinned woman with long, silky black hair and a brightly colored lehenga. "Good afternoon - we were told you might be visiting. I'm Laxmi Mallick, one of the teachers here - would you like to come inside?" the young woman greets the couple in a warm voice, before turning her attention to the girl standing behind the couple. She presses her hands together, a warm smile on her features as she adds, "Namaste. Is it Dashenka? Am I saying that correctly?" she asks hopefully.

Dashenka Ivanov has posed:
"Yes please," Alice says, stepping over the threshold, Luke in tow. Dashenka follows suit, cool blue eyes, surveying the foyer, noting points of entry, defensive positions one could take, and other such things. When she's addressed directly those piercing eyes swing down to regard Laxmi with mild curiosity.

"Da, you have said correctly." She says neutrally. Her Russian accent is almost comically thick when she speaks. "What is... nahmus day?"

"You'll have to forgive her," Luke says apologetically. "She's had a rough upbringing and isn't used to people."

Her eyes swing to Luke as she corrects, "I am used to people. I am not used to this." She nods to the opulent foyer.

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I assurre you - there's nothing at all to forgive," Laxmi answers in her gentle voice, smiling at the foster parents for a moment. "It's a reasonable question - and we should encourage curiosity in students, don't you agree?"
    Her attention shifts back to Dashenka as she explains, "Namaste is a common greeting in India, where my family comes from. It acknowledges the divine spark that resides in each of us - it's a way of showing respect." Gesturing towards a nearby sitting room she adds, "I've laid some tea and coffee with sweets - if you'd like to sit and chat for a bit? Or would you rather we explore the grounds?" She includes Dashenka and the foster parents in the question, and once the group begins to move she adds in an aside to the child, "I'm still not used to be around around anything quite this ornate myself."

Dashenka Ivanov has posed:
Dashenka watches Laxmi as she speaks, absorbing everything she's saying. With a nod she concludes, "This is not English. Good." She's glad that her limited understanding of the language wasn't the cause of the confusion. "I will take coffee and sweets," she says, her tone rough and definitive. She turns and walks towards the indicated room.

"She didn't have much variety in foods growing up," Alice says. "It turns out she has something of a sweet tooth."

"Da," Dashenka nods, confirming the statement as she takes a seat, back straight, almost as if she was at attention. "At base, we only had stew."

Those piercing blue eyes turn to meet Laxmi's. "I do not like stew," she says with a kind of definitive finality.

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Well, we do have stew on occasion - but not terribly often," Laxmi remarks with a smile as she takes a seat. "The food isn't bad here. Pasta, and roasts, soups, and salads - and sometimes pizza or burgers, or the like." She busies herself with pour drinks for the school's guests first - before getting herself some of the chai. There's a small array of cookies - some are from a tin, but there's a few freshly baked chocolate chip cookies as well.
    "I actually teach performing arts here at the school - singing, musical instruments, dance... That sort of thing. But if you have any questions about the school, I'm happy to answer them for you. We do have a history of taking on children who have faced adversity in their lives, and we do everything we can to support their wellbeing, holistically."

Dashenka Ivanov has posed:
Luke takes his seat and sighs. "That's good. We've... we've tried, but it's been difficult. She grew up in a military installation, and was trained as a soldier her whole life," he says. "She just doesn't know how to socialize anymore."

Alice looks up at the hulking teen, and pats her arm. "She's a bit rough around the edges, but she's a good girl." The two adults seem like they're talking more about a dog than they are a person, really.

"This is not true," Dashenka says, her face deadpan. "All edges are smooth." Was that... humor?

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "That must be difficult," Laxmi says with sympathy and concern - the comment directed toward Dashenka, rather than the two foster parents. As well intentioned as they obviously - they seems to have gotten into the habit of talking about as if she almost isn't there. "If you do decide to stay on, Dashenka, I think I'll introduce you to Gabby. You will absolutely //dwarf// her," what with Gabby being a mere five feet tall, "but I'm hopeful you'll get on with one another."
    Certainly both girls have some similarities in their histories.
    "What do you enjoy, my dear? What are you hoping to study?"

