8029/Dark Business

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Dark Business
Date of Scene: 28 September 2021
Location: The Black Market
Synopsis: Catman and Anarky begin investigating Park Row and a lost sister.
Cast of Characters: Thomas Blake, Lonnie Machin

Thomas Blake has posed:
The good guys have their clubs... they call them teams but they're clubs. They rouse from their navel inspection long enough to save the world. The bad guys have the Black Market. When you're a costumed criminal usually only other costumed criminals understand you and will socialize freely. This is often impeded by parole officers. P.O.s don't make it to the Black Market. Oddly in the bar in particular the so-called villains are quite sociable and polite to ea h other. This is because villain on villain violence is usually for keeps.

Heroes like fighting each other, verbally or otherwise. Villains usually talk things out first. They don't have interest in violence when it doesn't pay.

Also, the bar food is to die for. It facilitates mellow moods and deal closing. Ikea operates the same way with those little meatballs.

Lonnie Machin has posed:
Anarky doesn't usually go to the Black Market. Other villains don't find him fun. He'll start talking about the futility of crime, the self-perpetuating theft-spiral and then he'll start bringing up Emma Goldman and Kropotnik and that's usually when the decidedly libertarian career criminal class tunes him out.

Today he's cashing in his 'I'm technically a villain' card though. But his lack of comfort at being here manifests in how he somewhat brittley dismisses the waiter. "I'm not hungry. Thank you." Then again he'd have to take his mask off to eat.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake doesn't have a mask. He has ID-Ban wrap around glasses which a number of people are sporting. He also has a tray of mini-ribs and a couple beers as he slides into a seat opposite Anarky. He puts a beer between then and opens his own, taking a big swallow. He eats a riblet before speaking."

"You're going to get your head knocked in with that mask on. The bouncers have no sense of humor."

Lonnie Machin has posed:
Lonnie looks over at Thomas, and he says, simply, "Neither do I." He folds his hands together and puts them under his chin. "I appreciate the offer, but the drink isn't necessary."

Then he says, simply, "So what did you want to talk about, Mr. Blake? I figure it's best to get right down to business. Your time is valuable, after all."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake munches on another riblet with a growl. "Well I wanted to thank you for your recent help. I figured I'd vet you here and treat you to dinner. Unfortunately you seem to be one of the driven buzzkill types. You could probably make Six Flags dry up. Here's a tip, you can enjoy yourself while pursuing... whatever. You aren't Batman, are you?"

"Also I wanted to ask you to look into the Park Row renovations fiasco for me. I'll consider it a favor. You do understand about favors, right? You call it in and I come running. It's a matter of reputation and honor. We don't have cops or courts here, your word is everything. Anyway Park Row was backed by my... friend Simon Trent. They took ten million from him and have very little to show for it except a bunch of deceased chairmen." He signals to a server who brings Anarky a glass of water.

Lonnie Machin has posed:
Anarky taps his finger on the table and says, "I find that a degree of self-possession is necessary in places like this. I'm effectively flexing my cred of having gone up against Batman and company in the past to get in here at all, but I've also had the occasional run-in with some of the men and women in this bar right now."

He exhales. "But a favor is useful currency to have. Let me guess, whoever's interfering with the Park Row renovations cut into your bottom line on the project." He bites back a comment about how the urban renewal plans already threaten to steamroll the community created by the everyday people who live in Crime Alley in favor of something elitist and exclusive - but something tells him Catman wouldn't be receptive to it.

He shrugs, once. "I can look into that for you, sure. Give me a thread to pull. I'll see what falls out when I start unraveling."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake slaps his hand down on the table. "I don't have a bottom line in this! Simon Trent has become a friend! His renovation was supposed to make the Narrows better for the people living in it. He planned to enlarge Dr. Thompkins' clinic, renovate the Park theater and bring small businesses there. Why don't you walk around and meet some of the people you want to help, instead of trolling the internet and throwing money out windows."

"You sound like Batman right now. I'm a bad guy. Everything I do is bad. I couldn't have any interest in helping someone out. Heroes... think they can define us. We're all just people. Forget I asked you for anything. I wouldn't want to compromise your mission. I'll see if Riddler's busy."

Lonnie Machin has posed:
Anarky tilts his head, and then says, "...Now you're trying reverse psychology on me." He does put his hands on the table and he gets up a little bit. "Nobody likes the Riddler, he turns everything into a stupid puzzle and lives to obfuscate facts. For what it's worth, I'll choose to believe you on this one, that your motivations are selfless." Largely selfless.

He looks around at the bar full of cutthroats and thieves - but then again, he steals too, except he steals from people who plunder every day. "I said I would help you, and I will. Relax."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake's reply is cut off as a young man approaches the table. He's young, about mid teens and clad in a red body suit. either of which should get him thrown out in short order.

"Kid. Get out of here, now," Blake says.

"Mr. Blake, please... I need your help... my sister is missing."

"Kid... call a cop or Batman."

"Catman, the cops are doing nothing and I can't find Batman! Anyway you saved her from some Mutant Haters a few weeks ago. I thought you could help me. The guy I came with said he'd vet me if I helped him on a ro..."

"Shhh. You don't talk like that. Who?"

The teen points at a guy at the bar. "Killer Moth, he made me torch a police car to prove I had the stuff... no cops in it. He video'd it."

"Anarky would you please keep this dumbass..."

"My name is David..."

"This dumbass while I have a few words with Moth? I know him fortunately."

Lonnie Machin has posed:
Anarky tips his head in a brief nod before he scoots aside to let David sit. He pushes him the water over to him.

"So, David," He says, as he folds his fingers together over the mouth of his faceless mask. "Have you ever heard of a man named Peter Kropotkin? He was a philosopher..."

He proceeds to discuss how, for instance, instead of rallying around a self-interested Monarchical figure like Magneto, Mutants would be better off building a communal society in which their differing powers and talents were pooled as a resource that was used for the benefit of all members equally, without compulsion of force or fraud - to throw away the 'Great Man' theory and not exclude from their society based on their loyalty to one over-figure.

Also, that he ought to start doing active workouts, because right now that red body-stocking makes him look like a twizzler.

Thomas Blake has posed:
"I dunno who Magneto is, or that Monarch... like the guy in Venture Brothers?"

Dumbass, is what Catman is thinking. He's full up on politically motivated theme criminals. He's fed up on stupid kids. Why can't kids be like Gabby? But he goes to the bar, finds his man and there is some intense discussion there.

Finally, Blake shows Moth a photo on his phone. Moth looks at it for a minute, then Catman. Then the phone. Then Catman. Finally he gives an up nod and the two shake hands. There is a moment of unpleasant laughter as Moth looks over at David. Catman comes back.

"Okay... Flame... you're actually calling yourself that? Never mind. I will help but... I am not Batman. I'm not even allowed to vote anymore. If I do this... I don't plan on hurting people but I almost certainly will have to, or worse and this might land on you and your sister. Understand?"

He looks over at Anarky, "I explained to Killer Moth a partnership called 'The Moth and the Flame' just wasn't good for the Moth. He relented and scrubbed the video after I showed why I took an interest. Moth agrees this is in my wheelhouse." He brings up a photo on his phone to show Anarky. The picture is of a cute tweenish cat-girl obviously crushing on the photographer."

Lonnie Machin has posed:
"...What made you decide you wanted to become a costumed criminal, kid?" Anarky asks, eventually. "Maybe you ought to just..." He rolls his eyes upward, "Give this up and go back to school." He finishes, lamely.

Then he looks back at Catman, and says, "Wherever that photo leads, it's nowhere I want to go." He laces his fingers together. Then he upnods to a passing waiter. "Could I get the portobello mushroom vegetarian patty melt to go please. I have a friend who likes the vegetarian menu here, but he's a Cape so he can't order it himself."

"Anyway, getting back to business, just tell me where to start looking, and I'll see what I can find. It's for an honorable cause."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake puts his jacket over David's shoulders. "I'll let you know when I get a lead. But I don't think you'd want to be involved in this kid. My legwork involves breaking them usually till I get answers. Or I might need to call on some really bad people who are very good friends."

Lonnie Machin has posed:
Anarky steeples his fingers together. "With all due respect Catman, and I say this knowing that it's a crass statement, I got my first set of broken ribs from a Gotham vigilante before my thirteenth birthday, there's very little that can surprise me anymore."

He shrugs, and gets up. "Either way, I'll start looking into who's been giving the Park Row reclamation project a hard time. We can meet back here in a week. Same time, same table."