Dashenka Ivanov has posed:
Momentary panic flashes behind Dashenka's eyes at Laxmi's question before being quickly hidden by her normal stoic expression. "I do not know," she confesses. "There is ... too much choices."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I see," Laxmi replies in a curious voice, studying the girl for a moment before asking, "What do you think of studying dancing? Do you think you would enjoy that?" she asks. If the girl has had a life of military drills and combat - she imagine something as peaceful, calming, and meditative as dance could be a good transition from combat training to a more peaceful life.
    Glancing to the foster parents, she offers them a reassuring smile before asking, "You must have a million questions. Please, don't hesitate to ask." Lifting her cup to her lips, she takes a sip of her tea, as her gaze shifts between the trio.

Dashenka Ivanov has posed:
"I have never danced before," Dashenka says. "I do not know if I will like it." She looks at the table with the drinks and the sweets and looks back up at Laxmi expectantly.

"I have never done many things," she admits. "Is why so hard to choose."

"What kind of extracurricular activities do you have," Alice asks. "Your facility seems to be quite extensive. Was that a horse stable we saw coming in? Maybe you'll like horses, Dasha."

Dashenka scowls at this. "I do not think that horses will like me. They are afraid of bear."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "We do have horses, actually," Laxmi agrees. "And there's a pool, a basketball court, a tennis court... So there's a number of sports she could pursue. We also have Mr. Logan teaching shop class this year, and there's a home economics if you wish to learn how to cook, and Ms. Munroe is doing some gardening with some of the students. We have a lovely, and quite extensive student garden in the back. There's also a lake, with a few boats, and some of the teachers - like Mr. Proudstar - teach survival and camping skills in the woods at the edge of the property." She smiles at Dashenka as she adds, "I know it sounds like a lot - but we'll help you with your schedule until you figure out where your interests lie. Alright?"

Dashenka Ivanov has posed:
The mention of a lake catches Dashenka's attention. "I like to swim," she says simply. "I am... er... polar bear. We like to swim." She nods curtly in agreement when Laxmi tells her that it's a lot. It /is/ a lot for the large girl. "This is good," she says. "To be trying new things." Once again she looks at the coffee and sweets, this time a brief flash of longing can be seen in her eyes, and then looks back up at Laxmi.

Roxxi Smith has posed:
     Roxxi needed a break from math. Today was her first full day in classes, and the blue-haired teen was spent. Having already raided the rec room for a soda, she carefully balanced the open drink in one hand. At the top of the stairs already, she vaulted onto the banister, walking it like a balance beam. After a few basic maneuvers, she slid down the handrail of the fancy staircase. She cleared the banister with a neat hop, and managed not even to spill her soda! Hopefully.
    Pausing only to look behind her briefly for possible soda spills, she then turned her attention to the foyer. Drinking from her soda, she meandered about the elegant entrance a bit. It wasn't until she turned to head back up the stairs that she heard voices. Following the sound of the voices, she headed to the sitting room and curiously peeked in.

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Dashenka, my dear, these things are here for you. You're welcome to help yourself," Laxmi encourages with a smile. "And if ever you see anything you want, you can always ask. Alright? I can't guarantee the answer will always be yes, but you will never get in trouble for asking. And you'll have plenty of opportunities to swim after classes, and on the weekends and holidays..."
    This is about when she spots Roxxi peeking into the sitting room, and Laxmi turns her eyes to the girl with a friendly smile. "Ah, here's our newest student - Roxxi. How were your classes, Roxxi? Do you care for a cookie as well?"

Dashenka Ivanov has posed:
Now that she's been given permission, Dashenka reaches out and pours herself a cup of coffee, leaving it black. She, then, takes a few of the sweets and puts them on a little plate and brings them back to her, popping one in her mouth. She chews the little cookie and, despite her neutral mask she grunts, "Mm. This is good."

The girl gets an appraisal when she walks in, as if Dashenka is sizing her up as a potential threat. She turns back to Laxmi, "Students can just... go anywhere?"

Roxxi Smith has posed:
     Once Laxmi addresses her, Roxxi straightens. A bright smile blossoms across her features as she pads into the room. She's bare foot, at the moment, after all. The argyle sock puppet hangs from one of her belt loops. "Oh, yes please, Miss Mallick," She says after the cookie offer. "Classes were great. Moth gives me a headache though." All said brightly and cheerfully.
     She nears the table and reaches for a cookie, studying the others present. Mom, dad, then a long look up and down Dashenka. Jaw goes a little slack as she eyes the other teen, nearly a foot taller than herself. "Wow! Hi!"

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Well... yes," Laxmi confirms. "I mean, you must knock and wait for an answer before entering any bedrooms other than your own, and there are curfews. Students must have supervision from a staff member to use the equipment in the shop class, and no student is to swim alone for their safety. And there are a few locked doors - supply closests with chemical cleaning supplies, staff offices and the staff lounge, that sort of thing - but otherwise, students are welcome anywhere on the grounds. We do ask that you stay on the grounds unless you have an escort, again, for your safety," she explains.
    Her attention shifts back to Roxxi as she adds, "Dashenka hasn't decided yet if she'll be joining us, but if she does, I hope you'll help her feel welcome. Won't you, Roxxi?"

Dashenka Ivanov has posed:
Dashenka takes this scrutiny from Roxxi in stride, just looking passively back at her. "This is good," she says in her thick Russian accent, turning back to Laxmi. "It makes sense."

"One of the questions we have," Alice says, "is how good your continuing education programs are." She gives Dashenka a quick look askance as the large girl enjoys her cookies. "She doesn't have much education beyond what was necessary for the military, and so there's a lot for her to catch up on."

"Plus," Luke says, "She'll need help with her English, since she can't read or write it. She /can/ read and write Russian, though."

Roxxi Smith has posed:
     After selecting a chocolate chip cookie and still holding her soda, Roxie finds a spare seat. She listens earnestly to Laxmi before turning her full and beaming attention back to Dashenka, other than to respond to Laxmi. "Oh! Of course! She should totally stay. It's so much nicer here than on the streets, or uhg, that group home... " She's barely listening as the adults speak, but she does pick up on the military portion. "Oooh, you were in the military?! That musta been tough.." She pauses only to take a large bite of her cookie.

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "We believe firmly that everyone is deserving of an education - and now that we've added on the college and college dorms, that makes things even easier. Students are welcome to stay on for as long as they require to catch up and complete their High School degree," Laxmi explains. "As much as I wish it were otherwise - Dashenka isn't the only child here who's been similarly disadvantaged, when it comes to her education." She smiles sadly as she says that.
    Looking towards Dashenka she adds, "If you are struggling, you can always rely on Mr. Rasputin. He's one of the teachers here, and Russian was his first language."
    She gestures towards Roxxi as she adds, "While the story of each of our students' lives is their's to tell - as you can see, Roxxi has had her own struggles as well. You're welcome to share or conceal your past as you wish. But you'll find support and understanding here, I think."

Dashenka Ivanov has posed:
Dashenka's ice blue eyes turn to Roxxi. "I do not know anything else," she states simply. "What was ... uh ... normal for me, may be hard for you."

A bit of relief breaks through her steely exterior at the mention of Piotr. Everything is so much harder when you're trying to speak a language that you are struggling with. "I would like to speak with Mr Rasputin. It will be easier for me to speak."

"I do not wish to hide my past," Dashenka says. "But I am told there are things that I cannot say. I will answer questions."

Both Alice and Luke nod, "We've been trying to get her to open up more and there's been some progress made." Alice says, "I think being around kids her age will help her immensely." Luke continues, "And it sounds like you have a good program here that will fit her needs. What do you say, Dasha?"

Once again Dashenka seems to freeze now that she's been given a choice. All her life her choices have been made for her and she's not used to this kind of freedom. "You think it is good idea, so I will go." she concludes.

Roxxi Smith has posed:
     Roxxi gets most of the cookie crammed into her mouth, and rinses it with a swallow of soda. Once she clears her mouth, she's gushing at Dashenka once more. "Oh, yeah, you're probably right. I wouldn't do well in the military //at all.//" She agrees.
     Roxxi reaches for a second cookie, this time a jam-filled thumbprint, half listening to the talk of school and educational needs. "Oh, and you can get your own room, and there's a recreation room with video games, and a soda fountain, and.." again, a bit of the other talk filters through, "Oh, I can help you with English and you can teach me Russian!" She suggests helpfully.

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "And I'm sure that Mr. Rasputin would love to talk to you, as well. He's even taller than you are," Laxmi remarks with some amusement. "But a very kind, gentle soul, I find. He loves art - perhaps he'll teach you how to draw?" she suggests.
    "I'm glad you'll be joining us, Dashekna. I'll arrange for a meeting with Ms. Grey, the Headmistress, so all the details can be finalized and we can get you moved into the dorms - with your own room, as Roxxi says. Though some of our students prefer to have a roommate..."
    She takes another sip of tea before agreeing, "The rec room is always a favorite amongst the students - and we host celebrations in there, as well. Birthdays, and holidays, and those sorts of things."

Dashenka Ivanov has posed:
Dashenka watches Roxxi do her best Cookie Monster impression impassively, her eyes slide down to her own cookie. She takes it and, looking back up at Roxxi, jams the entire cookie in her mouth. This feat is much easier for the big girl as she tries to chew it all at once but finds it a little bit difficult. Once swallowed she asks. "I do not understand. Eating whole cookie does not ... er... what is word? To make more with less?"

Luke looks over at Dashenka "Efficient?"

"Da. Efficient. Spasiba." She turns back to Roxxi. "Eating whole cookie is not efficient."

To Laxmi she says, "It does not matter if I have.. er.. roommate. Did not have rooms at project."

Roxxi Smith has posed:
     Roxxi eats the second cookie a bit more slowly. She peeks at Laxmi as the teacher speaks of art classes. "Oh! And Miss Mallick teaches music and dance. I take dance." She explains, before adding. "I don't sing. I've been told I sound like two cats fighting!"
     When Dashenka questions her cookie-eating efficiency she laughs and shrugs. "Bad habit. On the streets, you gotta eat fast. Especially cookies. Else someone's gunna try and take it."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "But no one will take things from you here," Laxmi promises reassuringly, taking another sip from her chai.
    "I know you're very fond of having your own room, Roxxi. You wouldn't want a roommate?" she asks - wondering how the two girls would do paired together. The one reluctant, and a bit withdrawn - the other more outgoing and gregarious. Of course, the same was true of Gabby as well - and Gabby would understand better Dashenka's past...

Dashenka Ivanov has posed:
"You say.. 'on the streets'.." Dashenka begins hesitantly. "I do not think it means 'on the streets'." It's kind of a sideways question, since it's obvious the big Russian girl isn't familiar with that particular idiom.

"Da. Laxmi has said she teaches me to dance." She shakes her head, "I do not know how to dance." Now that they've been talking a while, those in the room can see that Dashenka isn't quite so stiff anymore. She's still sitting with her back straight, chest out, but something in her demeanor has relaxed.

Alice notices the change and turns to her ward, "See, Dashenka. I told you that it wouldn't be that overwhelming for you." Dashenka gives her foster parent a curt nod in response.

Roxxi Smith has posed:
     Laxmi's question brought Roxxi up short. She tugged at the sock hanging limply from one of her belt loops. "I mean... If she doesn't want to be by herself, I guess I could share my room..." She responds honestly, obviously willing to help out, but sharing wouldn't be her first choice. Then she gets over it and brightens. "Sharing is caring after all!"
     "Oh! It means I didn't have a home. I lived outside, on the streets!" She answers Dashenka's curiosity with no shame in her voice. Then it is her turn to be curious. She looks at the two foster parents and then asks in a quiet aside of the much taller teen, "These are you, foster parents, huh?"

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "It is generous of you to be willing to consider the idea. I'll discuss it with the other staff though - we may want to check with Gabby as well. I think the both of you could do well together," Laxmi says warmly, her attention shifting from Roxxi, to Dashenka. It's a great idea - or and awful one. But from what she's seen of Gabby so far, she thinks it would work well.
    "Dance can be very therapuetic, I find. It trains the body - but it's almost like a meditation. It calms and centers the mind as you focus on your body." She nibbles at one of the cookies as she allows the girls to talk, smiling at the foster parents encouragingly. She can see why they felt in over their head with the girl - but this is what Xavier's is for.

Dashenka Ivanov has posed:
A quick shake of her head, as she picks up on Roxxi's reluctance. "I do not think she wants roommate," Dashenka says, rather bluntly. It doesn't sound like she's personally hurt by it, rather, she's just stating a fact as she sees it. "If she does not roommate then I do not want to be roommate."

She nods in understanding when Roxxi explains that she was homeless. "Ah. I see. I did not have home, too. But lived in bunker with other subjects."

Luke and April turn to Roxxi when she asks about them. "Yes," April says, "We agreed to foster her. We knew that she was going to have difficulty but, I must confess, we underestimated how many problems she had."

"It is true," Dashenka replies. "I do not know many things." Eyes so blue they're almost white turn back to Laxmi. "I have spent whole life training body." And considering her bulk, it certainly looks like it. "This is..." and for the first time any kind of expression slips from that neutral mask. A slight frown dips the edge of her lips and her brows furrow a bit. "Not what I wish to do. Not anymore."

Roxxi Smith has posed:
     Roxxi is quick to explain, "Oh, it's just because this is my first time ever having my own room before." She explains to the taller teen. "But, if Gabby doesn't work out, and you don't want your own, then I will share. I know it's hard to be by yourself sometimes." She says sympathetically, though she continues to tug on the sock at her hip.
     She starts to reach for a third cookie when April answers her. Roxxi's tone changes. She doesn't sound angry, perhaps a bit cooler than her normal cheerful tone. "We can hear you, you know. Dashenka can hear you."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    Laxmi's expression remains calm, and friendly - though she doesn't disagree with Roxxi's barb. Instead she remarks, "Dashenka will get lots of support here." She looks from April, towards the girl as she adds, "You have my promise."
    Then after a nibble of her cookie she adds, "Dancing is a different sort of training. After all - it's //good// to remain physically fit, and agile, and dance can be used as a way to express yourself without words. Ballet, for example, is remarkable - a ballet troupe can perform in any country in the world and be understood - because the story is told entirely through body movements, and of course props, settings, and costumes. Not a single word is spoken."
    Setting down her cookie beside her teacup she adds, "I can demonstrate, if you like..."
    Once she recieves a nod, or some other indicationn of interest, she rises to her feet, moving a few steps away from the chair as she begins to dance in the Kathak style - a storytelling dance from India.
    The first dance is slow, her features set into an expression of sorrow, as she mimes clutching something (or someone) to her chest, and gently lying them down again. Her hands, trembling as with emotion, trace the lines of tears down her cheek. Every movement, every tilt of her head, is precise and practiced, to convey the feeling of someone mourning a great loss.
     She doesn't keep that dance up for long as she remarks, "Or - if I bring my gift into play..." She switches to a more energetic dance - one of joy, and celebration. As her body moves, shimmering images come into existance around her - garlands of transluscent flowers hang from the ceiling, and ghostly images of other dancers move into view as they approach Laxmi, so she can dance with them, before disappearing as they spin away from her. She keeps this up for only a minute or two before remarking, "I don't think training your body in this way would be such a bad thing - do you?"

Dashenka Ivanov has posed:
At least Dashenka's foster parents have the good graces to look ashamed when they're called out by Roxxi. Dashenka, meanwhile, works on her coffee and cookies. "I have not been alone until I left project," she tells the other girl. "It is uncomfortable. I am left with my own thoughts and do not know what to do."

She stops talking when Laxmi starts talking about dance, and then watches her carefully when she starts dancing. Her brows furrow throughout the entire performance and when it is done the poor girl looks lost and confused. "You move... it is strange. I do not understand."

Roxxi Smith has posed:
     Roxxi nods her understanding at Dashenka. "Oh, yeah, I get that. Fortunately, I have Muffins though, so I'm never alone, alone." She soon forgets her chastisement of the Foster parents as she returns to picking out cookie number three.
     She too falls quiet as Laxmi starts to dance. She watches wide-eyed as the illusions enhance her performance. "I dance too, but I can't do the flowers and other dancers thing." She admits quietly to Dasha.

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I can create illusions through my movements," Laxmi explains with an amused smile for Roxxi. "It's part of my mutant gift. It comes in handy."
    She returns to her seat, giving Dashenka an understanding look. "Dancing is used as a form of self expression and entertainment. There are some forms of dance that people enjoy watching - like ballet, or Kathak dance. It's a performance. There are other forms of dance people do as a social activity to bond with others, and relax. There are many things you can train your body to do - dancing, playing sports... swimming. I think it'll be important that you //do// continue training your body. It should just be in a way that you choose, and that you enjoy."

Dashenka Ivanov has posed:
Dasenka turns a quizzical eye to Roxxi. "Muffins?" is all she asks. She turns back to Laxmi and nods, once. This is ... a lot, to be honest. A lot to take in, to try to understand all at once, and it's frustrating to her to see something that everybody else seems to understand so easily that she just doesn't get.

Self expression wasn't allowed at the project, and the only entertainment that was allowed was bloody, no holds barred sparring. Perhaps, that was their form of self expression.

One thing she got out of this is that they want her to continue training her body. This she knows how to do so she nods, again and says, "I will train my body."

Roxxi Smith has posed:
     Without indicating or gesturing to the sock on her hip in anyway Roxxi explains, "Oh! Muffins is my best friend. He's always with me!" She finishes her soda and leaves the cup on the table. She starts to reach for cookie number four, but decides against it, letting her hand fall back in her lap.
     Roxxi almost sees to sense that Dashenka's getting overwhelmed. Rather than add to it, Roxxi stands suddenly. "It was nice meeting you Dashenka! I'm glad you're sticking around, I hope we have classes together," She then looks at Laxmi. "See you in class tomorrow Miss Mallick!" And then the blue-haired teen frolics off..

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "Do take care, Roxxi," Laxmi agrees, nodding to the girl, and waiting until she's moved away before remarking to Dashenka, "She means the puppet she carries with her." And no, she hasn't really figured out yet what that means for the girl's mental help. Maybe as she feels more secure in the school, and makes some real friends, she won't need the puppet anymore? She hopes so.
    "Would you like to see more of the grounds, Dashenka? I could show you the lake?" Laxmi offers - rising to her feet and prepared to show the girl around.

Dashenka Ivanov has posed:
"Puppet?" Dashenka asks. Her brow furrows some more. Just one more thing that doesn't make any sense. It's just too much for her. She suddenly stands and says. "I want to go home now." Even though nothing really feels like 'home'. Not that she would know what that actually felt like.

Alice and Luke both stand with her. "Of course, honey," Alice says, resting a comforting hand on Dashenka's arm. Luke turns to Dashenka. "Does this sound like the place you want to go to? We can get the paperwork started."

"I do not know," Dashenka says. "I... think so."

Laxmi Mallick has posed:
    "I hope so. I think the teachers here can help you," Laxmi replies, smiling at the girl. "And remember you will always have a room to go to here - when you do need a break. I know things can be a bit much, sometimes."
    Looking to the foster parents she adds, "She would be most welcome here - cared for and loved. We do everything we can to ensure students enter the world educated, prepared for their future, physically, mentally, and socially. And she would have a home here as long as it's needed."
    Looking back to Dashenka she adds, "I hope we see you soon. We'll go for a swim together - alright?"